from random import randint num=randint(1,100) name=input('请输入你的名字:') scores={} f=open('game.txt') oneuser=f.readlines() f.close() for el in oneuser: s=el.split() scores[s[0]]=s[1:] score=scores.get(name) if score==None: scores[name]=[0,0,0] score=scores.get(name) game_time=int(score[0]) min_time=int(score[1]) total_time=int(score[2]) if game_time>0: avg_time=total_time/game_time else: avg_time=0 print ('你已经玩了%d次,最少%d轮猜出答案,平均%.2f轮猜出答案' % ( game_time, min_time, avg_time)) print('Guess what I am thinking of?') answer=int(input()) time=1 while answer!=num: if answer<num: print('%d is too small!'%answer) else: print('%d is too big'%answer) print('Guess again') answer=int(input()) time+=1 print('bingo, %d is the right answer!'%num) if game_time==0 or time<min_time: min_time=time total_time+=time game_time+=1 scores[name]=[str(game_time),str(min_time),str(total_time)] result='' for n in scores: line=n+' '+' '.join(scores[n])+'\n' result+=line f=open('game.txt','w') f.write(result) f.close()
import random back=False while back==False: #判断是否再来一局游戏 direct = ['左', '中', '右'] score=[0,0] rest1=5 rest2=5 #rest用于判断游戏是否需要中止 def kick(): #将踢球过程写成一个函数 global rest1,rest2 # 攻 print('\n') print('=====轮到你踢球了=====') print('请选择一个方向攻击:') print('左,中,右') you = input() print('你选择的攻击方向为%s' % you) com = random.choice(direct) print('你的对手选择防守方向为%s' % com) if com != you: print('====恭喜你,进球成功!====') score[0] += 1 else: print('====很遗憾,对方防守成功……====') print('\n') #判断是否需要提前终止游戏 if rest1>0: rest1-=1 if score[0]<score[1] and score[0]+rest1<score[1]: print('===对不起,你已经无法力挽狂澜===') return True if score[1]<score[0] and score[1]+rest2<score[0]: print('===守门员已经无法阻挡你了!===') return True #判断逻辑为,rest储存剩余局数,每局最多得一分。如果在某一局结束后,自己的得分小于电脑的得分,并且当前得分 #加上剩余的局数仍小于电脑的得分,则比赛无需继续进行。之后定义一个end变量用于终止游戏,将返回值赋值给end # 守 print('=====轮到你防守了=====') print('请选择一个方向防守:') print('左,中,右') you = input() print('你选择的防守方向为%s' % you) com = random.choice(direct) print('你的对手选择攻击方向为%s' % com) if com != you: print('====很遗憾,对方攻击成功……====') score[1] += 1 else: print('====恭喜你,防守成功!====') print('\n') # 判断是否需要提前终止游戏 if rest2 > 0: rest2-= 1 if score[0] < score[1] and score[0] + rest1 < score[1]: print('===对不起,你已经无法力挽狂澜===') return True if score[1] < score[0] and score[1] + rest2 < score[0]: print('===守门员已经无法阻挡你了!===') return True # 判断逻辑为,rest储存剩余局数,每局最多得一分。如果在某一局结束后,自己的得分小于电脑的得分,并且当前得分 # 加上剩余的局数仍小于电脑的得分,则比赛无需继续进行。之后定义一个end变量用于终止游戏,将返回值赋值给end return False i=0 #计比赛轮数 end=False #与kick函数内部结构配合用于判断是否终止游戏 while i<5 and not end: #游戏的主体 print('\n') print('=====第%d轮比赛=====' % (i + 1)) end=kick() i+=1 # 比赛结束,计算得分 print('\n') print('比赛结束,得分情况为%d :%d' % (score[0], score[1])) # 判断输赢 if score[0] > score[1]: print('======你赢啦!!======') else: if score[0] < score[1]: print('======你输了……======') else: print('======是平局哟======') #加时赛 count = 1 jiashi = True while jiashi == True: print('\n') print('=====加时赛%d=====' % count) kick() #加时赛判断输赢 if score[0] > score[1]: print('五轮比赛及加时赛结束,得分情况为%d :%d' % (score[0], score[1])) print('======你赢啦!!======') jiashi = False else: if score[0] == score[1]: print('======继续加时赛======') jiashi = True count += 1 else: print('五轮比赛及加时赛结束,得分情况为%d :%d' % (score[0], score[1])) print('======你输了……======') jiashi=False print('想再来一局比赛吗?(回答是或否)') answer = input() if answer == '是': back = False else: back = True
back=False while back==False: x=int(input('x=')) y=int(input('y=')) if x>0: if y>0: print('坐标(%d,%d)位于第一象限'%(x,y)) else: if y<0: print('坐标(%d,%d)位于第四象限'%(x,y)) else: print('坐标(%d,%d)位于x轴上'%(x,y)) else: if x<0: if y>0: print('坐标(%d,%d)位于第二象限'%(x,y)) else: if y<0: print('坐标(%d,%d)位于第三象限'%(x,y)) else: print('坐标(%d,%d)位于x轴上'%(x,y)) else: if y!=0: print('坐标(%d,%d)位于y轴上'%(x,y)) else: print('坐标(%d,%d)是原点O'%(x,y)) print('你想再输入一次吗?(回答是或否)') answer=input() if answer=='是': back=False else: back=True
import requests try: #若try内部的程序报错,则执行except语句 while True: city = input('请输入要查询的城市名:\n') if not city: break req = requests.get('http://wthrcdn.etouch.cn/weather_mini?city=%s' % city) dic_city = req.json() #将从天气查询接口得到的json文件转化为一个字典 city_data = dic_city.get('data') if city_data: forecast = city_data.get('forecast')[0] print(forecast.get('date')) print(forecast.get('type')) print(forecast.get('high')) print(forecast.get('low')) else: print('未获得') except: print('查询失败')
class Vehicle: def __init__(self, speed): self.speed = speed def drive(self, distance): print ('need %f hour(s)' % (distance / self.speed)) class Bike(Vehicle): pass class Car(Vehicle): def __init__(self, speed, fuel): Vehicle.__init__(self, speed) self.fuel = fuel def drive(self, distance): Vehicle.drive(self, distance) print ('need %f fuels' % (distance * self.fuel)) b = Bike(15.0) c = Car(80.0, 0.012) b.drive(100.0) c.drive(100.0)