There are countless reasons why a woman choose to abstain from motherhood, the majority of them not self-prioritizing. But it is still socially acceptable to publicly vilify women, because none of reasons have made it into the social narrative.
I’ve always believed that having children was an extension of womanhood, not the definition.
I believe that a woman’s value should never be determined by whether or not she has a child, because that strips her of her entire identity as an adult unto herself.
Women have this amazing ability to create life, but when we say that that is her purpose, that says that her entire existence is a means to an end.
It’s so easy to forget the roles that society places on us are so much more that titles. What about the weight that comes with them, the pressure the conform to these standards, the fear associated with questioning them, and the desires that we cast aside to accept them?
There are many paths to happiness and fulfillment. They all look very different, but I believe that every one is paced with the right to self-determination.
I want women to know that your choice to embrace or forego motherhood is not in any way tied to your worthiness or identity as spouses, as adults, or as women and there is absolutely is a choice.