Figure 1 displays an example from this corpus, There are five clauses in a document.
The emotion "happy" is contained in the fourth clause. We denote this clause as emotion clause, which refers to a clause that contains emotions. It has two corresponding causes: "a policeman visited the old man with the lost money" in the second clause, and "told him that the thief was caught" in the third clause.
We denote them as cause clause, which refers to a clause that contains causes.
Take Figure 1 for example, given the annotation of emotion: "happy", the goal of ECE is to track the two corresponding cause clauses: "a policeman visited the old man with the lost money" and "and told him that the thief was caught". While in the ECPE task, the goal is to directly extract all pairs of emotion clause and cause clause, including ("The old man was very happy", "a policeman visited the old man with the lost money") and ("The old man was very happy", "and told him that the thief was caught"), without providing the emotion annotation "happy".
1) 在ECE中,在提取原因之前必须对情绪进行注释,这极大地限制了其在现实世界场景中的应用;
2) 先注释情绪,然后提取原因的方法忽略了情绪和原因是相互指示的这一事实。
The lower layer consists of a set of word-level Bi-LSTM modules, each of which corresponds to one clause, and accumulate the context information for each word of the clause. The hidden state of the jth word in the ith clause hi,j is obtained based on a bi-directional LSTM. Attention mechanism is then adopt to get a clause representation si.
The upper layer consists of two components: one for emotion extraction and another for cause extraction. Each component is a clause-level BiLSTM which receives the independent clause representations [s1, s2, ..., s|d|] obtained at the lower layer as inputs. The hidden states of two component Bi-LSTM, re i and rc i , can be viewed as the context-aware representation of clause ci, and finally feed to the softmax layer for emotion prediction and cause predication.
由于提供情绪可以帮助更好地发现原因;了解原因也可能有助于更准确地提取情绪。受此启发,我们进一步提出了an interactive multi-task learning network,作为前一个网络的增强版本,以捕捉情绪和原因之间的相关性。其结构如图3所示。
[1]GUI L, WU D, XU R, 等. Event-driven emotion cause extraction with corpus construction[C/OL]//Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Austin, Texas. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.18653/v1/d16-1170. DOI:10.18653/v1/d16-1170.
the precision, recall, and F1 score