一些文件分享:纳粹占领欧洲的大规模暴力-Mass Violence In 欧洲法律文化:千年的综合体-A cultura jurídi机器电子控制-La commande électroniqu...

标题(title):Mass Violence In Nazi-Occupied Europe


作者(author):Alex J. Kay, David Stahel

出版社(publisher):Indiana University Press

大小(size):4 MB (4328419 bytes)



Mass Violence in Nazi-Occupied Europe argues for a more comprehensive understanding of what constitutes Nazi violence and who was affected by this violence. The works gathered consider sexual violence, food depravation, and forced labor as aspects of Nazi aggression. Contributors focus in particular on the Holocaust, the persecution of the Sinti and Roma, the eradication of "useless eaters" (psychiatric patients and Soviet prisoners of war), and the crimes of the Wehrmacht. The collection concludes with a consideration of memorialization and a comparison of Soviet and Nazi mass crimes. While it has been over 70 years since the fall of the Nazi regime, the full extent of the ways violence was used against prisoners of war and civilians is only now coming to be fully understood. Mass Violence in Nazi-Occupied Europe provides new insight into the scale of the violence suffered and brings fresh urgency to the need for a deeper understanding of this horrific moment in history.

Table of contents :

Introduction : understanding Nazi mass violence / Alex J. Kay and David Stahel --

Part I. Holocaust. Hitler's generals in the East and the Holocaust / Johannes Hürter --

Jews sent into the occupied Soviet territories for labor deployment, 1942-1943 / Martin Dean --

Were the Jews of North Africa included in the practical planning for the "final solution of the Jewish question"? / Dan Michman --

Part II. Sinti and Roma. "The definitive solution to the gypsy question" : the Pan-European genocide of the European Roma / Wolfgang Wippermann --

Deadly odyssey : East Prussian Sinti in Białystok, Brest-Litovsk and Auschwitz-Birkenau / Martin Holler --

Part III. "Useless eaters". Soviet prisoners of war in SS concentration camps : current knowledge and research desiderata / Reinhard Otto and Rolf Keller --

The murder of psychiatric patients by the SS and the Wehrmacht in Poland and the Soviet Union, especially in Mogilev, 1939-1945 / Ulrike Winkler and Gerrit Hohendorf --

Part IV. Wehrmacht. Reconceiving criminality in the German Army on the Eastern Front, 1941-1942 / Alex J. Kay and David Stahel --

Bodily conquest : sexual violence in the Nazi East / Waitman Wade Beorn --

Part V. Memorialization. The Holocaust in the occupied USSR and its memorialization in contemporary Russia / Il'ya Al'tman --

The Baltic movement to obfuscate the Holocaust / Dovid Katz --

Part VI. History as comparison. Comparing Soviet and Nazi mass crimes / Hans-Heinrich Nolte.

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/8721/

标题(title):A cultura jurídica europeia: síntese de um milénio


作者(author):António Manuel Hespanha


大小(size):4 MB (4177739 bytes)



"Esta versão de Cultura Jurídica Europeia foi concebida para um público luso-brasileiro, incluindo conteúdos novos, relativos às duas culturas jurídicas. Uma vez que a Almedina cobre agora os dois públicos, será esta a única edição do livro, ao contrário do que se previa no seu prefácio." O Autor

A cultura europeia é seguramente a única em que o direito tem um lugar diferenciado no sistema dos saberes e, ao mesmo tempo, em que ocupa, desde há uns dois milénios um lugar central, tanto na disciplina da sociedade como na forma de a imaginar. É que, já há 2.000 anos, um jurista romano definia o direito como aquilo “que a natureza ensina a todos os animais. Pois, esse Direito não é apenas próprio do género humano, senão comum a todos os animais que nascem na terra e no mar. É também comum às aves”.

É desse direito – na realidade constituído por muitos direitos, uns dos doutores, outros dos rústicos – que trata este livro. Acompanhamo-los, em vários cenários sociais, durante os últimos 1.000 anos. Sensível aos distintos contextos das culturas, das sociedades e das histórias da Europa, mas também impondo-se como formas de pensar as relações sociais e a própria existência pessoal de cada um; numa área cultural que já foi definida como “construída sobre o direito” e, durante vários séculos, como a “sociedade do papel selado”.

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/37743/

标题(title):La commande électronique des machines


作者(author):Michel Pinard


大小(size):19 MB (20133273 bytes)



Cet ouvrage, constitué de 65 fiches-outils regroupées en 8 dossiers, présente de manière détaillée le contrôle et la commande des machines électriques.

Table of contents :

Sommaire......Page 3

Les cahiers techniques, mode d’emploi......Page 6

Dossier 1 Le flux magnétiquedans les machines......Page 8

Fiche 1 Magnétisme: systèmeà un seul bobinage......Page 12

Fiche 2 Magnétisme: systèmeà deux bobinages......Page 18

Fiche 3 Sources à courantcontinu......Page 22

Fiche 4 Sources à courantalternatifmonophasé......Page 24

Fiche 5 Source à courantalternatiftriphasé......Page 27

Fiche 6 Théorèmede Ferraris. Transformations......Page 31

Fiche 7 Transformationde Park......Page 38

Dossier 2 Convertisseursde Puissance......Page 44

Fiche 8 Les hacheurs (Choppers)......Page 48

Fiche 9 Le hacheur en utilisationpratique.......Page 51

Fiche 10 Les redresseurs à diodes (Rectifiers)......Page 57

Fiche 11 Redresseurà thyristors(Thyristor-basedrectifierbridge)......Page 60

Fiche 12 Les Onduleurs monophasés(Single phase inverters)......Page 67

Fiche 13 Les Gradateurs monophasés(The power dimmers)......Page 74

Fiche 14 Les Onduleurs autonomestriphasés(The three phase inverters)......Page 78

Fiche 15 L’Onduleur triphaséà modulation de largeurd’impulsion vectorielle(The SVPWM inverter)......Page 84

Fiche 16 L’onduleur assisté (The load-controlledinverter)......Page 90

Dossier 3 Utilisationdu moteur à courantcontinu......Page 93

Fiche 17 Le moteur à courantcontinuen régime stationnaire(DC motor)......Page 96

Fiche 18 Le moteur à courantcontinu : alimentationpar hacheur......Page 105

Fiche 19 Le moteur à courantcontinu :régime dynamique......Page 110

Fiche 20 Le moteur à courantcontinu : étude de cas......Page 118

Fiche 21 Le moteur à courantcontinu : modèle d’état......Page 123

Fiche 22 Moteur à courantcontinu.Utilisationen robotique......Page 131

Fiche 23 Commande d’un moteur à courantcontinu :freinage......Page 139

Dossier 4 Utilisationdu moteur à courantalternatif.......Page 145

Fiche 24 Moteur série universel......Page 148

Fiche 25 Moteur asynchronemonophaséet moteur diphasé......Page 154

Fiche 26 Machine synchroneà pôles lissesen régime stationnairelinéaire......Page 159

Fiche 27 Machine synchroneà pôles saillantsen régime stationnairelinéaire......Page 165

Fiche 28 Machine synchroneen régime stationnairenon-linéaire......Page 169

Fiche 29 Machine synchroneen régime dynamique......Page 175

Fiche 30 Machine synchrone: utilisationde la Transforméede Park......Page 183

Fiche 31 Machine asynchroneen régime stationnaire:modélisation......Page 192

Fiche 31 (suite) Machine asynchroneen régimestationnaire: Couple. Essais expérimentaux......Page 198

Fiche 32 Moteur asynchroneen régime dynamique......Page 206

Fiche 33 Déterminationexpérimentaledes élémentsdu modèle de la machine asynchrone......Page 216

Dossier 5 Contrôle asservissementcommande......Page 223

Fiche 34 Contrôle en vitesse d’un moteur......Page 226

Fiche 35 Commande en couple d’un moteur électrique......Page 232

Fiche 36 Les Capteurs......Page 238

Fiche 37 Méthodes de Strejc, Broïdaet Ziegler-Nichols......Page 246

Fiche 38 Systèmesbouclésanalogiques......Page 250

Fiche 39 Les avantagesde la commande numérique......Page 255

Fiche 40 Correctiondes systèmesanalogiqueset numériques......Page 263

Fiche 41 Simulationd’une régulationde vitesseà moteur à courantcontinu......Page 273

Dossier 6 Machine synchrone: commande......Page 283

Fiche 42 Couplaged’une machine synchronesur le réseau......Page 287

Fiche 43 Couplaged’un moteur synchronesur le réseau......Page 299

Fiche 44 Autopilotaged’un moteur synchrone......Page 306

Fiche 45 Pilotaged’une machine synchronepar DSP ou FPGA......Page 316

Fiche 46 Moteurs à réluctance variable......Page 324

Fiche 47 Moteurs pas à pas......Page 332

Dossier 7 Machine asynchrone: commande......Page 333

Fiche 48 Couplagesur le réseau d’une machineasynchrone......Page 336

Fiche 49 Commande en vitesse du moteur asynchrone......Page 341

Fiche 50 Commande en boucle ouverte du moteurasynchrone......Page 348

Fiche 51 Autopilotagescalairedu moteur asynchrone......Page 356

Fiche 52 Contrôle vectorieldu moteur asynchrone......Page 359

Fiche 53 Commande à flux orienté du moteurasynchrone......Page 369

Fiche 54 Pilotagepar processeur: commande directedu couple par DSP ou FPGA......Page 377

Dossier 8 Le moteur électriqueen milieu industriel......Page 381

Fiche 55 Les systèmesindustriels......Page 385

Fiche 56 Le moteur électriquedans l’environnementindustriel......Page 390

Fiche 57 Utilisation d’un moteur à courantcontinu......Page 391

Fiche 58 Utilisationd’un moteur synchroneautopiloté......Page 392

Fiche 59 Le moteur asynchronedans les systèmesindustriels......Page 399

Fiche 60 Commandes d’axes......Page 405

Fiche 61 Choix entre les divers moteurset leur commande......Page 413

Annexes......Page 414

Index......Page 415

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/14768/

标题(title):Articulating the Moral Community: Toward a Constructive Ethical Pragmatism


作者(author):Henry Richardson

出版社(publisher):Oxford University Press

大小(size):13 MB (13204411 bytes)



Is morality fixed objectively, independently of all human judgment, or do we "invent" right and wrong? Articulating the Moral Community argues that neither of these simple answers is correct. Its central thesis is that, working within zones of objective indeterminacy, the moral community-the community of all persons-has the authority to introduce new moral norms.

Unlike political communities, which are centralized, non-inclusive, and backed by coercion, the moral community is decentralized, inclusive, and not coercively backed. This book explains in detail how its structure arises from efforts by individuals to work out intelligently with one another how to respond to morally important concerns. Developing a novel theory of dyadic rights and duties based on this phenomenon, the book argues that conscientious efforts of this kind provide moral input, authoritative only over the parties involved. After sufficient uptake and reflective acceptance by the moral community, however, these innovations become new moral norms.

This account of the moral community's moral authority is motivated by, and supports, a type of normative ethical theory, constructive ethical pragmatism, which-to use an unfashionable distinction defended in the book-rejects the consequentialist claim that rightness is to be defined as a function of goodness and the deontological claim that principles of right stand fixed, independently of the good. It holds, rather, that what we ought to do depends on our continuing efforts to specify the right and the good in light of each other.

Table of contents :

Cover......Page 1

Series......Page 3

Articulating the Moral Community......Page 4

Copyright......Page 5

Dedication......Page 6

Contents......Page 8

Preface......Page 12

PART ONE: Preliminaries......Page 20

Introduction......Page 22

I.1. The Universality of the Moral Community......Page 23

I.2. Illustrative Examples of Decentered Moral Innovation......Page 28

I.3. The Possibility of Indeterminacy-​Reducing Moral Progress......Page 32

I.4. Basic Conditions on How New Moral Norms Can Be Socially Introduced......Page 40

I.5. Preview of the Argument......Page 46

1.1. Characterizing Constructive Ethical Pragmatism......Page 50

1.2. Moral Theory as Having a Practical Role......Page 60

1.3. The Flexibility of Constructive Ethical Pragmatism......Page 67

1.4. Constructive Ethical Pragmatism Will Guide Deliberation Better......Page 75

PART TWO: The Moral Authority of the Moral Community......Page 80

2. The Idea of the Moral Community......Page 82

2.1. Ways of Modeling the Moral Community......Page 83

2.2. Kant on the Ethical Community......Page 88

2.3. Norms to Structure the Moral Community......Page 92

2.4. The Unity of the Universal Moral Community: Thompson’s Challenge......Page 94

3.1. The Specificatory Theory of Dyadic Moral Rights and Duties......Page 104

3.2. Rival Theories of Dyadic Rights and Duties?......Page 108

3.3. Addressing Human Rights......Page 112

3.4. Generalizing the Account to Include Transactional Duties and Private Rights......Page 117

3.5. From Specific Address to the Specificatory Theory of Dyadic Rights and Duties......Page 124

3.6. Objections to the Specificatory Theory......Page 130

3.7. The Specificatory Theory Compared to the Will Theory......Page 133

3.8. The Input Stage......Page 134

4. The Unity of the Moral Community......Page 137

4.1. Bringing Intelligent Beings Together Under One System of Norms......Page 139

4.2. Effacing the Boundaries Between Distinct Practices......Page 140

4.3. Knitting Together Morally Disagreeing Communities......Page 143

4.4. Looking Beyond Individual Human Nature to the Social......Page 145

4.5. Beyond Interacting Intelligent Beings......Page 148

4.6. How All Persons Can Be United in a Single Moral Community......Page 152

5. Introducing New Moral Norms......Page 154

5.1. Selection and Convergence......Page 156

5.2. The Very Idea of Moral Authority......Page 161

5.3. The Moral Community’s Authority Respects Autonomy......Page 164

5.4. New Moral Norms......Page 168

5.5. New Objective Norms......Page 171

6. Working It Out together: Joint Moral Reasoning......Page 173

6.1. Why a New Account of Jointly Embodied Moral Reasoning Is Needed......Page 176

6.2. Generality, Inclusiveness, and Deference to Authority......Page 184

6.3. A Model of Embodied, Joint Moral Reasoning......Page 188

7. Ratification of New Moral Norms......Page 195

7.1. Mutual Recognition of Acceptance......Page 196

7.2. The Problem of Future Persons......Page 203

7.3. Backward-​Looking Awareness......Page 206

7.4. Reasoning in the Ratification Stage......Page 208

7.5. Ratification: Summing up......Page 210

PART THREE: Defending and Extending the Account......Page 212

8. Reasons, Indeterminacy, and Compromise......Page 214

8.1. The Appeal of the Set of First-​Order Reasons......Page 215

8.2. The Moral-​Psychological Objection......Page 220

8.3. Reasoning in Terms of Ends......Page 224

8.4. The Role of Commitments......Page 230

8.5. Compromise: Working Things Out Together......Page 231

8.6. Reasons and Reasoning......Page 235

9. Noneternal Moral Principles......Page 237

9.1. Cudworth’s Essentialist Argument for Moral Rationalism......Page 238

9.2. Cohen’s Argument Against Fact-​Sensitive Principles......Page 245

9.3. Working with Moral Principles in Medias Res......Page 254

10. Objectivity and Path-​Dependence......Page 257

10.1. A Working Conception of Moral Objectivity......Page 260

10.2. Objectivity in the Introduction of New Moral Norms......Page 264

10.3. Path-​Dependence......Page 266

10.4. Retrospective Moral Judgment......Page 269

10.5. Taint by Actual Injustice and Corruption......Page 275

C.1. Results of the Argument......Page 279

C.2. Implications for Constructive Ethical Pragmatism......Page 283

C.3. Broadening the Argument’s Reach......Page 286

C.4. The Significance of These Conclusions......Page 290

References......Page 294

Index......Page 308

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标题(title):1001 low-carb recipes: hundreds of delicious recipes from dinner to dessert that let you live your low-carb lifestyle and never look back


作者(author):Dana Carpender

出版社(publisher):Fair Winds Press

大小(size):585 kB (599227 bytes)



Staying the low-carb course will be easy all year long with a seemingly endless choice of everything from barbecue and simple-to-prepare slow-cooker fare to internationally inspired dishes and snacks.

Abstract: Drawing on the best 1001 recipes from Dana Carpender's bestselling books, You'll find delicious and varied options including recipes for "high-carb" foods you thought you had to give up forever.  Read more...

Table of contents :

Content: Ingredients you need to know about --

Beverages --

Appetizers and snacks --

Eggs and dairy --

Breads --

Salads --

Soups --

Sides --

Fish and seafood --

Poultry --

Beef --

Pork and lamb --

Sauces and seasonings --


下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/39743/

标题(title):Chwaresmischer Wortindex


作者(author):Johannes Benzing, Helmut Humbach, Zahra Taraf

出版社(publisher):Otto Harrassowitz

大小(size):6 MB (5977767 bytes)



Table of contents :

Vorwort......Page 8

Einleitung......Page 10

’ (Alif)......Page 16

‘ (‘Ain)......Page 144

b......Page 149

β......Page 200

c......Page 217

Č......Page 235

d......Page 245

δ......Page 254

f......Page 272

γ......Page 289

h ~ ḥ......Page 312

ǰ......Page 339

k......Page 347

l......Page 379

m......Page 381

n......Page 465

p......Page 496

q......Page 554

r......Page 558

s......Page 574

š......Page 594

t......Page 613

θ......Page 627

w......Page 637

x......Page 668

y......Page 701

z......Page 715

ž......Page 728

Nachträge......Page 729

Allgemeine Abkürzungen......Page 730

Literatur......Page 734

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/14815/

标题(title):America's Test Kitchen Twentieth Anniversary TV Show Cookbook: Best-Ever Recipes from the Most Successful Cooking Show on TV


作者(author):America's Test Kitchen

出版社(publisher):America's Test Kitchen

大小(size):270 MB (282934056 bytes)



A special collection of the very best 500 recipes from two decades of the America's Test Kitchen TV show, plus all the recipes from the 20th season. Here are ATK's greatest hits, the most inventive and rewarding project recipes, classics reimagined, must-have basics, international favorites, and all-star baking recipes.

The recipes selected for this commemorative edition celebrate the best and most remarkable accomplishments from 500 episodes of the longest-running cooking show on TV. The collection also shines a spotlight on the cast with fascinating commentary on the recipes from the team that brought them to life on TV. The book captures the personality of the show and provides a first-ever behind-the-scenes look at its beloved cast members along with special features that relay the collected expertise, wit, and wisdom of the team behind America's most-trusted test kitchen.

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/51913/

标题(title):Multi-scale Extracellular Matrix Mechanics and Mechanobiology


作者(author):Yanhang Zhang

出版社(publisher):Springer International Publishing

大小(size):14 MB (14908587 bytes)



This book describes the current state of knowledge in the field of multi-scale ECM mechanics and mechanobiology with a focus on experimental and modelling studies in biomechanical characterization, advanced optical microscopy and imaging, as well as computational modeling. This book also discusses the scale dependency of ECM mechanics, translation of mechanical forces from tissue to cellular level, and advances and challenges in improving our understanding of cellular mechanotransduction in the context of living tissues and organisms.

Table of contents :

Front Matter ....Pages i-xiii

Biomechanics and Mechanobiology of Extracellular Matrix Remodeling (Jay D. Humphrey, Marcos Latorre)....Pages 1-20

Multi-scale Modeling of the Heart Valve Interstitial Cell (Alex Khang, Daniel P. Howsmon, Emma Lejeune, Michael S. Sacks)....Pages 21-53

Modeling the Structural and Mechanical Properties of the Normal and Aneurysmatic Aortic Wall (T. Christian Gasser)....Pages 55-82

Cellular and Extracellular Homeostasis in Fluctuating Mechanical Environments (Béla Suki, Harikrishnan Parameswaran, Calebe Alves, Ascânio D. Araújo, Erzsébet Bartolák-Suki)....Pages 83-121

Experimental Characterization of Adventitial Collagen Fiber Kinematics Using Second-Harmonic Generation Imaging Microscopy: Similarities and Differences Across Arteries, Species and Testing Conditions (Cristina Cavinato, Pierre Badel, Witold Krasny, Stéphane Avril, Claire Morin)....Pages 123-164

Intrinsic Optical Imaging of ECM Mechanics (Raphaël Turcotte, Yanhang Zhang)....Pages 165-202

Collagen Self-assembly: Biophysics and Biosignaling for Advanced Tissue Generation (David O. Sohutskay, Theodore J. Puls, Sherry L. Voytik-Harbin)....Pages 203-245

Roles of Interactions Between Cells and Extracellular Matrices for Cell Migration and Matrix Remodeling (Jing Li, Wonyeong Jung, Sungmin Nam, Ovijit Chaudhuri, Taeyoon Kim)....Pages 247-282

Quantification of Cell-Matrix Interaction in 3D Using Optical Tweezers (Satish Kumar Gupta, Jiawei Sun, Yu Long Han, Chenglin Lyu, Tianlei He, Ming Guo)....Pages 283-310

Cell-Matrix Interactions in Cardiac Development and Disease (Matthew C. Watson, Erica M. Cherry-Kemmerling, Lauren D. Black III)....Pages 311-342

Multi-scale Mechanics of Collagen Networks: Biomechanical Basis of Matrix Remodeling in Cancer (J. Ferruzzi, Y. Zhang, D. Roblyer, M. H. Zaman)....Pages 343-387

Back Matter ....Pages 389-392

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/38945/

标题(title):Robert Bakewell: Pioneer Livestock Breeder


作者(author):H. Cecil Pawson

出版社(publisher):Crosby Lockwood & Son, Ltd.

大小(size):41 MB (42692583 bytes)



- Foreword

- Author's Acknowledgments

- Preface

Part 1

1. Historical Background

2. Forebears and Farm

3. The Man and his Contemporaries

4. Steps to Fame

5. The Scientific Agriculturist

6. Present Day Evaluation (by M. McG. Cooper)

- Bibliography

Part 2

7. The Bakewell Letters - Culley and British Museum Collections


1. Copy of Financial Appeal

2. Letters regarding Bakewell written by George Culley to Arthur Young

3. Extract from Low concerning the dispute between Mr. Chaplin and Mr. Bakewell

4. Description of the Culley Breed by Mr. George Culley of Fenton, Northumberland

- index

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标题(title):Acidulation characteristics of various rock phosphates


作者(author):Brunsting, Elmer Henry


大小(size):9 MB (9346466 bytes)



下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/15118/

标题(title):A Broad Church: The Provisional IRA in the Republic of Ireland, 1969–1980


作者(author):Gearóid Ó Faoleán

出版社(publisher):Merrion Press

大小(size):343 kB (351062 bytes)



This groundbreaking book is the first to detail, with startling new revelations, just how integral the Republic of Ireland was to the Provisional IRA’s campaign. The sheer level of sympathy and support that existed for militant republicanism demonstrates that the longevity of the ‘Troubles’ was due in large part to this widespread tolerance and aid. Former IRA volunteers attest to in interviews and previously unpublished accounts of training camps in the Republic. Juried courts for IRA suspects were phased out as both juries and judges were regularly acquitting republicans in cases of blatant IRA activity.

The extent of activity, training, financing, demonstrations and goodwill for the IRA in the Irish Republic is rarely if ever acknowledged in Irish mainstream media or the education curriculum. This book will dramatically change that view forever.

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/34201/

标题(title):Tadao Ando: complete works


作者(author):Francesco Dal Co, Tadao Andō

出版社(publisher):Phaidon Press

大小(size):35 MB (36976328 bytes)



Tadao Ando, one-time truck driver and boxer, is a self-taught Japanese architect whose winning of the 1995 Pritzker Prize has given him preeminence among his gifted generation. Ando reinvents Japan's architectural tradition in contemporary terms, using minimalist concrete structures of monumental scale, reminiscent of the Brutalist architecture of America's Louis Kahn. Editor Francesco Dal Co, an Italian architectural historian, has produced an excellent survey of Ando's career to date, along with a critical assessment of his work.

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/22141/



作者(author):Michael Palin

出版社(publisher):Random House of Canada

大小(size):55 MB (58112551 bytes)



Intrepid voyager, writer and comedian Michael Palin follows the trail of two expeditions made by the Royal Navy's HMS Erebus to opposite ends of the globe, reliving the voyages and investigating the ship itself, lost on the final Franklin expedition and discovered with the help of Inuit knowledge in 2014.

The story of a ship begins after the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, when Great Britain had more bomb ships than it had enemies. The solid, reinforced hulls of HMS Erebus, and another bomb ship, HMS Terror, made them suitable for discovering what lay at the coldest ends of the earth.

In 1839, Erebus was chosen as the flagship of an expedition to penetrate south to explore Antarctica. Under the leadership of the charismatic James Clark Ross, she and HMS Terror sailed further south than anyone had been before. But Antarctica never captured the national imagination; what the British navy needed now was...

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/2893/

标题(title):Бренд и экономическая устойчивость вуза


作者(author):Беккер Е.Г., Бурделова Т.Н., Юданов А.Ю.


大小(size):2 MB (2058686 bytes)



下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/4126/

标题(title):Теория информации


作者(author):Коллектив авторов


大小(size):4 MB (4302871 bytes)



下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/34202/

标题(title):The Human Factor in a Mission to Mars: An Interdisciplinary Approach


作者(author):Konrad Szocik

出版社(publisher):Springer International Publishing

大小(size):4 MB (4618393 bytes)



A manned mission to Mars is faced with challenges and topics that may not be obvious but of great importance and challenging for such a mission. This is the first book that collects contributions from scholars in various fields, from astronomy and medicine, to theology and philosophy, addressing such topics. The discussion goes beyond medical and technological challenges of such a deep-space mission. The focus is on human nature, human emotions and biases in such a new environment.

The primary audience for this book are all researchers interested in the human factor in a space mission including philosophers, social scientists, astronomers, and others. This volume will also be of high interest for a much wider audience like the non-academic world, or for students.

Table of contents :

Front Matter ....Pages i-xii

Front Matter ....Pages 1-1

Martian Environmental Psychology: The Choice Architecture of a Mars Mission and Colony (Steven Abood)....Pages 3-34

Program Planning for a Mars Hardship Post: Social, Psychological, and Spiritual Services (Margaret Boone Rappaport, Christopher Corbally)....Pages 35-58

Enabling and Enhancing Human Health and Performance for Mars Colonies: Smart Spacecraft and Smart Habitats (Mark Shelhamer)....Pages 59-67

The Impact of Space Weather on Human Missions to Mars: The Need for Good Engineering and Good Forecasts (Mike Hapgood)....Pages 69-91

Mars and Beyond: The Feasibility of Living in the Solar System (Chris Impey)....Pages 93-111

Front Matter ....Pages 113-113

Human Extremophiles: Mars as a Camera Obscura of the Extraterrestrial Scientific Culture (Klara Anna Capova)....Pages 115-132

Colonising Mars. A Time Frame for Ethical Questioning (Jacques Arnould)....Pages 133-144

Can Deep Altruism Sustain Space Settlement? (Jacob Haqq-Misra)....Pages 145-155

Interplanetary Sustainability: Mars as a Means of a Long-Term Sustainable Development of Humankind in the Solar System? (Andreas Losch)....Pages 157-166

Mars Environmental Protection: An Application of the 1/8 Principle (Tony Milligan, Martin Elvis)....Pages 167-183

Science and Ethics in the Exploration of Mars (Gonzalo Munévar)....Pages 185-200

Ethics for an Uninhabited Planet (Erik Persson)....Pages 201-216

Religion for a Spatial Colony: Raising the Right Questions (Lluis Oviedo)....Pages 217-231

Human Place in the Outer Space: Skeptical Remarks (Konrad Szocik)....Pages 233-252

Back Matter ....Pages 253-266

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标题(title):Über den Sicherheitsgrad von bewehrten und unbewehrten Betonkörpern, die auf zentrischen und exzentrischen Druck beansprucht werden


作者(author):Heinrich Wohlers

出版社(publisher):Springer Berlin Heidelberg

大小(size):4 MB (4303165 bytes)



Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Table of contents :

Front Matter ....Pages 1-4

Über den Sicherheitsgrad von Bewehrten und Unbewehrten Betonkörpern, die auf Zentrischen und Exzentrischen Druck Beansprucht Werden (Heinrich Wohlers)....Pages 5-6

Allgemeines über das Spannungsgesetz (Heinrich Wohlers)....Pages 6-8

Das für die Versuchskörper gültige Spannungsgesetz (Heinrich Wohlers)....Pages 8-15

Allgemeine analytische Ermittelung der Nullinienlage, Betonrandspannungen und Eisenspannungenbewehrter und unbewehrter Betonkörper symmetrischen Querschnittes bei exzentrischem Kraftangriff (Heinrich Wohlers)....Pages 15-18

Über den Sicherheitsgrad unbewehrter Betonkörper bei exzentrischem Kraftangriff (Heinrich Wohlers)....Pages 18-24

Über den Sicherheitsgrad bewehrter Betonkörper bei exzentrischem Kraftangriff (Heinrich Wohlers)....Pages 25-35

Schlußbemerkung (Heinrich Wohlers)....Pages 35-36

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/7568/

标题(title):Прикладная СВЧ электроника


作者(author):Коллектив авторов


大小(size):588 kB (601789 bytes)



下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/34203/

标题(title):On the Constitutionality of Compiling a Civil Code of China: A Process Map for Legislation Born out of Pragmatism


作者(author):Zhu Wang

出版社(publisher):Springer Singapore

大小(size):3 MB (3638157 bytes)



This book explains the urgent necessity to compile a Civil Code and calls for constitutional awareness in compiling that Civil Code, highlighting the need for it to be done in a democratic and scientific manner. It advocates “Pragmatic Methods” as a new approach to compiling a Civil Code of China and shares the author’s thoughts on the constitutionality of compiling a Civil Code, explains the object that is to be judged in terms of its constitutionality, and the constitutionality of legal interpretation, of legislative procedures and of legal application. The book also illustrates the author’s “mode of the codifying of non-basic laws” for compiling a Civil Code, and includes a detailed discussion on compiling a Civil Code to reveal how many valid laws there are China – a matter that is of vital importance to the compilation of the Civil Code.The Appendix includes statistics on the number of civil cases classified according to causes of actions, based on “Judicial Opinions of China” website, which is the first step of the author’s plan to investigate civil customs reflected in judgment documents with the help of big-data analytical methods.

Table of contents :

Front Matter ....Pages i-xxv

Front Matter ....Pages 1-1

Necessity of Substantially Compiling the Civil Code as Soon as Possible (Zhu Wang)....Pages 3-12

Awareness of Constitutionality in the Compilation of Civil Code (Zhu Wang)....Pages 13-23

Pragmatic Thinking for the Compilation of Civil Code (Zhu Wang)....Pages 25-32

Front Matter ....Pages 33-33

Object of Constitutionality Judgment—Taking “Unconstitutional Event” in Drafting of the Real Rights Law as an Example (Zhu Wang)....Pages 35-58

Constitutionality of Legal Interpretation—Taking Interpretation of Article 166 and 167 of the Real Rights Law as an Example (Zhu Wang)....Pages 59-73

Constitutionality of Legislative Procedure—Taking Constitutionality Interpretation for Legislative Procedure of the Tort Liability Law as an Example (Zhu Wang)....Pages 75-81

Constitutionality of Legal Application—Taking the Determination and Legislative Prospect of Essential Tort Law as an Example (Zhu Wang)....Pages 83-117

Front Matter ....Pages 119-119

Design of Legislative Procedure for Compilation of Civil Code Under “Non-basic Law Codification Mode” (Zhu Wang)....Pages 121-137

Analysis on the Orientation of the Compilation of the General Provisions of Civil Law and Comment on Its Contents (Zhu Wang)....Pages 139-178

Big Data Analysis on Deletion or Retention of Several Legal Norms in the General Provisions of Civil Law (Zhu Wang)....Pages 179-206

View on Formal Compilation Techniques for Articles of Civil Code from the General Provisions of Civil Law (Zhu Wang)....Pages 207-222

Setting of Chapter “Obligation and Liabilities” in the General Provisions Volume of Civil Code for Providing the System “General Provisions of Obligation Law” (Zhu Wang)....Pages 223-245

Compiling Background and Structural Adjustment of the Tort Liabilities Volume of Civil Code (Zhu Wang)....Pages 247-272

Front Matter ....Pages 273-273

Legal Background for the Compilation of Civil Code—How Many Currently Valid Laws Are There in China? (Zhu Wang)....Pages 275-295

Supporting Works for the Compilation of Civil Code (Zhu Wang)....Pages 297-301

Back Matter ....Pages 303-340

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作者(author):James Hillman


大小(size):7 MB (6929263 bytes)




下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/20508/

标题(title):Experiencing the Resurrection: The Everyday Encounter That Changes Your Life


作者(author):Henry T. Blackaby; Melvin Blackaby


大小(size):4 MB (3672124 bytes)



A powerful guide explores the glorious dimensions of Christ's resurrection, with constant encouragement and fresh ways to experience God, helping Christians find a new approach for facing their trials.

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/18450/

标题(title):El Mundo En Guerra


作者(author):Mark Arnold-Forster

出版社(publisher):Plaza & Janes

大小(size):48 MB (50170068 bytes)



Llevado a la pequeña pantalla por «Thames Television» en una serie de veintiséis episodios, «El mundo en guerra» es la más exhaustiva y lúcida exposición de aquellos duros años de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la conflagración más impresionante y terrible que el mundo ha conocido jamás. Alteró la balanza de poder, causó la muerte de millones de personas, destruyó gran parte de la vieja Europa y dejó tras sí un dramático período de la historia mundial, que numerosos escritores han tratado de presentar desde entonces.

Se incluyen Las fotografías, Mapas, Tabla cronológica de la versión original en inglés.

Table of contents :



La herencia de Versalles, 12. Stalin, 18.

Hitler sube al poder, 23. - Mussolini y

el Eje Roma-Berlín, 26. - Rearme, 32.

Chamberlain, 36. - Apaciguamiento, 38.

Se declara la guerra, 43.


Los rusos invaden Finlandia, 55. - La

campaña de Noruega, 59. - Las derrotas

alemanas en Narvik, 63.


Dunkerque, 81. - Churchill toma el mando,

84. - El armisticio francés, 88.



América entra en la batalla, 118. - El

radar centimétrico, 122. - El Scharnhorst

y el Gneisenau, 126. - El paso de

los alemanes por el Canal de la Mancha,

130. - Los convoyes del Artico, 134. El

fin del Scharnhorst y el Tirpitz, 138. - Incursiones, 139.

VI. LA GUERRA EN EL DESIERTO .. . . . . . . . 145

La destrucción de las escuadras francesa

e italiana, 145. - La campaña de Grecia,

149. - Llega el Zorro del Desierto, 154. - ·

El Alamein, 161. - La campaña de Túnez, 167.

VII. LA CAMPAÑA DE ITALIA .. . ... . .. 171

La invasión de Sicilia,. 172. - La invasión

de la península, 175. - Desde Monte Cassino hasta el Po, 181.


Stalingrado, 205. - Kursk, 211. - El sitio

de Leningrado, 219. - El levantamiento de Varsovia, 222.


Pearl Harbor, 231. - La caída de Singapur, 239.

Los japoneses conquistan Birmania, 243

El derrumbamiento de las Filipinas, 246. - Batán y Corregidor, 247.

La batalla del mar del Coral, 249. - Midway, 250

Guadalcanal, 254. - Leyte, 260. - Iwo Jima y Okinawa, 268.



Placentia Bay, 294. - La Conferencia de Arcadia, 295. - Casablanca, 298

De Gaulle contra los anglosajones, 299. - El Cairo, 302. - Teherán, 303. - Quebec, 310

Yalta, 312. - Truman asume la presidencia, 315.


La caída de Amberes, 341.


Los judíos, 367. - Bajas militares, 371.

El Reich expansionis ta de Hitler, 372. -

Movimientos de resistencia, 375.



下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/25625/

标题(title):Kant’s Theoretical Conception of God


作者(author):Noam Hoffer


大小(size):2 MB (1753230 bytes)



Indiana University


Table of contents :

Acknowledgments......Page 5

Table of Contents......Page 10

Introduction......Page 12

Part 1: Kant’s Pre-Critical Conception of God......Page 20

1.1. Historical Background......Page 21

1.2. Early Versions......Page 26

1.3. The Material Ground of Inner Possibility......Page 28

1.4. Necessarily Something Exists......Page 32

1.5. One Thing Exists Necessarily - The Plurality Objection......Page 35

2.1. Exemplification and Spinozism......Page 43

2.2. Kant’s anti-Spinozism......Page 52

2.3. God’s Mind in the Possibility Proof......Page 58

2.4. God and Causality......Page 64

2.5. Divine Cognition and Platonic Ideas......Page 68

Chapter 3 The Refutations of the other Proofs in the Pre-critical Writings......Page 76

3.1. The Ontological Proof......Page 77

3.2. The Cosmological Proof......Page 88

3.3. The Physico-Theoloigcal Proof......Page 98

Part 2: Kant’s Critical Conception of God......Page 103

4.1. Noumena and Phenomena in the Inaugural Dissertation......Page 105

4.2. Noumena and Phenomena in the Critique of Pure Reason......Page 108

4.3. The Faculty of Reason and the Ideas of Reason......Page 121

5.1. The Ideal and the Possibility Proof......Page 128

5.2. The Illusion in the Ideal......Page 135

5.3. Divine Attributes......Page 154

Chapter 6 The Regulative Role of the Idea of God......Page 167

6.1. The Regulative Role of Reason......Page 168

6.2. God and Purposive Design......Page 174

6.3. God and the particular Laws of Nature......Page 182

6.4. The Analogue of a Schema – Regulative Metaphysics......Page 188

Note on Translations and Abbreviations......Page 193

Bibliography......Page 194

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标题(title):抗生素手册 : 第三版 = Handbook of Antibiotics /Kang sheng su shou ce : Di san ban = Handbook of Antibiotics


作者(author):Richard E.Reese

出版社(publisher):Liao ning ke xue ji shu chu ban she

大小(size):18 MB (19195185 bytes)



Ben shou ce fen liang bu fen:di yi bu fen zhu yao cong lin chuang shi yong de jiao du chu fa,Dui men zhen ji zhu yuan bing ren chang jian de gan ran xing ji bing jin xing le xiang xi de fen xi;Di er bu fen dui ge lei kang sheng su de shi yong shi ying zheng,Chang yong ji liang,Fu zuo yong ji jing ji hua fei jin xing le tan tao.

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/37938/

标题(title):Уголовная ответственность за незаконный оборот специальных технических средств, предназначенных для негласного получения информации: монография


作者(author):Петроченков С. Д.


大小(size):69 MB (72113639 bytes)



下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/14567/

标题(title):Mudras for Spiritual Healing: 21 Simple Hand Gestures for Ultimate Spiritual Healing & Awakening



出版社(publisher):CreateSpace Independent Publishing

大小(size):2 MB (1845134 bytes)



Mudras for Spiritual Healing is all about educating you about Ancient Vedic 'Mudra' techniques which involves achieving Spiritual Healing & Awakening with Simple Hand Gestures.

So often, patients have no idea why they have brought a certain illness into their lives and many a times, the root cause of their physical illnesses is Meta-Physical. We come into this world with a pure, clear mind, totally connected with our inner wisdom. As we grow, we pick up fears and limitations from the adults around us. By the time we reach adulthood, we have a lot of negative beliefs that we are not even aware of. And, we tend to build our lives and our experiences upon these false beliefs and cultivate a kindred Spirit.

The Solution for all of this.....Spiritual Healing!!! This book offers you Ancient Vedic 'Mudra' Techniques of Spiritual Healing that will cure any meta-physical block and thus, Heal You. This book details a variety of Simple Hand Gestures called as Mudras, that when performed regularly will help you achieve everlasting Health.

Some of the Mudras that you’ll discover inside this book are:

# Dharmachakramudra / Mudra of The Wheel of Dharma

# Trishulamudra / Mudra of Trident

# Vyaapakanjalimudra / Mudra of Offering

# Abhaymudra / Mudra of The Fearless

# Dhyaanmudra / Mudra of Meditation

Everlasting Health is Achievable Through Spiritual Healing!! Just perform these Simple Hand Gestures regularly.

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/22471/

标题(title):Complete chess strategy. 1, Planning the pieces


作者(author):Littlewood, John Eric; Pachman, Ludĕk


大小(size):6 MB (6342004 bytes)



下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/4297/

标题(title):Melania Trump: Model and First Lady


作者(author):Bethany Bryan

出版社(publisher):Cavendish Square Publishing, LLC

大小(size):13 MB (13665104 bytes)



Melania Trump began her career as a model and now holds the position of first lady of the United States. As a Slovene American, Melania was born in the former Yugoslavia and became a citizen of the United States in 2006. Her marriage to Donald Trump placed her even more in the spotlight as he campaigned for and won the presidency. In her new role as first lady, Melania considers what social concerns she will address to serve the American public.

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/25626/

标题(title):El economista camuflado


作者(author):Tim Harford


大小(size):721 kB (738054 bytes)



¿Por qué pagas en Starbucks por una taza de café el triple de lo que pagarías en un simple bar? A partir de esta sencilla pregunta Tim Harford, uno de los economistas más prestigiosos del mundo, se convierte en un detective que nos enseña a seguir las pistas para averiguar cómo funciona el mundo. Poruqe quizá pienses que simplemente estás disfrutando de un capuchino espumoso, pero el economista ve otra cosa: tu capuchino refleja el producto de un sistema de complejidad asombrosa. El economista puede explicar cómo funciona un sistema como éste, cómo las empresas intentarán explotarlo y cómo tú, como consumidor, puedes protegerte. Un libro divertido, ameno y accesible para comprender el mundo a través de la economía de las pequeñas cosas.

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/34066/





大小(size):18 MB (19173482 bytes)



下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/38741/

标题(title):An inter-test study of the Performance Scale of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children and the Grace Arthur, a point scale of performance tests


作者(author):Heberling, Earl J


大小(size):2 MB (2138739 bytes)



下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/16390/

标题(title):Donne madonne mercanti & cavalieri. Sei storie medievali


作者(author):Alessandro Barbero

出版社(publisher):I Libri Festival della Mente

大小(size):542 kB (555311 bytes)



Fra' Salimbene da Parma, il francescano che ha conosciuto papi e imperatori, vescovi e predicatori, e su ognuno ha da raccontare aneddoti, maldicenze e pettegolezzi; Dino Compagni, il mercante di Firenze che ha vissuto in prima persona i sussulti politici d'un comune lacerato dai conflitti al tempo di Dante; Jean de Joinville, il nobile cavaliere che ha accompagnato Luigi il Santo alla crociata, testimone imperturbabile di sacrifici, eroismi e vigliaccherie; Caterina da Siena, che parlava con Dio e le cui lettere infuocate facevano tremare papi e cardinali; Christine de Pizan (si chiamava in realtà Cristina da Pizzano), la prima donna che ha concepito se stessa come scrittrice di professione, si è guadagnata da vivere ed è diventata famosa scrivendo libri; Giovanna d'Arco, che comandò un esercito vestita da uomo e pagò con la vita quella sfida alle regole del suo tempo. È possibile incontrare uomini e donne del Medioevo, sentirli parlare a lungo e imparare a conoscerli? È possibile se hanno lasciato testimonianze scritte, in cui hanno messo molto di se stessi. È il caso di cinque su sei dei nostri personaggi; della sesta, Giovanna d'Arco, che era analfabeta o quasi, possediamo lo stesso le parole, grazie al processo di cui fu vittima e protagonista.

Table of contents :

Indice......Page 109

Frontespizio......Page 3

Premessa......Page 5

Il frate......Page 8

Il mercante......Page 25

Il cavaliere......Page 42

Caterina da Siena......Page 58

Christine de Pizan......Page 73

Giovanna d’Arco......Page 89

In luogo di conclusione......Page 107

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/18451/

标题(title):Working with Written Discourse


作者(author):Deborah Cameron & Ivan Panović


大小(size):4 MB (3957112 bytes)



Table of contents :

In: Working with Written Discourse......Page 1

In: Working with Written Discourse......Page 15

In: Working with Written Discourse......Page 31

In: Working with Written Discourse......Page 47

In: Working with Written Discourse......Page 65

In: Working with Written Discourse......Page 72

In: Working with Written Discourse......Page 90

In: Working with Written Discourse......Page 108

In: Working with Written Discourse......Page 127

In: Working with Written Discourse......Page 150

In: Working with Written Discourse......Page 183

In: Working with Written Discourse......Page 204

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/1863/

标题(title):The 12 bad habits that hold good people back: overcoming the behavior patterns that keep you from getting ahead


作者(author):Waldroop, James; Butler, Timothy

出版社(publisher):Doubleday Pub

大小(size):390 kB (399335 bytes)



Identifies twelve behavior patterns that can prevent individuals from achieving success and explains how to overcome these detrimental habits that limit career advancement.

Abstract: Identifies twelve behavior patterns that can prevent individuals from achieving success and explains how to overcome these detrimental habits that limit career advancement

下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/1862/

标题(title):Психологические профили, Ч. 1. Методика


作者(author):Россолимо Г. И.


大小(size):19 MB (20311843 bytes)



下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/14785/

标题(title):Il tatuatore


作者(author):Junichiro Tanizaki


大小(size):3 MB (3097505 bytes)



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