We are much more interested in the quality of students’ activities than their quantity so do not feel you need to fill in the entire grid! Contributions students make to the well-being of their secondary schools, communities and families are of great interest to us. So indicate for us the time you spend and the nature of the contribution to extracurricular activities, the local community, work experiences and help provided to your family. Activities you undertake need not be exotic but rather might show a commitment to excellence regardless of the activity. Such a commitment can apply to any activity in your life and may reflect underlying character and personal qualities.
For example, a student can gain a great deal from helping his or her family with babysitting or other household responsibilities or working in a restaurant to help with family or personal expenses. Such experiences are important “extracurricular” activities and can be detailed in the extracurricular section and discussed in essays.
Some students list only activities they feel will appear significant to the admissions office, while others endeavor to list every single thing they have ever done. Neither approach is right for everyone. Rather, you should think about the activities (in-school, at home, or elsewhere) that you care most about and devote most of your time doing, and list those.
We realize that extracurricular and athletic opportunities are either unavailable or limited at many high schools. We also know that limited economic resources in many families can affect a student’s chances for participation on the school teams, travel teams, or even prevent participation at all due to the costs of the equipment or the logistical requirements of some sports and activities. You should not feel that your chances for admission to college are hindered by the lack of extracurricular opportunities. Rather, our admissions committee will look at the various kinds of opportunities you have had in your lifetime and try to assess how well you have taken advantage of those opportunities.
质量(开篇第一句话:We are much more interested in the quality of students’ activities than their quantity)一定要好(简而言之你要花时间在上面,而不是短频快的进行)。什么样的课外活动和背景条件被称为质量好?对于社区或者家庭有贡献的活动。从这里可以看出,哈佛的录取哲学首先是看你的课外活动是否发自内心和有意与他人!真诚善良成为了首要重视的品质。
坚持(Activities you undertake need not be exotic but rather might show a commitment to excellence regardless of the activity)恪守承诺和不计代价的坚持。坚持你的课外活动,它也许并不是高大上,也许非长普通,甚至不值一提,但是你的坚持确实难能可贵的品质,你的恪守内心的热爱和承诺,是被录取的最亮眼表现。
敏锐(Rather, our admissions committee will look at the various kinds of opportunities you have had in your lifetime and try to assess how well you have taken advantage of those opportunities.)招生委员会将评估你利用课外活动的机会,你的眼光和你的能力,将直接体现在你如何利用这些极为有限的机会中。