1. pitch
n. 音高;足球场
v. 推销 pitch an idea兜售想法;搭、扎 pitch/set up a tent 搭帐篷
2. crystal clear 清澈透明的,晶莹的,引申为浅显易懂的,显而易见的
clear-cut 明确的,明显的 △ There is no clear-cut answer to this question.
3. stagnate 停滞不前 stifle 压制
4. go ahead 可以作名词使用—green-light
The boss gave me a go ahead.
5. 出卖,告密 sell / rat out
6. lay bare 揭露,暴露 Every aspect of their private lives has been laid bare. 他们的私生活全面曝光了。
7. under/overestimate 低估/高估
under/overwhelming 索然无味/无法抗拒
The place is overwhelming but the food is underwhelming.
the contrast between his overwhelming guitar-playing and his underwhelming singing 他那激昂的吉他演奏与其味同嚼蜡的歌唱之间的反差
8. 鱼和熊掌兼得
△ have it all
△ have one's cake and eat it
9. story
△ another/a different story 另一回事,不同情况
△ pitch a story/line/yarn 编谎话
10. the rest is history 剩下的就众所周知了
△ But I turned left instead, to go to my second-favorite bagel place and the rest is history. 但我左拐,去我第二喜欢的百吉饼店,余下发生的事大家都清楚啦。
11. in depth 全面、深入、详细 an in-depth study
12. blessing 拓展
△ count your blessing 别身在福中不知福—to be grateful for the good things in your life, often to stop yourself becoming too unhappy about the bad things
△ a blessing in disguise 因祸得福
△ bless you 别人打喷嚏的时候说
13. treasure 珍视 I treasure her friendship.
13. you reap what you sow 种瓜得瓜种豆得豆(出来混早晚是要还的)
karma is a bitch 因果报应(天道有轮回,苍天饶过谁)
14. 唱歌相关:
喝彩 :bravo(向男性说);brava(向女性说)
安可,再来一个 encore
赢得了满堂彩 bring the house down
had it all 连读