//常量 let pi=3.33
//变量 var ene=100
var length = 10, width = 20, height = 30
var age:Int = 24 //为变量age设置整型的数据类型
let isEnemy = false
var emptyString2 = String()
字符串拼接:let FullName = firstName + ” “+ “Lee” //结果为:Jerry
3 整数处理
1 var intNumber = 30
2 intNumber.distance(to:40) //获得两个数据的差值,结
3 intNumber.advanced(by:20) //将整数增加20,结果:50
4 number.isLess(than:-9.0)
5 number.multiply(by:2)
4 字符串比较
if(passwordFromUser == passwordFromDb)
print(userType1.hasPrefix(“京东”)) //true
print(userType2.hasSuffix(“买家”)) //true
5 字符串截取和替换
1 var hello = “Hello, Swift!”
2 hello.substring(from:hello.index(hello.startIndex,
offsetBy:7)) //Swift!
3 hello.substring(to:hello.index(hello.endIndex,
offsetBy:-8)) //Hello
4 hello.replacingOccurrences(of:“Hello”, with:“Hi”)
//Hi, Swift!
5 hello.remove(at:hello.index(hello.startIndex,
offsetBy:5)) //,
6 print(hello) //Hello Swift!
6 迭代for
1 var num = 0
2 let hello = “15011123451”
3 for temp in hello.characters
4 {
5 if temp == “1”
6 {
7 num += 1
8 }
9 }
10 print(num) //结果为:5
7 元组 字典
let people = (“John”, 33)
1 let people = (name:“John”, age:33)
2 print(“People’s name is (people.name), and age is
1 let one = 1
2 let minusOne = -one //结果为:-1
3 let plusOne = +one //结果为:1
4 let anotherOne = -minusOne //结果为:1
9 循环: for index in 0 ..<3
1 for index in 0 ..< 3
2 {
3 print(“index is (index)”)
4 }
1 let students = [“Jerry”, “Thomas”, “John”]
2 for student in students {
3 print(“Student name:(student)”)
4 }
1 let scores = [“Jerry”:78, “Thomas”:88, “John”:92]
2 for (student, score) in scores
3 {
4 print(student + ”’ score is (score)”)
5 }
10 fi
3 if (count!= 18 && count!= 15)
4 {
5 print(“错误的身份证号码。”)
6 }
else if
11 switch
1 let time = 12
2 switch time
3 {
4 case 7:
5 print(“It’s time to get up.”)
6 case 8, 12, 18:
7 print(“It’s time for eating.”)
8 case let x where x>18 && x<=24:
9 print(“Happy time.”)
10 case 1……6:
11 print(“It’s time for rest.”)
12 default:
13 print(“Keep busy.”)
14 }
12 数组
1 let stringArray = Array<String>()
2 let floatArray = Float
3 let intArry = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
1 let intArry = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
2 print(intArry[2]) //结果为:3
1 intArry.isEmpty //判断数组是否为空,结果为:false
2 intArry.count //获得数组中元素的数量,结果为:5
3 intArry.contains(3) //判断数组中是否存在3,结果为:true
1 var intArry = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
2 intArry += [6] //intArray的元素:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
3 intArry.append(7) //intArray的元素:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
4 intArry.insert(100, at:2) // intArray的元素:[1, 2, 100,3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
1 intArry.removeFirst() // intArray的元素:[2, 9, 8, 8, 8,6, 7]
2 intArry.removeLast() // intArray的元素:[2, 9, 8, 8, 8,6]
3 intArry.remove(at:2) // intArray的元素:[2, 9, 8, 8,6]
4 intArry.removeSubrange(Range(1..<3)) // intArray的元素:[2, 8, 6]
5 intArry.removeAll() // intArray的元素:[]
13 排序: intArray.sort()
1 var userList = [(name:” Thomas”, age:20), (name:”John”, age:32), (name:” Bill”, age:28)]
2 userList.sort(isOrderedBefore:{1.name})
14 zip
2 let range = 2..<numbers.count
3 for (index, value) in zip(range, numbers[range])
4 {
5 print(“(index):(value)”)
6 }
1 var diallingCodes1 = Dictionary<String, String>()
2 var diallingCodes2 = [“010”:”北京”, “021”:”上海”,“0592”:”厦门”]
diallingCodes.updateValue(“厦门”, forKey:“0592”)
1 diallingCodes[“020”] = nil
2 diallingCodes.removeValue(forKey:“020”)