
Each response is limited to a maximum of 350 words.(试题)

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.












3. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?  (你最强的天赋或才能是什么?在过去的时间里你是如何培养和展示这项才能的呢?) Things to consider:If there’s a talent or skill that you’re proud of, this is the time to share it. You don’t necessarily have to be recognized or have received awards for your talent (although if you did and you want to talk about, feel free to do so). Why is this talent or skill meaningful to you?

Does the talent come naturally or have you worked hard to develop this skill or talent? Does your talent or skill allow you opportunities in or outside the classroom? If so, what are they and how do they fit into your schedule? 众所周知中国的学生不太喜欢运动,尤其是特别消耗体能的运动,而我,却是一个热衷于长跑的学生

事实上,之前只是喜欢跑跑中长跑,但知道看了一篇关于comfort zone的心理学文章,认识到人们只有拼尽全力冲出comfort zone 才会有更大的提升。

无可否认,我不喜欢一直呆在comfort zone里,但冲出去也意味着是一个巨大的挑战。也是在那个时候,我把自己每天的跑步量从400直接加到了800米



最后,跑进3分钟,完全可以轻轻松松的hold住800米,因为已经完全冲出comfort zone ,前600米可以完全保持匀速,最后200米甚至可以比前面每圈的速度还要快,在这个200米的过程中,是让我最激动的时候脚下从未如此的轻快,仿佛感觉到自己后背长出了翅膀,毫不费力冲倒终点


7. What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?  (你做过有利于学校和社区环境的事情吗?) Things to consider:Think of community as a term that can encompass a group, team or a place – like your high school, hometown, or home. You can define community as you see fit, just make sure you talk about your role in that community. Was there a problem that you wanted to fix in your community?

Why were you inspired to act? What did you learn from your effort? How did your actions benefit others, the wider community or both? Did you work alone or with others to initiate change in your community?





There was one example which can demonstrates my super leadership. It happened during my university life which was unforgettable. When I was a freshman, I took part in the Guqin society and due to my unremitting efforts, I became the minister of the Guqin organization in the second year. Then the new year was around the corner. The president of society wanted to hold an evening party and she called a meeting to discuss how to do it. I wanted to contribute my good ideas, so I offered myself that I can go out to ask for sponsorship. Because money is the first important thing. Without money, we can do nothing. My friends and I went out to look for some local stores for sponsorship. But it was not easy like what we thought. Some were not interested and even didn't care. Some just ignored while some even spoke bad words to us. My friends got disheartened and wanted to give up. But I insisted that we should not leave it unfinished. Then I shamelessly strived to let them believed in us that we were not cheaters. We named the benefits that if they donated money to assist. Finally, two eyeglasses stores agreed to support us. And the shopkeeper praised me a lot. It was the first step to success. I felt full achievement. Under my leadership, the party was held successfully. I was so proud.

Book Club

Once I saw a shocking survey: the Chinese average number of reading is four per year while other countries' are far surpass China. For example, the number of America is 20, France is 30 and Korea is 40.

I love reading and I always like to spend my spare time sitting in national library. Someday after school, I came to the school library only to find a handful students there and the names on the borrowing list can be counted on my fingers. The next day, I acquired many students in different classes and grades and find out that actually everyone likes to read. But because of different types of books neighbours read, they never discussed anything about the book. Gradually, they lose interests of reading.

Maybe at that point, I, as the director of student association propaganda department, decided to build up a book club. In the book club, according to different people have different tastes towards books, we separated several groups: ancient Chinese literature, modern literature and foreign classic literature and philosophy. Every month we shared our unique feelings and understandings about the contents and the contents that authors want to express among different groups. Thus it not only stimulates students interests but also can broaden the types of what they read . Because students can recommend the good books to others , at the same time they can find unique meanings of different books. Nowadays, more and more people take part in the book club and the number of names on the borrowing list is becoming more and more.

I think my greatest skill is the communication skill. I am so proud. This skill is so meaningful to me, because it help me solve many difficulties. However , this skill doesn't come naturally. It is me who worked hard to develop. And it really gives me many great opportunities outside the classroom. When I was little, I'm not very good at communicating with others. Sometimes I speak straightly which hurt others' feelings or let me lose chances. So I learned a lesson from it. I started to develop my communication skill, I learned from others who are better at talking. With my unremitting efforts, I can handle the different types of communications. And I'm honored to represent my class to take part in the debate contest. Living up to all my teachers and classmates expectations, I got the first prized. I am so proud of this skill, I really benefit a lot.

It is universally acknowledged that Chinese students donnot like sports very much especially the sports which can consume lots of energy. However, I am a big fun of long-distance race. In fact, I just liked to run middle-distance race, but after reading a psychological article about comfort zone, I realized that only when people try their best to make a breakthrough of comfort zone, can they get a huge improvement. There is no deny that I dislike to stay in comfort zone all the time, while making a breakthrough also means an enormous challenge. At that point, I increased my running from 400 meters to 800 meters directly. The first two weeks, it took me almost near four minutes. Only there were the sound of heavy footsteps and panting in my ear and each time when I finished, I needed half an hour to adjust. I felt I cannot break through myself. The next following month, three and a half minutes. Although it is still tiring, I would fall down in a few minutes in the last 200meters as if I was treading on cotton. I would not hate the process from 600 meters to 800 meters and I tried my best to find something interesting in it. Finally, I can finished it within three minutes. I can handle 800 meters easily. Because I made a breakthrough of comfort zone completely. The first 600 meters, I could keep an even speed and the rest 200 meters , I could run faster than each circle. The most exciting time is during this 200 meters, I felt that I had never been so fast under my feet and sprinted to the finish without effort as if I sprouted wings in my back.

Inspirations: There are many things like this, you will never know where is your maximum critical point without attempt. Only when you have a try, can you explore your full potentials. When you surpass this critical point, a kind of joy and confidence arise spontaneously from the bottom of your heart. That's why sports drive me crazy and that is its charm.

Yes. I've picked up the trash in my school. Once there was a big problem in my high school. Because some students did not cherish the beautiful school environment that they have and they had no sense of responsibility to protect the environment. They dropped litter everywhere. Someday, I saw a TV program about pollution. The sky is not blue anymore, the water is black and trash flies everywhere. The earth was crying because of people's wrong behaviors. It inspired me to act. Some measures must be taken to solve the problems. At first, I volunteered to pick up trash when I saw them in school. Later, I called for my friends who were devoted to protect the environment. It is said that many hands make light work. We picked up trash together and propagandized that protecting environment is everyone's responsibility and we should do it from little things. With our unremitting efforts, our school is more clean and beautiful. In my opinion, our actions benefited everyone in school. They have a better place to study and they feel happier. I am so glad that I can help to protect environment.

My mother bought the latest smartphones for my grandparents, but I never saw them use. I felt so strange because they still used the elder people mobile. Later I knew that it was because they cannot understand the instruction book. So I took their smartphones and taught them step by step: how to open, how to surf the Internet and read news, send short message, WeChat, lock screen, close down battery charging and so on. But I found out that because of their bad memory, they forgot many things after a week when I came to visit. Then they would ask me again how to operate. That scene always made me sick. It called my old memory when I was little, my grandparents taught me patiently how to walk, how to use chopsticks, write letters, recite Chinese poems and so on. So I made a pamphlet circled all apps with coloured pen, wrote down every operation and marked the hard operations they thought in red. And when I went home again, my grandma asked me:" my dear, if you have time, would you like to check out whether there are some problems with another grandma's phone in the opposite door. Last time , she came to visit, I showed her the pamphlet you gave me. She's so envy that when she heard my granddaughter taught me to use the phone and made me pamphlet." Taking my grandma's advice, I went to opposite door to help that grandma to solve problems. When I came home, I went to the copy shop to copy another ten pamphlets and gave it to my grandma. I told her if someone want, she could give them directly. If there were still unsolved problems, they could wait for my coming back, I would teach them later. In this way, they could learn to use smartphones easily, chat with their children on WeChat, understand the latest news and would never offline world. Every weekends, when I came to grandparents' home, there were always elder people drop around to ask me questions. I felt very satisfied when I saw happiness in their faces.

Inspirations: Some elder people's children are busy working overtime and on business trips, they are becoming more and more busy, the time they accompany their parents is becoming less and less. Even though they bought many expensive high-tech products for their parents, the most needed are children's company and concern.

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