[^1]: reassess their place 重新估计位置
[^2]: reappraise their positions 重新估计位置
[^3]: take **painstaking** steps 采取小心谨慎的措施 (needing a lot of care, effort and attention to detail)
[^4]: **swap** rumours 传播流言(an act of exchanging one thing for another)
[^5]: **venture** to do 敢于做某事(dare to do something or go somewhere that may be dangerous or unpleasant)
[^6]: flesh out signals 充实信号(to give body or substance to; fill or round out; complete:)
[^7]: As is their wont 如平常一样
[^8]: go viral 火了
[^9]: broach the idea 提出这个概念(raise (a sensitive or difficult subject) for discussion)
[^10]: boss sb. around 颐指气使(act like a bossy boss)
[^11]: bolster self-assurance 增强自信(support or strengthen; prop up)
[^12]: disavow legal victory 不承认法律上的胜利(to state publicly that you have no knowledge of sth or that you are not responsible for sth/sb)
[^13]: eschew close ties 避开亲密关系 (deliberately avoid using; abstain from)
[^14]: is due to convene a grand summit 计划召开大型峰会(expected at or planned for at a certain time)(call people together for (a meeting))
[^15]: bent on overthrowing things 决意推翻(determined to do or have)
[^16]: intent on grabbing global control 打算获取全球控制权(obtain or get sth. quickly)
[^17]: comply with decisions 遵循决定((of a person or group) act in accordance with a wish or command)
[^18]: is resistant to change 抵制改变
[^19]: echo president's desire 回应,反响
[^20]: dismantle climate policies 废除环境政策(to end an organization or system gradually in an organized way)
[^21]: assume/shoulder/undertake responsibility 承担责任
[^a]: the assembled throng 聚集的一群人(a crowd of people)
[^b]: subject matter 主题
[^c]: main mouthpiece 主要代言人(贬义)
[^d]: constraint on ambitions 限制其志向
[^e]: lingua franca 共同语