Steak 性格特征
原文:There was no way I was going to break my honesty streak over something as dumb as this.
仿句:there is a streak of honesty in my character .
Mansion 大厦
原文:at my mansion
仿句:I want to live in a mansion.
Rake 耙
原文:Mom sent us over to Gramma's to take her leaves
仿句:I rake the leaves into heaps.
原句:We had a project in Spanish where we had to do a skit in front of the class.
仿句:We have a work in factory where we have some order form today.
One of my favorite book series is Harry Potter. The first time when I read this book is in my forth grade. It gives me a magic world, and I also admire the friendship between Harry, Ron, and Hermione.