【单词】disobedience [ˌdɪsə'biːdiəns] n. 不服从;违反,违抗
* 注:小仙英语伴读的双语阅读理念与其他不同,尤其是中文译文,由专家审核,力求有助于帮助理解原文,而不是追求所谓的信达雅(尤其是后两个字)。
Now the serpent was more deceitful than any other animal that Jehovah had made; and it said to the woman, "Has God really said, 'You shall not eat from any tree of the garden'?"
【单词】serpent 名词 ['sɜːpənt] n. 蛇;蛇一般的人;狡猾的人
【单词】deceitful 形容词 [dɪ'siːtfl] adj. 欺诈的;欺骗的
【专有名词】Jehovah [dʒɪ'həʊvə] n. [圣经]耶和华(指上帝)
【专有名词】God [ɡɒd] n. 神;偶像;(复数)<英>剧院顶层楼座的观众;(大写)上帝 int. 天呐
The woman answered, "We may eat of the fruit of all the trees of the garden except the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, for God has said, 'You shall not eat from it, nor shall you touch it; for if you do, you shall die.'"
【单词】except 介词、从属连词 [ɪk'sept] prep. 除了 ... 之外 conj. 除非;除了 ... 之外;若不是
【单词】touch 名词 [tʌtʃ] vt. 触摸;感动;吃;喝;触及 vi. 接触;联系 n. 触觉;接触;修饰;少许;痕迹
Then the serpent said to the woman, "You shall not surely die; for God knows that as soon as you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will know what is good and what is evil."
【单词】nor 并列连词 [nɔː] conj. 也不;也没有 adv. 也不;也没有 abbr. 诺曼人(=Norman) abbr. 北方(=North) abbr. 挪威(= Norway) abbr. 挪威人(=Norwegian)
【单词】surely 副词 ['ʃʊəli] adv. 无疑;一定;稳当地;显然
【单词】evil 形容词 ['iːvl] adj. 邪恶的;有害的;讨厌的 n. 邪恶;罪恶;灾祸
When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, beautiful to look at and that it would make her wise, she took some of its fruit and ate it.
【单词】wise 形容词 [waɪz] adj. 聪明的;有智慧的;明智的;有见识的
【单词】ate 原型:eat 动词过去式 [iːt] v. 吃;吃饭;喝
【词法】some of (事物中的)一些
Then she gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate.
【单词】husband 名词 ['hʌzbənd] n. 丈夫
Then the eyes of both of them were opened, so that they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig-leaves together and made girdles for themselves.
【单词】naked 形容词 ['neɪkɪd] adj. 裸体的;无掩饰的;明白的;无覆盖的
【单词】sewed 原型:sew 动词过去式 [səʊ] v. 缝合;缝纫
【单词】fig-leaves 原型:fig-leaf fig-leaf的复数形式,无花果树叶
【单词】girdles 名词复数形式 ['ɡɜːdl] n. 腰带;围绕物
When they heard the sound of the footsteps of Jehovah, as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, the man and his wife hid from him among the trees of the garden.
【单词】heard 原型:hear 动词过去式 [hɪə] v. 得知;倾听;听到;听证
【单词】footsteps 原型:footstep 名词复数形式 ['fʊtstep] n. 脚步;脚步声;足迹
【单词】hid 原型:hide 动词过去式 [haɪd] v. 藏;隐瞒;遮避
And Jehovah called to the man and said to him, "Where are you?" and he answered, "I heard the sound of thy footsteps in the garden and I was afraid, because I was naked; so I hid myself." Jehovah said, "Who told you that you were naked?
【译】Jehovah就呼叫男人,对他说:“你在哪里?” 他回答说:“我听见你在园中的脚步声,我就害怕,因为我赤身露体,所以我藏起来了,” Jehovah说,“谁告诉你赤身露体?”
【单词】thy 形容词 [ðaɪ] adj. <古语>你的 例句: Honor thy father and thy mother. 敬重你的父亲和你的母亲。 I will be thy friend, but not thy vices' friend. 我愿意做你的朋友,但不做你那些恶习的朋友。
【单词】afraid 形容词 [ə'freɪd] adj. 抱歉的;担心的;害怕的
Have you eaten from the tree from which I forbade you to eat?" The man answered, "The woman whom thou didst give to me--she gave me fruit from the tree and I ate." Jehovah said to the woman, "What is this that you have done?" The woman replied, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate."
【译】你吃过从树上我禁止你吃的吗?” 男人回答说:“是你给我的女人,她给了我那树的果子,我就吃了。” Jehovah对女人说:“你作的是什么事?” 女人回答说:“蛇欺骗了我,我就吃了。”
【单词】eaten 原型:eat 动词过去分词 [iːt] v. 吃;吃饭;喝
【单词】forbade 原型:forbid 动词过去式 [fə'bɪd] vt. 禁止;阻止;不许
【单词】thou 代词 [ðaʊ] pron. [古]你;尔;汝
【单词】didst 名词 didst [dɪdst] v. <古> (与thou一起使用) do的第二人称单数过去式 didst的用法和样例: 例句 As Thou didst break the loaves Beside the sea. 正如当年你在海滨所行; What song didst thou sing so woefully? 又是什么歌使你如此痛彻心肺? It was thou didst snatch me from his arms. 希罗底王后:是你把我从他的怀抱抢走里的。 But why unkindly didst thou leave me so? 你为什么那样忍心地离开了我呢? He said: "How long didst thou tarry (thus)? 他说:“我逗留了一日,或不到一日。”
【单词】replied 原型:reply 动词过去分词 [rɪ'plaɪ] v. 回答;答复;回应 n. 回答;答复
【单词】deceived 原型:deceive 动词过去式 [dɪ'siːv] vt. 欺骗 vi. 行骗
Then Jehovah said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, you shall be hated more than all beasts.
【语法】more than 形容词或副词比较级 + than,是“比...更...”的意思;例句:He is younger than me. 他比我(更)年轻。He runs faster than me. 他比我跑得(更)快。
【单词】hated 原型:hate 动词过去分词 [heɪt] v. 憎恨;厌恶;讨厌 n. 憎恨;厌恶
【单词】beasts 原型:beast 名词复数形式 [biːst] n. 兽;畜牲
You shall crawl on your belly and eat dust all your life, and men and serpents shall always be enemies.
【单词】crawl 动词原形 [krɔːl] v. 爬行;卑躬屈膝;自由式游泳
【单词】belly 名词 ['beli] n. 腹部
【单词】dust 名词 [dʌst] n. 灰尘;尘土;粉尘 vt. 去掉 ... 的灰尘;撒粉末于 vi. 除尘
【单词】enemies 原型:enemy 名词复数形式 ['enəmi] n. 敌人;敌军;有害物
They shall bruise your head, and you shall wound them on the heel."
【单词】bruise 动词原形 [bruːz] vi. 碰伤;擦伤 vt. 使挫伤
【单词】wound [wuːnd] n. 创伤;伤害;伤口 v. 伤;伤害;缠绕
【单词】heel 名词 [hiːl] n. 脚后跟
To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your trouble and your pain, and you shall be subject to your husband, and he shall rule over you."
【短语】be subject to 表示“使服从;使遭受;受……管制”。如:However, currently they are not subject to data disclosure control.但是,当前它们不受数据公开控制的影响。
【单词】greatly 副词 ['ɡreɪtli] adv. 很;非常;大大地
【单词】increase 动词一般现在时(除第三人称单数) [ɪn'kriːs] v. 增加;提高 n. 增加;增强;提高
【单词】trouble 名词 ['trʌbl] n. 困难;烦恼;麻烦 v. 使烦恼;麻烦;苦恼;费神
【单词】pain 名词 [peɪn] n. 痛苦;疼痛;辛苦;烦人之人或事 v. 使 ... 痛苦;痛苦;疼
【单词】rule 动词原形 [ruːl] v. 支配;统治;画直线
But to the man he said, "Because you have listened to your wife and have eaten of the tree from which I forbade you to eat, as long as you live you shall earn a living only by hard work.
【短语】hard work 努力工作;繁重的工作
【单词】earn 动词原形 [ɜːn] vt. 赚得;赢得;获得
By hard work shall you raise food to eat.
【单词】raise 动词原形 [reɪz] vt. 升起;举起;饲养;提出;引起;筹集,募集
And you shall die and your body go back to the ground, for from dust you were made, and to dust you shall return!"
【单词】return 动词原形 [rɪ'tɜːn] v. 返回;归还;回报;回应;申报
And Jehovah made garments of skins for the man and his wife, and clothed them.
【单词】garments 原型:garment 名词复数形式 ['ɡɑːmənt] n. 衣服
【单词】skins 原型:skin 名词复数形式 [skɪn] n. 皮肤;外皮;皮囊 n. 惊讶;生气 vt. 剥皮;削皮;贴皮;蹭破皮;<俚>击败
【单词】clothed 原型:clothe 动词过去分词 [kləʊð] vt. 穿上;赋予
And he sent them out of the garden of Eden to till the ground.
【单词】sent 原型:send 动词过去式 [send] vt. 发送;派遣;使处于...的状态;放出;运输 vi. 差遣;发出;传送
【单词】till [tɪl] v. 耕作
【专有名词】Eden ['iːdn] n. 伊甸园;乐园 Edenic