python的串口通信模块 serial,还不知道怎么查看serial的内部函数,help不出来,感觉作者没有写,网上找到些资料。
Be carefully when using “readline”. Do specify a timeout when opening the serial port otherwise it could block forever if no newline character is received. Also note that “readlines” only works with a timeout. “readlines” depends on having a timeout and interprets that as EOF (end of file). It raises an exception if the port is not opened correctly.
Parameters for the Serial class
ser = serial.Serial(
port=None, # number of device, numbering starts at
# zero. if everything fails, the user
# can specify a device string, note
# that this isn't portable anymore
# if no port is specified an unconfigured
# an closed serial port object is created
baudrate=9600, # baud rate
bytesize=EIGHTBITS, # number of databits
parity=PARITY_NONE, # enable parity checking
stopbits=STOPBITS_ONE, # number of stopbits
timeout=None, # set a timeout value, None for waiting forever
xonxoff=0, # enable software flow control
rtscts=0, # enable RTS/CTS flow control
interCharTimeout=None # Inter-character timeout, None to disable
Methods of Serial instances
open() # open port
close() # close port immediately
setBaudrate(baudrate) # change baud rate on an open port
inWaiting() # return the number of chars in the receive buffer
read(size=1) # read "size" characters
write(s) # write the string s to the port
flushInput() # flush input buffer, discarding all it's contents
flushOutput() # flush output buffer, abort output
sendBreak() # send break condition
setRTS(level=1) # set RTS line to specified logic level
setDTR(level=1) # set DTR line to specified logic level
getCTS() # return the state of the CTS line
getDSR() # return the state of the DSR line
getRI() # return the state of the RI line
getCD() # return the state of the CD line
TCP/IP – serial bridge
This program opens a TCP/IP port. When a connection is made to that port (e.g. with telnet) it forwards all data to the serial port and vice versa.
This example only exports a raw socket connection. The next example below gives the client much more control over the remote serial port.
- The serial port settings are set on the command line when starting the program.
- There is no possibility to change settings from remote.
- All data is passed through as-is.