- Passives
- Extraposition
- Existential Clauses
- It-cleft Constructions
- Pseudo-clefts
- Dislocation
- Preposing and postposing
- Reduction
It 做形式主语,主语被放到句子后面。
Existential Clauses
比如: There were two cupcakes in the refrigerator.
正式句:Two cupcakes were in the refrigerator.
其中有些句子没有对应的正式句,我们称为Bare existentials。比如 There was a fire.
It-cleft Constructions
- 1a. Non-clefted: Sue introduced Jim to Pat.
- 1b. It was Sue who introduced Jim to Pat.
- 1c. It was Jim who Sue introduced to Pat.
-1d. It was Pat who Sue introduced Jim to.