1. find_circ鉴定circRNA的原理
find_circ 的基本原理: find_circ根据Bowtie2比对结果,从没有比对到参考序列的 reads 的两端各提取 20nt 的 anchor 序列,将每一对 anchor 序列再次与参考序列比对。如果 anchor 序列的 5' 端比对到参考序列(起始与终止位点分别记为 A3,A4),anchor 序列的 3' 端比对到此位点的上游(起始与终止位点分别记为 A1,A2),并且在参考序列的 A2 到 A3 之间存在剪接位点(GT-AG),则将此 read 作为候选 circRNA。最后将 read count 大于等于 2 的候选 circRNA 作为鉴定的 circRNA。
2. find_circ的安装
find_circ需要运行在装有python 2.7的64位系统上,同时需要安装numpy和pysam这两个python模块。其运行需要借助bowtie2和samtools来完成基因组mapping的过程。
1 wget https://github.com/marvin-jens/find_circ/archive/v1.2.tar.gz
2 tar -xzvf v1.2.tar.gz
3. 参考基因组的下载
1 fetch_ucsc.py hg19/hg38/mm9/mm10 ref/kg/ens/fa out
4. bowtie2建立参考基因组索引
1 bowtie2_build hg38.fa hg38
5. 基于RNA-Seq的基因组比对(pair-end模式)
-p 使用多线程
--very-sensitive 允许多重比对,报告出最好的一个
--score-min=C,-15,0 设置比对分数函数
--mm 设置I/O模式。
samtools view参数介绍
-h 文件包含header line
-b 输出bam格式
-u 输出非压缩的bam格式
–S 忽略版本兼容
1 bowtie2 -p 16 --very-sensitive --score-min=C,-15,0 --mm -x /path/to/bowtie2_index -q -1 reads1.fq -2 reads2.fq | samtools view -hbuS - | samtools sort - -o output.bam
6. 挑出没有比对上的序列,各取两头20bp短序列(anchor)
1 samtools view -hf 4 output.bam | samtools view -Sb - > unmapped.bam
2 /path/to/unmapped2anchors.py unmapped.bam | gzip > anchors.fq.gz
--reads参数会生成包含spliced reads的fa文件
1 bowtie2 -p 16 --reorder --mm --score-min=C,-15,0 -q -x /path/to/bowtie2_index -U anchors.fq.gz | /path/to/find_circ.py --genome=/path/to/hg38.fa --prefix=hsa_ --name=my_test_sample --stats=<run folder>/stats.txt --reads=<run folder>/splice_reads.fa > <run folder>/spliced_sites.bed
3.筛选unique junction reads数至少为2的环状RNA
1 grep CIRCULAR spliced_sites.bed | grep -v chrM | gawk '$5>=2' | grep UNAMBIGUOUS_BP | grep ANCHOR_UNIQUE | /path/to/maxlength.py 100000 > find_circ.candidates.bed
1 /path/to/merge_bed.py sample1.bed sample2.bed [...] >combined.bed
9. 输出的spliced_sites_bed文件格式
column | name | description |
1 | chrom | chromosome/contig name |
2 | start | left splice site (zero-based) |
3 | end | right splice site (zero-based).(Always: end > start. 5' 3' depends on strand) |
4 | name | (provisional) running number/name assigned to junction |
5 | n_reads | number of reads supporting the junction (BED 'score') |
6 | strand | genomic strand (+ or -) |
7 | n_uniq | number of distinct read sequences supporting the junction |
8 | uniq_bridges | number of reads with both anchors aligning uniquely |
9 | best_qual_left | alignment score margin of the best anchor alignment supporting the left splice junction (max=2 * anchor_length) |
10 | best_qual_right | same for the right splice site |
11 | tissues | comma-separated, alphabetically sorted list of supporting the left splice junction (max=2 * anchor_length) |
12 | tiss_counts | comma-separated list of corresponding read-counts |
13 | edits | number of mismatches in the anchor extension process |
14 | anchor_overlap | number of nucleotides the breakpoint resides within one anchor |
15 | breakpoints | number of alternative ways to break the read with flanking GT/AG |
16 | signal | flanking dinucleotide splice signal (normally GT/AG) |
17 | strandmatch | 'MATCH', 'MISMATCH' or 'NA' for non-stranded analysis |
18 | category | list of keywords describing the junction. Useful for quick grep filtering |