Potential outcome model
回到 first principles
The discussion is thorough with an effort to build everything from the first principles.
只介绍potential outcome,没有介绍其他“对手”的理论。比如DAG、比如SEM,都是与potential outcome竞争的理论。
超大的篇幅,600多页。但是只讲了随机试验。没有讲cluster randomized experiments, interference between units, longitudinal data, mediation analysis, nonbinary treatments, regression discontinuity designs, and difference-in-differences designs 这些非常重要的话题。
The authors write that their target audience is “researchers in applied fields.” In my view, this book is best suited for applied
researchers who have a solid understanding of basic probability and statistics. Those seeking a nontechnical introduction to
statistics may have a hard time following the detailed mathematical derivation presented in the book. These researchers may
find other textbooks such as Morgan and Winship (2007) and Angrist and Pischke (2009) more accessible. In addition, while
the book includes many real-world applications, it does not provide tips on how to implement the methods. Online materials
including the computer code for the results presented in the book would be a useful supplement to the text.
没有覆盖最新的方法。比如估计propensity score的方法,比如matching methods,都只讲了经典的方法。
In addition, while the book includes many real-world applications, it does not provide tips on how to implement the methods.