15、 不论时局如何艰难,总有一条道路通向成功。
No matter how difficult it is,there is always a way to success。
16、 所谓不断改进,并不是削足适履,而是自适其性,让事情按照自己认为正确的方向进行,以求至善至美。
The continuous change is not cutting toes to fit shoes but suiting yourself, and do things in the right way until perfect.
17、 我不是世界的注脚,世界只是我的一部分。
I am not subscript of the world, the world is part of me.
18、 关怀内心深处的自己,愉悦自己,圆满自己,即是对世界的终极关怀。
Concern of deep heart of yourself, please and fulfill it, that is ultimate concern of the world.
19、 世界与他人毫无关系,不必讨好任何人。
Your world is nothing to do with others, so it is unnecessary to please anyone others.
20、 信心不是别人给的,是自己内心强大的附属产品。
Confidence is not given by others, but attachment of your strong heart.
21、 人只有专注于自己的内心,才能看清这个世界。
Only when you focus on your own heart, you can see the world clearly.
22、 口诛笔伐的背叛,永远比带着光环的幸福更令人信服。
The disgusting betray is more convincible than glorious happiness.
23、 认真对待认真对你的人,别为没有把你当回事的人耗费光阴了,这是公平的真正含义。
Eye to eye, blood to blood!
Don’t waste time for those boring guys, this is true meaning of fair.
24、 妥协就是我往前走一步,你也往前走一步,我们都站在彼此能够牵手又不互相伤害的地方,一起走下去。
Compromise is that we both move one step toward each other, and stand in the place we can hold hands forward without hurting each other.
25、 善良的人,总要在这复杂多变的人世间为自己找条活路,这条路却不是别人给的,须是自己争得的!
Kind hearted man has to find a way to survive in this complicated world, earning it by himself not by others’ charity.
26、 大多时候我们与命运的抗争,与外界的抗争,最后都会回归到与自己的抗争之中心。
Most time, we fight with fate, with the world, will turn back to fight with ourselves.
27、 在我们不清楚对方要做什么时,最有效的方针是告诉对方不能做什么!
The best way is to tell them what is forbidden when you don’t know what exactly they want.
28、 善良不是一种本能,而是一种选择,关乎良心的安放位置。
Kindness is not a instinct but a choice of how to place your conscience.