欢迎关注【M实事摘要】,这是一则立足中国放眼全球的AI和无人驾驶汽车(SDC)的实事简报(Newsletter)。每日更新 | 点击关注: 【实事摘要】
1) Autonomous Cars and the Great Failure to Communicate
The Drive
The problem, though, is that I'm in a semi-autonomous car, a Cadillac CT6 equipped with the company's impressive new highway-only Super Cruise ...
2) Driverless car investments top $80 billion
The Hill
At least $80 billion has been funneled into driverless car technology over the past three years, according to a new report, underscoring how the pace ...
3) Just how excited are consumers about autonomous cars?
American Enterprise Institute
Automobile and technology companies are proceeding full-speed ahead into autonomous vehicles. And regulators are actually moving pretty fast, too.
4) 智能汽车或引爆万亿级市场无人驾驶有望真正落地
上月底,东风与京东签约,合作研发新能源无人驾驶货车,用于在配送中心和配送站之间的货物运输。京东将提供AI技术和物流运输场景,东风将提供无人 ...
5) 三季报热点预增股或引爆银十行情
... 巨头,尤其是以5G建设等为基础的人工智能、物联网、无人驾驶等各种新场景的应用存在机会。 ... 天风证券表示,10月估值切换使得物流行业性价比凸显,叠加“双十一”主题、中通调价的乐观信号,物流板块将会在节前走出一波强势行情。
6) 马云千亿投入“达摩院”修炼神功,王小川终于要带搜狗上市,京东全球首个智能无人仓亮相| 一周AI 关注
前沿| 京东全球首个全流程智能无人仓亮相,物流业“无人”时代来了? ... Alphabet旗下无人驾驶部门Waymo与Uber之间关于无人驾驶技术侵权问题有望 ...
7) China seeks dominance of global AI industry
Financial Times
If the development of artificial intelligence is an arms race, then China wants to become the world's unchallenged AI superpower. While the National ...
8) Boffins suggest UK needs an 'AI council' but regulation is for squares
The Register
The resulting report is strongly geared towards how government can incentivise the use of AI, with recommendations for increasing data-sharing and ...
9) Do You Fear the Future Of AI In The Banking World?
Artificial intelligence (AI) seems to be taking the banking industry by storm. When you see tech titans such as Alphabet, Apple, Amazon and Facebook ...
10) What It's Like To See The World As A Self-Driving Car
Co.Design (blog)
What do self-driving cars “see?” To humans eyes it would look absurd, since people and machines have very different ways of perceiving the world.
11) Ford-Backed Startup Calls Out Practically Everyone For Overhyping Self-Driving Cars
We're still very much in the early days of making self-driving cars a reality. Those who think fully self-driving vehicles will be ubiquitous on city streets ...
12) Oddball tech-art project lets you 'become' a self-driving car using VR
Digital Trends
Chances are that, if you haven't already been in a self-driving car, you'll get the opportunity to be driven by one in the next few years. But how exactly ...