



为此心理学家Sell提出了愤怒标定理论 ( The Recal-ibrational Theory of Anger),个体愤怒的产生源于对方的获利行为丝毫不在意会对你的权利造成侵犯。




策略二:撤销或降低对方可以从自己身上获得的潜在收益 ( 如在对方需要同他人合作才能顺利完成的一项任务中拒绝与其合作) 。



@interface UITableView : UIScrollView <NSCoding>
Displays hierarchical lists of information and supports selection and editing of the information.

A table view displays a list of items in a single column. UITableView is a subclass of UIScrollView, which allows users to scroll through the table, although UITableView allows vertical scrolling only. The cells comprising the individual items of the table are UITableViewCell objects; UITableView uses these objects to draw the visible rows of the table. Cells have content—titles and images—and can have, near the right edge, accessory views. Standard accessory views are disclosure indicators or detail disclosure buttons; the former leads to the next level in a data hierarchy and the latter leads to a detailed view of a selected item. Accessory views can also be framework controls, such as switches and sliders, or can be custom views. Table views can enter an editing mode where users can insert, delete, and reorder rows of the table.
tableView在单列中显示项目列表。UITableView是UIScrollView的子类,允许用户滚动table,但是UITableViwe仅允许垂直滚动。table中包含的各个cell是UITableViewCell对象。UITableView使用这些对象来绘制table的可见cell。cell的内容有titile和image,并且在右边缘的旁边可以有一个accessoryView。标准的accessoryView是disclosureIndicators 或 detailDisclosure 按钮;前者表示到数据层次的下一级,后者表示到所选到详细视图。accessoryView也可以是框架控件,例如switch和slider或自定义view。tableView能进入编辑模式,用户可以对cell进行插入删除和重新排序的操作。

A table view is made up of zero or more sections, each with its own rows. Sections are identified by their index number within the table view, and rows are identified by their index number within a section. Any section can optionally be preceded by a section header, and optionally be followed by a section footer.

Table views can have one of two styles, UITableViewStylePlain and UITableViewStyleGrouped. When you create a UITableView instance you must specify a table style, and this style cannot be changed. In the plain style, section headers and footers float above the content if the part of a complete section is visible. A table view can have an index that appears as a bar on the right hand side of the table (for example, "A" through "Z"). You can touch a particular label to jump to the target section. The grouped style of table view provides a default background color and a default background view for all cells. The background view provides a visual grouping for all cells in a particular section. For example, one group could be a person's name and title, another group for phone numbers that the person uses, and another group for email accounts and so on. See the Settings application for examples of grouped tables. Table views in the grouped style cannot have an index.
tableView可以有 UITableViewStylePlain 和 UITableViewStyleGrouped两种样式中的一种。当你创建一个tableView实例的时候,你必须指定table的样式,并且在创建之后这个样式不能修改。在Plian样式中,如果能看见完整section的一部分, 则section的header和footer会悬浮于内容上方。tableView可以有一个索引以栏的形式出现在table的右手边(例如“A“~”Z”)。你可以触摸特定定标签跳到目标section。一个Group样式的table为所有的cell提供默认的背景颜色和背景视图。背景视图为特定section中的所有cell提供可视分组。例如一组是一个人的名字和标题,另一组是这个人使用的一组电话号码,另一个组是email用户等等。有关Group样式的table示例,你可以参阅手机中的设置程序。Group样式的tableview不能有索引栏。

Many methods of UITableView take NSIndexPath objects as parameters and return values. UITableView declares a category on NSIndexPath that enables you to get the represented row index (row property) and section index (section property), and to construct an index path from a given row index and section index (indexPathForRow:inSection: method). Especially in table views with multiple sections, you must evaluate the section index before identifying a row by its index number.
许多UITableView方法以NSIndexPath对象作为参数,并且返回值。UITableView在NSIndexPath上声明一个分类,它使你可以获取当前row索引(row 属性)和section索引(seciton 属性),并且从给定的row索引和seciton索引构造indexPath(indexPathForRow:inSection: method)。特别是在具有多个section的table中,你必须首先评估section索引,然后再通过其索引标识row。

A UITableView object must have an object that acts as a data source and an object that acts as a delegate; typically these objects are either the application delegate or, more frequently, a custom UITableViewController object. The data source must adopt the UITableViewDataSource protocol and the delegate must adopt the UITableViewDelegate protocol. The data source provides information that UITableView needs to construct tables and manages the data model when rows of a table are inserted, deleted, or reordered. The delegate manages table row configuration and selection, row reordering, highlighting, accessory views, and editing operations.

When sent a setEditing:animated: message (with a first parameter of YES), the table view enters into editing mode where it shows the editing or reordering controls of each visible row, depending on the editingStyle of each associated UITableViewCell. Clicking on the insertion or deletion control causes the data source to receive a tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath: message. You commit a deletion or insertion by calling deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation: or insertRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:, as appropriate. Also in editing mode, if a table-view cell has its showsReorderControl property set to YES, the data source receives a tableView:moveRowAtIndexPath:toIndexPath: message. The data source can selectively remove the reordering control for cells by implementing tableView:canMoveRowAtIndexPath:.
当发送setEditing:animated:消息(第一个参数为YES)时,tableView进入编辑模式,根据各个关联的UITableViewCell的editingStyle,显示每个可见cell的编辑或重新排序控件。点击插入或删除控件将导致数据源接收到tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath: 消息。通过调用deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation: 或 insertRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:方法, 你可以提交删除和插入的操作。
同样在编辑模式下,如果tableViewCell设置了showsReorderControl为YES,则数据源会收到tableView:moveRowAtIndexPath:toIndexPath: 消息。数据源通过实现tableView:canMoveRowAtIndexPath:,可以有选择地删除cell的重新排序控件。

UITableView caches table-view cells for visible rows. You can create custom UITableViewCell objects with content or behavioral characteristics that are different than the default cells; A Closer Look at Table View Cells explains how.
UITableView overrides the layoutSubviews method of UIView so that it calls reloadData only when you create a new instance of UITableView or when you assign a new data source. Reloading the table view clears current state, including the current selection. However, if you explicitly call reloadData, it clears this state and any subsequent direct or indirect call to layoutSubviews does not trigger a reload.

For information about basic view behaviors, see View Programming Guide for iOS.

-(instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame style:(UITableViewStyle)style;

Initializes and returns a table view object having the given frame and style.
You must specify the style of a table view when you create it and you cannot thereafter modify the style. If you initialize the table view with the UIView method initWithFrame:, the UITableViewStylePlain style is used as a default.
A rectangle specifying the initial location and size of the table view in its superview’s coordinates. The frame of the table view changes as table cells are added and deleted.
A constant that specifies the style of the table view. See UITableViewStyle for descriptions of valid constants.
Returns an initialized UITableView object.
Availability iOS (2.0 and later), tvOS (9.0 and later)


A table view whose sections present distinct groups of rows. The section headers and footers do not float.
Availability iOS (2.0 and later), tvOS (9.0 and later)


A plain table view. Any section headers or footers are displayed as inline separators and float when the table view is scrolled.
Availability iOS (2.0 and later), tvOS (9.0 and later)

@property(nonatomic) CGFloat sectionHeaderHeight;
tableView中section的Header的高度,此值为非负值,在代理方法tableView:heightForHeaderInSection: 没有实现的时候才起作用,如果没有设置该值,则返回默认值。

The height of section headers in the table view.
This nonnegative value is used only if the delegate doesn’t implement the tableView:heightForHeaderInSection: method.
Availability iOS (2.0 and later), tvOS (9.0 and later)
/ / will return the default value if unset

@property(nonatomic) CGFloat sectionFooterHeight;
tableView中section的Footer的高度,此值为非负值,在tableview的样式为UITableViewStyleGroup,并且代理方法tableView:heightForFooterInSection: 没有实现的时候才起作用,如果没有设置该值,则返回默认值。

The height of section footers in the table view.
This nonnegative value is used only in section group tables and only if the delegate doesn't implement the tableView:heightForFooterInSection: method.
Availability iOS (2.0 and later), tvOS (9.0 and later)
/ / will return the default value if unset

@property(nonatomic, strong) UIView *tableHeaderView;

Returns an accessory view that is displayed above the table.
The default value is nil. The table header view is different from a section header.
Availability iOS (2.0 and later), tvOS (9.0 and later)

@property(nonatomic, strong) UIView *tableFooterView;

Returns an accessory view that is displayed below the table.
The default value is nil. The table footer view is different from a section footer.
Availability iOS (2.0 and later), tvOS (9.0 and later)

-(CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section;

Asks the delegate for the height to use for the header of a particular section.
This method allows the delegate to specify section headers with varying heights.
The table-view object requesting this information.
An index number identifying a section of tableView .
A nonnegative floating-point value that specifies the height (in points) of the header for section.
Availability iOS (2.0 and later), tvOS (9.0 and later)

-(CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForFooterInSection:(NSInteger)section;

Asks the delegate for the height to use for the footer of a particular section.
This method allows the delegate to specify section footers with varying heights. The table view does not call this method if it was created in a plain style (UITableViewStylePlain).
The table-view object requesting this information.
An index number identifying a section of tableView .
A nonnegative floating-point value that specifies the height (in points) of the footer for section.
Availability iOS (2.0 and later), tvOS (9.0 and later)

tableView: viewForHeaderInSection:
tableView: viewForFooterInSection:
返回section的Header和footer,将会被调整到默认或指定的高度。 当你同时实现了该方法和标题的方法,则该方法优于标题方法

custom view for header. will be adjusted to default or specified header height
custom view for footer. will be adjusted to default or specified footer height
Section header & footer information. Views are preferred over title should you decide to provide both

-(UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section;
调用代理方法:显示指定section的header,返回的对象可以是UILabel或UIImageView,也可以是自定义视图。此方法只有在实现了tableView:heightForHeaderInSection: 时才起作用。

Asks the delegate for a view object to display in the header of the specified section of the table view.
The returned object can be a UILabel or UIImageView object, as well as a custom view. This method only works correctly when tableView:heightForHeaderInSection: is also implemented.
The table-view object asking for the view object.
An index number identifying a section of tableView .
A view object to be displayed in the header of section .
Availability iOS (2.0 and later), tvOS (9.0 and later)

-(UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForFooterInSection:(NSInteger)section;
调用代理方法:显示指定section的footer,返回的对象可以是UILabel或UIImageView,也可以是自定义视图。此方法只有在实现了 tableView:heightForFooterInSection: 时才起作用。

Asks the delegate for a view object to display in the footer of the specified section of the table view.
The returned object can be a UILabel or UIImageView object, as well as a custom view. This method only works correctly when tableView:heightForFooterInSection: is also implemented.
The table-view object asking for the view object.
An index number identifying a section of tableView .
A view object to be displayed in the footer of section .
Availability iOS (2.0 and later), tvOS (9.0 and later)

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