🐾vague; blurred; scratch; pant; trickle; dribble
🐾contemptuous; contemptible; contemporary; contemplative
🐾inclusive; permissible; eligible; admissible
🐾clutch; grip; grasp; claws
🐾discern; dissociate; distinguish; dispute
🐾replenish; exterminate; extinguish; exhaust
💡vague adj. /veɪɡ/ ( vaguer/ vaguest) n. vagueness
1.not clear in a person's mind (思想上)不清楚的,含糊的,不明确的,模糊的
•to have a vague impression/memory/recollection of sth 对某事印象╱记忆模糊
•They had only a vague idea where the place was. 他们只是大概知道那个地方的位置。
2.~ (about sth)not having or giving enough information or details about sth 不具体的;不详细的;粗略的
•She's a little vague about her plans for next year. 她对她明年的计划不怎么明确。
•The politicians made vague promises about tax cuts. 政界人物的减税承诺言辞含混。
•He was accused of being deliberately vague. 他被指责为故意含糊其辞。
•We had only a vague description of the attacker. 我们只有那个袭击者的粗略描述。
3.( of a person's behaviour 人的行为 ) suggesting a lack of clear thought or attention 茫然的;糊涂的;心不在焉的
SYN: absent-minded
•His vague manner concealed a brilliant mind. 他大智若愚。
4.not having a clear shape 不清楚的;模糊的;朦胧的
SYN: indistinct
•In the darkness they could see the vague outline of a church. 他们在黑暗中能看到一座教堂的朦胧轮廓。
💡blurred adj. /blɜːd/
1.not clear; without a clear outline or shape 模糊不清的
•She suffered from dizziness and blurred vision. 她饱受头晕目眩之苦。
•a blurred image/picture 模糊的形象╱照片
2.difficult to remember clearly 记不清的
•blurred memories 模糊的记忆
3.difficult to distinguish, so that differences are not clear 难以区分的;模棱两可的
•blurred distinctions/boundaries 含混不清的区别╱界线
💡scratch /skrætʃ/
1.~ (at sth)to rub your skin with your nails, usually because it is itching 挠,搔(痒处)
•John yawned and scratched his chin. 约翰打个哈欠,挠挠下巴。
•The dog scratched itself behind the ear. 狗用爪子挠挠耳后。
•Try not to scratch. 尽量别挠。
•She scratched at the insect bites on her arm. 她挠了挠胳膊上虫咬的包。
2.~ (sb/sth/yourself) (on sth)to cut or damage your skin slightly with sth sharp 划破,抓破,划伤,抓伤(皮肤)
•I'd scratched my leg and it was bleeding. 我把腿抓出了血。
•She scratched herself on a nail. 她在钉子上划了一下。
•Does the cat scratch? 这只猫抓人吗?
3.[VN] to damage the surface of sth, especially by accident, by making thin shallow marks on it (尤指意外地)擦破,划损,刮坏
•Be careful not to scratch the furniture. 小心别刮坏家具。
•The car's paintwork is badly scratched. 车的漆面划损得很厉害。
4.[VN+ adv./prep.] to make or remove a mark, etc. on sth deliberately, by rubbing it with sth hard or sharp 刮出(或刮去)痕迹;划下(或擦去)痕迹
•They scratched lines in the dirt to mark out a pitch. 他们在地上划出一个球场。
•We scratched some of the dirt away. 我们刮掉了一些脏东西。
•You can scratch my name off the list. 你可以把我的名字从名单上勾掉。
5.[V usually + adv./prep.] to make an irritating noise by rubbing sth with sth sharp 刮(或擦、抓)出刺耳声
•His pen scratched away on the paper. 他的笔在纸上沙沙作响。
6.[VN] ~ a living to make enough money to live on, but with difficulty 勉强维持生活
7.~ (sb/sth) (from sth)to decide that sth cannot happen or sb/sth cannot take part in sth, before it starts 取消;撤销;退出
•to scratch a rocket launch 取消火箭发射计划
•The horse was scratched from the race because of injury. 这匹马因伤被取消了比赛资格。
•She had scratched because of a knee injury. 她因膝伤退出了比赛。
1. scratch your ˈhead (over sth)
to think hard in order to find an answer to sth 苦苦琢磨;苦思冥想;绞尽脑汁
2. scratch the ˈsurface (of sth)
to deal with, understand, or find out about only a small part of a subject or problem 作肤浅的探讨;浅尝辄止;隔靴搔痒
3. you scratch ˈmy back and ˌI'll scratch ˈyours
( saying) used to say that if sb helps you, you will help them, even if this is unfair to others 礼尚往来;私相授受
1.ˌscratch aˈbout/aˈround (for sth)
to search for sth, especially with difficulty (尤指艰难地)搜寻,查寻,查找
2.ˌscratch sth←→ˈout
to remove a word, especially a name, from sth written, usually by putting a line through it 画掉,勾掉,删除(名字等)
💡pant v. /pænt/
v. to breathe quickly with short breaths, usually with your mouth open, because you have been doing some physical exercise, or because it is very hot 气喘;喘息
• She finished the race panting heavily. 她跑完比赛气喘吁吁的。
• She could hear him panting up the stairs (= running up and breathing quickly) . 她能听见他气喘吁吁地跑上楼。
• He found her panting for breath at the top of the hill. 上到山顶他发现她上气不接下气。
1.pant for/after sb./sth. - to want sth/sb very much 渴望
• The end of the novel leaves you panting for more. 小说的结尾让人感到意犹未尽。
pant [ usually pl.] n
•His breath came in short pants. 他气息急促。
💡trickle /ˈtrɪkl/ v.
1.[usually + adv./prep.] to flow, or to make sth flow, slowly in a thin stream (使)滴,淌,小股流淌
•Tears were trickling down her cheeks. 眼泪顺着她的面颊流了下来。
•Trickle some oil over the salad. 往色拉上滴些油。
2.[ + adv./prep.] to go, or to make sth go, somewhere slowly or gradually (使)慢慢走,缓慢移动
•People began trickling into the hall. 人们开始缓步进入大厅。
•News is starting to trickle out. 消息渐渐传了出来。
1.ˌtrickle ˈdown
( especially of money 尤指钱 ) to spread from rich to poor people through the economic system of a country (经国家经济体制)由富人向穷人滴流
💡trickle /ˈtrɪkl/ n.
1.a small amount of liquid, flowing slowly 细流;涓流
2.[usually sing.] ~ (of sth)a small amount or number of sth, coming or going slowly 稀稀疏疏缓慢来往的东西
•a steady trickle of visitors 三三两两络绎不绝的游客
💡dribble /ˈdrɪbl/ v.
1.[VVN] to let saliva or another liquid come out of your mouth and run down your chin 流(口水);垂(涎)
SYN: drool
2.[V+ adv./prep.] to fall in small drops or in a thin stream 一点一滴地落下;细流
•Melted wax dribbled down the side of the candle. 熔化了的蜡一滴滴从蜡烛边上流下。
3.[VN+ adv./prep.] ~ sth (into/over/onto sth)to pour sth slowly, in drops or a thin stream 使滴出;使成细流
SYN: drizzle trickle
•Dribble a little olive oil over the salad. 在色拉上面滴点橄榄油。
4.( in football ( soccer ) and some other sports 足球及其他某些体育运动 ) to move the ball along with several short kicks, hits or bounces 运(球);带(球);盘(球)
•She dribbled the ball the length of the field. 她带球从后场跑到前场。
•He dribbled past two defenders and scored a magnificent goal. 他带球越过两个防守队员,射入非常精彩的一球。
💡dribble /ˈdrɪbl/ n.
1.[C] a very small amount of liquid, in a thin stream 小滴;细流
•a dribble of blood 一滴血
•Add just a dribble of oil. 只加一点点油。
2.[U] ( especially BrE ) (= liquid) from a person's mouth saliva 口水
•There was dribble all down the baby's front. 这婴儿胸前淌满了口水。
3.[C] the act of dribbling the ball in a sport 运球;带球;盘球
~ (of sb/sth) feeling or showing that you have no respect for sb/sth 蔑视的;鄙视的;表示轻蔑的 SYN: scornful
• She gave him a contemptuous look. 她鄙夷地看了他一眼。
• He was contemptuous of everything I did. 他对我所做的一切都不屑一顾。
contemptuously adv. 轻蔑地
•to laugh contemptuously 轻蔑地
💡contemptible adj. /kənˈtemptəbl/
(formal ) not deserving any respect at all 可轻蔑的;可鄙的;卑劣的 SYN: despicable
• contemptible behaviour 卑劣的行为
💡contemporary /kənˈtemprəri/
1.~ (with sb/sth)belonging to the same time 属同时期的;同一时代的
• We have no contemporary account of the battle (= written near the time that it happened) . 我们没有当时人们对这一战役的记载。
• He was contemporary with the dramatist Congreve. 他与剧作家康格里夫属于同一时代。
2.belonging to the present time SYN modern 当代的;现代的
• life in contemporary Britain 当代英国的生活
• contemporary fiction/music/dance 当代小说╱音乐╱舞蹈
expressing or involving prolonged thought 沉思的;冥想的;默念的
• She regarded me with a contemplative eye. 她若有所思地凝视着我。
💡inclusive adj. /ɪnˈkluːsɪv/
1.~ (of sth)having the total cost, or the cost of sth that is mentioned, contained in the price 包含全部费用;包括所提到的费用在内 OPP exclusive
•The fully inclusive fare for the trip is £52. 这次旅行的全部费用是52英镑。
•The rent is inclusive of water and heating. 租金包括水费和暖气费。
2.from... to... inclusive( BrE ) including all the days, months, numbers, etc. mentioned 包括提到的所有的天数(或月、数目等)在内
•We are offering free holidays for children aged two to eleven inclusive. 我们提供的度假活动,两岁至十一岁的儿童免费。
•The castle is open daily from May to October inclusive. 这个古堡从五月起每天开放,直至十月底。
3.including a wide range of people, things, ideas, etc. 包容广阔的;范围广泛的
•The party must adopt more inclusive strategies and a broader vision. 这个党必须采取更广泛的策略和更远大的视野。
1.inclusively adv.
•The word ‘men’ can be understood inclusively (= including men and women) . men这个词可以作概括性的解释(包括男人和女人)。
2.inclusiveness n. [U]
BRITISH/AMERICAN 英国/美国英语 - inclusive • through
1.In BrE inclusive is used to emphasize that you are including the days, months, numbers, etc. mentioned, especially in formal or official situations. 在英国英语中,inclusive用以强调所提到的日子、月份、数字等均包括在内,尤用于正式场合:
•Answer questions 8 to 12 inclusive. 回答第8到第12题。
•The amusement park is open daily from May to October inclusive. 游乐园从五月到十月每天都开放。
2.In NAmE through is used. 北美英语用through:
•Answer questions 8 through 12. 回答第8到第12题。
•The amusement park is open (from) May through October. 游乐园从五月到十月每天都开放。
3.To can also be used with this meaning in BrE and NAmE . 英国英语和北美英语都可用to:
•The park is open from 1 May to 31 October. 公园从5月1日到10月31日开放。
💡permissible adj. /pəˈmɪsəbl/ (to do
~ (for sb) (to do sth) ( formal ) acceptable according to the law or a particular set of rules 容许的;许可的
• permissible levels of nitrates in water 水中硝酸盐含量的容许度
• It is not permissible for employers to discriminate on grounds of age. 资方不得以年龄为由歧视职工。
💡eligible adj. /ˈelɪdʒəbl/ (for sth.
1.~ (for sth)~ (to do sth)a person who is eligible for sth or to do sth, is able to have or do it because they have the right qualifications, are the right age, etc. 有资格的;合格的;具备条件的 OPP: ineligible
•Only those over 70 are eligible for the special payment. 只有70岁以上的人才有资格领取这项专款。
•When are you eligible to vote in your country? 在你们国家多大才有资格投票选举呢?
2.an eligible young man or woman is thought to be a good choice as a husband/wife, usually because they are rich or attractive (指认为可做夫妻的男女)合意的,合适的,中意的
💡admissible adj. /ədˈmɪsəbl/ (to sth.
that can be allowed or accepted, especially in court (尤指法庭)可接受的,受理的
OPP: inadmissible
clutch /klʌtʃ/
1.[C] the pedal in a car or other vehicle that you press with your foot so that you can change gear (汽车等起换挡功能的)离合器踏板
•Put your foot on the clutch. 把你的脚放在离合器踏板上。
2.[C] a device in a machine that connects and disconnects working parts, especially the engine and the gears (尤指发动机和排挡的)离合器
•The car needs a new clutch. 这辆车需要换一个新的离合器了。
3.a ~ of sth[ sing.] ( BrE ) a group of people, animals or things 一群(人或动物);一批(物品)
•He's won a whole clutch of awards. 他获得一大堆奖。
4.clutches [ pl.] ( informal ) power or control 势力范围;控制;掌管
•He managed to escape from their clutches . 他设法摆脱了他们的控制。
•Now that she had him in her clutches , she wasn't going to let go. 她既然已经把他控制在自己手里,就不打算让他脱身。
5.[C usually sing.] a tight hold on sb/sth 攫住;紧紧抓住 SYN: grip ( figurative)
•She felt the sudden clutch of fear. 她突然感到一阵恐惧。
6.[C] a group of eggs that a bird lays at one time; the young birds that come out of a group of eggs at the same time (一次下的)一窝蛋;(同时孵出的)一窝小鸟
7.[C] ( NAmE ) = clutch bag (尤指出席正式场合时用的)女式小手提包
1. holding tightly 紧握;紧抓 SYN: grasp
•Keep a tight grip on the rope. 紧紧抓住绳索不放。
•to loosen/release/relax your grip 松手
•She tried to get a grip on the icy rock. 她尽力抓住那冰冷的石头。
•The climber slipped and lost her grip . 登山女子滑了一下松开了手。
•She struggled from his grip. 他紧拉住她不放,她奋力挣脱。
2.[sing.] ~ (on sb/sth)control or power over sb/sth (对…的)控制,影响力
•The home team took a firm grip on the game. 主队牢牢控制着比赛的局面。
•We need to tighten the grip we have on the market. 我们得加强对市场的控制力。
3.[sing.] ~ (on sth)an understanding of sth 理解;了解 SYN: grasp
•I couldn't get a grip on what was going on. 我无法理解正在发生的事情。
•You need to keep a good grip on reality in this job. 做这个工作你需要充分了解实际情况。
4.[U] the ability of sth to move over a surface without slipping 不打滑;走得稳
•These tyres give the bus better grip in slippery conditions. 这些轮胎可使公共汽车在路滑时行驶得平稳一些。
5.[C] a part of sth that has a special surface so that it can be held without the hands slipping 把手;手柄;握杆
•the grip on a golf club 高尔夫球杆的握柄
1. come/get to grips with sth. 开始理解并着手处理难题
• I'm slowly getting to grips with the language. 我慢慢开始掌握这种语言。
2. get/take a ˈgrip (on yourself) 镇定下来;控制住(自己的)情绪
• I have to take a grip on myself, he told himself firmly. 我一定要控制住自己的情绪,他坚定地对自己说。
(informal )• Get a grip ! (= make an effort to control your emotions) 镇静点!
3. in the ˈgrip of sth 处于不快却无法制止的境遇;受制于某事
• a country in the grip of recession 陷入经济衰退的国家
4. lose your ˈgrip (on sth) 失去(对…的)理解(或控制);驾驭不住
• Sometimes I feel I'm losing my grip. 有时我感到自己无能为力。