
\color{rgb(26, 177, 204)}{CSS 部分}



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    .outer {
        height: 100px;
        margin-bottom: 10px;
    .left {
        background: tomato;
        height: 100px;
    .right {
        background: gold;
        height: 100px;
    /* 浮动 */
    .outer1 .left {
        width: 200px;
        float: left;
    .outer1 .right {
        width: auto;
        margin-left: 200px;
    /* flex */
    .outer2 {
        display: flex;
    .outer2 .left {
        flex-grow: 0;
        flex-shrink: 0;
        flex-basis: 200px;
    .outer2 .right {
        flex: auto; /* 1 1 auto */
    /* position */
    .outer3 {
        position: relative;
    .outer3 .left {
        position: absolute;
        width: 200px;
    .outer3 .right {
        margin-left: 200px;
    /* position again */
    .outer4 {
        position: relative;
    .outer4 .left {
        width: 200px;
    .outer4 .right {
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 200px;
        right: 0;
<!-- 左右两栏,左边固定,右边自适应 -->
    <p class="outer outer1">
        <p class="left">1-left</p>
        <p class="right">1-right</p>
    <p class="outer outer2">
        <p class="left">2-left</p>
        <p class="right">2-right</p>
    <p class="outer outer3">
        <p class="left">3-left</p>
        <p class="right">3-right</p>
    <p class="outer outer4">
        <p class="left">4-left</p>
        <p class="right">4-right</p>



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
        .outer, .left, .middle, .right {
            height: 100px;
            margin-bottom: 5px;
        .left {
            background: tomato;
        .middle {
            background: lightgreen;
        .right {
            background: gold;
        /* 左右分别设置绝对定位 中间设置外边距 */
        .outer1 {
            position: relative;
        .outer1 .left {
            position: absolute;
            width: 100px;
        .outer1 .middle {
            margin: 0 200px 0 100px;
        .outer1 .right {
            position: absolute;
            width: 200px;
            top: 0;
            right: 0;
        /* flex 布局 */
        .outer2 {
            display: flex;
        .outer2 .left {
            flex: 0 0 100px;
        .outer2 .middle {
            flex: auto;
        .outer2 .right {
            flex: 0 0 200px;
        /* 浮动布局 但是 html 中 middle要放到最后 */
        .outer3 .left {
            float: left;
            width: 100px;
        .outer3 .right {
            float: right;
            width: 200px;
        .outer3 .middle {
            margin: 0 200px 0 100px;
<!-- 三栏布局 左右固定 中间自适应 -->
    <p class="outer outer1">
        <p class="left">1-left</p>
        <p class="middle">1-middle</p>
        <p class="right">1-right</p>
    <p class="outer outer2">
        <p class="left">2-left</p>
        <p class="middle">2-middle</p>
        <p class="right">2-right</p>
    <p class="outer outer3">
        <p class="left">3-left</p>
        <p class="right">3-right</p>
        <p class="middle">3-middle</p>

3、圣杯布局 和 双飞翼布局


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
        .outer, .left, .middle, .right {
            height: 100px;
            margin-bottom: 5px;
        .left {
            background: tomato;
        .middle {
            background: lightgreen;
        .right {
            background: gold;
        /* 圣杯布局 通过浮动和负边距实现 */
        .outer1 {
            padding: 0 200px 0 100px;
        .outer1 .middle {
            width: 100%;
            float: left;
        .outer1 .left {
            width: 100px;
            float: left;
            margin-left: -100%;
            position: relative;
            left: -100px;
        .outer1 .right {
            width: 200px;
            float: left;
            margin-left: -200px;
            position: relative;
            left: 200px;
        /* 双飞翼布局 */
        .outer2 .middle-wrapper {
            width: 100%;
            float: left;
        .outer2 .middle {
            margin: 0 200px 0 100px;
        .outer2 .left {
            width: 100px;
            float: left;
            margin-left: -100%;
        .outer2 .right {
            width: 200px;
            float: left;
            margin-left: -200px;
<!-- 三栏布局 左右固定 中间自适应 -->
    <!-- 圣杯布局 middle 最先 -->
    <p class="outer outer1">
        <p class="middle">圣杯-middle</p>
        <p class="left">圣杯-left</p>
        <p class="right">圣杯-right</p>
    <!-- 双飞翼布局 middle 最先 多一层 p -->
    <p class="outer outer2">
        <p class="middle-wrapper">
            <p class="middle">双飞翼布局-middle</p>
        <p class="left">双飞翼布局-left</p>
        <p class="right">双飞翼布局-right</p>


常见题目,通过 border 实现

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <style type="text/css">
    .box1, .box2, .box3, .box4 {
      height: 0px;
      width: 0px;
      float: left;
      border-style: solid;
      margin: 10px;
    .box1 { /* 等腰直角 */
      border-width: 100px;
      border-color: tomato transparent transparent transparent;
    .box2 { /* 等边 */
      border-width: 100px 173px;
      border-color: transparent tomato transparent transparent;
    .box3 { /* 等腰 */
      border-width: 100px 80px;
      border-color: transparent transparent tomato transparent;
    .box4 { /* 其他 */
      border-width: 100px 90px 80px 70px;
      border-color: transparent transparent transparent tomato;
  <p class="box1"></p>
  <p class="box2"></p>
  <p class="box3"></p>
  <p class="box4"></p>


使用 css 实现一个宽高自适应的正方形

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
      /* 都是像对于屏幕宽度的比例 */
      .square1 {
        width: 10%;
        height: 10vw;
        background: red;
      /* margin/padding 百分比是相对父元素 width 的 */
      .square2 {
        width: 20%;
        height: 0;
        padding-top: 20%;
        background: orange;
      /* 通过子元素 margin */
      .square3 {
        width: 30%;
        overflow: hidden; /* 触发 BFC */
        background: yellow;
      .square3::after {
        content: '';
        display: block;
        margin-top: 100%; /* 高度相对于 square3 的 width */
  <!-- 画一个正方形 -->
    <p class="square1"></p>
    <p class="square2"></p>
    <p class="square3"></p>


实现一个 1/4 圆、任意弧度的扇形

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    /* 通过 border 和 border-radius 实现 1/4 圆 */
    .sector1 {
        height: 0;
        width: 0;
        border: 100px solid;
        border-radius: 50%;
        border-color: turquoise tomato tan thistle;
    /* 类似三角形的做法加上父元素 overflow: hidden; 也可以实现任意弧度圆 */
    .sector2 {
        height: 100px;
        width: 200px;
        border-radius: 100px 100px 0 0;
        overflow: hidden;
    .sector2::after {
        content: '';
        display: block;
        height: 0;
        width: 0;
        border-style: solid;
        border-width: 100px 58px 0;
        border-color: tomato transparent;
        transform: translate(42px,0);
    /* 通过子元素 rotateZ 和父元素 overflow: hidden 实现任意弧度扇形(此处是60°) */
    .sector3 {
        height: 100px;
        width: 100px;
        border-top-right-radius: 100px;
        overflow: hidden;
        /* background: gold; */
    .sector3::after {
        content: '';
        display: block;
        height: 100px;
        width: 100px;
        background: tomato;
        transform: rotateZ(-30deg);
        transform-origin: left bottom;
    /* 通过 skewY 实现一个60°的扇形 */
    .sector4 {
        height: 100px;
        width: 100px;
        border-top-right-radius: 100px;
        overflow: hidden;
    .sector4::after {
        content: '';
        display: block;
        height: 100px;
        width: 100px;
        background: tomato;
        transform: skewY(-30deg);
        transform-origin: left bottom;
    /* 通过渐变设置60°扇形 */
    .sector5 {
        height: 200px;
        width: 200px;
        background: tomato;
        border-radius: 50%;
        background-image: linear-gradient(150deg, transparent 50%, #fff 50%),
        linear-gradient(90deg, #fff 50%, transparent 50%);
    <p style="display: flex; justify-content: space-around;">
        <p class="sector1"></p>
        <p class="sector2"></p>
        <p class="sector3"></p>
        <p class="sector4"></p>
        <p class="sector5"></p>



<!DOCTYPE html>
  <style type="text/css">
    .outer {
      height: 200px;
      width: 200px;
      background: tomato;
      margin: 10px;
      float: left;
      position: relative;
    .inner {
      height: 100px;
      width: 100px;
      background: black;
     * 通过 position 和 margin 居中
     * 缺点:需要知道 inner 的长宽
    .inner1 {
      position: absolute;
      top: 50%;
      left: 50%;
      margin-top: -50px;
      margin-left: -50px;
     * 通过 position 和 margin 居中 (2
    .inner2 {
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      right: 0;
      bottom: 0;
      left: 0;
      margin: auto;
     * 通过 flex 进行居中
    .outer3 {
      display: flex;
      justify-content: center;
      align-items: center;
     * 通过 position 和 transform 居中
    .inner4 {
      top: 50%;
      left: 50%;
      transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
      position: absolute;
  <p class="outer outer1">
    <p class="inner inner1"></p>
  <p class="outer outer2">
    <p class="inner inner2"></p>
  <p class="outer outer3">
    <p class="inner inner3"></p>
  <p class="outer outer4">
    <p class="inner inner4"></p>


可以通过 clear:both 或 BFC 实现

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <style type="text/css">
    .outer {
      width: 200px;
      background: tomato;
      margin: 10px;
      position: relative;
    .inner {
      height: 100px;
      width: 100px;
      background: pink;
      margin: 10px;
      float: left;
    /* 伪元素 */
    .outer1::after {
      content: '';
      display: block;
      clear: both;
    /* 创建 BFC */
    .outer2 {
      overflow: hidden;
  <p class="outer outer1">
    <p class="inner"></p>
  <p class="outer outer2">
    <p class="inner"></p>


使用 CSS 写一个弹出框效果

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
        .bg {
            height: 666px;
            width: 100%;
            font-size: 60px;
            text-align: center;
        .dialog {
            z-index: 999;
            position: fixed;
            top: 0;
            right: 0;
            bottom: 0;
            left: 0;
            background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
        .dialog .content {
            min-height: 300px;
            width: 600px;
            background: #fff;
            border-radius: 5px;
            border: 1px solid #ebeef5;
            box-shadow: 0 2px 12px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.1);
            position: absolute;
            top: 50%;
            left: 50%;
            transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
    <p class="bg">
    <p class="dialog">
        <p class="content">


要求:一个 p 内部放很多水平 p ,并可以横向滚动。

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=p, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
        body,html {
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
        /* flex 实现 */
        /* .nav {
            display: flex;
            height: 30px;
            border: 1px solid #000;
            padding: 3px;
            overflow-x: auto;
        .nav::-webkit-scrollbar {
            display: none;
        .item {
            flex: 0 0 200px;
            height: 30px;
            margin-right: 5px;
            background: gray;
        } */
        /* inline-block 和 white-space: nowrap; 实现 */
        .nav {
            height: 30px;
            padding: 3px;
            border: 1px solid #000;
            overflow-x: auto;
            white-space: nowrap;
        .nav::-webkit-scrollbar {
            display: none;
        .item {
            display: inline-block;
            width: 200px;
            height: 30px;
            margin-right: 5px;
            background: gray;
<!-- 水平滚动导航栏 -->
    <p class="nav">
        <p class="item">item1</p>
        <p class="item">item2</p>
        <p class="item">item3</p>
        <p class="item">item4</p>
        <p class="item">item5</p>
        <p class="item">item6</p>
        <p class="item">item7</p>
        <p class="item">item8</p>
        <p class="item">item9</p>

CSS 部分完,总结,Flex 无敌。

\color{rgb(26, 177, 204)}{JavaScript 部分}

1、手写 bind、call 和 apply

Function.prototype.bind = function(context, ...bindArgs) {
  // func 为调用 bind 的原函数
  const func = this;
  context = context || window;

  if (typeof func !== 'function') {
    throw new TypeError('Bind must be called on a function');
  // bind 返回一个绑定 this 的函数
  return function(...callArgs) {
    let args = bindArgs.concat(callArgs);
    if (this instanceof func) {
      // 意味着是通过 new 调用的 而 new 的优先级高于 bind
      return new func(...args);
    return func.call(context, ...args);

// 通过隐式绑定实现
Function.prototype.call = function(context, ...args) {
  context = context || window;
  context.func = this;

  if (typeof context.func !== 'function') {
    throw new TypeError('call must be called on a function');

  let res = context.func(...args);
  delete context.func;
  return res;

Function.prototype.apply = function(context, args) {
  context = context || window;
  context.func = this;

  if (typeof context.func !== 'function') {
    throw new TypeError('apply must be called on a function');

  let res = context.func(...args);
  delete context.func;
  return res;


// 参考 You Dont Know JavaScript 上卷
// 基类
function Base() {
// 派生类
function Derived() {
// 将派生类的原型的原型链挂在基类的原型上
Object.setPrototypeOf(Derived.prototype, Base.prototype);

3、实现一个 new

// 手动实现一个 new 关键字的功能的函数 _new(fun, args) --> new fun(args)
function _new(fun, ...args) {
    if (typeof fun !== 'function') {
        return new Error('参数必须是一个函数');
    let obj = Object.create(fun.prototype);
    let res = fun.call(obj, ...args);
    if (res !== null && (typeof res === 'object' || typeof res === 'function')) {
        return res;
    return obj;

4、实现一个 instanceof

// a instanceof b
function _instanceof(a, b) {
    while (a) {
        if (a.__proto__ === b.prototype) return true;
        a = a.__proto__;
    return false;

5、手写 jsonp 的实现

// foo 函数将会被调用 传入后台返回的数据
function foo(data) {
    console.log('通过jsonp获取后台数据:', data);
    document.getElementById('data').innerHTML = data;
 * 通过手动创建一个 script 标签发送一个 get 请求
 * 并利用浏览器对 <script> 不进行跨域限制的特性绕过跨域问题
(function jsonp() {
    let head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; // 获取head元素 把js放里面
    let js = document.createElement('script');
    js.src = 'http://domain:port/testJSONP?a=1&b=2&callback=foo'; // 设置请求地址
    head.appendChild(js); // 这一步会发送请求

// 后台代码
// 因为是通过 script 标签调用的 后台返回的相当于一个 js 文件
// 根据前端传入的 callback 的函数名直接调用该函数
// 返回的是 'foo(3)'
function testJSONP(callback, a, b) {
  return `${callback}(${a + b})`;

6、ajax 的实现

// Asynchronous Javascript And XML
function ajax(options) {
  // 选项
  var method = options.method || 'GET',
      params = options.params,
      data = options.data,
      url = options.url + (params ? '?' + Object.keys(params).map(key => key + '=' + params[key]).join('&') : ''),
      async = options.async === false ? false : true,
      success = options.success,
      headers = options.headers;

  var request;
  if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
    request = new XMLHttpRequest();
  } else {
    request = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');

  request.onreadystatechange = function() {
      0: 请求未初始化
      1: 服务器连接已建立
      2: 请求已接收
      3: 请求处理中
      4: 请求已完成,且响应已就绪

    status: HTTP 状态码
    if (request.readyState === 4 && request.status === 200) {
      success && success(request.responseText);

  request.open(method, url, async);
  if (headers) {
    Object.keys(headers).forEach(key => request.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]));
  method === 'GET' ? request.send() : request.send(data);
// e.g.
  method: 'GET',
  url: '...',
  success: function(res) {
    console.log('success', res);
  async: true,
  params: {
    p: 'test',
    t: 666
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'

7、reduce 的实现

function reduce(arr, callback, initial) {
    let i = 0;
    let acc = initial === undefined ? arr[i++] : initial;
    for (; i < arr.length; i++) {
        acc = callback(acc, arr[i], i, arr);
    return acc;

8、实现 generator 的自动执行器

要求是 yield 后面只能是 Promise 或 Thunk 函数,详见 es6.ruanyifeng.com/#docs/gener…

function run(gen) {
  let g = gen();

  function next(data) {
    let result = g.next(data);
    if (result.done) return result.value;
    if (result.value instanceof Promise) {
      result.value.then(data => next(data));
    } else {

  return next();

// ======== e.g. ==========

function func(data, cb) {

function *gen() {
  let a = yield Promise.resolve(1);
  let b = yield Promise.resolve(2);
  yield func.bind(null, a + b);


 * 节流函数 限制函数在指定时间段只能被调用一次
 * 用法 比如防止用户连续执行一个耗时操作 对操作按钮点击函数进行节流处理
function throttle(func, wait) {
  let timer = null;
  return function(...args) {
    if (!timer) {
      timer = setTimeout(() => {
        timer = null;
      }, wait);


 * 函数调用后不会被立即执行 之后连续 wait 时间段没有调用才会执行
 * 用法 如处理用户输入
function debounce(func, wait) {
  let timer = null;

  return function(...args) {
    if (timer) clearTimeout(timer); // 如果在定时器未执行期间又被调用 该定时器将被清除 并重新等待 wait 秒
    timer = setTimeout(() => {
    }, wait);

11、手写 Promise


const PENDING = 1;
const FULFILLED = 2;
const REJECTED = 3;

function MyPromise(executor) {
    let self = this;
    this.resolveQueue = [];
    this.rejectQueue = [];
    this.state = PENDING;
    this.val = undefined;
    function resolve(val) {
        if (self.state === PENDING) {
            setTimeout(() => {
                self.state = FULFILLED;
                self.val = val;
                self.resolveQueue.forEach(cb => cb(val));
    function reject(err) {
        if (self.state === PENDING) {
            setTimeout(() => {
                self.state = REJECTED;
                self.val = err;
                self.rejectQueue.forEach(cb => cb(err));
    try {
        // 回调是异步执行 函数是同步执行
        executor(resolve, reject);
    } catch(err) {

MyPromise.prototype.then = function(onResolve, onReject) {
    let self = this;
    // 不传值的话默认是一个返回原值的函数
    onResolve = typeof onResolve === 'function' ? onResolve : (v => v);
    onReject = typeof onReject === 'function' ? onReject : (e => { throw e });
    if (self.state === FULFILLED) {
        return new MyPromise(function(resolve, reject) {
            setTimeout(() => {
                try {
                    let x = onResolve(self.val);
                    if (x instanceof MyPromise) {
                    } else {
                } catch(e) {

    if (self.state === REJECTED) {
        return new MyPromise(function(resolve, reject) {
            setTimeout(() => {
                try {
                    let x = onReject(self.val);
                    if (x instanceof MyPromise) {
                    } else {
                } catch(e) {

    if (self.state === PENDING) {
        return new MyPromise(function(resolve, reject) {
            self.resolveQueue.push((val) => {
                try {
                    let x = onResolve(val);
                    if (x instanceof MyPromise) {
                    } else {
                } catch(e) {
            self.rejectQueue.push((val) => {
                try {
                    let x = onReject(val);
                    if (x instanceof MyPromise) {
                    } else {
                } catch(e) {

MyPromise.prototype.catch = function(onReject) {
    return this.then(null, onReject);

MyPromise.all = function(promises) {
    return new MyPromise(function(resolve, reject) {
        let cnt = 0;
        let result = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < promises.length; i++) {
            promises[i].then(res => {
                result[i] = res;
                if (++cnt === promises.length) resolve(result);
            }, err => {

MyPromise.race = function(promises) {
    return new MyPromise(function(resolve, reject) {
        for (let i = 0; i < promises.length; i++) {
            promises[i].then(resolve, reject);

MyPromise.resolve = function(val) {
    return new MyPromise(function(resolve, reject) {

MyPromise.reject = function(err) {
    return new MyPromise(function(resolve, reject) {

12、实现一个路由 - Hash

实现原理就是监听 url 的哈希值变化了

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>hash 路由</title>
    <a href="#home">首页</a>
    <a href="#center">个人中心页</a>
    <a href="#help">帮助页</a>
  <p id="content"></p>
    window.addEventListener('hashchange', (e) => {
      let content = document.getElementById('content');
      content.innerText = location.hash;

13、路由实现 - history

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>history 路由</title>
    <a onclick="changeRoute(this)" data-path="home">首页</a>
    <a onclick="changeRoute(this)" data-path="center">个人中心页</a>
    <a onclick="changeRoute(this)" data-path="help">帮助页</a>
  <p id="content"></p>
    function changeRoute(route) {
      let path = route.dataset.path;
       * window.history.pushState(state, title, url)
       * state:一个与添加的记录相关联的状态对象,主要用于popstate事件。该事件触发时,该对象会传入回调函数。
       *        也就是说,浏览器会将这个对象序列化以后保留在本地,重新载入这个页面的时候,可以拿到这个对象。
       *        如果不需要这个对象,此处可以填 null。
       * title:新页面的标题。但是,现在所有浏览器都忽视这个参数,所以这里可以填空字符串。
       * url:新的网址,必须与当前页面处在同一个域。浏览器的地址栏将显示这个网址。
      history.pushState({ content: path }, null, path);
     * 调用 history.pushState() 或者 history.replaceState() 不会触发 popstate 事件。
     * 点击后退、前进按钮、或者在 js 中调用 history.back()、history.forward()、history.go() 方法会触发
    window.addEventListener('popstate', (e) => {
      let content = e.state && e.state.content;

    function changePage(pageContent) {
      let content = document.getElementById('content');
      content.innerText = pageContent;
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