
webrtc实现了一个在不同平台下都可以稳定获取时间的Clock模块, 单例模式, 有学习价值.


class Clock {
  virtual ~Clock() {}
  virtual Timestamp CurrentTime() = 0;
  virtual NtpTime CurrentNtpTime();
  virtual NtpTime ConvertTimestampToNtpTime(Timestamp timestamp) = 0;
  int64_t TimeInMilliseconds();
  int64_t TimeInMicroseconds();
  int64_t CurrentNtpInMilliseconds();
  int64_t ConvertTimestampToNtpTimeInMilliseconds(int64_t timestamp_ms);
  static Clock* GetRealTimeClock();


Clock* Clock::GetRealTimeClock() {
#if defined(WINUWP)
  static Clock* const clock = new WinUwpRealTimeClock();
#elif defined(WEBRTC_WIN)
  static Clock* const clock = new WindowsRealTimeClock();
#elif defined(WEBRTC_POSIX)
  static Clock* const clock = new UnixRealTimeClock();
  static Clock* const clock = nullptr;
  return clock;

那么实现以上这个static Clock, 想到了三种写法:

//static clock* clock = nullptr
Clock* Clock::GetTimeClock(const ClockType type)
    static Clock* clock = nullptr;

    switch (type) {
        case ClockType::WinClock:
            clock = new WinClock();
            return clock;
        case ClockType::LinuxClock:
            clock = new LinuxClock();
            return clock;
    return nullptr;

// static Clocl clock = XXXClock
Clock* Clock::GetTimeClock(const ClockType type)
    if(type == ClockType::WinClock) {
        static Clock clock = WinClock();
        return &clock;
    }else if(type == ClockType::LinuxClock) {
        static Clock clock = LinuxClock();
        return &clock;
    }else {
        return nullptr;

// static Clock* clock = new XXXClock
Clock* Clock::GetTimeClock(const ClockType type)
  if (type == ClockType::WinClock) {
    static Clock* clock = new WinClock();
    return clock;
  else if (type == ClockType::LinuxClock) {
    static Clock* clock = new LinuxClock();
    return clock;
  else {
    return nullptr;


第一种写法不能保证单例, 并没有把生成的对象放到堆上去.

第二种生成的对象被放到了全局数据区, 可以不用delete数据, 生命周期随程序走, 会自动释放内存, 没有办法提前释放内存占用,

第三种被放到了堆区, 需要调用delete, 但是如果单例生命周期也是跟着程序走的, 也不需要调delete. 一般谨慎调用delete.


Clock* clock = Clock::GetRealTimeClock();

Clock* const clock_;

初始化列表: clock_(clock)

const auto now_ms =  clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();



 *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.


#include <stdint.h>

#include <atomic>
#include <memory>

#include "api/units/timestamp.h"
#include "rtc_base/system/rtc_export.h"
#include "system_wrappers/include/ntp_time.h"

namespace webrtc {

// January 1970, in NTP seconds.
const uint32_t kNtpJan1970 = 2208988800UL;

// Magic NTP fractional unit.
const double kMagicNtpFractionalUnit = 4.294967296E+9;

// A clock interface that allows reading of absolute and relative timestamps.
class RTC_EXPORT Clock {
  virtual ~Clock() {}

  // Return a timestamp relative to an unspecified epoch.
  virtual Timestamp CurrentTime() = 0;
  int64_t TimeInMilliseconds() { return CurrentTime().ms(); }
  int64_t TimeInMicroseconds() { return CurrentTime().us(); }

  // Retrieve an NTP absolute timestamp (with an epoch of Jan 1, 1900).
  // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/11327): Make this non-virtual once
  // "WebRTC-SystemIndependentNtpTimeKillSwitch" is removed.
  virtual NtpTime CurrentNtpTime() {
    return ConvertTimestampToNtpTime(CurrentTime());
  int64_t CurrentNtpInMilliseconds() { return CurrentNtpTime().ToMs(); }

  // Converts between a relative timestamp returned by this clock, to NTP time.
  virtual NtpTime ConvertTimestampToNtpTime(Timestamp timestamp) = 0;
  int64_t ConvertTimestampToNtpTimeInMilliseconds(int64_t timestamp_ms) {
    return ConvertTimestampToNtpTime(Timestamp::Millis(timestamp_ms)).ToMs();

  // Returns an instance of the real-time system clock implementation.
  static Clock* GetRealTimeClock();

class SimulatedClock : public Clock {
  // The constructors assume an epoch of Jan 1, 1970.
  explicit SimulatedClock(int64_t initial_time_us);
  explicit SimulatedClock(Timestamp initial_time);
  ~SimulatedClock() override;

  // Return a timestamp with an epoch of Jan 1, 1970.
  Timestamp CurrentTime() override;

  NtpTime ConvertTimestampToNtpTime(Timestamp timestamp) override;

  // Advance the simulated clock with a given number of milliseconds or
  // microseconds.
  void AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(int64_t milliseconds);
  void AdvanceTimeMicroseconds(int64_t microseconds);
  void AdvanceTime(TimeDelta delta);

  // The time is read and incremented with relaxed order. Each thread will see
  // monotonically increasing time, and when threads post tasks or messages to
  // one another, the synchronization done as part of the message passing should
  // ensure that any causual chain of events on multiple threads also
  // corresponds to monotonically increasing time.
  std::atomic<int64_t> time_us_;

}  // namespace webrtc



 *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.

#include "system_wrappers/include/clock.h"

#include "system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h"

#if defined(WEBRTC_WIN)

// Windows needs to be included before mmsystem.h
#include "rtc_base/win32.h"

#include <mmsystem.h>

#elif defined(WEBRTC_POSIX)

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>

#endif  // defined(WEBRTC_POSIX)

#include "rtc_base/synchronization/mutex.h"
#include "rtc_base/time_utils.h"

namespace webrtc {
namespace {

int64_t NtpOffsetUsCalledOnce() {
  constexpr int64_t kNtpJan1970Sec = 2208988800;
  int64_t clock_time = rtc::TimeMicros();
  int64_t utc_time = rtc::TimeUTCMicros();
  return utc_time - clock_time + kNtpJan1970Sec * rtc::kNumMicrosecsPerSec;

NtpTime TimeMicrosToNtp(int64_t time_us) {
  static int64_t ntp_offset_us = NtpOffsetUsCalledOnce();

  int64_t time_ntp_us = time_us + ntp_offset_us;
  RTC_DCHECK_GE(time_ntp_us, 0);  // Time before year 1900 is unsupported.

  // Convert seconds to uint32 through uint64 for a well-defined cast.
  // A wrap around, which will happen in 2036, is expected for NTP time.
  uint32_t ntp_seconds =
      static_cast<uint64_t>(time_ntp_us / rtc::kNumMicrosecsPerSec);

  // Scale fractions of the second to NTP resolution.
  constexpr int64_t kNtpFractionsInSecond = 1LL << 32;
  int64_t us_fractions = time_ntp_us % rtc::kNumMicrosecsPerSec;
  uint32_t ntp_fractions =
      us_fractions * kNtpFractionsInSecond / rtc::kNumMicrosecsPerSec;

  return NtpTime(ntp_seconds, ntp_fractions);

void GetSecondsAndFraction(const timeval& time,
                           uint32_t* seconds,
                           double* fraction) {
  *seconds = time.tv_sec + kNtpJan1970;
  *fraction = time.tv_usec / 1e6;

  while (*fraction >= 1) {
  while (*fraction < 0) {

}  // namespace

class RealTimeClock : public Clock {
      : use_system_independent_ntp_time_(!field_trial::IsEnabled(
            "WebRTC-SystemIndependentNtpTimeKillSwitch")) {}

  Timestamp CurrentTime() override {
    return Timestamp::Micros(rtc::TimeMicros());

  NtpTime CurrentNtpTime() override {
    return use_system_independent_ntp_time_ ? TimeMicrosToNtp(rtc::TimeMicros())
                                            : SystemDependentNtpTime();

  NtpTime ConvertTimestampToNtpTime(Timestamp timestamp) override {
    // This method does not check `use_system_independent_ntp_time_` because
    // all callers never used the old behavior of `CurrentNtpTime`.
    return TimeMicrosToNtp(timestamp.us());

  virtual timeval CurrentTimeVal() = 0;

  NtpTime SystemDependentNtpTime() {
    uint32_t seconds;
    double fraction;
    GetSecondsAndFraction(CurrentTimeVal(), &seconds, &fraction);

    return NtpTime(seconds, static_cast<uint32_t>(
                                fraction * kMagicNtpFractionalUnit + 0.5));

  bool use_system_independent_ntp_time_;

#if defined(WINUWP)
class WinUwpRealTimeClock final : public RealTimeClock {
  WinUwpRealTimeClock() = default;
  ~WinUwpRealTimeClock() override {}

  timeval CurrentTimeVal() override {
    // The rtc::WinUwpSystemTimeNanos() method is already time offset from a
    // base epoch value and might as be synchronized against an NTP time server
    // as an added bonus.
    auto nanos = rtc::WinUwpSystemTimeNanos();

    struct timeval tv;

    tv.tv_sec = rtc::dchecked_cast<long>(nanos / 1000000000);
    tv.tv_usec = rtc::dchecked_cast<long>(nanos / 1000);

    return tv;

#elif defined(WEBRTC_WIN)
// TODO(pbos): Consider modifying the implementation to synchronize itself
// against system time (update ref_point_) periodically to
// prevent clock drift.
class WindowsRealTimeClock : public RealTimeClock {
      : last_time_ms_(0),
        ref_point_(GetSystemReferencePoint()) {}

  ~WindowsRealTimeClock() override {}

  struct ReferencePoint {
    FILETIME file_time;
    LARGE_INTEGER counter_ms;

  timeval CurrentTimeVal() override {
    const uint64_t FILETIME_1970 = 0x019db1ded53e8000;

    FILETIME StartTime;
    uint64_t Time;
    struct timeval tv;

    // We can't use query performance counter since they can change depending on
    // speed stepping.

    Time = (((uint64_t)StartTime.dwHighDateTime) << 32) +

    // Convert the hecto-nano second time to tv format.
    Time -= FILETIME_1970;

    tv.tv_sec = (uint32_t)(Time / (uint64_t)10000000);
    tv.tv_usec = (uint32_t)((Time % (uint64_t)10000000) / 10);
    return tv;

  void GetTime(FILETIME* current_time) {
    DWORD t;
    LARGE_INTEGER elapsed_ms;
      MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
      // time MUST be fetched inside the critical section to avoid non-monotonic
      // last_time_ms_ values that'll register as incorrect wraparounds due to
      // concurrent calls to GetTime.
      t = timeGetTime();
      if (t < last_time_ms_)
      last_time_ms_ = t;
      elapsed_ms.HighPart = num_timer_wraps_;
    elapsed_ms.LowPart = t;
    elapsed_ms.QuadPart = elapsed_ms.QuadPart - ref_point_.counter_ms.QuadPart;

    // Translate to 100-nanoseconds intervals (FILETIME resolution)
    // and add to reference FILETIME to get current FILETIME.
    ULARGE_INTEGER filetime_ref_as_ul;
    filetime_ref_as_ul.HighPart = ref_point_.file_time.dwHighDateTime;
    filetime_ref_as_ul.LowPart = ref_point_.file_time.dwLowDateTime;
    filetime_ref_as_ul.QuadPart +=
        static_cast<ULONGLONG>((elapsed_ms.QuadPart) * 1000 * 10);

    // Copy to result
    current_time->dwHighDateTime = filetime_ref_as_ul.HighPart;
    current_time->dwLowDateTime = filetime_ref_as_ul.LowPart;

  static ReferencePoint GetSystemReferencePoint() {
    ReferencePoint ref = {};
    FILETIME ft0 = {};
    FILETIME ft1 = {};
    // Spin waiting for a change in system time. As soon as this change happens,
    // get the matching call for timeGetTime() as soon as possible. This is
    // assumed to be the most accurate offset that we can get between
    // timeGetTime() and system time.

    // Set timer accuracy to 1 ms.
    do {

      ref.counter_ms.QuadPart = timeGetTime();
    } while ((ft0.dwHighDateTime == ft1.dwHighDateTime) &&
             (ft0.dwLowDateTime == ft1.dwLowDateTime));
    ref.file_time = ft1;
    return ref;

  Mutex mutex_;
  DWORD last_time_ms_;
  LONG num_timer_wraps_;
  const ReferencePoint ref_point_;

#elif defined(WEBRTC_POSIX)
class UnixRealTimeClock : public RealTimeClock {
  UnixRealTimeClock() {}

  ~UnixRealTimeClock() override {}

  timeval CurrentTimeVal() override {
    struct timeval tv;
    gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr);
    return tv;
#endif  // defined(WEBRTC_POSIX)

Clock* Clock::GetRealTimeClock() {
#if defined(WINUWP)
  static Clock* const clock = new WinUwpRealTimeClock();
#elif defined(WEBRTC_WIN)
  static Clock* const clock = new WindowsRealTimeClock();
#elif defined(WEBRTC_POSIX)
  static Clock* const clock = new UnixRealTimeClock();
  static Clock* const clock = nullptr;
  return clock;

SimulatedClock::SimulatedClock(int64_t initial_time_us)
    : time_us_(initial_time_us) {}

SimulatedClock::SimulatedClock(Timestamp initial_time)
    : SimulatedClock(initial_time.us()) {}

SimulatedClock::~SimulatedClock() {}

Timestamp SimulatedClock::CurrentTime() {
  return Timestamp::Micros(time_us_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));

NtpTime SimulatedClock::ConvertTimestampToNtpTime(Timestamp timestamp) {
  int64_t now_us = timestamp.us();
  uint32_t seconds = (now_us / 1'000'000) + kNtpJan1970;
  uint32_t fractions = static_cast<uint32_t>(
      (now_us % 1'000'000) * kMagicNtpFractionalUnit / 1'000'000);
  return NtpTime(seconds, fractions);

void SimulatedClock::AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(int64_t milliseconds) {

void SimulatedClock::AdvanceTimeMicroseconds(int64_t microseconds) {

// TODO(bugs.webrtc.org(12102): It's desirable to let a single thread own
// advancement of the clock. We could then replace this read-modify-write
// operation with just a thread checker. But currently, that breaks a couple of
// tests, in particular, RepeatingTaskTest.ClockIntegration and
// CallStatsTest.LastProcessedRtt.
void SimulatedClock::AdvanceTime(TimeDelta delta) {
  time_us_.fetch_add(delta.us(), std::memory_order_relaxed);

}  // namespace webrtc
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