Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” ---Mark10:21
The rich young officer had a passion for perfection. As soon as he saw the Lord Jesus, he wanted to become him. When the Lord called his disciples, he never put personal holiness first; He presupposes the absolute surrender of his self-sovereignty with his complete approval—a relationship without other relations.
Luke14:26 has nothing to do with the sanctification of salvation, it’s about unconditional approval of the Lord. Few people really know the absolute “going” surrenders to God, never to return. 开 “Jesus looked at him and loved him.” To be touched by Jesus’s eyes means to be away from anyone or anything forever. Did he ever look at you? The eye of the Lord changes and seizes the person. When you are especially obedient to God, you must have been looked at by the Lord. If you persist in your own will, in your own righteousness, and in blaming others, it means that there is still a large part of your nature that has not been changed by the eye of the Lord.
“One thing you lack.” In the sight of the Lord, the only “good” is to be in union with him, with nothing in between. “Sell everything you have…” I must let go of myself until there is only one consciousness left. There is only one thing that can save—and that is to look absolutely toward Jesus Christ. I must give up everything completely, nor for the salvation of my soul, but to follow him. “Follow me.” This is the way which he walked that day.
Dear God, I come to you completely. I feel that I absolutely need you. I only wait for you to speak to me. What else can I say to you? Like the sand of the desert in the sun, let me lie down before you.