- 多余的动词 + 名词
- 多余的动词 + 多余的名词 + 第三个单词
第一种情况:多余的动词 + 名词
典型的例子是: we must make an improvement in work. 其实简化成 improve our work 即可。make在这里多余,并没有实际意义。
白话文有时候稍显啰嗦,上面的句子在中文中我们可能经常这么说:我们要在工作中取得进步。翻译的时候,如果兼顾每个中文词,就会重点放在“取得”这个动词上。“进步”在中文既有动词也可以做名词,在这里成了“取得”的名词,所以于我们便自然而然的直译成“make an improvement in work", 语法没毛病,意思表达也没毛病,不过作者建议,重点词在“进步”, 将其视为动词而非我们的名词,便成了 "improve our work", 简单直接,也挺好。
- to make 系列
- to make a decision on -> to decide to
- to make efforts to -> to try to
- to make an analysis -> to analyze
- ...
- to have 系列
- to have an influence on -> to influence
- to have the need for -> to need
- ...
- accomplish the transformation -> transform
- conduct a careful exam of -> examine
- launch an attack -> attack
- bring about a change -> change
- implement the reform -> reform
- realize industrial modernization -> modernize
- give guidance to -> guide
- ...
上面这些是主动语态,换成被动语言也有同样问题,比如"an improvement is made in work", 改成 " our work is improved",
- approval should be given -> be approved
- solutions can be found -> be solved