For this example, you need to make your own set of images (JPEG). We will show 2 different ways to build that dataset:
1 *From a root folder(文件夹), that will have a sub-folder containing images for each class
|-------- SUBFOLDER (CLASS 0)
| |
| | ----- image1.jpg
| | ----- image2.jpg
| | ----- etc...
|-------- SUBFOLDER (CLASS 1)
| |
| | ----- image1.jpg
| | ----- image2.jpg
| | ----- etc...
2 *From a plain text file,(纯文本文件) that will list all images with their class ID:
/path/to/image/1.jpg CLASS_ID
/path/to/image/2.jpg CLASS_ID
/path/to/image/3.jpg CLASS_ID
/path/to/image/4.jpg CLASS_ID
from __future__ import print_function
import tensorflow as tf
import os
# Dataset Parameters - CHANGE HERE
MODE = 'folder' # or 'file', if you choose a plain text file (see above).
DATASET_PATH = '/path/to/dataset/' # the dataset file or root folder path.
# Image Parameters
N_CLASSES = 2 # CHANGE HERE, total number of classes
IMG_HEIGHT = 64 # CHANGE HERE, the image height to be resized to
IMG_WIDTH = 64 # CHANGE HERE, the image width to be resized to
CHANNELS = 3 # The 3 color channels, change to 1 if grayscale
# Reading the dataset
# 2 modes: 'file' or 'folder'
def read_images(dataset_path, mode, batch_size):
imagepaths, labels = list(), list()
if mode == 'file':
# Read dataset file
data = open(dataset_path, 'r').read().splitlines()
for d in data:
imagepaths.append(d.split(' ')[0])
labels.append(int(d.split(' ')[1]))
elif mode == 'folder':
# An ID will be affected to each sub-folders by alphabetical order
label = 0
# List the directory
try: # Python 2
classes = sorted(os.walk(dataset_path).next()[1])
except Exception: # Python 3
classes = sorted(os.walk(dataset_path).__next__()[1])
# List each sub-directory (the classes)
for c in classes:
c_dir = os.path.join(dataset_path, c)
try: # Python 2
walk = os.walk(c_dir).next()
except Exception: # Python 3
walk = os.walk(c_dir).__next__()
# Add each image to the training set
for sample in walk[2]:
# Only keeps jpeg images
if sample.endswith('.jpg') or sample.endswith('.jpeg'):
imagepaths.append(os.path.join(c_dir, sample))
label += 1
raise Exception("Unknown mode.")
# Convert to Tensor
imagepaths = tf.convert_to_tensor(imagepaths, dtype=tf.string)
labels = tf.convert_to_tensor(labels, dtype=tf.int32)
# Build a TF Queue, shuffle data
image, label = tf.train.slice_input_producer([imagepaths, labels],
# Read images from disk
image = tf.read_file(image)
image = tf.image.decode_jpeg(image, channels=CHANNELS)
# Resize images to a common size
image = tf.image.resize_images(image, [IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH])
# Normalize
image = image * 1.0/127.5 - 1.0
# Create batches
X, Y = tf.train.batch([image, label], batch_size=batch_size,
capacity=batch_size * 8,
return X, Y