Smoke spread so fast at Japanese animation firm victims couldn't open rooftop door
The attack at Kyoto Animation on Thursday, in which a man shouting "Die!" poured a bucket of gasoline at the entrance to the building and lit it, took 34 lives and ranks as one of the worst mass killings in Japan for decades.
Of those who died, 19 were found piled on top of each other on a stairway between the third floor and a door to the roof.
Police said investigations had shown that smoke had apparently spread so fast that the victims were overcome before being able to open the rooftop door.
Experts said that a spiral staircase acted as a chimney to funnel the smoke upwards through all three floors of the building. Survivors have described a "dark mushroom cloud" of smoke pouring up the staircase.
The company late on Sunday issued a statement saying that the tragedy had left them at a loss.
"All of these people were our talented, precious colleagues. Both for us here as well as the animation industry as a whole, this is a huge blow, " the statement added.
Late on Saturday, police issued an arrest warrant for Shinji Aoba, 41, a loner from a city near Tokyo who is in hospital with serious burns. Police plan to arrest him once he recovers.
讲解人 · Lala
7 月 21 日,2019 年世界游泳锦标赛在韩国光州举行,中国名将孙杨凭借自己的实力,打败了澳大利亚选手马克·霍顿,第四次夺得了男子 400 米自由泳的冠军。但是在颁奖典礼上,富有争议性的一幕出现了,霍顿拒绝上台和孙杨以及铜牌获得者意大利选手德蒂合影。在之后的新闻发布会上,孙杨表示:“你可以不尊重我,但是你必须尊重中国。”霍顿拒绝合影的原因是什么?他与中国运动员孙杨的纠纷又起源于什么?让我们一起跟着 Lala 老师,来看今天的这篇文章。
如何理解 bad blood 这个表达?
Swimming: Sun, Horton drama overshadows Peaty's world record
Triple Olympic champion Sun Yang accused rival Mack Horton of disrespecting China on Sunday after the Australian refused to take the podium following their 400 metres freestyle clash at the world championships in Gwangju.
周日,在韩国光州举行的世界游泳锦标赛中,澳大利亚选手马克·霍顿在 400 米自由泳比赛后,拒绝登台领奖,三次奥运冠军孙杨指责他的对手霍顿此举不尊重中国。
The controversy overshadowed an incredible night in the pool, where Briton Adam Peaty became the first to swim the 100m breaststroke in under 57 seconds.
英国人亚当·皮蒂成为首个 100 米蛙泳游进 57 秒的选手,他在泳池里缔造了不可思议的一夜,而(孙杨和霍顿的)此次争议却给这一切蒙上了阴影。
The main drama came after the men's 400m, where the bad blood that has been simmering between Sun and Horton since the 2016 Olympics spilled over at the medal ceremony.
在男子 400 米(自由泳比赛)之后,最戏剧性的一幕出现了,自 2016 年奥运会以来,孙杨和霍顿之间一直存在不和,这种不和蔓延到了这次颁奖仪式上。
Sun won a record fourth straight 400m crown with Horton, who beat him to the title at the Games, in second place.
孙杨打破纪录,夺得 400 米(自由泳)“四连冠”,霍顿位居第二。在此之前,霍顿曾击败孙杨获得奥运会冠军。
The Australian, who labelled Sun a "drug cheat" ahead of that Rio final, stood motionless behind the runners-up spot at the podium, while Sun stepped forward to collect a 10th gold medal at the worlds and Italian Gabriele Detti picked up the bronze.
"I was aware that the Australian athlete had dissatisfaction and personal feelings towards me," Sun told a news conference.
"But it was unfortunate because disrespecting me is okay, but disrespecting China was very unfortunate and I felt sorry about that."
Photo by Manan Vatsyayana/AFP
v. 使...蒙上阴影
英文释义:to make an event less enjoyable than it should be
相关词汇:shadow(v. 投下阴影;产生阴影)
例句:My happiness was overshadowed by the bad news.
v. 指控,控告;指责,谴责
搭配短语:accuse sb. of...
例句:He's been accused of murder.
n. 竞争对手;敌手
词源补充:rival 来自古拉丁文 rivalis,意思是河对面的人、共饮一江水的人。
v. 不尊敬,对…无礼
相关词汇:respect(v. 尊敬)
n. 领奖台
搭配短语:stand on the podium
n. 冲突;竞赛
搭配短语:Clash of Clans
搭配短语:outfit clash
n. 蛙泳
stroke 英文释义:a stroke is a method of swimming
stroke 例句:What's your best stroke when you're swimming?
相关词汇:backstroke(仰泳);butterfly stroke(蝶泳)
bad blood
例句:There has been bad blood between the two countries for years.
例句:Anger simmered inside him.
spill over
相关词汇:spill(v. 洒出)
例句:The soup spilled over.
adj. 连续的,不间断的
搭配短语:win ten straight games
adj. 不动的,静止的
相关词汇:motion(n. 运动,移动)
-less 相关词汇:useless;homeless
runner-up/ˌrʌnər ˈʌp/
n. 第二名,亚军
Triple Olympic champion Sun Yang accused rival Mack Horton of disrespecting China on Sunday after the Australian refused to take the podium following their 400 metres freestyle clash at the world championships in Gwangju.
The controversy overshadowed an incredible night in the pool, where Briton Adam Peaty became the first to swim the 100m breaststroke in under 57 seconds.
The main drama came after the men's 400m, where the bad blood that has been simmering between Sun and Horton since the 2016 Olympics spilled over at the medal ceremony.
Sun won a record fourth straight 400m crown with Horton, who beat him to the title at the Games, in second place.
The Australian, who labelled Sun a "drug cheat" ahead of that Rio final, stood motionless behind the runners-up spot at the podium, while Sun stepped forward to collect a 10th gold medal at the worlds and Italian Gabriele Detti picked up the bronze.
"I was aware that the Australian athlete had dissatisfaction and personal feelings towards me, " Sun told a news conference.
"But it was unfortunate because disrespecting me is okay, but disrespecting China was very unfortunate and I felt sorry about that."