




flowchart LR
main --> moloch_config_init-->moloch_config_load

配置文件名存在 config.configfile中,读入的配置信息在哈希表config.DontSaveTags中

MolochConfig_t config;

typedef struct moloch_config {
    // .....
    char * configfile
    // .....


void moloch_config_load()
 keyfile = molochKeyFile = g_key_file_new();
 status = g_key_file_load_from_file(keyfile, config.configFile, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, &error);


gchar *moloch_config_str(GKeyFile *keyfile, char *key, char *d)
    char *result;

    if (!keyfile)
        keyfile = molochKeyFile;

    if (config.override && keyfile == molochKeyFile && (result = g_hash_table_lookup(config.override, key))) {
        if (result[0] == 0)
            result = NULL;
            result = g_strdup(result);
    } else if (g_key_file_has_key(keyfile, config.nodeName, key, NULL)) {
        result = g_key_file_get_string(keyfile, config.nodeName, key, NULL);
    } else if (config.nodeClass && g_key_file_has_key(keyfile, config.nodeClass, key, NULL)) {
        result = g_key_file_get_string(keyfile, config.nodeClass, key, NULL);
    } else if (g_key_file_has_key(keyfile, "default", key, NULL)) {
        result = g_key_file_get_string(keyfile, "default", key, NULL);
    } else if (d) {
        result = g_strdup(d);
    } else {
        result = NULL;

    if (result)

    if (config.debug) {
        LOG("%s=%s", key, result?result:"(null)");

    return result;



1. Read流程分析

  1. 注册
    Arkime默认采用libpcap经过内核七层协议栈解析的reader_libpcap_init方法,这里分析的流程是采用Arkime官方文档推荐的reader_tpacketv3_init方法,搭配pf_ring插件可以绕过内核协议栈解析提高抓包效率,无论采用何种抓包库,Arkime Reader整体注册和调用都是一样的。

  1. 调用

infos数组定义如下,i, j两个维度分别对应网口、线程,用于对不同网口启用多个线程进行流量收集,infos数组由reader_tpacketv3_init初始化,记录了抓包的配置信息,例如BlockSize等,infos收集流量分组后经过 reader_tpacketv3_thread整理成包交给packet线程进一步处理。




2.**将infos元素中的fd绑定一个socket描述符,并mmap到infos[i][t].map中 **


void reader_tpacketv3_init(char *UNUSED(name))
    int blocksize = moloch_config_int(NULL, "tpacketv3BlockSize", 1<<21, 1<<16, 1U<<31);
    numThreads = moloch_config_int(NULL, "tpacketv3NumThreads", 2, 1, MAX_TPACKETV3_THREADS);

    if (blocksize % getpagesize() != 0) {
        CONFIGEXIT("tpacketv3BlockSize=%d not divisible by pagesize %d", blocksize, getpagesize());

    if (blocksize % config.snapLen != 0) {
        CONFIGEXIT("tpacketv3BlockSize=%d not divisible by snapLen=%u", blocksize, config.snapLen);

    moloch_packet_set_dltsnap(DLT_EN10MB, config.snapLen);

    pcap_t *dpcap = pcap_open_dead(pcapFileHeader.dlt, pcapFileHeader.snaplen);

    if (config.bpf) {
        if (pcap_compile(dpcap, &bpf, config.bpf, 1, PCAP_NETMASK_UNKNOWN) == -1) {
            CONFIGEXIT("Couldn't compile bpf filter: '%s' with %s", config.bpf, pcap_geterr(dpcap));

    int fanout_group_id = moloch_config_int(NULL, "tpacketv3ClusterId", 8005, 0x0001, 0xffff);

    int version = TPACKET_V3;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_INTERFACES && config.interface[i]; i++) {
        int ifindex = if_nametoindex(config.interface[i]);

        for (int t = 0; t < numThreads; t++) {
            infos[i][t].fd = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, 0);
            infos[i][t].interfacePos = i;

            if (setsockopt(infos[i][t].fd, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_VERSION, &version, sizeof(version)) < 0)
                CONFIGEXIT("Error setting TPACKET_V3, might need a newer kernel: %s", strerror(errno));

            memset(&infos[i][t].req, 0, sizeof(infos[i][t].req));
            infos[i][t].req.tp_block_size = blocksize;
            infos[i][t].req.tp_block_nr = 64;
            infos[i][t].req.tp_frame_size = config.snapLen;
            infos[i][t].req.tp_frame_nr = (blocksize * infos[i][t].req.tp_block_nr) / infos[i][t].req.tp_frame_size;
            infos[i][t].req.tp_retire_blk_tov = 60;
            infos[i][t].req.tp_feature_req_word = 0;
            if (setsockopt(infos[i][t].fd, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_RX_RING, &infos[i][t].req, sizeof(infos[i][t].req)) < 0)
                CONFIGEXIT("Error setting PACKET_RX_RING: %s", strerror(errno));

            struct packet_mreq      mreq;
            memset(&mreq, 0, sizeof(mreq));
            mreq.mr_ifindex = ifindex;
            mreq.mr_type    = PACKET_MR_PROMISC;
            if (setsockopt(infos[i][t].fd, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq)) < 0)
                CONFIGEXIT("Error setting PROMISC: %s", strerror(errno));

            if (config.bpf) {
                struct sock_fprog       fcode;
                fcode.len = bpf.bf_len;
                fcode.filter = (struct sock_filter *)bpf.bf_insns;
                if (setsockopt(infos[i][t].fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ATTACH_FILTER, &fcode, sizeof(fcode)) < 0)
                    CONFIGEXIT("Error setting SO_ATTACH_FILTER: %s", strerror(errno));

            infos[i][t].map = mmap64(NULL, infos[i][t].req.tp_block_size * infos[i][t].req.tp_block_nr,
                                 PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_LOCKED, infos[i][t].fd, 0);
            if (unlikely(infos[i][t].map == MAP_FAILED)) {
                CONFIGEXIT("MMap64 failure in reader_tpacketv3_init, %d: %s. Tried to allocate %d bytes (tpacketv3BlockSize: %d * 64) which was probbaly too large for this host, you probably need to reduce one of the values.", errno, strerror(errno), infos[i][t].req.tp_block_size * infos[i][t].req.tp_block_nr, blocksize);
            infos[i][t].rd = malloc(infos[i][t].req.tp_block_nr * sizeof(struct iovec));

            uint16_t j;
            for (j = 0; j < infos[i][t].req.tp_block_nr; j++) {
                infos[i][t].rd[j].iov_base = infos[i][t].map + (j * infos[i][t].req.tp_block_size);
                infos[i][t].rd[j].iov_len = infos[i][t].req.tp_block_size;

            struct sockaddr_ll ll;
            memset(&ll, 0, sizeof(ll));
            ll.sll_family = PF_PACKET;
            ll.sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_ALL);
            ll.sll_ifindex = ifindex;

            if (bind(infos[i][t].fd, (struct sockaddr *) &ll, sizeof(ll)) < 0)
                CONFIGEXIT("Error binding %s: %s", config.interface[i], strerror(errno));

            int fanout_type = PACKET_FANOUT_HASH;
            int fanout_arg = ((fanout_group_id+i) | (fanout_type << 16));
            if(setsockopt(infos[i][t].fd, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_FANOUT, &fanout_arg, sizeof(fanout_arg)) < 0)
                CONFIGEXIT("Error setting packet fanout parameters: tpacketv3ClusterId: %d (%s)", fanout_group_id, strerror(errno));



    if (i == MAX_INTERFACES) {
        CONFIGEXIT("Only support up to %d interfaces", MAX_INTERFACES);

    moloch_reader_start         = reader_tpacketv3_start;
    moloch_reader_exit          = reader_tpacketv3_exit;
    moloch_reader_stats         = reader_tpacketv3_stats;


void reader_tpacketv3_start() {
    char name[100];
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_INTERFACES && config.interface[i]; i++) {
        for (int t = 0; t < numThreads; t++) {
            snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "moloch-af3%d-%d", i, t);
            g_thread_unref(g_thread_new(name, &reader_tpacketv3_thread, &infos[i][t]));


LOCAL void *reader_tpacketv3_thread(gpointer infov)
    MolochTPacketV3_t *info = (MolochTPacketV3_t *)infov;
    struct pollfd pfd;
    int pos = 0;

    memset(&pfd, 0, sizeof(pfd));
    pfd.fd = info->fd; = POLLIN | POLLERR;
    pfd.revents = 0;
    // 初始化处理集合
    MolochPacketBatch_t batch;
    // 当收到SIGINT信号时触发config.quitting
    while (!config.quitting) {
        // 拿到当前packet块指针
        struct tpacket_block_desc *tbd = info->rd[pos].iov_base;
        if (config.debug > 2) {
            int i;
            int cnt = 0;
            int waiting = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < (int)info->req.tp_block_nr; i++) {
                struct tpacket_block_desc *stbd = info->rd[i].iov_base;
                if (stbd->hdr.bh1.block_status & TP_STATUS_USER) {
                    waiting += stbd->hdr.bh1.num_pkts;

            LOG("Stats pos:%d info:%d status:%x waiting:%d total cnt:%d total waiting:%d", pos, info->interfacePos, tbd->hdr.bh1.block_status, tbd->hdr.bh1.num_pkts, cnt, waiting);

        // Wait until the block is owned by moloch | poll轮询等待文件描述符状态改变(等待包写入信息)
        if ((tbd->hdr.bh1.block_status & TP_STATUS_USER) == 0) {
            poll(&pfd, 1, -1);

        struct tpacket3_hdr *th;
        // 获取包头部
        th = (struct tpacket3_hdr *) ((uint8_t *) tbd + tbd->hdr.bh1.offset_to_first_pkt);
        uint16_t p;
        // 根据包头部得到包数量,遍历处理
        for (p = 0; p < tbd->hdr.bh1.num_pkts; p++) {
            if (unlikely(th->tp_snaplen != th->tp_len)) {
                LOGEXIT("ERROR - Arkime requires full packet captures caplen: %d pktlen: %d\n"
                    th->tp_snaplen, th->tp_len);
            // 对包内容进行初步解析,填充packet
            MolochPacket_t *packet = MOLOCH_TYPE_ALLOC0(MolochPacket_t);
            packet->pkt           = (u_char *)th + th->tp_mac;
            packet->pktlen        = th->tp_len;
            packet->ts.tv_sec     = th->tp_sec;
            packet->ts.tv_usec    = th->tp_nsec/1000;
            packet->readerPos     = info->interfacePos;

            if ((th->tp_status & TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID) && th->hv1.tp_vlan_tci) {
                packet->vlan = th->hv1.tp_vlan_tci & 0xfff;
            // 进一步解析包内容, 填充packet
            moloch_packet_batch(&batch, packet);

            th = (struct tpacket3_hdr *) ((uint8_t *) th + th->tp_next_offset);
        // 将处理过后的包入队packetQ交给packet线程继续处理

        tbd->hdr.bh1.block_status = TP_STATUS_KERNEL;
        pos = (pos + 1) % info->req.tp_block_nr;
    return NULL;

到此为止read流程结束,捕获到的包进入packetQ双向链表队列等待packet thread处理

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