1、音频 0b
2、视频 0b 第3、4、5单元
M:let's play jack-in-the-box
M: You can pretend to be the happy clown,you need hide in the box。(mommy help him to get into the box)hide well,Carlos.
jack-in-the-box, oh,so still, will you come out?
B:yes, I will
After we played two times,he said ‘let's play another way“
M: ok,it's my turn to be the clown
He walked around the box and sing the song.
中午看了what's the time ,Titch这一本,他读的时候故意把时间空出来,他自己会补充,说 7 o'clock ,8 o'clock等,不是看上面的钟表显示,是看上面的数字。it's time to...这个句子,他也会补充 get up,time for bed等.然后读的时候,我们还在页面里发现了Titch的玩具jack-in-the-box
晚上的时候,看的时间 比较长的是0b的这本教材,他的主线是数字unit1,unit2,然后一直翻到最后面unit 12,我就跟着他翻的时候,给他稍微的指指里面的内容。青蛙妈妈和蝌蚪那一页,问了他几次,都不睬我。后来问了一下,指着小蝌蚪问他是什么,他说 fish。然后我说,NO,they are not fish, they are tadpoles,the green frog is their mama.
polar bear这一本,上面有boa constrict ,walrus不知道,之前不知道的flamingo这次知道了。翻到zookeeper这一页的时候,我吹口哨,他呵呵的笑。
睡觉前,妈妈拿他的小兔子给他,他唱了一hello bunny,我就跟着他把这个歌唱了一遍,唱完之后,我获得了石头的口头鼓励,他说,good job ,mommy!让我笑了。