2020已过半,今年的毕业季有些与众不同。近日YouTube为2020毕业生举办了一场大型线上毕业典礼,以美国前任总统奥巴马及夫人米歇尔为首的众多著名演讲者和歌手出席了本次毕业典礼。在冠状病毒大流行之际,这场时长4个多小时的“Dear Class of 2020”,旨在为今年毕业生致以祝贺,加以鼓励。多位嘉宾出席毕业典礼并发表演讲,其中包括奥巴马夫妇、比尔盖茨夫妇、谷歌CEO Sundar Pichai、防弹少年团、Lady Gaga、Taylor Swift、Mariah Carey、Beyonce、Billie Eilish、美国前国防部长Robert Gates等。
其中唐能译牛小编印象最深的是谷歌CEO桑达尔·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai,人称“劈柴哥”)发表的毕业典礼演讲,分享了他对这些即将步入社会的“后浪”们的建议,非常值得一看。以下是演讲视频及双语片段:
You will prevail!
The reason I know you’ll prevail is because so many others have done it
before you. A hundred years ago, the Class of 1920 graduated into the end of a deadly pandemic. Fifty years ago, the Class of 1970 graduated in the midst of the Vietnam War. And nearly 20 years ago, the Class of 2001 graduated just months before 9/11.
There are notable examples like this. They had to overcome new challenges, and in all cases they prevailed. The long arc of history tells us we have every reason to be hopeful.
So, be hopeful.
There’s an interesting trend I’ve noticed:It’s very conventional for every generation to underestimate the potential of the following one. It’s becausethey don’t realize that the progress of one generation becomes the
foundational premise for the next. And it takes a new set of people tocome along and realize all the possibilities.
I grew up without much access to technology. We didn’t get our first telephone til I was 10. I didn’t have regular access to a computer until I came to America for graduate school. And our television, when we finally got one, only had one channel. So imagine how awestruck I am today to be speaking to you on a platform that has millions of channels.
By contrast, you grew up with computers of all shapes and sizes. The ability to ask a computer anything, anywhere – the very thing I’ve spent my last decade working on – is not amazing to you. That’s OK, it doesn’t make me feel bad, it makes me hopeful!
There are probably things about technology that frustrate you and make you impatient. Don’t lose that impatience. It will create the next technology revolution and enable you to build things my generation could never dream of.
You may be just as frustrated by my generation’s approach to climate change, or education.Be impatient. It will create the progress the
world needs.
You will make the world better in your own way, even if you don’t know exactly how. The important thing is to be open-minded so that you can find what you love.
And I certainly wouldn’t be standing here speaking to you as Google’s CEO. Believe me, when I say I saw none of this coming when I first touched down in the state of California 27 years ago. The only thing that got me from there to here – other than luck – was a deep passion for technology and an open mind.
So take the time to find the thing that excites you more than anything
else in the world – not the thing your parents want you to do, or the thing
that all your friends are doing, or that society expects of you.
I know you’re getting a lot of advice today. So let me leave you with mine:Be open, be impatient, be hopeful.
If you can do that, history will remember the Class of 2020 not for what you lost, but for what you changed. You have the chance to change everything. I am optimistic you will.