这边版本号为 6.7
- type: log
# Change to true to enable this input configuration.
enabled: true
# Paths that should be crawled and fetched. Glob based paths.
- /var/log/phpjob/sdk_partner-fpm-*.log
#- c:\programdata\elasticsearch\logs\*
json.keys_under_root: true
json.add_error_key: true
# Exclude lines. A list of regular expressions to match. It drops the lines that are
# matching any regular expression from the list.
#exclude_lines: ['^DBG']
# Include lines. A list of regular expressions to match. It exports the lines that are
# matching any regular expression from the list.
#include_lines: ['^ERR', '^WARN']
# Exclude files. A list of regular expressions to match. Filebeat drops the files that
# are matching any regular expression from the list. By default, no files are dropped.
#exclude_files: ['.gz$']
# Optional additional fields. These fields can be freely picked
# to add additional information to the crawled log files for filtering
# level: debug
# review: 1
### Multiline options
# Multiline can be used for log messages spanning multiple lines. This is common
# for Java Stack Traces or C-Line Continuation
# The regexp Pattern that has to be matched. The example pattern matches all lines starting with [
#multiline.pattern: ^\[
# Defines if the pattern set under pattern should be negated or not. Default is false.
#multiline.negate: false
# Match can be set to "after" or "before". It is used to define if lines should be append to a pattern
# that was (not) matched before or after or as long as a pattern is not matched based on negate.
# Note: After is the equivalent to previous and before is the equivalent to to next in Logstash
#multiline.match: after
# Glob pattern for configuration loading
path: ${path.config}/modules.d/*.yml
# Set to true to enable config reloading
reload.enabled: false
# Period on which files under path should be checked for changes
#reload.period: 10s
index.number_of_shards: 3
#index.codec: best_compression
#_source.enabled: false
output.elasticsearch.index: "aisoulog-%{[beat.version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
setup.template.name: "aisoulog"
setup.template.pattern: "aisoulog-*"
# Kibana Host
# Scheme and port can be left out and will be set to the default (http and 5601)
# In case you specify and additional path, the scheme is required: http://localhost:5601/path
# IPv6 addresses should always be defined as: https://[2001:db8::1]:5601
#host: ""
# Kibana Space ID
# ID of the Kibana Space into which the dashboards should be loaded. By default,
# the Default Space will be used.
# Array of hosts to connect to.
hosts: ["es_addr:9200"]
# Enabled ilm (beta) to use index lifecycle management instead daily indices.
#ilm.enabled: false
# Optional protocol and basic auth credentials.
protocol: "http"
username: "elastic"
password: "password"
# The Logstash hosts
#hosts: ["localhost:5044"]
# Optional SSL. By default is off.
# List of root certificates for HTTPS server verifications
#ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/etc/pki/root/ca.pem"]
# Certificate for SSL client authentication
#ssl.certificate: "/etc/pki/client/cert.pem"
# Client Certificate Key
#ssl.key: "/etc/pki/client/cert.key"
- add_host_metadata: ~
- add_cloud_metadata: ~
json.keys_under_root: true
json.add_error_key: true
一般比较喜欢将日志文件独立命名,fields 配置文件可以直接用默认的。当然这需要es直接开启自动创建索引的权限
output.elasticsearch.index: "aisoulog-%{[beat.version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
setup.template.name: "aisoulog"
setup.template.pattern: "aisoulog-*"
aisoulog 自己定义即可
./filebeat -e -c aisoulog.yml
nohup 命令 2>&1 &