




“China Abstract ArtExhibition” Opens with Success in New York and Michigan


Part I、Press Release:


The Association ofChinese Americans (ACA) recently helped to co-host two showings of the “China Abstract ArtExhibition,” the first on May 14 at the United NationsHeadquarters in New York City and most recently on May 20 at the Grosse PointeWar Memorial in metro Detroit. Organizing the event with ACA was the ChinaAbstract Art Promotion Salon. The exhibit planning team included Chief CuratorYiying Ma, Exhibition Director Tao Liu, Art Directors Yiwei Wuai and Yuxing Xu,and Overall Planning Lead Joyce Li (ACA Executive Director).


The exhibitionfeatured Chinese abstract art spanning the last one-hundred years highlightingthe works of artists born between 1920 and 1998. The renowned Chineseabstract artist Yiying Ma [add in his background], chief curator of theexhibit, has gathered together art pieces for the exhibit from manyinternationally acclaimed artists, including: Teh-Chun Chu, Wou-Ki Zao, YouhanYu, Lu Ma, Ping Tan, Luding Meng, Liming Gu, Ye Xiao, Qingshi Liu, Zhigang Zhu,Yunrui Gu, Hailong Yuan, Shijun Weng, Yingqing Liu, Bo Liu, Yanlin Guo, XinguiXu, Jinhuan Zhou, Qi Chen, Wenxi Luo, Jufang Zhang, and Yukine Yanagi.



In his forward, ChiefCurator Ma wrote, “Even though abstract art was born out of Western art circles, theroots of abstract art are intrinsic to all ethnic groups. Inspired by WesternAbstract Art, Chinese Abstract Art has developed by leaps and bounds in thelast two decades. As the fundamental aesthetics in Chinese tradition coincidewith abstract art concepts, abstract art has won wide acknowledgement andexperienced rapid development in Chinese society. Today, Chinese Abstract Arthas become a driving force leading the overall development of abstract art onthe world stage.”

联合国展的开幕仪式上,展览总监刘陶发言说这次展览是以世界的高度思考中国艺术的未来。重要嘉宾有联合国儿童基金会创始人格洛丽亚(Gloria Starr Kins)勋爵,逐一点评作品,希望这次展览能够在纽约的其他地方再次展出,并表示这是一个非常美妙的夜晚;还有中国唯一富过15代的贝氏家族后人、贝聿铭的弟弟、美国太平洋贝氏规划设计中心董事长贝聿恺(KennethPei·President)先生说,作品非常精彩,希望有机会联手Gloria Starr Kins勋爵在纽约承办这个展览;更有中国北京联合国教科文组织协会(BJUNESCO)驻美国代表陈蕾蕾,原古根海姆博物馆中国当代艺术专家、原纽约苏富比副总裁张晓明女士及诸多纽约收藏家、艺术家、策展人也在被邀请之列……

During the opening ceremony at the United Nations exhibit, ExhibitionDirector Tao Liu said that the exhibition was a reflection of the future ofChinese art at the height of the world. Attending the event were many renownedguests, including Gloria Starr Kins, founding member of the United NationsChildren’sFund, who presented her evaluation on the pieces of art and expressed her greatsatisfaction at having such a marvelous event at the United Nations. Alsoattending was Kenneth Pei, President of PEI'S P&D and cousin of renownedChinese American architect I.M. Pei, saying that all works were reallywonderful and he hoped to have the opportunity to host this exhibition withGloria Starr Kins in New York. UNESCO Beijing representative Leilei Chen,modern Chinese artists from the Guggenheim Museum, Chairperson of Sotheby’s Ms. Xiaoming Zhang, and many New York based artists andcollectors.

密西根展重要嘉宾有美国韦恩州立大学终身教授陈康、林维仁、魏冠军,密西根大学教授陈玉宝,亚洲艺术收藏家Stuart & Barbara Hilbert,北美华商俱乐部主席缪云渠(JoeMiao),密西根亚太联盟主席Angela王蔚,美国密西根州顶级私人珠宝订制(edmund t ahee)高级珠宝镶嵌大师brett Michelle等。开幕仪式上,密西根美华协会会长Roland Hwang发言对各位嘉宾表示衷心的欢迎;两次展览的统筹,美华协会执行主任李一红介绍说这是协会今年举办的第四场艺术类活动,旨在向美国主流社会展示中国抽象艺术,促进各族裔以及中美文化的交流。开幕仪式中,底特律交响乐团小提琴大师吴海昕和美国韦恩州立大学教授张金生进行现场表演;参展艺术家之一,久居密西根的刘影青女士就抽象艺术和文化交流做了简明陈述。开幕仪式后,嘉宾们进入了自由欣赏时段,在历史悠久的建筑里一边欣赏画作一边享受密西根湖畔风光。

Distinguished guestsincluded Wayne State University Professor Kang Chen, Weiren Lin, Guanjun Wei,University of Michigan Professor Yubao Chen, Asian art collectors Stuart andBarbara Hilbert, North American Chinese Business Club Chairman Joe Miao,Michigan Asia Pacific Alliance Chairman Angela Wang Wei, prestigious Michiganjeweler Edmund T. Ahee, and mosaic artist Brett Mitchell.The Michigan exhibitionon May 20 kicked off with Association of Chinese Americans President RolandHwang offering welcoming remarks, which was followed by ACA Executive DirectorJoyce Li explaining the event purpose: to encourage cultural exchange andprovide opportunities to engage with Chinese culture and art. As the third suchevent this year, it is part of the renewed emphasis ACA is placing on AsianAmerican cultural events in Metro Detroit. The opening ceremony also includedtwo musical performances, a violin solo performed by Hai Xin Wu, FirstViolinist of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, as well as a vocal opera solo byWayne State University Professor Jinsheng Zhang. In addition, participatingartist and Michigan resident Yinqing Liu spoke on the significance of abstractart and cultural exchange. Closing the ceremony, ACA board members presentedYiying Ma and Yinqing Liu with certificates of appreciation for their hard workin bringing the exhibit to Michigan.The exhibit remained open for the afternoonfor visitors to browse the art pieces and enjoy the beautiful architecture andlakeside gardens of the building’s historic grounds.This exhibition is an effort tocontribute to the further development of Chinese abstract art, and tostrengthen the exchange among various ethnic groups and Sino-US culturalexchanges.




I. United NationsExhibition:


A. Inside and outsidethe exhibition hall:


B. Host:


Lin Pengyuan, formerDepartment of English, Tsinghua University and present Master of ArtManagement, Columbia University.


C. DistinguishedGuests:

联合国儿童基金会创始人格洛丽亚(GloriaStarr Kins)勋爵逐一点评作品

Gloria Starr Kins,founding member of the United Nations Children’s Fund, presented her evaluation on thepieces of art.


Kenneth Pei,President of PEI'S P&D and cousin of renowned Chinese American architect I.M.Pei, gave a speech.


D. Opening ceremony:


E. Exhibition site:


II. MichiganExhibition


A. Inside and outside the exhibition hall:


B. Host:


Michigan ChadWestra,Public Relations Specialist, Association of Chinese Americans,Michigan.


C. Distinguished guests:


Wayne State University Professor Kang Chen, Weiren Lin, Guanjun Wei

美国密西根州顶级私人珠宝订制(edmund t ahee)高级珠宝镶嵌大师brett Michelle等

Prestigious Michigan jeweler Edmund T. Ahee, and mosaic artist BrettMitchell


D. Opening ceremony:


E. Exhibition site:


Part III、Artists' ParticipatingWorks and Resume:


Two differentexhibition halls, two different presentation methods:


Exhibition Hall A:


Yu Youhan: Born inShanghai in 1943, he graduated from the Central Academy of Art and Design in1973. In recent years, he has been active in the international art scene as oneof China’spioneer artistic figures. He has influenced the history of contemporary Chineseart, participating in developments such as the 85’ ArtisticNew Trend and Political Pops in the 1990s. Currently residing in Shanghai, YuYouhan is one of China’s most important abstractpainters.


Ma Lu: One of China’s most prominentcontemporary painters, Ma Lu graduated from the Oil Painting Department ofCentral Academy of Fine Arts in 1982; and graduated from Germany’s University of Fine Arts of Hamburg’sLiberal Arts Department in 1984. He currently holds positions as a professor inChina’s Central Academy of Fine Arts in the OilPainting Department and is Dean of the Styling Department. His awards andhonors include: candidate for the Wu Zuoren Plastic Arts Art Award (2006);selected into the Ministry of Education’s New CenturyTalent Excellence Support Program (2008); and he received Artistic ContributionAward at the World Conference of Aesthetics (2010). His work “Butterfly Crossing over the Ocean” becamethe pioneer work for China’s Neo-Expressionism, usingneo-expressionist art to record China’s most upset andconfused era.


Tan Ping: Tan Pingwas born in Chengde City of Hebei Province in 1960. He obtained his bachelor’s degree from thePrint-making Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1984. Aftergraduation, he worked as an instructor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts from1984 to 1989. Under the German Culture and Art Exchange Scholarship (DAAD), MaLu studied in the Free Painting Department of Berlin University of the Arts toobtain his Master’s degree and Meisterschule degreesfrom 1989 to 1994. Afterwards, he served as Dean and Professor of the DesignDepartment of China’s Central Academy of Fine Arts from2002 to 2003. He became the Vice Dean and Professor of the Central Academy ofFine Arts in 2003, serving in this role until 2014 when he became the Vice-Deanof the China Art Research Institute in 2014. Tan Ping is a leadingrepresentative of China’s abstract art movement.

孟禄丁:1962年出生于河北。北京人。1979-1983年就读于中央美术学院附中;1983-1987年就读于中央美术学院油画系,毕业后留校任教于中央美术学院油画系第四画室;1990 就读于德国卡斯鲁赫国立美术学院;1992年移居美国;1993年任教于美国理德学院。现定居北京。孟禄丁是二十世纪?9?3十年代的代表画家之一,作品《在新时代·亚当夏娃的启》作为85美术运动的开篇之作被记载史册。2015年起开创中央美术学院油画系第五工作室,此工作室为中国第一个抽象艺术工作室。孟禄丁是中国抽象艺术的主要代表人物之一。

Meng Luding: MengLuding, from Beijing, was born in Hebei Province in 1962. He studied at theAttached Middle School of the Central Academy of Fine Arts from 1979 to 1983,then studying in the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of FineArts from 1983 to 1987. After graduation, he taught at the Fourth Studio of theOil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 1990, hestudied in Germany at the Karlsruhe National Academy of Fine Arts, later movingto America in 1993 where he taught at Reed College. He currently resides inBeijing. Meng Luding’s work is representative of Chinese artists from the 1980s. Hiswork, “In the New Age: The Enlightenment of Adam andEve,” has been recorded as an opening work of the 85Art Movement in China. Meng Luding set up the Fifth Studio of the Oil PaintingDepartment of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2015, which became China’s first abstract art studio. Meng Luding is one of the majorrepresentative artists of China’s abstract art.


Gu Liming: Born in Weifang,Shandong in 1963, Gu Liming has taught at Shandong College of Arts and theChina Academy of Art. In 2009, he received a Ph.D. in oil painting from theChina Academy of Art. He currently serves as a professor and doctoral tutor atTsinghua University’s Department of Painting in the Academy of Arts & Design.


Xiao Ye: A currentresident in Changsha, China, Xiao Ye is a member of the Chinese ArtistsAssociation. He graduated with an Ornamental Sculpture major from TsinghuaUniversity’sAcademy of Arts & Design.


Gu Yunrui: Born inQiqihar, Heilongjiang in 1964, he graduated from the Department of MuralPainting at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1988. His awards and honorsinclude: received Academic Year Award by the Central Academy of Fine Arts in1985; the Excellent Work Award of the 9th National Fine Arts Exhibition in1999; the Second National Mural Painting Exhibition Award in 2009; and theNational Environmental Art Design Competition Gold Award in 2009. Gu Yunruicurrently lives in Beijing.


Yuan Hailong: Born inJinan, Shandong in 1965, he serves as the Director of the Shandong ArtistsAssociation, Vice Chairman of the Shandong Comic Association, Dean of JinanYongquan Academy, and also works as a professional artist.

翁世军:1965年出生于浙江宁波。1989年毕业于原中央工艺美术学院。现定居宁波。职业艺术家、设计师、中国建筑学会室内设计理事。曾荣获2015IEED国际生态设计空间奖、2016法国双面神INNODESIGN PRIZE国际设计大奖、2018年中日首届IDPA国际先锋设计和TOP100国际影响力设计师大奖等。

Weng Shijun: Born inNingbo, Zhejiang in 1965, he graduated from the former Central Academy of Artsand Design in 1989. Today, he lives in Ningbo and serves as a professionalartist, designer, and the Director of Interior Design of the ArchitecturalSociety of China. He has won the 2015 IEED Award, the 2016 French INNODESIGNPRIZE, the first China-Japan IDPA Award, and received recognition as a TOP 100Internationally Influential Designer in 2018.

刘影青:美籍华人艺术家。现居美国。毕业于原中央工艺美术学院陶艺系、美国克兰博克(CRANBROOK )艺术学院金属工艺、现代首饰设计系(硕士)。作品曾在中国工艺美术馆、美国克兰博克博物馆、日本恩巴近现代美术馆等重要美术馆展出并收藏。

Liu Yingqing: Liu Yingqing is a professional artist living in the UnitedStates. She graduated from the Department of Ceramic Arts at the former CentralAcademy of Art and Design, as well as the Department of Metal Crafts and theDepartment of Modern Jewelry Design (Master's Degree) at Cranbrook College ofArt in Michigan. Her works have been exhibited and collected by major museumssuch as the China Arts and Crafts Gallery, Cranbrook Art Museum (UnitedStates), and the Emba-China Modern Art Museum (Japan).


Liu Bo: Liu Bograduated from the Academy of Arts & Design at Tsinghua University. He isthe Dean of the Beijing CAFA Boyi Arts Art Institute, a Visiting Professor atthe Central Academy of Fine Arts, and Deputy Secretary-General of the SculptureCommittee of the China Arts and Crafts Association.


Exhibition Hall B:


Chu Teh-chun (May 22, 1920 to March 26, 2014): Born in Xiaoxian, AnhuiProvince. In 1941, he graduated from Hangzhou National College of Art(present-day China Academy of Art). He settled in Paris in 1955 and became anaturalized French citizen in 1980. In 1997, he was elected as a lifetimeacademy member (the first Chinese academy member) in the School of Arts,L'Institut de France. One of present day China’s most famous artists, he has held morethan 50 solo exhibitions around the world.


Zao Wou-ki: (February 13, 1921 to April 9, 2013): a Chinese Frenchpainter. Born in Beijing, China. In 1935, he entered Hangzhou National Collegeof Art under the guidance of Lin Fengmian. In 1948, he went to France to study,subsequently settling there and becoming known as the 'representative ofmodern Western lyrical abstractionism'. He served as a lifetime painter atthe Art Gallery of France and a professor at the National Academy of DecorativeArts in Paris, also receiving the Knight's Cross of France. He has held morethan 160 solo exhibitions around the world.


Zhu Zhigang: Born in Wuhan, Hubei in 1960, Zhu Zhigang graduated from theArt Department of Wuxi Light Industry College in 1985. Now he is the presidentof the Jiangnan Oil Paint and Sculpture Institute and Associate Professor inthe Public Art Department at Jiangnan University. His work is representative ofthe “WarmAbstract” field.


Zhou Xi: Born inHunan in 1969 and a graduate of the Department of Chinese Painting at theCentral Academy of Fine Arts, he serves as a member of the Hunan ArtistsAssociation and is a professional artist. He currently lives and works in HongKong and Hunan.


Guo Yanlin: Aprofessional artist born in Lanzhou, China, Guo Yanlin graduated from Xi’an Peihua College, astudent in the Department of Fine Arts. After graduation, he went to the KyotoCheng'an University of Modeling in Japan to study computer multimedia design.His graduation works were exhibited at the Kyoto Art Museum. After returning toChina, he remained as a lecturer in the Art Department of the Art Institute.


Xu Xingui: Born inShiyan, Hubei in 1976, Xu Xingui graduated from the Department of Oil Paintingat the Hubei Academy of Fine Arts in 2002. In 2006, he graduated from CapitalNormal University with a Master's degree in oil painting. He has served as apart-time guest professor at Hanjiang Normal University and is now living andworking in Beijing, Wuhan, and Shiyan with a focus on oil and tempera painting.


Zhou Jinhuan: Born inHunan in 1977, Zhou Jinhuan is a 2000 graduate of the College of Art and Designat Shenzhen University. He works as a professional artist in Tongren andShenzhen.

陈琦:1979年出生于北京。1999年毕业于中央美术学院附中;2003年毕业于清华大学美术学院绘画系获文学学士学位;2006年毕业于爱丁堡大学艺术学院纯艺术专业获文学硕士学位,获The Helen A.Rose Bequest毕业奖学金。曾任教于中央美术学院附中,担任国际部主任、校务委员会委员;现任中央美术学院城市设计学院教育推广与合作中心主任、院务委员会委员。

Chen Qi: Born in 1979in Beijing. He graduated from the middle school affiliated to the CentralAcademy of Fine Arts in 1999. He graduated from the Department of Painting’s Academy of Arts &Design at Tsinghua University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2003 andobtained a Master’s degree in fine arts from theCollege of Arts at the University of Edinburgh with Helen A. Rose scholarshipin 2006. He has taught at the middle school affiliated to the Central Academyof Fine Arts and served as director of the International Department and memberof the School Administration Committee. Now he serves as director of the Centerfor Educational Promotion and Cooperation at the Central Academy of Fine Arts’ School of Urban Planning. He is also a member of the School AdministrationCommittee.


Luo Wenxi: Born inHunan in 1979, he graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute’s Department of Film andTelevision in 2008. He lives in Chongqing and serves as a member of theChongqing Artists Association and as a freelance artist.


Zhang Jufang:Of Tujia ethnicity, Zhang Jufang was born in Guangxi in 1984. She studiedat West Virginia University in America in 2010 and received a Master of Artsdegree. She has been a visiting artist at the Rochester Institute of Civil Artsin New York. Now she is teaching at the Department of Arts in the School ofHumanities at Xi'an Jiaotong University.


Yukine Yanagi (b.1998)is a Japanese-born-Chinese painter who is currently pursuing her Bachelor ofFine Arts (BFA)degree in Painting, at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD).


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来自:林泉之智> 《五,前卫艺术思潮》举报




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西安美术学院(Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts)



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