当前公司在使用HighCharts来做图表展示大量数据. 其中HighStock是很好的展示时间轴图表的工具. 最近一个需求是要求在图表的Navigator上面拖动的时候显示日期tooltip, 好让用户知道拖到了哪里. 在网上搜索找到了一个别人写的三年前的highcharts插件库, 已经不能用了, 但是思路可以借鉴.
- 首先把上面提到的人家写的库的代码拿出来复制到自己的项目内
- 你会发现很多变量已经变了(Highcharts正常更新, 这个插件库年久失修, 很多变量很多方法都发生了翻天覆地的变化), 把已经不存在的变量修复成为当前的变量
- 修改插件中定义的各种位置数值(很多位置不对, 要自己慢慢调整)
(function(H) {
const widthMap = {
left: 70,
right: 70,
center: 150,
* Render tooltip into navigatorGroup
* @name renderTooltip
* @param {Scroller} scroller
* @param {String} position: position of tooltip [left, right, center]
* @param {String} str: string to initially display in tooltip
* @returns {undefined}
const renderTooltip = function(scroller, position, str) {
const {
chart: { renderer },
} = scroller;
scroller[`${position}Tooltip`] = renderer.rect(0, 0, 95, 40, 3, 0).add(scroller.navigatorGroup);
scroller[`${position}TooltipText`] = renderer.text(str, 5, 15).add(scroller.navigatorGroup);
scroller[`${position}TooltipArrow`] = renderer
.path(['M', 0, 0, 'H', 10, 'L', 5, 5, 'L', 0, 0])
* Fade in/out tooltip
* @name fade
* @param {String} direction: direction of fade [in, out]
* @returns {Function}
const fade = direction => {
return function(scroller, position) {
const { [`${position}Tooltip`]: tooltip, [`${position}TooltipText`]: text, [`${position}TooltipArrow`]: tooltipArrow } = scroller;
const fadeClass = `fade-${direction}`;
tooltip.attr('class', fadeClass);
text.attr('class', fadeClass);
tooltipArrow.attr('class', fadeClass);
const fadeInTooltip = fade('in');
const fadeOutTooltip = fade('out');
const debounceFadeOut = _.debounce(fadeOutTooltip, 1000);
const tooltipPadding = 12;
* Find the correct position for the tooltip and the tooltip's arrow
* @name findTooltipPosition
* @param {Scroller} scroller
* @param {String} position: position of tooltip [left, right, center]
* @param {String} tooltipWidth
* @returns {Object}
* @returns {Number} x
* @returns {Number} y
* @returns {Number} arrow
* @returns {Number} x
* @returns {Number} y
const findTooltipPosition = function(scroller, position, tooltipWidth) {
const { size, left, range } = scroller;
const handleIndex = { left: 0, right: 1, center: 0 };
const handle = scroller.handles[handleIndex[position]];
const offset = (tooltipWidth + tooltipPadding * 2) / 2;
let x = handle.translateX - offset;
const arrow = {
x: handle.translateX - 5,
y: handle.translateY - 13,
if (position === 'center') {
x = handle.translateX + (range - tooltipWidth) / 2;
arrow.x = x + tooltipWidth / 2 - 5;
// tooltip is outside right edge of minimap
if (x + tooltipWidth > size) {
x = size - tooltipWidth;
arrow.x = size - 5;
// tooltip is outside of left edge of minimap
if (x < left) {
x = left;
arrow.x = x;
return { x, y: handle.translateY - 25, arrow };
const tooltipFill = THEME.fifth;
* Adjust the position, width of the tooltip
* @name adjustTooltip
* @param {Scroller} scroller
* @param {String} position: position of tooltip [left, right, center]
* @param {String} str: string to initially display in tooltip
* @returns {undefined}
const adjustTooltip = function(scroller, position, str) {
const { [`${position}TooltipArrow`]: arrow, [`${position}Tooltip`]: tooltip, [`${position}TooltipText`]: text } = scroller;
text.attr({ text: str });
// const { clientWidth: textWidth, clientHeight: textHeight } = text.element;
const textWidth = widthMap[position];
const textHeight = 14;
const {
arrow: { x: arrowX, y: arrowY },
} = findTooltipPosition(scroller, position, textWidth);
width: textWidth + tooltipPadding * 2,
height: textHeight + tooltipPadding * 2,
fill: tooltipFill,
y: y - textHeight - tooltipPadding,
text.attr({ text: str, x: x + tooltipPadding, y: y }).css({
color: THEME.primary,
fontSize: '14px',
d: ['M', arrowX, arrowY, 'H', arrowX + 10, 'L', arrowX + 5, arrowY + 5, 'L', arrowX, arrowY],
fill: tooltipFill,
* Render the scroller as it changes through interaction
* @name render
* @param {Function} proceed: effectively `_super`
* @param {Number} min: min xAxis value of currently represented by the navigator
* @param {Number} max: max xAxis value of currently represented by the navigator
* @param {Number} pxMin: min pixel position of current navigator selection
* @param {Number} pxMax: max pixel position of current navigator selection
* @returns {undefined}
H.wrap(H.Navigator.prototype, 'render', function(proceed, min, max, pxMin, pxMax) {
const [, ...args] = arguments;
proceed.call(this, ...args);
const {
navigatorOptions: { tooltipFormatter },
} = this;
if (!tooltipFormatter) return;
const { chart } = this;
const { dataMin, dataMax } = chart.xAxis[0];
const diff = dataMax - dataMin;
const unit = diff / chart.xAxis[0].width;
const range = { min: dataMin + unit * this.zoomedMin, max: dataMin + unit * this.zoomedMax };
const formattedTooltipText = tooltipFormatter(range.min, range.max, pxMin, pxMax);
formattedTooltipText.center = `${formattedTooltipText.left} - ${formattedTooltipText.right}`;
if (!this.tooltipRendered) {
renderTooltip(this, 'left', formattedTooltipText.left);
renderTooltip(this, 'right', formattedTooltipText.right);
renderTooltip(this, 'center', formattedTooltipText.center);
this.tooltipRendered = true;
if (!formattedTooltipText.left) return;
const positions = ['left', 'right', 'center'];
positions.forEach(position => {
const capitalizedPosition = position.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + position.slice(1);
const grabbed = this[`grabbed${capitalizedPosition}`];
if (grabbed) {
fadeInTooltip(this, position);
adjustTooltip(this, position, formattedTooltipText[position]);
debounceFadeOut(this, position);
} else {
fadeOutTooltip(this, position);
进行完上面的修改调整之后, 就可以在调用的地方使用啦
- 首先, 把上面经过调整后的代码粘贴到你要使用Highcharts的地方的上面
- 在你要用的地方这样使用
navigator: {
height: 32,
margin: 20,
xAxis: {
labels: {
enabled: true,
tooltipFormatter: function(min, max) {
return { left: formatter.dateFormatter(min), right: formatter.dateFormatter(max) };