Eugen Bleuler was responsible for the term schizophrenia was his contribution to psychiatry, previous to that this illness has been called dementia praecox or early dementia, but he changed the name and the concept of schizophrenia.
And one of the first is that Bleuler asked Jung to do when he came to the Burgholzli clinic as a young doctor , was to read and review for his colleagues a new book, that has just been published by a doctor in Vienna named Sigmund Freud, the title of the book was The Interpretation of Dreams.
作为一名年轻的博士,当荣格来到伯戈尔茨利诊所时,首先,布雷勒要求他做的事情是为他的同事们阅读和评论一本新书,这本新书是刚刚由维也纳的一位名为西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的医生出版, 这本书的书名是《梦的解析》。
And this was Jung the first exposure to Freud his first time he had heard of Freud or read anything of Freud’s, and Freud was just at the beginning of his creation of psychoanalysis.
And Jung was fascinated by this book, it’s probably Freud’s greatest book especially Freud’s understanding of power sexual dynamics operate in the human mind.
德文:Die Traumdeutung
英文:The Interpretation of Dreams
作者:[奥]西格蒙得·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)
And Freud had developed a concept of the unconscious, which had been talked about for 100 years or so in German philosophy, but had never been brought really into the area of psychology in a very convincing way and Freud’s understanding of how the unconscious interactive with consciousness was a totally way, new and exciting revelation to Jung.
When he studied in the Burgholzli clinic, also he was given assignment by Eugen Bleuler to study patients using a German psychology test of the word association experiment.
And so Jung followed the team of fellow doctors, young doctors at the Burgholzli clinic and they began using a version, a revised version of the German word association experiment on patients, on themselves, on their friends, on their wives, and to see if they could discover how the human mind reacts to certain stimuli.
So they used 100 stimulus words to read off one at a time, they asked the patients, are the testes subjects, to respond with the first thing that came into their mind and they measured the amount of time it took to respond and any disturbances that the word might have created in the consciousness of the subject.
And they found that the by studying the disturbances the words created in the subjects’ consciousness, but they could put together a map, so is speak of the network of associations in the unconscious of the subjects’ mind, and they could find where the disturbances lay and when they investigated why there were disturbances around those particular words.
So they found that the words created of physiological disturbance of mental disturbance and sometimes quite a strong disturbance are not strong, and that these disturbances related to experiences that the subject had earlier in their lives often a traumatic experiences.
So Jung was studying what he would later call the personal unconscious and writing papers and basically verifying some of the theories that Freud had put forward in his book on The Interpretation of Dreams.