definition: feel or show approval or preference for
【句型模特:X has been increasingly favored by Y 】
1. Deja vu, an online second-hand book marketplace, has been increasingly favored by book lovers.
2. Mobile payment has been increasingly favored by beggars.
3. Clearly, Trump doesn't favor immigration.
4.PhenomentalEnglish has been increasingly favored by serious English learners. (J&E)
5. If he [interviewee] carefully weighed two sides of an issue and you only quote his views of one side, making him seem to favor that position, you will misrepresent what he told you. (William Zinsser]
6. These are the running shoes favored by marathon runners. (CALD)
7. I generally favor travelling by night, when the roads are quiet. (CALD)
1. 翻译: 很多中国大学生毕业后都会选择留在北上广这样的大城市。
自己:Many Chinese graduates favor staying in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou.
对照:Many graduates in China favor big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou.
2. 自主造句
造句:Cloud cat petting has been increasingly favored by people, especially those who can not keep cats as pets temporarily for various reasons.
造句:Many teachers don't favor student's use of mobile phone in class.