Week 1
Lesson 1
Lecture 1.1 Raspberry Pi Board
Raspberry Pi Hardware Specs
- Broadcom BCM2836 SoC
- 900Mhz, 1Gb RAM
- Dual Core VideoCore IV Multimedia Co-Processor
- 40 GPIO pis
- only 26 on Raspberry Pi A and B
- 4 USB ports
- only 2 on the Raspberry Pi B
- Micro SD card slot
- full-sized SD card slot on previous Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi B+
Lecture 1.2 Raspberry Pi Processor
ARM Processors
- ARM licenses : Intellectual property
- Silicon vendors build System-on-Chip(SoC) designs using ARM IP
- 15+ silicon vendors use ARM
ARM Processor Family
- Broadcom BCM2836 SoC is ARM Cortex A7
Lecture 1.3 Raspberry Pi vs. Arduino
Raspberry Pi vs. Arduino
- Raspberry Pi processor is faster
- 900MHz vs 16MHz
- 32-bit processor vs. 8-bit
- Bigger address space, number representations
- Raspberry Pi has more memory
- Arduino: 32K Flash, 2K SRAM, 1K EEPROM
- Raspberry Pi: 512K SRAM, 4G Flash, micro SD
- Raspberry Pi has lower I/O voltage levels
- 3.3V vs. 5V
Using an Operating System
- Raspberry Pi can support an operating system
- Enables a range of features
Lesson 2
Lecture 2.1 Operating System Benefits
User Interface
- Text-based interface : Type commands directly into text-based console
- Graphic interface : Use point-and-click interface
File System
- Can create and modify files in a directory structure
- Similar to other file system interfaces
Lecture 2.2 Processes
Multiple Processes
- Can download and run multiple programs
- Can execute many processes concurrently
Using Hardware Devices
- User Application : Any application running in user space
- /dev/xxx : File associated with a hardware device
- Device Driver : Concert file accesses t device accesses; enable apps to access arbitrary hardware devices
- HW device : keyboard, monitor, etc.
Lecture 2.3 Raspberry Pi IoT
Is Raspberry Pi and IoT Device?
Maybe - Depends on how it is used
- Network connectivity and computational intelligence
- Small and cheap (relative to a PC)
- Can interface directly with sensors/actuators via pins
- Interface can be exactly the same as PC running Linux
- Complexities of the system can be visible
Lesson 3
Lecture 3.1 Raspberry Pi Setup
Setup of the Raspberry Pi
Step1 : Plug in a monitor(via HDMI) and a keyboard and mouse (via USB)
- Need an interface to the device
Step2 : Get an operating system
- Raspberry Pi needs an operating system
- Operating system image must be present on the micro SD card
Installing an Operating System
use New Out-Of-Box Software(NOOBS)
- Comes preinstalled on micro SD bundled with Raspberry Pi boards
- Otherwise, download it for free from www.raspberrypi.org/downloads
- If NOOBS is not preinstalled on micro SD, you'll need to:
- Format the micro SD (need an SD reader)
- Extract the NOOBS downloaded
- Put it on the micro SD
- NOOBS will install an operating system on your micro SD card
- You get a choice of the OS
- Short list if you have no network access; long list otherwise
- Choose Raspian (a Linux distribution), the default option
Lecture 3.2 Raspberry Pi Configuration
- raspi-config is a tool which lets you setup various setup/boot options for the Raspberry Pi
- raspi-config will run automatically when you boot the Raspberry Pi with a new micro SD card for the first time
Raspi-Config Options
- Expand Filesystem - Reformats your micro SD card filesystem to allow access to all the memory
- Change User Password - Raspberry Pi starts with one user account(username: "pi") with a default password ("raspberry")
Enable Boot to Desktop/Scratch
- Console is default boot option
- Desktop is the graphic interface
- Scratch is a programming environment for kids
- Desktop may not be necessary
Internationalisation and Rastrack
- Internationalisation Options
- Change Locale - Select a language
- Change Timezone
- Change Keyboard Layout
- QWERTY is default
- Add to Rastrack
- Service that allows Raspberry Pi users to find one another
- Totally optional
- Approximate location based on IP address
- Internationalisation Options
Lecture 3.3 Overclocking
- Overclocking refers to increasing the clock frequency of the device, beyond the recommended frequency
- Overclocking may also refer to increasing the internal voltage levels to increase speed
- There are several different clocks inside a typical device
- ARM frequency: clock driving the ARM processor core
- SDRAM frequency: clock driving memory
Impact of Overclocking
- Instructions are executed more quickly
- Roughly one instruction per clock period
- Signals have shorter time in which to travel
- Signals must travel between storage elements in a single clock period
- signal data may not reach destination in time
- Temperature of device increases
- Shortens device lifetime
Impact of Increasing Voltage
- Increased voltage swing may increase transistor speed
- Power consumption in proportional to V²
- Thermal effects may alter timing
Week 2
Lesson 1
Lecture 1.1 Linux Basics
The Shell
- Interprets user input and executes commands
- Text-based user interface of an operation system
- bash (bourne again shell) is the default shell for Raspian
- Gives more precise control to the user
- Requires memorization for efficiency
Console or Terminal
- The console or terminal is a text entry and display device
- Used to be a physical device (vt100 terminal)
- Virtual consoles are typical now
- LXTerminal is the terminal used in Raspian
Lecture 1.2 Login
- There can be many user accounts on a Linux system
- Each account has a username and password for identification
- When you first start the machine, you are prompted for username and password
- Default username is "pi", password is "raspberry"
Man(ual) Pages
- "man" give information about a Linux command
Lecture 1.3 Linux Filesystem
The Filesystem
- Hierarchy of directories and files
Lesson 2
Lecture 2.1 Navigating the Filesystem
- To a specific directory
- Up or down one level
- Show the contents of a directory
- Files and other directories
- -l option shows all detail
Mkdir, Rmdir
- mkdir creates a directory
- rmdir removes a directory
- rmdir only works if directory is empty
Lecture 2.2 Text Editors
Creating Files
- Many ways to do this, depending on the type of file you want to create
- Typical method involves a text editor
- Like a word processor but simpler
- Several are available on Linux for free
- Emacs, vi, vim, etc.
- Choose a favorite and stick with it
- Run it by typing "Nano" at the prompt
- Basic functions via control sequence
Lecture 2.3 Accessing Files
Viewing a File
- "cat" prints the file to the terminal
- "head" prints the first 10 lines
- "last" prints the last 10 lines
- Make a copy of a file
- Move a file
- Rename it or move it to a new directory
Lesson 3
Lecture 3.1 Permissions
File Permissions
- Files have owners
- User who created the file
- Files have access permissions
- Read (r), write(w), execute(x)
- Different permissions can be assigned according to type
- User: the file owner
- Group: a permission group
- Other: all users
Viewing File Permissions
Root Account
- THe root account has highest permission level
- Key files and directories are only accessible by root
- Sometimes you need root privileges
- Install a program
- Change the operating system
- Use the "sudo" command to gain root permission for a single command
Lecture 3.2 Processes
- A process is the execution of a program
- Linux allows multiple processes to run concurrently
- Foreground vs. background
- User can do something while other tasks are taken care of
- Read email
- Download file
- Wait for network connection
- check for viruses
Viewing Processes
- Each process has a unique PID
- "kill" can be used to end a process
- Should not just unplug a Linux machine
- Proper shutdown procedure is needed to place data structures in a good state
- Flush all buffers, close files, etc.
- Use the "shutdown" command
Lecture 3.3 Linux Graphic User Interface
Using the GUI for Raspian
- After initial login, type "startx"
- Initiates the X Windows system with a default window manager
- The manager determines the look
File Manager
- Allows easy file access
Week 3
Lesson 1
Lecture 1.1 Python on Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi for IoT
- Raspberry Pi can be used as a laptop/desktop
- To use it as part of an IoT device, programming is needed
- Many languages can be used
- Need a compiler (C, C++, Java, etc.) and an interpreter (Java, Python, Perl, tec.)
Python is most convenient
- Good programming environment built-in
- Good APIs available to access Raspberry Pi hardware
Python Language
High-level language, easy to use
- Do not need to explicitly declare data types
- No pointers
- Object-oriented programming, classes
Slow compared to C, C++
- Interpreted, not compiled
Two versions: Python 2.x and Python 3.x
- Python 2.x is still supported
- Programming differences are small
- Will use Python 3.x
Lecture 1.2 Python Programming Environment
Python Programming Environment
Two possible environments:
Integrated Development Environment(IDE)
- IDLE is the best option
- Invoke via Menu > Programming > Python
- Select Python 2 or Python 3 (use 3 for now)
Text editor and interpreter, separately
- Use Pico or Nano to write a program, "test.py"
- Execute program by typing "python3 test.py"
Executing Python Code
Two ways to do it:
- Interactive: execute lines typed interactively in a Python console.
Batch: execute an entire Python program
- Interactive execution requires a Python shell
- Start IDLE, shell s default
- In terminal, type "python3"
- Interactive execution requires a Python shell
Executing Programs from IDLE
- Start IDLE
- File > New File to create a new text editor window
- Type in code
- Select Run > Run Module
- Python shell will open and code will execute
Lecture 1.3 Python Expressions
Algebraic Expressions
- Python shell can evaluate algebraic expressions
- Many algebraic expressions
- abs()
- min()
- max()
Boolean Expressions
- Evaluate to True or False
- Often involve comparison operators <, >, ==, !=, <=, and >=
Boolean Operators
- Evaluate to True or False
- May include Boolean operators and, or, not
Variables, Assignments
- Variable types are not declared
- Interpreter determines type by usage
Lesson 2
Lecture 2.1 Strings
- A sequence of characters enclosed in quotes 'Hello, world'
- Can be assigned to a variable
- Can be manipulated using string operators and functions
String Operators
Indexing Operator
- Index of an item in a sequence is its position in the sequence
- Indexing operator is [], takes an index as argument
- Indices start at 0
- Can be used to identify characters in a string
Lecture 2.2 Functions
Defining Functions
- A sequence of instructions associated with a function name
- Function definition starts with
- Followed by function name, open/close parentheses, and colon
>>> def test():
print('A test function')
>>> test()
A test function
Defining/Calling Functions
- All instructions in a function definition are indented
- IDLE does this automatically
- Function is called by typing function name with parentheses after it
Lecture 2.3 Function Arguments
Function Parameters/Arguments
- A function can take arguments which are values bound to variables inside the function
- Argument are listed between parenthesis in the function call
>>> def circle_area(rad) :
print(3.14 * rad * rad)
>>> circle_area(2)
Function Return Values
- Functions can return values with the return instruction
- A function call is substituted for its return value in an expression
>>> def circle_area(rad) :
return 3.14 * rad * rad
>>> circle_area(2)
>>> 3 + circle_area(2)
Lesson 3
Lecture 3.1 Lists
- A comma-separated sequence of items in square brackets
- Items can be numbers, strings, other lists, etc.
>>> pets = ['ant', 'bat', 'cod', 'dog']
>>> lst = [0, 1, 'two', [4, 'five']]
>>> nums = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
List Operators and Functions
Lecture 3.2 Lists Methods
List Methods
- List operators that are called on the list that they operate on
>>> lst = [1, 2, 3]
>>> lst.append(8)
>>> lst
[1, 2, 3, 8]
- append(), remove(), reverse(), and sort() do not return values
- They only modifier the list
Lecture 3.3 Control Flow
Control Flow
Statements that change the order in which lines or code are executed
- if statement
- for loop
- while loop
If statement
if <condition>:
<indented code block>
<non-indented statement>
if temp > 80:
print('It is hot!')
If-else statement
if <condition>:
<indented code 1>
<indented code 2>
<non-indented statement>
if temp > 80:
print('not hot.')
For Loop
- Executes a block of code for every element in a sequence
- Variable is bound to a sequence element on each pass
>>> name = 'Ian'
>>> for char in name:
For Example
- Any sequence can be used
- All code in loop must be indented
>>> for name in ['Jon', 'Mary', 'Pete']:
While Loop
- Execute indented block of code while condition is True
>>> i = 0
>>> while i < 3:
i = i + 1
Week 4
Lesson 1
Lecture 1.1 General Purpose IO Pins
GPIO Pins Raspberry Pi B+
- Dedicated power and ground pins
- 3.3V(1,17), 5V(2,4),Gnd(6,9,14,20,30,39)
General Purpose/Multi-Function
- Pins labeled "GPIOxx" can be used as general purpose I/O
- Some pins are multi-function
- Extra label
- Pins 8 and 10 can be used for UART(serial) communication
- TX for transmission
- RX for receiving
Lecture 1.2 Protocol Pins
I2C Pins
- Pins 3 and 5 can be used for I2C communication
- SDA for data
- SCL for clock
SPI Communication Pins
- MOSI(19), MISO(21), SCLK(23)
- 2 pins for chip enable, CE0(24) and CE1(26)
Lecture 1.3 GPIO Access
GPIO Access in Python
- Use the GPIO library
import Rpi.GPIO as GPIO
- Execute your Python program (script) as root
- Use "sudo" for this
Pin Numbering Modes
Two ways to refer to the pins
- The number of the pins in their order on the board
- Shown in circles in the picture
- The Broadcom SoC number
- Shown in rectangles, after "GPIO"
Selection Pin Numbering Mode
- Use board numbering
- Use Broadcom SoC numbering
- Changes with different versions of Raspberry Pi
Lesson 2
Lecture 2.1 General Purpose IO Pins
Pin Direction and Assignment
GPIO.setup(13, GPIO.OUT)
- Set the pin direction
- Like
for Arduino
GPIO.setup(13, GPIO.OUT)
- Assign value to output pin
- Like
for Arduino
Blink an LED
import Rpi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
GPIO.setup(13, GPIO.OUT)
while True:
GPIO.output(13, True)
GPIO.output(13, False)
Reading Input Pins
GPIO.setup(13, GPIO.IN)
- Set the pin direction to an input
value = GPIO.input(13)
- Read value on input pin
- Only reads digital inputs
- No analogRead equivalent
- No analog-to-digital converter
Lecture 2.2 Pulse Width Modulation
Pulse Width Modulation
PWM functions in GPIO library
PWM Initialization
pwm_obj = GPIO.PWM(18, 400)
- Mark pin for PWM
- Second argument is frequency
- Start generating PWM signal
- Argument is duty cycle, 0 to 100
PWM Control
- Assign new duty cycle
- PWM frequency is not accurate
- Off by over 50% at 10 kHz
Frequency Control
- Cannot easily control frequency
- No tone() function as on Arduino
- Need to do it manually
While True:
GPIO.output(18, True)
GPIO.output(18, False)
- 1Hz frequency
Lecture 2.3 Demo of a Blink
Lesson 3
Lecture 3.1 Graphic User Interface
Graphic User Interface
- Can use a GUI to access the GPIO
- Raspberry Pi does it ... Arduino doesn't
- GUIs are supported by the operating system
- Various visual entities (widgets) you can interact with
- Buttons, menus, sliders, scrollbars
- Drawing surfaces for drawing
- Execution is controlled by the user, not the programmer
- File opened when "open" button is clicked
Event Loop
- Typically, program will wait for the user to activate one of its widgets
- Push a button, select a menu item, draw on a drawing surface etc.
- Do something in response
- Then wait for you to do something else
Lecture 3.2 Tkinter Library
- Tkinter library provides tools for writing programs that use graphics:
- many GUI widgets
- buttons, menus, labels, scrollbars, etc.
- a canvas widget on which arbitrary drawing can be created
- using lines, circles, rectangles, ovals, images, text, etc.
- many GUI widgets
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
c = Canvas(root, width=800, height=600)
r = c.create_rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50, fill='red', outline='red')
Opens a window with a red rectangle in the corner
Lecture 3.3 Interaction
Scale Widget
from Tkinter import *
master = Tk()
w = Scale(master, from_=0, to=100, orient=HORIZONTAL)
- Draws a scale widget
- Slider can be moved by the user
Interacting with the Widget
- Want to do something when the user moves the slider
w = Scale(master, from_=0, to=100, orient=HORIZONTAL, command = update)
def update(duty):
- Update function is called
- Takes the slider value as an argument