在生产环境中通常会有使用不同版本Aspen DMCplus Builder(Desktop)和Aspen DMCplus Controller (Online)工具的情况。此外,处于咨询职位或中央工程职位工作的工程师可能需要支持多站点,因此需要接触多种版本的在线软件。
若需了解不同Aspen DMCplus文件格式向前及向后兼容性,请参阅File type compatibility(文件类型兼容性)。
控制器配置文件(CCF文件),包含控制结构,输入/输出标签映射,以及DMCplus控制器tuning信息。CCFs由DMCplus Build创建。
当使用旧版本的Build打开新的CCF时,任一新的未知参数(新功能)将被视为“用户自定义项”并在保存后继续存在。但如果CCF包含有注释或已禁用计算(DMCplus Build 2004版新功能)、测试组信息(Aspen SmartStep Config 5.0版新功能),若使用较老版本的Build存储时这些信息将丢失。
DMCplus Build提供了高水平的版本兼容性。
DMCplus模型文件(MDL文件),包含一个DMCplus控制器的模型曲线。DMCplus Model用于创建MDLs文件。可以用DMCplus Build导出这些MDLs并创建控制器配置文件(CCF)。
任一MDL文件都与任一DMCplus支持版本兼容。现有的MDL文件与DMCplus 1.04及以前(不再支持),或[DMC]任一版本不再兼容。系统提供了一个实用程序(mconvert.exe)用于将现有的MDL文件转换成[DMC]模型软件可使用的早期MDL文件(见DMCplus Desktop\Utilities directory)。
您可以使用较新版本的DMCplus Model打开任一DPP文件,但保存该文件时会改变文件,使得较旧版本的Model无法打开它。旧版本的Model将不能识别新文件中存储的新功能和新参数,因此将不会尝试打开该文件。这意味着工程师和客户应该为项目决定一可接受的Model版本。然而,即使工程师正在使用的Model版本较厂区的更高,导出的MDL文件与在线控制依旧是兼容的。其允许旧版本在线软件站点使用最新的辨识工具。
DMCplus Model提供了向前的版本兼容性。
DMCplus Simulate提供版本兼容性受限。
AspenTech技术支持中心网站有维护软件多版本的技术技巧。我们不是很期望在同一台计算机上运行多个版本的在线软件。自DMCplus 6.0开始,DMCplus Desktop directory设计成目录下包含所有需要的可执行操作文件。因此,在升级之前复制该目录将允许升级后旧版本运行。同时还可使用支持技术提示解决快捷方式、help文件以及注册表项中的一些细节。(要找到技术提示,按subject area浏览Knowledge Base并选择Solution Type: Tech Tips.)此外,还可以将一些文件添加到旧版本的DMCplus Desktop directories中以运行新版本的一些功能。
除了AMS先进过程控制安装指南中的升级说明,AspenTech公司在升级Aspen DMCplus软件时提出以下几点建议:
使用新的Aspen DMCplus Build版本打开旧的控制器配置文件并保存以添加新的参数。
Builder (desktop)软件
若你想要更新Aspen DMCplus Simulation(.PSM)文件,打开老版本的Aspen DMCplus Simulate。
在Aspen DMCplus Simulate主菜单中,点击Controller|Update Configuration。然后向CCF中写入任何tuning改变。
Overviewto working with multiple versions
Itis not uncommon to have different versions of Aspen DMCplus Builder (Desktop)and Aspen DMCplus Controller (Online) tools in use in a production environment.In addition, an engineer in a consulting position or working in a central engineering position may support multiple sites and, therefore, multiple version of the online software.
Read more about maintaining multiple versions of the desktop software on the same computer and upgrade considerations.
For key points to understanding the backward and forward compatibility of various Aspen DMCplus file formats, seeFile type
File type compatibility
Controller Configuration Files
Controller Configuration Files, or CCF files, contain the control structure, input/output tag mapping, and tuning information for a DMCplus controller. DMCplus Build isused to create CCFs.
When upgrading versions, it is recommended that old CCFs be opened with the new version of Build to upgrade the controller configuration.Opening an older CCF in a newer version of Build will add the new tuning parameters to the CCF. Typically the new parameters are given default values such that the controller in the new version will behave the same as the controller in the old version.
When opening a newer CCF in an older version of Build any unknown parameters (from new features) will be treated as "user-defined entries" and will persist when the file is saved. However, if the CCF contains Comments or Disabled Calcs (new in DMCplus Build version 2004) or Test Group information(new in Aspen SmartStep Config version 5.0), these will be lost if the CCF is saved using an older version of Build.
DMCplusBuild provides a high level of version compatibility.
Model Files
DMCplus Model Files, or MDL files, contain the model curves for a DMCplus controller.DMCplus Model is used to create MDLs. These MDLs can be exported and used by DMCplus Build to create a controller configuration file (CCF).
Any MDL file will work with any supported version of DMCplus. The current MDL file is not compatible with DMCplus version 1.04 and earlier (no longer supported),or any version of [DMC]. A utility program (mconvert.exe) is provided toconvert the current MDL format to an earlier version MDL file used by the [DMC]Model software (see DMCplus Desktop\Utilities directory).
The format of the MDL file provides a high level of version compatibility.
Advanced Control Collect Files
Advanced Control Collect makes use of several file formats (CLE, CLC, BIN, EXT). These file formats have not changed over the life of DMCplus and therefore are fully backward compatible.
Advanced Control Collect provides a seamless level of version compatibility.
DMCplus Model Project Files, or DPP files, contain the vectors, cases, and predictions used to create models for control. DPP files are only forward compatible.
Project Files
You can open any DPP file in a newer version of DMCplus Model, but saving that file will change the file such that older versions of Model will not be able to open it.New features and parameters that are stored in the new file will not be known to the older version of Model and therefore no attempt is made to open the file. This means that engineers and clients should decide on an acceptable version of Model for the project. However, even if engineers are using a more recent version of Model than the plant site, the exported MDL files will still be compatible for online control. This allows useof the latest identification tools with sites that have an older version of the online software.
DMCplus Model provides forward version compatibility.
Simulation Files
DMCplus Simulation Files, or PSM files, contain the CCF, MDL, predictions, and window arrangements for a simulation. The PSM is version-specific.
A PSM cannot be opened with either a newer or an older version of Simulate. You can open a PSM file and ‘Update Configuration’ with the current limits and tuning parameters. Then this same CCF can be used to start a new simulation ina different version of Simulate.
DMCplus Simulate provides limited version compatibility.
Maintaining multiple software versions
The AspenTech installer is not designed to support multiple versions of the software on the same computer; however, there are some techniques available to accommodate this need.
The AspenTech Support Center Web site has technical tips on maintaining multiple desktop versions of the software.There is less desire for multiple versions of the online software on the same computer.Starting with DMCplus 6.0, the DMCplus Desktop directory was designed to contain most of the files needed for the operation of the executables in that directory. Therefore, copying this directory before upgrading will allow the older versions to be run after the upgrade.There are some details with shortcuts, help files,and registry entries that can be resolved using the Support Tech Tips. (To find technical tips, browse the Knowledge Base by subject area and choose Solution Type: Tech Tips.) In addition, some files can be added to older DMCplus Desktop directories to allow them to function alongside newer versions.
Upgrade considerations
In addition to upgrade instructions in the AMS Advanced Process Control Installation Guide,AspenTech recommends the following when upgrading Aspen DMCplus software:
Controller (online) software
Save all online controller configuration files.
Open old controller configuration files in the new version of Aspen DMCplus Build and save them to add any new parameters.
Reload online controllers.
Builder (desktop) software
For Aspen DMCplus Simulation (.PSM) files that you wish to upgrade, open the old version of Aspen DMCplus Simulate.
From the main menu of Aspen DMCplus Simulate, click Controller|Update Configuration. Then write any tuning changes to the CCF.
Create new simulation files.