I just do my friend a favor to write the software of DTU(Data Transfer Unit). The MCU is STM32f103c8t6, as known the most popular chip in the field of industrial control. I used this kind of mcu many years ago and now i would pick it up.
The stm32f103c8t6 has three kinds of starting mode:
BOOT1 = x , BOOT0 = 0 mcu starts from user flash, this is the normal working mode
BOOT1 = 0, BOOT0 = 1 mcu starts from system memory in which the bootloader is stored, usually this is also called ROM memory. This kind of mode is set by the factory.
BOOT1 = 1, BOOT0 = 1 mcu starts from SRAM, this kind of mode is being used for debugging.
Now I will use the ISP to download the flash. The BOOT0 will be pulled up to VDD(set by 1), BOOT0 will be pulled down to GND(set by 0), and the pin map of stm32f103c8t6 is shown as following:
The PA9 is TX of USART1 and PA10 is RX of USART1, when the two pins connects the USB-TLL com serial port , pls check the Tansfer is conjoint with Read.