我的英语学习笔记DAY 1 | 苹果一场不得不做的转型


Taking the sub way: Apple

① The tech giant has been slow to embrace subscription services, the business model of the future.

② Today that may change.

③ Apple is expected to announce two new subscription products at an event with the tagline “Show Time”.

④ A Netflix-style television-streaming business is rumoured, alongside a subscription service for news where magazines and newspapers can be bundled in one place for a monthly fee.

⑤ Competing with Amazon Prime and Netflix will not be cheap.

⑥ Apple has already invested some $1bn in partnerships with big Hollywood names, including Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg.

⑦ Shows from outside suppliers such as HBO may be included, although Netflix has ruled out bolstering the competition.

⑧ Apple is also racing to develop original programming.

⑨ It needs new sources of revenue.

⑩ Last quarter revenue from iPhones, which accounts for 60% of its sales, fell by 15% compared with the year before.

⑪ No wonder it has decided no longer to go against the stream.


Taking the sub way: Apple



① The tech gianthas been slow to embrace subscription services, the business model of the future.



② Today that may change.


③ Apple is expected to announce two new subscription products at an event with the tagline“Show Time”.



④ A Netflix-styletelevision-streaming business is rumoured, alongsidea subscription service for news where magazines and newspapers can be bundledin one place for a monthly fee.


⑤ Competing with Amazon Prime and Netflix will not be cheap.

(苹果要)和亚马逊Prime及 Netflix竞争,这件事并不便宜。

⑥ Apple has already invested some $1bn in partnerships with big Hollywood names, including Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg.


⑦ Shows from outside supplierssuch as HBO may be included, although Netflix has ruled out bolstering the competition.


⑧ Apple is also racing todevelop original programming.


⑨ It needs new sources of revenue.


⑩ Last quarter revenue from iPhones, which accounts for 60% of its sales, fell by 15% compared with the year before.


⑪ No wonder it has decided no longer to go against the stream.






1、sub. n.订阅、订阅费。标题是subscription的缩写。

subway n.地铁 另一种表达方式;underground

2、tech giant 科技巨头

giant:巨头 其他可以表示巨头的词:behemoth/goliath/icon

3、embrace vt. 欣然接受 这里等同于accept

embrace本意为拥抱 embrace the future/change拥抱未来/变革

也有接受的意思embrace/accept the challenge接受挑战

4、subscription services 订阅服务

5、be expected to do sth. 将要做某事

6、announce  vt. 公布;宣布


7、tagline /ˈtæɡlaɪn/ n. 标语;口号

tag 标签 tagline相当于slogan

punchline 梗 punch 用拳猛击

8、-style adj. 像……的;……模式的

(如何形容滴滴呢?A uber-style car renting platform)

9、rumour /ˈruːmə(r)/ vt. 谣传 n. 谣言


……be rumoured.

It is rumoured that……

Rumour has it that……

10、alongside  prep. 同时


11、bundle vt. 捆绑;捆绑销售 n. 束;捆

a bundle of 一束/一捆

12、fee  n. 费用;服务费

13、big name 名人;重要人物

14、alliance  n. 联盟


15、supplier  n. 供应商

supply vt. 供应

16、rule out 排除……的可能性;不予考虑

17、bolster  vt. 加强;支持 (to improve sth or make it stronger)


18、race to do sth. 争着/抢着做某事

19、original  adj. 原创的

20、revenue  n. (公司的)收益;(政府的)税收,收入

21、account for 占比

22、no wonder/doubt/surprise 难怪;不出人所料的是

23、go against the stream 逆流行事stream n. 河流


苹果于3月25日(北京时间3月26日凌晨)举办了春季发布会,发布了四款软件,准确地说是升级了几款软件,分别是:Apple News+(新闻订阅)、Apple Arcade(游戏订阅平台)、Apple Card(Apple Pay升级)、Apple TV+(苹果电视订阅)。


面对这一情况,苹果的确采取了很多措施,从以旧换新等各方面着力推广新硬件,如iPhone XR等,但苹果也意识到其硬件逐渐在走下坡路,如此以来,转型是必然。




Taking the sub way: Apple

① The tech giant has been slow to embrace subscription services, the business model of the future.

② Today that may change.

③ Apple is expected to announce two new subscription products at an event with the tagline “Show Time”.

④ A Netflix-style television-streaming business is rumoured, alongside a subscription service for news where magazines and newspapers can be bundled in one place for a monthly fee.

⑤ Competing with Amazon Prime and Netflix will not be cheap.

⑥ Apple has already invested some $1bn in partnerships with big Hollywood names, including Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg.

⑦ Shows from outside suppliers such as HBO may be included, although Netflix has ruled out bolstering the competition.

⑧ Apple is also racing to develop original programming.

⑨ It needs new sources of revenue.

⑩ Last quarter revenue from iPhones, which accounts for 60% of its sales, fell by 15% compared with the year before.

⑪ No wonder it has decided no longer to go against the stream.


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