The more I did the research on people, the clearer it became that there are different types of
people and that, by and large, the same types of people in the same types of
circumstances are going to produce the same types of results. Said differently,
by knowing what someone is like we can have a pretty good idea of what we can
expect from them. So I was more motivated than ever to continue gathering lots
of data on what people are like to build pointillist pictures of them to help
us match people to responsibilities well. Doing this in an evidence-based way
would enhance the idea-meritocratic process of aligning people’s
responsibilities with their merits.
While this all seemed soclear and commonsensical to me, it was much harder to achieve in practice.About a year into my transition, I saw that many new managers (and some older
ones) still couldn’t see the patterns of people’s behaviors through time (in
other words, they couldn’t connect the dots between what people are like and
the outcomes they produce). Their reluctance to probe hard to get at what
people are like was making things more difficult.But then I had a breakthrough, which grew out of an observation that the challenges we were having with making management decisions didn’t exist in our investment decision making. I realized that, by using big data analytics and other algorithms, ouR computers could connect those dots more efficiently than any of us could, just
as they had helped us make connections in the markets. These systems also
didn’t have personal biases and emotional barriers to overcome, so those being
analyzed couldn’t be offended by the data-driven conclusions the computers were
coming up with. In fact, they could look at the data and algorithms, assess
them for themselves, and suggest changes if they wanted. We were like
scientists trying to develop tests and algorithms for analyzing ourselves
On November 10, 2012, I shared my thoughts with the Management Committee in an email. Its subject line was “The Path Out: Systemizing Good Management”:
It is now clear to me that the main difference behind why the investment management part
of Bridgewater is likely to continue to do well and most of the other parts of Bridgewater are unlikely to do as well (if we don’t change how we are operating) is that the decision-making processes for investment management have been so systemized that it’s hard for people to screw them up (because they are largely following the systems’ instructions) while the other areas of
Bridgewater are much more dependent on the quality of the people and their decision making.
Think about that. Imagine how Bridgewater’s investment decision making would work if it
operated the same as Bridgewater’s management decision making (i.e., dependent
on the people we hired and how they collectively made decisions in their own
ways). It would be a mess.
The way the investment decision-making process works is that a small group of investment
managers who created these systems see the systems’ conclusions and the
reasoning of the systems while we make our own conclusions and explore our
reasoning on our own. . . . The machine does most of the work and we interact with it in a quality way. . . . [And] we are not dependent on much more faulty people.
Think about how different management is. While we have principles, we don’t have
decision-making systems. In other words, I believe that the investment decision-making process is effective because the investment principles have been put into decision rules that make
decisions that people then follow while the management decision-making process
is less effective because the management principles have not been put into
decision rules that people can follow to make management decisions.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Having built the investment systems (with the help of
others) and knowing about both investment decision making and management
decision making, I am confident that it can be the same. The only questions are
whether it can happen fast enough and what will happen in the meantime.
I am working with Greg (and others) to develop these management systems in the same way I
worked with Greg and others (Bob, etc.) on the investment systems. You are
seeing this happen via the development of the Baseball Cards, Dot Collector,
Pain Button, testing, job specing, etc. Because I have a limited time to do
this, we need to move fast. At the same time we will have to fight the battles in
the trenches, with hand-to-hand combat, to clean out those who are incapable
and bring in or promote those who are excellent.
One of the great things about algorithmic decision making is that it focuses people on cause-effect
relationships and, in that way, helps foster a real idea meritocracy. When
everyone can see the criteria the algorithms use and have a hand in developing
them, they can all agree that the system is fair and trust the computer to look
at the evidence, make the right assessments about people, and assign them the
right authorities. The algorithms are essentially principles in action on a
continuous basis.
While our managementsystem has a long way to go before it is as well automated as our investmentsystem, the tools it has made possible, especially the “Dot Collector” (an appthat gathers information about people in real time described in detail in theWork Principles), have already made an incredible differencein the way we work.
All these tools reinforce good habits and good thinking. The good habits come from thinking
repeatedly in a principled way, like learning to speak a language. The good
thinking comes from exploring the reasoning behind the principles.
The ultimate goal of all this was to help the people I cared about be more successful without me, which was becoming increasingly pressing as life’s milestones continued to remind me
of my stage in life. For example, I became a grandfather with the birth of
Christopher Dalio on May 31, 2013. And in the summer of 2013, I had a serious
health scare that turned out to be nothing but reminded me of my mortality. At
the same time, I still loved playing the markets, which I plan to do until I
die, making me even more eager to speed the transition from the second to the
third phase of my life.