If it's meant to be,it will be.
"This is the law of jungle,as old and as true as the sky.The wolf that keeps it will prosper,but the wolf that breaks it will die.Like the creepers that girdles the tree trunk,the Law runneth over and back.For the strength of the Pack is the wolf,and the strength of the wolf is the Pack."本法则是森林法则,如上苍一般古老正确,遵循的狼将繁荣昌盛,违反的狼必招致灭绝,似匍匐植物缠绕树干,森林法则则也左右不宁。群体之力汇聚自孤狼,孤狼之力来源于群体。
The elephants created this Jungle.Where they made furrow with their tusks the rivers ran.Where they blew with their trunks,the leaves fell.They made all that belongs.The mountains,the trees,the birds in the trees.But they did not make you.That is why you must go.这是黑豹带人孩逃亡的时候,见到象群说的一段话。Bow your head.Show them respect.
3.老虎假装离开,突然回头,咬死了狼群首领。Have I got your attention now?
4.人孩救了小象后,棕熊告诉黑豹:What'd I tell you?He's special.黑豹说:I know he's special.I raised him.[一脸傲娇]