[iOS] 通知详解:iOS 10 UserNotifications API

iOS10 之前通知使用介绍
[iOS] 通知详解: UIUserNotification
iOS10 相关API
[iOS] 通知详解:iOS 10 UserNotifications API
iOS10 本地/远程通知
[iOS] 通知详解: iOS 10 UserNotifications
iOS10 通知附加包
[iOS] 通知详解: iOS 10 UserNotifications -- 附加包Media Attachments
iOS10 自定义UI
[iOS] 通知详解: iOS 10 UserNotifications -- 自定义通知UI

iOS 10中引入 UserNotifications ,用来取代之前的通知处理方式,并增加了很多新的特性,来丰富通知的功能,使用时需要引入 UserNotifications 头文件,并遵循协议 UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate

import UserNotifications



UserNotifications 模块主要涉及到以下一些类库

用户通知中心 UNUserNotificationCenter


// The delegate can only be set from an application 代理
    weak open var delegate: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate?
 // 当前设备是否支持的扩展
    // Returns YES if the current device supports content extensions
    open var supportsContentExtensions: Bool { get }

    // 获取当前的通知中心(单例)
    // The UNUserNotificationCenter for the current application
    open class func current() -> UNUserNotificationCenter

    // 请求通知的权限,参数为 UNAuthorizationOptions 的集合
    // User authorization is required for applications to notify the user using UNUserNotificationCenter via both local and remote notifications.
    open func requestAuthorization(options: UNAuthorizationOptions = [], completionHandler: @escaping (Bool, Error?) -> Void)

    // 通知快捷操作action集合,参数为 UNNotificationCategory的集合
    // Notification categories can be used to choose which actions will be displayed on which notifications.
    open func setNotificationCategories(_ categories: Set<UNNotificationCategory>)
// 获取当前添加的 Categories
    open func getNotificationCategories(completionHandler: @escaping (Set<UNNotificationCategory>) -> Void)

    // 获取通知当前的设置,详见 UNNotificationSettings
    // The application's user notification settings
    open func getNotificationSettings(completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationSettings) -> Void)

    // 添加通知的请求
    // Notification requests can be scheduled to notify the user via time and location. See UNNotificationTrigger for more information. Calling -addNotificationRequest: will replace an existing notification request with the same identifier. A notification request with the identifier as an existing delivered notifications will alert for the new notification request and replace the existing delivered notification when it is triggered. The number of pending notification requests that may be scheduled by an application at any one time is limited by the system.
    open func add(_ request: UNNotificationRequest, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil)

    // 获取所有等待执行的通知请求
    // Notification requests that are waiting for their trigger to fire
    open func getPendingNotificationRequests(completionHandler: @escaping ([UNNotificationRequest]) -> Void)
// 取消未执行的通知请求
    open func removePendingNotificationRequests(withIdentifiers identifiers: [String])
// 取消所有未执行的通知请求
    open func removeAllPendingNotificationRequests()

    // 获取已添加到通知中心的通知
    // Notifications that have been delivered and remain in Notification Center. Notifications triggered by location cannot be retrieved, but can be removed.
    open func getDeliveredNotifications(completionHandler: @escaping ([UNNotification]) -> Void)
// 移除通知
    open func removeDeliveredNotifications(withIdentifiers identifiers: [String])

    open func removeAllDeliveredNotifications()

通知中心协议 UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate


// The method will be called on the delegate only if the application is in the foreground. If the method is not implemented or the handler is not called in a timely manner then the notification will not be presented. The application can choose to have the notification presented as a sound, badge, alert and/or in the notification list. This decision should be based on whether the information in the notification is otherwise visible to the user.
    @available(iOS 10.0, *)
    optional public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void)

    // The method will be called on the delegate when the user responded to the notification by opening the application, dismissing the notification or choosing a UNNotificationAction. The delegate must be set before the application returns from application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:.
    @available(iOS 10.0, *)
    optional public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void)

    // The method will be called on the delegate when the application is launched in response to the user's request to view in-app notification settings. Add UNAuthorizationOptionProvidesAppNotificationSettings as an option in requestAuthorizationWithOptions:completionHandler: to add a button to inline notification settings view and the notification settings view in Settings. The notification will be nil when opened from Settings.
    @available(iOS 12.0, *)
    optional public func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, openSettingsFor notification: UNNotification?)

  • 第一个协议方法,是当应用在前台运行时调用,其 completionHandler 回调用于告诉系统以何种方式告知用户,来了新通知,参数为UNNotificationPresentationOptions 类型,有三个值可供选择:badge、alert、sound,如果没有调用completionHandler回调,则不会有提醒;在iOS10之前,如果应用在前台运行,来了新通知,是无法使用系统提醒的。
  • 第二个协议方法,是当应用在后台或者被杀死,当用户点击通知内容或者通知action时,会调用该方法,通过 UNNotificationResponse 实例可获取详细的信息
  • 第三个协议方法,是在app内展示通知的设置情况,需要在请求权限的options中添加 providesAppNotificationSettings,iOS12才支持



// identifier: 唯一标识符
// content:要展示的消息内容,详见UNNotificationContent
// trigger:触发的方式,详见 UNNotificationTrigger
public convenience init(identifier: String, content: UNNotificationContent, trigger: UNNotificationTrigger?)

open var identifier: String { get }

    // The content that will be shown on the notification.
    @NSCopying open var content: UNNotificationContent { get }

    // The trigger that will or did cause the notification to be delivered. No trigger means deliver now.
    @NSCopying open var trigger: UNNotificationTrigger? { get }

UNNotificationContent & UNMutableNotificationContent

通知内容的承载体,远程通知回调的主要是 UNNotificationContent,创建本地通知内容的时候使用 UNMutableNotificationContent

// 通知的附件,iOS10之后,允许通知携带一张图片,一段视频,一段音频
// Optional array of attachments.
    open var attachments: [UNNotificationAttachment]

    // 角标数值
    // The application badge number. nil means no change. 0 to hide.
    @NSCopying open var badge: NSNumber?

  // 标题,限制一行,多余的以...
// The title of the notification. Use -[NSString localizedUserNotificationStringForKey:arguments:] to provide a string that will be localized at the time that the notification is presented.
    open var title: String

    // 副标题,限制一行,多余的以...
    // The subtitle of the notification. Use -[NSString localizedUserNotificationStringForKey:arguments:] to provide a string that will be localized at the time that the notification is presented.
    open var subtitle: String

    // 消息内容
    // The body of the notification. Use -[NSString localizedUserNotificationStringForKey:arguments:] to provide a string that will be localized at the time that the notification is presented.
    open var body: String

    // 所属的 category 标识符
    // The identifier for a registered UNNotificationCategory that will be used to determine the appropriate actions to display for the notification.
    open var categoryIdentifier: String

    // 点击消息启动app时的启动图
    // The launch image that will be used when the app is opened from the notification.
    open var launchImageName: String

    // 消息提示音,默认是.default
    // The sound that will be played for the notification.
    @NSCopying open var sound: UNNotificationSound?

// 消息的payload内容
  // Apps can set the userInfo for locally scheduled notification requests. The contents of the push payload will be set as the userInfo for remote notifications.
    open var userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]

    // The unique identifier for the thread or conversation related to this notification request. It will be used to visually group notifications together.
    open var threadIdentifier: String

    /// The argument to be inserted in the summary for this notification.
    @available(iOS 12.0, *)
    open var summaryArgument: String

    /// A number that indicates how many items in the summary are represented in the summary.
    /// For example if a podcast app sends one notification for 3 new episodes in a show,
    /// the argument should be the name of the show and the count should be 3.
    /// Default is 1 and cannot be 0.
    @available(iOS 12.0, *)
    open var summaryArgumentCount: Int

UNNotificationTrigger 推送的触发器




UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger 时间间隔触发器


// 初始化方法,时间间隔,是否重复触发
public convenience init(timeInterval: TimeInterval, repeats: Bool)
// 时间间隔,只读
open var timeInterval: TimeInterval { get }

// 下次触发的日期
    open func nextTriggerDate() -> Date?


// 10s后触发
let timer = UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger(timeInterval: 10, repeats: false)
UNCalendarNotificationTrigger 日期时间触发器


// 获取当前的DateComponents
open var dateComponents: DateComponents { get }

    // 初始化方法,参数是DateComponents类型
    // The next date is calculated using matching date components.
    public convenience init(dateMatching dateComponents: DateComponents, repeats: Bool)

    // 下次触发的日期
    open func nextTriggerDate() -> Date?


// 每周日的8点
        var dateCom = DateComponents()
        dateCom.weekday = 1
        dateCom.hour = 8
        let calendarTri = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger(dateMatching: dateCom, repeats: true)

附,从DateComponents 获取具体的时间

// 从 DateComponents 获取具体的时间信息
        let calendar = Calendar(identifier: Calendar.Identifier.gregorian)
        if let date = calendar.date(from: dateCom) {
            let weekday = calendar.component(Calendar.Component.weekday, from: date)
UNLocationNotificationTrigger 地理位置触发器


@NSCopying open var region: CLRegion { get }

    // 初始化方法,参数为CLRegion
    public convenience init(region: CLRegion, repeats: Bool)


let center = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.33, longitude: -122.009)
        let regin = CLCircularRegion(center: center, radius: 2000, identifier: "reginid")
        regin.notifyOnExit = true
        regin.notifyOnEntry = true
        let locaTrig = UNLocationNotificationTrigger(region: regin, repeats: true)




public convenience init(identifier: String, title: String, options: UNNotificationActionOptions = [])

open var identifier: String { get }
open var title: String { get }
open var options: UNNotificationActionOptions { get }



public convenience init(identifier: String, title: String, options: UNNotificationActionOptions = [], textInputButtonTitle: String, textInputPlaceholder: String)

open var textInputButtonTitle: String { get }
open var textInputPlaceholder: String { get }


@available(iOS 10.0, *)
public struct UNNotificationActionOptions : OptionSet {

    public init(rawValue: UInt)

    // 需要授权验证才能响应,点击不会打开app
    // Whether this action should require unlocking before being performed.
    public static var authenticationRequired: UNNotificationActionOptions { get }

    // 红色的按钮,点击不会打开app
    // Whether this action should be indicated as destructive.
    public static var destructive: UNNotificationActionOptions { get }

    // 点击后会打开app
    // Whether this action should cause the application to launch in the foreground.
    public static var foreground: UNNotificationActionOptions { get }



// identifier :当前Category的唯一标识符
// actions:需要展示的快捷按钮集合
// intentIdentifiers:意图标识符,告诉系统该通知可能与Sari进行的请求有关
// options:如何处理该消息
public convenience init(identifier: String, actions: [UNNotificationAction], intentIdentifiers: [String], options: UNNotificationCategoryOptions = [])

    // identifier :当前Category的唯一标识符
// actions:需要展示的快捷按钮集合
// intentIdentifiers:意图标识符,告诉系统该通知可能与Sari进行的请求有关
// hiddenPreviewsBodyPlaceholder:当预览被隐藏时,替换消息内容body;例如开启隐私保护的时候,锁屏时看不到消息具体内容
// options:如何处理该消息
    @available(iOS 11.0, *)
    public convenience init(identifier: String, actions: [UNNotificationAction], intentIdentifiers: [String], hiddenPreviewsBodyPlaceholder: String, options: UNNotificationCategoryOptions = [])

    // iOS 12中的消息分组
// identifier :当前Category的唯一标识符
// actions:需要展示的快捷按钮集合
// intentIdentifiers:意图标识符,告诉系统该通知可能与Sari进行的请求有关
// hiddenPreviewsBodyPlaceholder:当预览被隐藏时,替换消息内容body;例如开启隐私保护的时候,锁屏时看不到消息具体内容
// categorySummaryFormat:分组后的消息,显示的第一则消息下面的摘要文字,默认是“还有 %d 个通知”,可以自定义,以此参数传入
// options:如何处理该消息
    @available(iOS 12.0, *)
    public convenience init(identifier: String, actions: [UNNotificationAction], intentIdentifiers: [String], hiddenPreviewsBodyPlaceholder: String?, categorySummaryFormat: String?, options: UNNotificationCategoryOptions = [])

UNNotificationCategory 创建完成后,其identifier 要赋值给UNMutableNotificationContent实例的categoryIdentifier属性

UNNotificationAttachment 通知附加包

iOS 10之后,通知允许添加一个与该通知关联的媒体文件,例如:一张图片,一段音乐或者视频,添加的文件必须保存在磁盘上。

这里在创建 UNNotificationAttachment 实例的时候,会去校验文件的格式,如果是不支持的文件,或者超出规定大小的文件,会返回nil。



  • Audio 声音文件 大小限制在 5Mb以内
  • Image图片 大小限制在 10Mb以内
  • Movie 视频文件 最大 50Mb


 // Creates an attachment for the data at URL with an optional options dictionary. URL must be a file URL. Returns nil if the data at URL is not supported.
    public convenience init(identifier: String, url URL: URL, options: [AnyHashable : Any]? = nil) throws

// The identifier of this attachment
    open var identifier: String { get }

    // The URL to the attachment's data. If you have obtained this attachment from UNUserNotificationCenter then the URL will be security-scoped.
    open var url: URL { get }

    // The UTI of the attachment.
    open var type: String { get }


其参数 options是一个字典,支持以下几个key:

  • UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsTypeHintKey
    指定文件类型,其值为 String 类型,常用的有kUTTypeImage,kUTTypeJPEG2000,kUTTypeTIFF,kUTTypePICT,kUTTypeGIF ,kUTTypePNG,kUTTypeQuickTimeImage, 需要引入import MobileCoreServices
  • UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailHiddenKey
    是否隐藏缩略图,其值为 Number 类型的Bool
  • UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailClippingRectKey
    缩略图的裁剪区域,其值可以这样创建 ,坐标值为(0---1)
    let v = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 0.5, height: 0.5).dictionaryRepresentation
  • UNNotificationAttachmentOptionsThumbnailTimeKey




@available(iOS 10.0, *)
public struct UNNotificationCategoryOptions : OptionSet {

    public init(rawValue: UInt)

    // 需要通过代理委托处理,调用UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate的相应方法
    // Whether dismiss action should be sent to the UNUserNotificationCenter delegate
    public static var customDismissAction: UNNotificationCategoryOptions { get }

    // 允许在驾驶模式下显示通知
    // Whether notifications of this category should be allowed in CarPlay
    public static var allowInCarPlay: UNNotificationCategoryOptions { get }

    // 在用户禁止显示预览的情况下,显示标题
    // Whether the title should be shown if the user has previews off
    @available(iOS 11.0, *)
    public static var hiddenPreviewsShowTitle: UNNotificationCategoryOptions { get }
// 在用户禁止显示预览的情况下,显示副标题
    // Whether the subtitle should be shown if the user has previews off
    @available(iOS 11.0, *)
    public static var hiddenPreviewsShowSubtitle: UNNotificationCategoryOptions { get }

请求权限的类型,请求权限的方法 requestAuthorization 参数

@available(iOS 10.0, *)
public struct UNAuthorizationOptions : OptionSet {

    public init(rawValue: UInt)

    // 角标提醒
    public static var badge: UNAuthorizationOptions { get }
// 声音提醒
    public static var sound: UNAuthorizationOptions { get }
// 弹框提醒
    public static var alert: UNAuthorizationOptions { get }
// 行车模式下,接收通知
    public static var carPlay: UNAuthorizationOptions { get }

    @available(iOS 12.0, *)
    public static var criticalAlert: UNAuthorizationOptions { get }

    @available(iOS 12.0, *)
    public static var providesAppNotificationSettings: UNAuthorizationOptions { get }

    @available(iOS 12.0, *)
    public static var provisional: UNAuthorizationOptions { get }
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