75.An examination of corruption provides the basis for rejecting theview that an exact science of society can ever be constructed. As with allother social phenomena that involve deliberate secrecy, it is intrinsicallyimpossible to measure corruption, and this is not merely due to the fact thatsocial science has not yet reached its goal, achievable to be sure, ofdeveloping adequate quantifying techniques. If people were ready to answerquestion about their embezzlements and bribes, it would their embezzlements andbribes, it would mean that these practices had acquired the character oflegitimate, taxable activities and had ceased to be corrupt. In other words,corruption must disappear if it is to be measurable. Which one of the followingmost accurately states a hidden assumption that the author must make in orderto advance the argument above
(A) Some people believe that an exactscience of society can be constructed.
(B) The primary purpose of an exact scienceto quantify and measure phenomena
(C) An intrinsic characteristic of socialphenomena that involve deliberate secrecy is that they cannot be measured.
(D) An exact science of social phenomenathat involve deliberate secrecy cannot be constructed.
(E) An exact science can be constructed onlywhen the phenomena it studies can be measured.
76.Efficiency and redundancy are contradictory characteristics of
linguistic systems: however, they can be used together to achieve usefulness
and reliability in communication. If a spoken language is completely efficient,
then every possible permutation of its basic language sounds can be an
understandable word. However, if the human auditory system is an imperfect
receptor of sounds, then it is not true that every possible permutation of a
spoken language’s basic language sounds can be anunderstandable word.
If all of the statements above are true,which one of the following must also be true?
(A) Efficiency causes a spoken language tobe useful and redundancy causes it to be reliable.
(B) Neither efficiency nor redundancy can becompletely achieved in spoken language.
(C) If a spoken language were completelyredundant, then it could not be useful.
(D) If the human auditory system were aperfect receptor of sounds, then every permutation of language sounds would bean understandable word.
(E) If the human auditory system is animperfect receptor of sounds, then a spoken language cannot be completelyefficient.