






    1. I would like to warmly welcome you to the first virtual admission ceremony at the Supreme Court of New South Wales to celebrate your admission as a lawyer of this Honourable Court last Friday, 14 August.

1. 我热烈欢迎你们参加新南威尔士州最高法院的首次线上律师任职仪式,以庆祝你们在上周五,即8月14日成为本庄严法院的任职律师。

    2. As we gather for this celebration physically dispersed, I would like to recognise the various traditional lands on which we meet. This ceremony is streamed from the land of the Gadigal people of the Eora nation. I acknowledge and pay my respects to the Elders – past, present and emerging of the lands on which we all work and live. As we celebrate your admission to the legal profession, I recognise the role which law played in the traditional societies of Australia’s First Nations Peoples – the first legal systems of our country. I acknowledge that our laws recognisethe cultural heritage and rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for many decades and the dispossession and disempowerment this caused.

2. 当我们尽管身处不同的地理位置,却聚集在一起参加这次庆祝活动时,对这片我们相遇的土地,我希望对其各种传统作出认可。此次仪式视频流播出的地方曾属于Eora民族的Gadigal人。我承认并向我们工作和生活的这片土地上过去的、现在的和新兴的先贤们表示敬意。在我们祝贺你们任职进入法律界的同时,我认可法律在澳大利亚土著先民的传统社会中就早已发挥的作用—那是我们国家的最早的法律体系。我承认,几十年来,我们的法律在承认土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民的文化遗产和权利上是失败的,由此对他们造成了剥夺和权力丧失。

    3. Present with me on the Bench today is Justice Bell to my right who is the President of the Court of Appeal. To my left is Justice Basten whois a Judge of the Court of Appeal. Behind me is Justice Hoeben who is the Chief Judge of the Common Law Division of the Supreme Court, and to his right is Justice Ward who is the Chief Judge of the Equity Division of the Supreme Courtand to his left is Justice McCallum who is a Judge of the Court of Appeal.


    4. In these unusual times, you have all completed your admission formalities remotely. You swore an oath or made an affirmation that you will truly and honestly conduct yourself in the practice of a lawyer of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and that you will faithfully serve as such in the administration of the laws and usages of this State according to the best of your knowledge, skills and ability. On Friday, your admission was recorded on the Supreme Court Roll of Lawyers.


    5. This is a time for celebration. Friday marked the culmination of your legal studies to date, when you can look back with pride and relief on those caffeine-fuelled nights spent trying to memorise your carefully tabbed and annotated case summarieswith the aid of an entire rainbow of highlighters, the many hours in lectures spent analysing carbolic smokeballs, eggshell skulls and snails in bottles, and just when you thought your student days were behind you, a few more months spent squeezing in PLT assessments. There can be no doubt that you have all worked incredibly hard to get here.

5.这是值得庆贺的时刻。上周五标志着你们迄今为止的法律学习的累积成果,你们可以满怀自豪和宽慰的回忆:在那些靠咖啡因续命的夜晚,你们努力地用一整个彩虹色系的各色荧光笔记去努力记忆那些仔仔细细做过标签和注释的案例摘要;在那些在课堂上花费的无数个小时里,你们分析着含碳的烟熏球、如蛋壳般脆弱的头骨和瓶中的蜗牛(均为法学院一年级要学的经典判例);而正当你们以为自己的法学生时代已经过去时,你们还需要挤出数月的时间来完成PLT评估(Practical Legal Training,是获得澳洲律师资格之前必须要完成的法律实习课程)。毫无疑问,你们都为完成今天的成就付出了巨大的努力。

    6. For many of you, these achievements would not have been possible without the support of your family and friends. They have been there through the seemingly endless years of study, and have also, no doubt, been on the receiving end of your finely-polished skills of argument and persuasion. Today is also a day for them to share in your success. I hope you take the time today to thank them for their support.


    7. In participating in this ceremony today, you have become part of a tradition which dates back to the twelfth century when it first became common for those representing others before courts to swear an oath before being allowed to practice. The first admission ceremony in this Court was held almost 200 years ago in 1824. Testament to the enduring nature of these ceremonies, young lawyers just like you were admitted even during the midst of the Spanish Flu, and World Wars.


    8. You have made a commitment to uphold the rule of law, to administer the law competently, and with honesty and integrity, as have centuries of lawyers before you. It is out of respect for this long history that we mark your admission to the legal profession with the swearing of oaths or making of affirmations and for that matter our somewhat strange choice of fashion. Around Christmas time last year, when these ceremonies were held in person, one young member of the audience asked if we were doing Santa photos after the ceremony. I was very sorry to disappoint.


    9. Despite this time-honoured tradition, this ceremony is a first. Never before has the Supreme Court of New South Wales welcomed a new cohort of lawyers into the profession by a virtual ceremony. This is what you could call a ‘pandemic special’.You have all made history through your participation in this ancient, yet undoubtedly modern ceremony.


    10. Of course, this is not the admission day you had imagined. You would be more familiar watching cat videos, beauty tutorials or food hacks on YouTube, rather than your admission ceremony. This is as strange for you as it is for me. I didn’t know what a Vlogger was until last week, but I guess I am one now.


    11. This virtual ceremony reflects the agility and dedication of the profession you are entering to delivering justice outside a bricks and mortar courtroom. Throughout history, our profession has proved itself adept at change and never more so than now. We transitioned to a virtual system of justice at a previously unimaginable speed. As you are experiencing right now, dining tables have become the new bar tables, family dogs the new courtroom security, and interrupting children the new rowdy members of the public. This transformation was only possible due to the commitment of the profession to ensuring that the wheels of justice continue to turn. This is something for which we should all be immensely proud.


    12. Of course, this is not the only change that has occurred in the legal profession. For almost 100 years after the first admission ceremony was held in New South Wales, women were not allowed to be admitted into the profession. A century later, in this state today, more than half of solicitors with a practising certificate are women,  and many of the most senior positions in the law are held by women including the Chief Justice of Australia and the Chief Justices of Victoria, Queensland and the ACT. The profession is more diverse than ever before, and this is something we should celebrate.

    12.当然,这不是法律界发生的唯一变化。在新南威尔士州举行了第一次入职仪式后的近100年里,女性一直不被允许进入这个行业。一个世纪后的今天,在本州,超过一半拥有执业证书的律师是女性(截至2019年6月30日,持有执业证书的律师中52.06%为女性。见新南威尔士法律学会,2019年年度报告, <https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/tp/files/77222/Law%20Society%20of%20NSW%20Annual%20Report%202019.pdf>。),许多法律界的高级职位都由女性担任,包括澳大利亚首席大法官以及维多利亚州、昆士兰州和首都地区的首席法官。这个行业比以往任何时候都更加多元化,这是我们应该庆祝的。

    13. Of course, there is still a long way to go in improving the diversity of our profession. I am the first to admit that there are more people that look like me in senior positions in the law than look like anyone else in the community. Systemic barriers, inappropriate workplace behaviour and prejudices continue to hinder women and those from diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds from fully and equally participating in the legal profession. This must change.


    14. Our profession is only so strong as it is diverse. Public confidence in our legal system is founded on the profession serving the entire community, rich or poor, privileged or vulnerable. An inclusive profession also strengthens access to justice by providing culturally and gender sensitive services. No one, irrespective of their gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, disability or socioeconomic background, should be left out or left behind from pursuing a career in the law.


    15. But when we look back at how far we have come, I am confident that these barriers can also be overcome. This is a period of great change in the legal profession. There is an increasing recognition that more must be done to ensure all lawyers have a safe workplace free from sexual harassment, discrimination and bullying. The normalisation of working from home will make the profession more family-friendly long after the pandemic passes and recent changes to the Legal Services Award will better protect the wellbeing of graduate lawyers. I believe that the pace and scale of this change is cause for great hope.


    16. You are becoming lawyers at a time like no other. Our world is reeling from the turmoil of a global pandemic, which has generated fear and uncertainty, destroyed livelihoods and curtailed movements across suburbs, states and countries. Despite the crisis, the rule of law has not been suspended. In fact, it is more important than ever. History has taught us that human rights are at their most vulnerable in times of crisis. When significant decisions are necessarily made with great speed and without precedent, parliamentary sessions are suspended, and unprecedented powers are given to Executive Governments and their agencies, the role of lawyers in upholding the rule of law is more crucial than ever.

16. 你们将在一个前所未有的时代成为律师。我们的世界正在全球大流行病的动荡中挣扎,这种疫情造成了恐惧和不确定性,摧毁了生计,并限制了各区、州和国家之间的流动。尽管发生了危机,但法治并没有中止。事实上,它比以往任何时候都更加重要。历史告诉我们,在危机时期,人权是最脆弱的。当重大决定必须在没有先例的情况下迅速作出,议会会议暂停,行政政府及其机构被赋予前所未有的权力时,律师在维护法治方面的作用比以往任何时候都更加关键。

    17. The scale and severity of the pandemic has raised complex legal issues that strike at the heart of our democracy and civil liberties. How do we balance public health and the right to freedom of assembly? How do we ensure expanded police powers are used in such a way as to protect the community? How do we enable those fleeing persecution to exercise their right to seek asylum in the face of travel bans and border closures?

17. 疫情的规模和严重性提出了复杂的法律问题,触及到我们民主和公民自由的核心。我们如何平衡公共卫生和集会自由的权利?我们如何确保扩大的警察权力以保护社会的方式使用?面对旅行禁令和边境关闭,我们如何使那些逃离迫害的人能够行使其寻求庇护的权利?(凯特·奥格KateOgg,《 COVID-19旅行禁令:无法离开家园时寻求庇护的权利》,安德鲁和雷纳塔·卡尔多国际难民法中心,2020年4月16日,<https://www.kaldorcentre.unsw.edu.au/publication/covid-19-travel-bans-right-seek-asylum-when-you-cannot-leave-your-homeland>。)

    18. As lawyers, the commitment you have made to uphold the rule of law is critical to ensuring that emergency measures balance public health considerations and civil liberties. This balance can only be struck in an environment of contestation and scrutiny by lawyers bringing matters before the Courts. Our profession plays an essential role in ensuring that emergency measures are transparent, proportionate and applied in a non-discriminatory manner.

18. 你们作为律师对维护法治的承诺,对于确保紧急措施在公共卫生考量和公民自由之间取得平衡至关重要。只有律师将相关事实呈于法庭、提出质疑和监督的环境下,这种平衡才能取得。我们的专业发挥着重要作用,以确保相关紧急措施的适用是透明的、相称的,并以不歧视的方式实行。

    19. At the same time, it is more important than ever that we connect the law with its profound human implications. The impact of the law on our lives has never been so pronounced. Lockdowns, border closures and travel bans necessarily impact our freedom of movement and in the process, our access to and enjoyment of many other rights.

19. 同时,我们比以往任何时候都更需要将法律与其对人类的深刻影响联系起来。法律对我们生活的影响从未如此明显。封城、关闭边界和旅行禁令必然影响到我们的行动自由,并在此过程中影响到我们应获得和享受的许多其他权利。

    20. As lawyers, we have a special responsibility to uphold the rule of law by ensuring that the pandemic does not undermine access to justice. As a profession, we must be vigilant in protecting the rights and dignity of those disproportionately affected by emergency measures. We must ensure that even the most vulnerable have access to quality legal representation and to the full benefit of the law. We do this when we use our legal training to help vulnerable workers navigate their employment rights in times of illness; when we use commercial law as a tool to lighten the pressures on small businesses devastated by there strictions; and when we help survivors of domestic violence in lockdown with abusive partners access legal services.

20. 作为律师,我们负有维护法治的特殊责任,要确保疫情下正义的可得性(或翻译为“司法救济渠道的通畅”?)不被破坏。作为一个行业,我们必须保持警惕,保护受紧急措施影响过大群体的权利和尊严。我们必须确保即使是最脆弱的人也有机会获得高质量的法律代理和最大程度获得法律保护。在做到这些的过程中,我们利用法律实践帮助弱势劳动者了解他们患病时的就业权利;我们利用商法作为工具,减轻因限制措施而备受打击的小企业的压力;我们帮助因疫情封城而不得不与施虐伴侣共处一室的家庭暴力幸存者获得法律服务。

    21. Our commitment to access to justice requires us to be particularly astute to the injustices facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The Black Lives Matter movement has brought the racism, inequality and abuses of power that have haunted our nation for so long to the forefront of public consciousness. This year marks 250 years since Captain Cook first landed in Australia. Despite this significant passage of time, the Black Lives Matter movement has exposed that our criminal justice system remains a tool of injustice for Indigenous Australians, who are one of the most incarcerated people in the world.

21. 我们承诺致力于实现正义的可得性,这就要求我们对澳洲土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民社区所面临的不公正现象特别敏锐。“黑人的命也是命”运动使长期困扰澳洲的种族主义、不平等和滥用权力问题成为公众意识的焦点。今年是库克船长首次登陆澳大利亚250周年。尽管时间已经过去了很久,但 “黑人的命也是命”运动还是暴露了我们的刑事司法系统仍然是造成针对澳大利亚土著人不公正的工具,他们是世界上被监禁最多的人之一。(见塔利亚·安东尼ThaliaAnthony,《事实调查问答》:澳大利亚土著人是地球上最被囚禁的人吗?,《对话》,2017年6月6日<https://theconversation.com/factcheck-qanda-are-indigenous-australians-the-most-incarcerated-people-on-earth-78528>。另见澳大利亚法律改革委员会,《通往正义的道路-土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民的入狱率问题》第133号报告,2018年3月。)

    22.The Black Lives Matter and #MeToo movement present a challenge for our profession to ensure that calls for change do not pass without systemic reforms. As lawyers, we are called upon to ensure that our justice system is in fact just for all. This happens when we use our legal training to challenge narratives which sustain injustice, use our advocacy skills to defend unpopular causes or clients whether outside or inside a courtroom, and use our legal knowledge to educate others and better inform public debate.


    23. As a member of the legal profession, you are now in a position of great privilege. You will play a trusted role in some ofthe most testing times in the lives of others. You will be a confidant, an advisor and an advocate to many. As lawyers, we have a responsibility to use our training and knowledge as a tool of change. This year has shown us that there is much for us to defend and strengthen, undo and remake. As the newest members of our profession, you have an unparalleled opportunity to be part of this change for the better.

23. 作为法律界的一员,你们现在享有极大的特权。你们将在他人生活中一些最艰难的时刻成为被信赖的角色。你们将成为许多人的知己、顾问和代言人。作为律师,我们有责任将我们的培训和知识作为变革的工具。这一年向我们显示,还有很多东西需要我们去捍卫和加强,撤销和重塑。作为我们这个行业的新成员,你们现在有无与伦比的机会,可以成为这场变革的一部分,使之变得更好。

    24. Many of you would have chosen to study law because you wanted to promote human rights, to reform policy or to advocate for the most vulnerable. I urge you today to remember why you decided to study law all those years ago. Irrespective of whether you practice in a commercial firm, a community legal centre or pursue a career outside the law altogether, I encourage you to use your legal knowledge and capacity for critical thinking for the public good.

24. 你们中的许多人之所以选择学习法律,是因为你们想促进人权、改革政策或为最弱势的群体辩护。今天我敦促你们,仍要牢记你们多年前选择学习法律的初心。无论你们是在商业律所、社区法律中心执业,还是从事完全与法律无关的职业,我都鼓励你们利用自己的法律知识和批判性思维能力为公众谋福利。

    25. Today, you have joined a profession whose support and collegiality will prove invaluable. It is easy to feel isolated whilst we as a profession continue to work predominantly from home. Remember that even when you are working from home, you are not working alone.

    25. 今天你们加入了这个行业,该行业的业内支持和团结将被证明是非常宝贵的。当我们作为行业一员,却需要持续以在家工作为主时,很容易感到被孤立。请记住,即使你在家工作,你也并非孤身奋战。

    26. Although you might find it hard to believe, I was admitted quite a long time ago. I lost my first case, and I lost many more after that. Throughout my 35 years in practice, I could always count on the other barristers on my floor to share my disappointment at the unfairness of the verdict, the sly tactics of opposing counsel, and most often, I regret to say, the obtuseness of the judge or judges. I must put on record that I do not include any of my fellow judges on the bench in that final comment.

26. 虽然你们可能很难相信,但我的任职发生在很久以前(在卖萌自嘲年纪大吗)。我输掉了我的第一个案子,之后我又输掉了很多案子。在我35年的执业生涯中,我常对判决的不公平,对方律师的狡猾手段,以及最常见的----主审法官或法官们的愚钝(我对此深感遗憾),深感失望;这一点上,我总能发现我所在的法庭上的其他律师与我不谋而合。但我必须强调一下以上评论可不包括我这里的任何法官同事哦。(大法官你又调皮了)

    27. Finally, too many lawyers still feel that there is a stigma in talking about their mental health. Looking after your mental health is not something to be ashamed of. There will be times in your career when your work weighs on you to an unhealthy degree, when you feel disheartened or overwhelmed. When this happens, you should take the time to seek professional help and turn to the enduring things in your life, like your family,  partners or friends.

27. 最后,太多律师仍然认为谈论他们的心理健康是一件不光彩的事。但关照自己的心理健康并不令人羞愧。在你们的职业生涯中,有时你们的工作会让你们感到沮丧或不知所措,以至于压力大到不健康的程度。发生这种情况时,你们应该花时间寻求专业帮助,并转向自己生活中经久的事物,例如家人,伴侣或朋友。

    28. On behalf of all of the judges of the Supreme Court, I once again congratulate you on your admission and welcome you to the legal profession.


    29. The Court will now adjourn.




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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 48,897评论 3 376
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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