Listening 【Traveling on Business I】
Steve is a buyer.
He works for a large clothing store in New York.
He buys clothes and shoes for the store.
Next week, he is going to visit Milan for 5 days.
He is going to meet a supplier first.
Then he is going to visit a shoe factory.
He will also go to a fashion show.
Steve's flight will leave at 10 a.m. next Monday.
He will arrive in Milan around 6 p.m.
He is going to stay at a hotel in the center of the city.
It is across the street from an old church.
On Tuesday, Steve is going to meet with Tony.
Tony works for a clothing supplier.
It sells suits and shirts to clothing stores.
Tony wants to do business with Steve's store.
He will show Steve his company's new clothes.
If Steve likes them, he will make an order.
Listening 【Traveling on Business II】
On Wednesday, Steve is going to visit a shoe factory.
The factory makes leather shoes.
Last year, Steve ordered 1,000 shoes from there.
They sold very well, so he wants to increase his order.
He wants to increase his order to 3,000 shoes.
He will meet with the factory manager.
They will discuss the size of the order.
On Thursday, Steve will go to a fashion show.
There will be many new clothes and shoes at the show.
Steve will take a lot of pictures of them.
He will also think about what will sell well.
In a week, he will place some orders.
Steve will return home on Friday.
His flight will leave at 9:45 in the morning.
Steve will check in two hours before his flight.
While he waits, he is going to write a report about his trip.
His flight will arrive at 12:45 in the afternoon.
After he arrives, he will take a taxi to his company.
Vocabulary 【Computer Actions I】
to open
Open a file.
He is opening a file.
to close
Close a file.
She is closing a file.
to save
Save a file.
He is saving a file.
to attach
Attach a file.
She is attaching a file to an email.
Vocabulary 【Places】
an airport
Airplanes take off and land at an airport.
The plane is taking off at the airport.
a train station
You can take a train at a train station.
He is boarding a train at the train station.
a hotel
Many people stay in a hotel when they travel.
She is staying in a hotel.
a bank
People put their money in a bank.
She is putting her money into a bank.
Vocabulary 【Travel Actions】
to book
You can book a ticket or a hotel room.
People often book tickets online.
to exchange
You can exchange money at a bank.
You need to exchange money to buy things in other countries.
to check in
When you arrive at a hotel, you need to check in.
If you don't check in, you can't go to your room.
to check out
When you leave a hotel, you need to check out.
You need to give back your room key when you check out.
Dialogue 【A Business Trip】
Hi dear.
How was your day?
It was good!
I'm going to visit Munich this week.
Oh. When will you leave?
I will leave on Thursday morning.
That's so soon!
How long will you be away?
I will be away for three days.
That's not very long.
Why are you going?
Our new client doesn't know how to use our company's machine.
I need to help them out.
What else will you do on your trip?
Are you going to go sightseeing?
No, I'm not going to have time.
I will have a few meetings.
And I will go out to have dinner with the client, too.
Are you looking forward to your trip?
Yeah, I'm excited to meet our new client.
And I am looking forward to the dinner.
I'm going to have so much sausage and beer!
Haha, don't get too fat!
No promises!