vue-cli做了什么?(vue create)





  "private": true,
  "workspaces": [
  "scripts": {
  "devDependencies": {
    "@babel/core": "^7.12.16",
    "@babel/eslint-parser": "^7.12.16",
    "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.15.1",
    "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.15.1",
    "@vue/eslint-config-airbnb": "^5.3.0",
    "@vue/eslint-config-prettier": "^6.0.0",
    "@vue/eslint-config-standard": "^6.0.0",
    "@vue/eslint-config-typescript": "^7.0.0",
    "@vuepress/plugin-pwa": "^1.8.1",
    "@vuepress/theme-vue": "^1.8.1",
    "lerna": "^3.22.0",


  "npmClient": "yarn",
  "useWorkspaces": true,
  "version": "5.0.0-beta.2",
  "packages": [
  "changelog": {



应该是实现cli的插件,cli-service,cli-ui等是我们用到的vue server和vue ui的实现。进入cli,我们的任务是找到入口。cli是一个npm包,其目录结构大致是lib、bin、package.json等组成的,一样的,我们从package.json开始。

  "name": "@vue/cli",
  "version": "5.0.0-beta.2",
  "description": "Command line interface for rapid Vue.js development",
  "bin": {
    "vue": "bin/vue.js"
  "types": "types/index.d.ts",
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": "git+",
    "directory": "packages/@vue/cli"
  "keywords": [
  "author": "Evan You",
  "license": "MIT",
  "engines": {
    "node": "^12.0.0 || >= 14.0.0"

大致浏览下,我们先不关心那么多,package.json中bin属性是自定义命令的,其作用是提供在操作系统上的命令的link到指定文件的功能,也就是说,我们所能调用的命令,到最后其实调用到的是具体的文件,同时采用具体的解释器(Python)、运行时环境(Node.js)或其他程序进行文件的执行过程。可以看到,上面的package中的bin仅初测了一个vue的命令,导向的文件是bin下的vue.js,这就是vue xxx命令执行的入口文件。


#!/usr/bin/env node

const { chalk, semver } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')
const requiredVersion = require('../package.json').engines.node
const leven = require('leven')

semver:The semantic versioner for npm. 提供的是npm包的版本比较等相关的功能;
chalk:Terminal string styling done right. 终端字体相关的库;

插曲: 莱茵斯坦算法


L(i,j) = Min(L(i-1,j)+1,L(i,j-1)+1,L(i-1,j-1)+1) 当Ai != Bj的时候
L(i,j) = Min(L(i-1,j)+1,L(i,j-1)+1,L(i-1,j-1)) 当 Ai === Bj的时候

本质思想就是在,上一步的状态会决定下一步的状态,在Ai === Bj在上一步的基础上,那么就不用改变就能保证最小转换。下面是leven库的核心源码:

'use strict';
const array = [];
const charCodeCache = [];

const leven = (left, right) => {
    if (left === right) {
        return 0;

    const swap = left;

    // Swapping the strings if `a` is longer than `b` so we know which one is the
    // shortest & which one is the longest
        // 保证最长的字符串是在一侧的 方便处理
    if (left.length > right.length) {
        left = right;
        right = swap;

    let leftLength = left.length;
    let rightLength = right.length;

    // Performing suffix trimming:
    // We can linearly drop suffix common to both strings since they
    // don't increase distance at all
    // Note: `~-` is the bitwise way to perform a `- 1` operation
    while (leftLength > 0 && (left.charCodeAt(~-leftLength) === right.charCodeAt(~-rightLength))) {

    // Performing prefix trimming
    // We can linearly drop prefix common to both strings since they
    // don't increase distance at all
    let start = 0;

    while (start < leftLength && (left.charCodeAt(start) === right.charCodeAt(start))) {

    leftLength -= start;
    rightLength -= start;

    if (leftLength === 0) {
        return rightLength;

    let bCharCode;
    let result;
    let temp;
    let temp2;
    let i = 0;
    let j = 0;

    while (i < leftLength) {
        charCodeCache[i] = left.charCodeAt(start + i);
        array[i] = ++i;

    while (j < rightLength) {
        bCharCode = right.charCodeAt(start + j);
        temp = j++;
        result = j;

        for (i = 0; i < leftLength; i++) {
            temp2 = bCharCode === charCodeCache[i] ? temp : temp + 1;
            temp = array[i];
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-multi-assign
                        // 一维数组存贮结果,此处进行莱茵斯坦距离的计算,这里可以写成Math.min(temp+1,result+1,temp2),为什么写成三目运算可能是因为这样比较可以将概率最大的比较放在前面使得更快返回结果,而Math.min是一个O(n)的遍历
            result = array[i] = temp > result ? temp2 > result ? result + 1 : temp2 : temp2 > temp ? temp + 1 : temp2;

    return result;



function checkNodeVersion (wanted, id) {
  if (!semver.satisfies(process.version, wanted, { includePrerelease: true })) {
      'You are using Node ' + process.version + ', but this version of ' + id +
      ' requires Node ' + wanted + '.\nPlease upgrade your Node version.'

checkNodeVersion(requiredVersion, '@vue/cli')


// enter debug mode when creating test repo
if (
  slash(process.cwd()).indexOf('/packages/test') > 0 && (
    fs.existsSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), '../@vue')) ||
    fs.existsSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), '../../@vue'))
) {
  process.env.VUE_CLI_DEBUG = true


const program = require('commander')
const loadCommand = require('../lib/util/loadCommand')

program.option 注册全局的命令option,option就是--opt或者-o这类的命令行传参
program.version / .usage 声明版本 / 声明命令在终端的提示头部信息
program.command 注册命令
program.command.option 注册命令中的option,传参
program.command.action 终端命令敲完Enter的时候的执行


  .version(`@vue/cli ${require('../package').version}`)
  .usage('<command> [options]')

  .command('create <app-name>')
  .description('create a new project powered by vue-cli-service')
  .option('-p, --preset <presetName>', 'Skip prompts and use saved or remote preset')
  .option('-d, --default', 'Skip prompts and use default preset')
  .option('-i, --inlinePreset <json>', 'Skip prompts and use inline JSON string as preset')
  .option('-m, --packageManager <command>', 'Use specified npm client when installing dependencies')
  .option('-r, --registry <url>', 'Use specified npm registry when installing dependencies (only for npm)')
  .option('-g, --git [message]', 'Force git initialization with initial commit message')
  .option('-n, --no-git', 'Skip git initialization')
  .option('-f, --force', 'Overwrite target directory if it exists')
  .option('--merge', 'Merge target directory if it exists')
  .option('-c, --clone', 'Use git clone when fetching remote preset')
  .option('-x, --proxy <proxyUrl>', 'Use specified proxy when creating project')
  .option('-b, --bare', 'Scaffold project without beginner instructions')
  .option('--skipGetStarted', 'Skip displaying "Get started" instructions')
  .action((name, options) => {
    if (minimist(process.argv.slice(3))._.length > 1) {
      console.log(chalk.yellow('\n Info: You provided more than one argument. The first one will be used as the app\'s name, the rest are ignored.'))
    // --git makes commander to default git to true
    if (process.argv.includes('-g') || process.argv.includes('--git')) {
      options.forceGit = true
    require('../lib/create')(name, options)

上面这一部分声明了vue create <name>的命令,同时指定了命令的参数(这么多属性指定,我们直接引用vue-cli官方文档上的解释来确定create命令的部分需求):

-p, --preset <presetName> 忽略提示符并使用已保存的或远程的预设选项
-d, --default 忽略提示符并使用默认预设选项
-i, --inlinePreset <json> 忽略提示符并使用内联的 JSON 字符串预设选项
-m, --packageManager <command> 在安装依赖时使用指定的 npm 客户端
-r, --registry <url> 在安装依赖时使用指定的 npm registry
-g, --git [message] 强制 / 跳过 git 初始化,并可选的指定初始化提交信息
-n, --no-git 跳过 git 初始化
-f, --force 覆写目标目录可能存在的配置
-c, --clone 使用 git clone 获取远程预设选项
-x, --proxy 使用指定的代理创建项目
-b, --bare 创建项目时省略默认组件中的新手指导信息
-h, --help 输出使用帮助信息


.action((name, options) => {
    if (minimist(process.argv.slice(3))._.length > 1) {
      // 命令输入的时候参数不足的提醒
    // --git makes commander to default git to true
    if (process.argv.includes('-g') || process.argv.includes('--git')) {
      options.forceGit = true
    // create命令的实际的执行文件,直接引入并传入name和options执行
    require('../lib/create')(name, options)


// output help information on unknown commands
// 对没有注册的命令进行监听
program.on('command:*', ([cmd]) => {
  console.log(`  ` +`Unknown command ${chalk.yellow(cmd)}.`))
  // 输出已有的建议命令
  process.exitCode = 1
// add some useful info on help
// 监听vue --help 命令
program.on('--help', () => {
// 遍历所有命令 加入初始--help提示
program.commands.forEach(c => c.on('--help', () => console.log()))


function suggestCommands (unknownCommand) {
  // 收集到所有已经注册的命令
  const availableCommands = => cmd._name)
  let suggestion
  // 找到最接近的命令
  availableCommands.forEach(cmd => {
    const isBestMatch = leven(cmd, unknownCommand) < leven(suggestion || '', unknownCommand)
    if (leven(cmd, unknownCommand) < 3 && isBestMatch) {
      suggestion = cmd
  // 输出提示信息
  if (suggestion) {
    console.log(`  ` +`Did you mean ${chalk.yellow(suggestion)}?`))


// enhance common error messages
// 优化命令错误信息:丢失参数,无法解释的属性值,丢失属性值
const enhanceErrorMessages = require('../lib/util/enhanceErrorMessages')

enhanceErrorMessages('missingArgument', argName => {
  return `Missing required argument ${chalk.yellow(`<${argName}>`)}.`

enhanceErrorMessages('unknownOption', optionName => {
  return `Unknown option ${chalk.yellow(optionName)}.`

enhanceErrorMessages('optionMissingArgument', (option, flag) => {
  return `Missing required argument for option ${chalk.yellow(option.flags)}` + (
    flag ? `, got ${chalk.yellow(flag)}` : ``
// 给commander传入args 其实commander正式运行成功


const program = require('commander')
const { chalk } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')

module.exports = (methodName, log) => {
  program.Command.prototype[methodName] = function (...args) {
    if (methodName === 'unknownOption' && this._allowUnknownOption) {
    console.log(`  ` +



Module._load = function(request,// id parent, isMain) {
  if (parent) {
    debug('Module._load REQUEST %s parent: %s', request,;

  var filename = Module._resolveFilename(request, parent, isMain); // 加载当前文件的模块名

  var cachedModule = Module._cache[filename]; // 查看缓存中是否存在该模块
  if (cachedModule) {
    updateChildren(parent, cachedModule, true);  // 存在的话就直接进行当前调用模块的children处理
    return cachedModule.exports; // 同时直接返回export对象

  if (NativeModule.nonInternalExists(filename)) {
    debug('load native module %s', request);
    return NativeModule.require(filename);

  // Don't call updateChildren(), Module constructor already does.
  var module = new Module(filename, parent); // 创建新的模块

  if (isMain) {
    process.mainModule = module; = '.';
  }  // 根模块直接id赋值为空 同时把node的当前主模块指向

  Module._cache[filename] = module;// 添加至缓存

  tryModuleLoad(module, filename); // 加载模块 其实就是使用IOIE形成作用域修改了module对象的export

  return module.exports;
Module._load = function(request,// id parent, isMain) {
  if (parent) {
    debug('Module._load REQUEST %s parent: %s', request,;

  var filename = Module._resolveFilename(request, parent, isMain); // 加载当前文件的模块名

  var cachedModule = Module._cache[filename]; // 查看缓存中是否存在该模块
  if (cachedModule) {
    updateChildren(parent, cachedModule, true);  // 存在的话就直接进行当前调用模块的children处理
    return cachedModule.exports; // 同时直接返回export对象

  if (NativeModule.nonInternalExists(filename)) {
    debug('load native module %s', request);
    return NativeModule.require(filename);

  // Don't call updateChildren(), Module constructor already does.
  var module = new Module(filename, parent); // 创建新的模块

  if (isMain) {
    process.mainModule = module; = '.';
  }  // 根模块直接id赋值为空 同时把node的当前主模块指向

  Module._cache[filename] = module;// 添加至缓存

  tryModuleLoad(module, filename); // 加载模块 其实就是使用IOIE形成作用域修改了module对象的export

  return module.exports;

其大致的执行流程就是:Module._load -> tryModuleLoad -> Module.load -> Module._compile -> V8.Module._compile,最终的compile其实就是在require的文件对象的前后拼接上"(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {" 和末位的"})"之后由v8中的runInContext进行组装后的函数执行,模块中定义的module.exports执行后就赋值到了传入的形参module对象上了,由此就完成了对象或者值导出的传递,最终将module.exports返回完成导入,这里也是为什么我们不能在模块中直接写出来module = xxx的这种代码,这就直接会导致待导出的值和形参中传入的Module对象直接脱离关系。common.js是由模块隔离出来的作用域,而作用域其实就是最终执行中传输的Module对象。这里的理解可以类比原始导入script脚本的思想的,我们手动实现script的导入的时候,为了实现不同脚本之间的变量隔离,可以先声明一个对象A,执行脚本后将脚本中暴露的所有变量都变成A的属性,最终在实际执行的脚本中,就实现了不同script的变量隔离了。



const fs = require('fs-extra')
const path = require('path')
const inquirer = require('inquirer')
const Creator = require('./Creator')
const { clearConsole } = require('./util/clearConsole')
const { getPromptModules } = require('./util/createTools')
const { chalk, error, stopSpinner, exit } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')
const validateProjectName = require('validate-npm-package-name')


module.exports = (...args) => {
  return create(...args).catch(err => {
    stopSpinner(false) // do not persist
    if (!process.env.VUE_CLI_TEST) {

可以看到实质上就是执行了create方法,进入create function

async function create (projectName, options) {
  // 代理声明
  if (options.proxy) {
    process.env.HTTP_PROXY = options.proxy

  const cwd = options.cwd || process.cwd()
  const inCurrent = projectName === '.'
  // 项目名称初始化 可以看到 我们名称可以只写个 . 的 这样就用上级目录的目录名作为项目名
  const name = inCurrent ? path.relative('../', cwd) : projectName
  // 目标目录,基目录是运行命令所在的目录
  const targetDir = path.resolve(cwd, projectName || '.')
  // 项目名称要符合npm包名的规范 同时也不能和已经有的包名重复
  const result = validateProjectName(name)
  if (!result.validForNewPackages) {
    console.error(`Invalid project name: "${name}"`))
    result.errors && result.errors.forEach(err => {
      console.error('Error: ' + err))
    result.warnings && result.warnings.forEach(warn => {
      console.error('Warning: ' + warn))
  // 当前目录已经存在的话 同时不是merge代码的时候 需要查看force属性值/提示用户复写目录(删除原目录)
  if (fs.existsSync(targetDir) && !options.merge) {
    if (options.force) {
      await fs.remove(targetDir)
    } else {
      await clearConsole()
      if (inCurrent) {
        const { ok } = await inquirer.prompt([
            name: 'ok',
            type: 'confirm',
            message: `Generate project in current directory?`
        if (!ok) {
      } else {
        const { action } = await inquirer.prompt([
            name: 'action',
            type: 'list',
            message: `Target directory ${chalk.cyan(targetDir)} already exists. Pick an action:`,
            choices: [
              { name: 'Overwrite', value: 'overwrite' },
              { name: 'Merge', value: 'merge' },
              { name: 'Cancel', value: false }
        if (!action) {
        } else if (action === 'overwrite') {
          console.log(`\nRemoving ${chalk.cyan(targetDir)}...`)
          await fs.remove(targetDir)
  // 创建一个Createor 传入项目名称,项目的目录,预设的依赖 同时执行其create方法
  const creator = new Creator(name, targetDir, getPromptModules())
  await creator.create(options)

可以看到,流程是很清晰的,proxy参数为true的时候改变环境变量 -> 确定项目名称和项目目录 -> 目录中不为空的时候,询问用户是否删除重新创建空目录 -> new Creator同时执行create方法。不过在new Creator的时候,发现传入了getPromptModules(),我们先看看这个方法做了什么

exports.getPromptModules = () => {
  return [
  ].map(file => require(`../promptModules/${file}`))




module.exports = cli => {
    name: 'Choose Vue version',
    value: 'vueVersion',
    description: 'Choose a version of Vue.js that you want to start the project with',
    checked: true

    name: 'vueVersion',
    when: answers => answers.features.includes('vueVersion'),
    message: 'Choose a version of Vue.js that you want to start the project with',
    type: 'list',
    choices: [
        name: '2.x',
        value: '2'
        name: '3.x',
        value: '3'
    default: '2'

  cli.onPromptComplete((answers, options) => {
    if (answers.vueVersion) {
      options.vueVersion = answers.vueVersion




const path = require('path')
const debug = require('debug')
const inquirer = require('inquirer')
const EventEmitter = require('events')
const Generator = require('./Generator')
const cloneDeep = require('lodash.clonedeep')
const sortObject = require('./util/sortObject')
const getVersions = require('./util/getVersions')
const PackageManager = require('./util/ProjectPackageManager')
const { clearConsole } = require('./util/clearConsole')
const PromptModuleAPI = require('./PromptModuleAPI')
const writeFileTree = require('./util/writeFileTree')
const { formatFeatures } = require('./util/features')
const loadLocalPreset = require('./util/loadLocalPreset')
const loadRemotePreset = require('./util/loadRemotePreset')
const generateReadme = require('./util/generateReadme')
const { resolvePkg, isOfficialPlugin } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')


const {
} = require('./options')


const fs = require('fs')
const cloneDeep = require('lodash.clonedeep')
const { getRcPath } = require('./util/rcPath')
const { exit } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils/lib/exit')
const { error } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils/lib/logger')
const { createSchema, validate } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils/lib/validate')

const rcPath = exports.rcPath = getRcPath('.vuerc')

const presetSchema ...
const schema ... // 定义校验规则

exports.validatePreset = preset => validate(preset, presetSchema, msg => {
  error(`invalid preset options: ${msg}`)
// 默认预设
exports.defaultPreset = {
  useConfigFiles: false,
  cssPreprocessor: undefined,
  plugins: {
    '@vue/cli-plugin-babel': {},
    '@vue/cli-plugin-eslint': {
      config: 'base',
      lintOn: ['save']
// defaults主要针对vue的版本不同 改变其presets中的vueVersion属性值,默认的插件是babel和eslint。同时提供了和vuerc文件一样的数据结构
exports.defaults = {
  lastChecked: undefined,
  latestVersion: undefined,
  packageManager: undefined,
  useTaobaoRegistry: undefined,
  presets: {
    'default': Object.assign({ vueVersion: '2' }, exports.defaultPreset),
    '__default_vue_3__': Object.assign({ vueVersion: '3' }, exports.defaultPreset)

let cachedOptions

exports.loadOptions = () => {
  if (cachedOptions) {
    return cachedOptions
  // 如同vue-cli官方文档中提到的,在 vue create 过程中保存的 preset 会被放在你的 home 目录下的一个配置文件中 (~/.vuerc)。你可以通过直接编辑这个文件来调整、添加、删除保存好的 preset
  // 此处就判断是否存在,存在则直接读出文件内容
  if (fs.existsSync(rcPath)) {
    try {
      cachedOptions = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(rcPath, 'utf-8'))
    } catch (e) {
        `Error loading saved preferences: ` +
        `~/.vuerc may be corrupted or have syntax errors. ` +
        `Please fix/delete it and re-run vue-cli in manual mode.\n` +
    // 校验cachedOptions是否满足schema的限制条件,不满足则提示outdated
    validate(cachedOptions, schema, () => {
        `~/.vuerc may be outdated. ` +
        `Please delete it and re-run vue-cli in manual mode.`
    return cachedOptions
  } else {
    return {}

exports.saveOptions = toSave => {
  // 汇集默认和用户自定义的预设项
  const options = Object.assign(cloneDeep(exports.loadOptions()), toSave)
  // 移除无关属性
  for (const key in options) {
    if (!(key in exports.defaults)) {
      delete options[key]
  // 覆盖~/.veurc文件
  cachedOptions = options
  try {
    fs.writeFileSync(rcPath, JSON.stringify(options, null, 2))
    return true
  } catch (e) {
      `Error saving preferences: ` +
      `make sure you have write access to ${rcPath}.\n` +
// 修改.vuerc中的presets属性
exports.savePreset = (name, preset) => {
  const presets = cloneDeep(exports.loadOptions().presets || {})
  presets[name] = preset
  return exports.saveOptions({ presets })


const {
} = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')


module.exports = class Creator extends EventEmitter  


// name项目名称,context项目所在的目录(pwd+name),promptModules默认显示的可配置项目(回想一下上面的["vueVersion",...].map的方法)
  constructor (name, context, promptModules) {
    super() = name
    this.context = process.env.VUE_CLI_CONTEXT = context
    // 返回预设方案的终端选择器 自定义方案的插件预选器 1
    const { presetPrompt, featurePrompt } = this.resolveIntroPrompts()

    this.presetPrompt = presetPrompt
    this.featurePrompt = featurePrompt
    // 返回其他的预设选择器  2
    this.outroPrompts = this.resolveOutroPrompts()
    this.injectedPrompts = []
    this.promptCompleteCbs = []
    this.afterInvokeCbs = []
    this.afterAnyInvokeCbs = [] =
    // DI模式 将promptModules中的injectFeature等事件的操作转换成对this.creator属性中的操作 3
    // 随着遍历执行完成 this.featurePrompt.choices就将待选的插件都注入进去
    // 同时this.injectedPrompts和this.promptCompleteCbs也注入进去了插件的实现
    const promptAPI = new PromptModuleAPI(this)
    promptModules.forEach(m => m(promptAPI))


  // 返回的是两个终端选择功能,选择预设的方案,自定义的时候选择自动安装的插件
  resolveIntroPrompts () {
    const presets = this.getPresets()
    // 格式化预设对象 输出数组 形如
    // [
    //   {
    //     name: "Default([Vue2], babel, eslint)",
    //     value: "default"
    //   }
    // ]
    const presetChoices = Object.entries(presets).map(([name, preset]) => {
      let displayName = name
      // 置换default和__default_vue_3__的name
      if (name === 'default') {
        displayName = 'Default'
      } else if (name === '__default_vue_3__') {
        displayName = 'Default (Vue 3)'

      return {
        name: `${displayName} (${formatFeatures(preset)})`,
        value: name
    // 提示用户选择craete的预设流程,Default ([Vue 2] babel, eslint)/Default (Vue 3) ([Vue 3] babel, eslint)/Manually select features
    const presetPrompt = {
      name: 'preset',
      type: 'list',
      message: `Please pick a preset:`,
      choices: [
          name: 'Manually select features',
          value: '__manual__'
    // 选择Manually select features后显示待选择插件 choices初始化为空数组
    const featurePrompt = {
      name: 'features',
      when: isManualMode,
      type: 'checkbox',
      message: 'Check the features needed for your project:',
      choices: [],
      pageSize: 10
    return {




  // 返回其他的预设选择器 
  resolveOutroPrompts () {
    const outroPrompts = [
        name: 'useConfigFiles',
        when: isManualMode,
        type: 'list',
        message: 'Where do you prefer placing config for Babel, ESLint, etc.?',
        choices: [
            name: 'In dedicated config files',
            value: 'files'
            name: 'In package.json',
            value: 'pkg'
        name: 'save',
        when: isManualMode,
        type: 'confirm',
        message: 'Save this as a preset for future projects?',
        default: false
        name: 'saveName',
        when: answers =>,
        type: 'input',
        message: 'Save preset as:'

    // ask for packageManager once
    const savedOptions = loadOptions()
    if (!savedOptions.packageManager && (hasYarn() || hasPnpm3OrLater())) {
      const packageManagerChoices = []

      if (hasYarn()) {
          name: 'Use Yarn',
          value: 'yarn',
          short: 'Yarn'

      if (hasPnpm3OrLater()) {
          name: 'Use PNPM',
          value: 'pnpm',
          short: 'PNPM'

        name: 'Use NPM',
        value: 'npm',
        short: 'NPM'

        name: 'packageManager',
        type: 'list',
        message: 'Pick the package manager to use when installing dependencies:',
        choices: packageManagerChoices

    return outroPrompts

一如既往的抽象,但是可以看出,这个是在我们选择Manually select features后的可能提示,在命令行中我们也可以试验出来



module.exports = class PromptModuleAPI {
  constructor (creator) {
    this.creator = creator

  injectFeature (feature) {

  injectPrompt (prompt) {

  injectOptionForPrompt (name, option) {
    this.creator.injectedPrompts.find(f => {
      return === name

  onPromptComplete (cb) {

API类主要实现的是对Creator内部数组变量的操作,可以看作一个抽象类,而promptModule中的vueVersion.js等文件相当于是抽象类的具体实现。所以后面在执行到promptModules.forEach(m => m(promptAPI))的时候,就把实现中的各个部分都注入到了当前Creator中来了。


前面调用的时候就发现。Creator new出来之后就开始执行create方法了,我们接着看create方法,看来主要的业务逻辑都在这里

async create (cliOptions = {}, preset = null) {
    const isTestOrDebug = process.env.VUE_CLI_TEST || process.env.VUE_CLI_DEBUG
    const { run, name, context, afterInvokeCbs, afterAnyInvokeCbs } = this
    // 按照不同的预设进行不同的加载过程 defaul/--preset/inlinePreset
    if (!preset) {
      if (cliOptions.preset) {
        // vue create foo --preset bar
        preset = await this.resolvePreset(cliOptions.preset, cliOptions.clone)
      } else if (cliOptions.default) {
        // vue create foo --default
        preset = defaults.presets.default
      } else if (cliOptions.inlinePreset) {
        // vue create foo --inlinePreset {...}
        try {
          preset = JSON.parse(cliOptions.inlinePreset)
        } catch (e) {
          error(`CLI inline preset is not valid JSON: ${cliOptions.inlinePreset}`)
      } else {
        preset = await this.promptAndResolvePreset()

    // clone before mutating
    preset = cloneDeep(preset)
    // inject core service
    // @vue/cli-service插件中保存所有的预设信息和项目名称
    preset.plugins['@vue/cli-service'] = Object.assign({
      projectName: name
    }, preset)
    // 回忆一下-b的功能: 忽略新手指导信息
    if (cliOptions.bare) {
      preset.plugins['@vue/cli-service'].bare = true

    // legacy support for router
    // 安装router插件的初始化 不指定的化是hash router
    if (preset.router) {
      preset.plugins['@vue/cli-plugin-router'] = {}

      if (preset.routerHistoryMode) {
        preset.plugins['@vue/cli-plugin-router'].historyMode = true

    // legacy support for vuex
    // 配置vuex的插件初始信息
    if (preset.vuex) {
      preset.plugins['@vue/cli-plugin-vuex'] = {}
    // 识别包管理工具 可见优先级是从用户指定到.vuerc默认再到yarn和npm等的兜底
    const packageManager = (
      cliOptions.packageManager ||
      loadOptions().packageManager ||
      (hasYarn() ? 'yarn' : null) ||
      (hasPnpm3OrLater() ? 'pnpm' : 'npm')

    await clearConsole()
    // 新建出来包管理对象 后续install等都是这个对象提供的方法
    const pm = new PackageManager({ context, forcePackageManager: packageManager })

    log(`✨  Creating project in ${chalk.yellow(context)}.`)
    // creating钩子 啧啧啧 继承EventEmitter的必要性
    this.emit('creation', { event: 'creating' })

    // get latest CLI plugin version
    const { latestMinor } = await getVersions()

    // generate package.json with plugin dependencies
    // 这里生成的就是默认package.json的对象
    const pkg = {
      version: '0.1.0',
      private: true,
      devDependencies: {},
    // 遍历操作预设/自定义的plugins
    const deps = Object.keys(preset.plugins)
    deps.forEach(dep => {
      if (preset.plugins[dep]._isPreset) {

      let { version } = preset.plugins[dep]
      // 插件版本号处理
      // 没有对插件指定版本号 则使用最新的版本 latest;vue-service和babel-preset-env这是脚手架实现的,正式环境版本都由package指定
      if (!version) {
        // @vue开头的 都会受到package中的version声明影响
        if (isOfficialPlugin(dep) || dep === '@vue/cli-service' || dep === '@vue/babel-preset-env') {
          version = isTestOrDebug ? `latest` : `~${latestMinor}`
        } else {
          version = 'latest'

      pkg.devDependencies[dep] = version

    // write package.json
    await writeFileTree(context, {
      'package.json': JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2)

    // generate a .npmrc file for pnpm, to persist the `shamefully-flatten` flag
    // 使用pnpm管理的话 则需要在.npmrc中指定shamefully-hoist/shamefully-flatten
    if (packageManager === 'pnpm') {
      const pnpmConfig = hasPnpmVersionOrLater('4.0.0')
        ? 'shamefully-hoist=true\n'
        : 'shamefully-flatten=true\n'

      await writeFileTree(context, {
        '.npmrc': pnpmConfig

    // intilaize git repository before installing deps
    // so that vue-cli-service can setup git hooks.
    // 这里的重点也是对git的判断上了
    const shouldInitGit = this.shouldInitGit(cliOptions)
    if (shouldInitGit) {
      log(`🗃  Initializing git repository...`)
      this.emit('creation', { event: 'git-init' })
      await run('git init')

    // install plugins
    // 准备开始install plugin了,理论上我们也可以在这个钩子这里对插件的版本注入操作
    log(`⚙\u{fe0f}  Installing CLI plugins. This might take a while...`)
    this.emit('creation', { event: 'plugins-install' })

    if (isTestOrDebug && !process.env.VUE_CLI_TEST_DO_INSTALL_PLUGIN) {
      // in development, avoid installation process
      await require('./util/setupDevProject')(context)
    } else {
      // install插件了 也可以直接run执行 不过npm实现的是有对接的库的
      await pm.install()

    // run generator
    // 生产器
    log(`🚀  Invoking generators...`)
    this.emit('creation', { event: 'invoking-generators' })
    // 合并 获取到所有引入的npm包
    const plugins = await this.resolvePlugins(preset.plugins, pkg)
    // ※ 重要类 Generator 等下跳转过去看实现
    // 传入的参数 package.json的对象,引入的npm包集合,执行完Generator的回调数组,执行每一项invoke的回调数组
    const generator = new Generator(context, {
    // 直接执行了generate方法 传入了预设中的useConfigFiles的设置
    await generator.generate({
      extractConfigFiles: preset.useConfigFiles

    // install additional deps (injected by generators)
    log(`📦  Installing additional dependencies...`)
    this.emit('creation', { event: 'deps-install' })
    // 又一次install 那么Generator预计可能修改了待需要install的包数组呢
    if (!isTestOrDebug || process.env.VUE_CLI_TEST_DO_INSTALL_PLUGIN) {
      await pm.install()

    // run complete cbs if any (injected by generators)
    log(`⚓  Running completion hooks...`)
    this.emit('creation', { event: 'completion-hooks' })
    // 给了competion生命周期 钩子函数的调用机会
    for (const cb of afterInvokeCbs) {
      await cb()
    for (const cb of afterAnyInvokeCbs) {
      await cb()
    // 生成README文件
    if (!generator.files['']) {
      // generate
      log('📄  Generating')
      await writeFileTree(context, {
        '': generateReadme(generator.pkg, packageManager)

    // commit initial state
    // 默认使用git配置的时候 脚手架会在生成项目之后就执行一次 add和commit
    let gitCommitFailed = false
    if (shouldInitGit) {
      await run('git add -A')
      if (isTestOrDebug) {
        await run('git', ['config', '', 'test'])
        await run('git', ['config', '', ''])
        await run('git', ['config', 'commit.gpgSign', 'false'])
      const msg = typeof cliOptions.git === 'string' ? cliOptions.git : 'init'
      try {
        await run('git', ['commit', '-m', msg, '--no-verify'])
      } catch (e) {
        gitCommitFailed = true

    // log instructions
    log(`🎉  Successfully created project ${chalk.yellow(name)}.`)
    if (!cliOptions.skipGetStarted) {
        `👉  Get started with the following commands:\n\n` +
        (this.context === process.cwd() ? `` : chalk.cyan(` ${chalk.gray('$')} cd ${name}\n`)) +
        chalk.cyan(` ${chalk.gray('$')} ${packageManager === 'yarn' ? 'yarn serve' : packageManager === 'pnpm' ? 'pnpm run serve' : 'npm run serve'}`)
    this.emit('creation', { event: 'done' })
    // 这里可以看出,git commit失败也不能影响构建流程。康威第二定理所言: 时间再多一件事情也不可能做的完美,但总有时间做完一件事情。即使不够完美,也要先保证主要流程是成功的。
    if (gitCommitFailed) {
        `Skipped git commit due to missing username and email in git config, or failed to sign commit.\n` +
        `You will need to perform the initial commit yourself.\n`



// 获取.vuerc中指定的预设和默认预设的集合 结果形如
// {
//   'default': Object.assign({ vueVersion: '2' }, exports.defaultPreset),
//   '__default_vue_3__': Object.assign({ vueVersion: '3' }, exports.defaultPreset)
// }
getPresets () {
  const savedOptions = loadOptions()
  return Object.assign({}, savedOptions.presets, defaults.presets)

async resolvePreset (name, clone) {
    let preset
    const savedPresets = this.getPresets()

    if (name in savedPresets) {
      // 已经保存过的预设方案直接索引到就可以了
      preset = savedPresets[name]
    } else if (name.endsWith('.json') || /^\./.test(name) || path.isAbsolute(name)) {
      // 命令行--preset声明的是json文件 、绝对/相对路径信息等 需要加载解析对应文件
      preset = await loadLocalPreset(path.resolve(name))
    } else if (name.includes('/')) {
      // 名字中含有/的就去远端加载了
      log(`Fetching remote preset ${chalk.cyan(name)}...`)
      this.emit('creation', { event: 'fetch-remote-preset' })
      try {
        preset = await loadRemotePreset(name, clone)
      } catch (e) {
        error(`Failed fetching remote preset ${chalk.cyan(name)}:`)
        throw e
    // 错误处理 上述的分支都没命中
    if (!preset) {
      error(`preset "${name}" not found.`)
      const presets = Object.keys(savedPresets)
      if (presets.length) {
        log(`available presets:\n${presets.join(`\n`)}`)
      } else {
        log(`you don't seem to have any saved preset.`)
        log(`run vue-cli in manual mode to create a preset.`)
    return preset


我们先分析下PackageManager的核心需求:执行install。再进一步,核心需求的质量需求:1 兼容不同包管理工具 2 非阻塞 3 友好的错误信息。此时我们再看代码的实现:先只关心构造器和install方法 我们看下流程图

class PackageManager {
  constructor ({ context, forcePackageManager } = {}) {
    this.context = context || process.cwd()
    this._registries = {}
    // 确定包管理工具
    if (forcePackageManager) {
      this.bin = forcePackageManager
    } else if (context) {
      if (hasProjectYarn(context)) {
        this.bin = 'yarn'
      } else if (hasProjectPnpm(context)) {
        this.bin = 'pnpm'
      } else if (hasProjectNpm(context)) {
        this.bin = 'npm'

    // if no package managers specified, and no lockfile exists
    if (!this.bin) {
      this.bin = loadOptions().packageManager || (hasYarn() ? 'yarn' : hasPnpm3OrLater() ? 'pnpm' : 'npm')
    // 不支持较低版本的npm
    if (this.bin === 'npm') {
      // npm doesn't support package aliases until v6.9
      const MIN_SUPPORTED_NPM_VERSION = '6.9.0'
      const npmVersion = stripAnsi(execa.sync('npm', ['--version']).stdout)

        throw new Error(
          'You are using an outdated version of NPM.\n' +
          'It does not support some core functionalities of Vue CLI.\n' +
          'Please upgrade your NPM version.'

      if (semver.gte(npmVersion, '7.0.0')) {
        this.needsPeerDepsFix = true
    // 兜底方案还是npm执行
    if (!SUPPORTED_PACKAGE_MANAGERS.includes(this.bin)) {
        `The package manager ${} is ${'not officially supported')}.\n` +
        `It will be treated like ${chalk.cyan('npm')}, but compatibility issues may occur.\n` +
        `See if you can use ${chalk.cyan('--registry')} instead.`

    // Plugin may be located in another location if `resolveFrom` presents.
    const projectPkg = resolvePkg(this.context)
    const resolveFrom = projectPkg && projectPkg.vuePlugins && projectPkg.vuePlugins.resolveFrom

    // Logically, `resolveFrom` and `context` are distinct fields.
    // But in Vue CLI we only care about plugins.
    // So it is fine to let all other operations take place in the `resolveFrom` directory.
    if (resolveFrom) {
      this.context = path.resolve(context, resolveFrom)

  async install () {
    const args = []
    // npm大于7.0.0的都符合了 只有6.9.0 - 7.0.0才没有
    if (this.needsPeerDepsFix) {

    if (process.env.VUE_CLI_TEST) {
      args.push('--silent', '--no-progress')

    return await this.runCommand('install', args)
  async runCommand (command, args) {
    const prevNodeEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV
    // In the use case of Vue CLI, when installing dependencies,
    // the `NODE_ENV` environment variable does no good;
    // it only confuses users by skipping dev deps (when set to `production`).
    delete process.env.NODE_ENV
    // 获取包管理源 设置npm_config_registry YARN_NPM_REGISTRY_SERVER 设置镜像源
    await this.setRegistryEnvs()
    // 执行install
    await executeCommand(
        ...(args || [])

    if (prevNodeEnv) {
      process.env.NODE_ENV = prevNodeEnv
  // Any command that implemented registry-related feature should support
  // `-r` / `--registry` option
  // 确定包管理源
  async getRegistry (scope) {
    const cacheKey = scope || ''
    if (this._registries[cacheKey]) {
      return this._registries[cacheKey]

    const args = minimist(process.argv, {
      alias: {
        r: 'registry'

    let registry
    if (args.registry) {
      registry = args.registry
    } else if (!process.env.VUE_CLI_TEST && await shouldUseTaobao(this.bin)) {
      registry =
    } else {
      try {
        if (scope) {
          registry = (await execa(this.bin, ['config', 'get', scope + ':registry'])).stdout
        if (!registry || registry === 'undefined') {
          registry = (await execa(this.bin, ['config', 'get', 'registry'])).stdout
      } catch (e) {
        // Yarn 2 uses `npmRegistryServer` instead of `registry`
        registry = (await execa(this.bin, ['config', 'get', 'npmRegistryServer'])).stdout

    this._registries[cacheKey] = stripAnsi(registry).trim()
    return this._registries[cacheKey]

  async getAuthConfig (scope) {
    // get npmrc (
    const possibleRcPaths = [
      path.resolve(this.context, '.npmrc'),
      path.resolve(require('os').homedir(), '.npmrc')
    if (process.env.PREFIX) {
      possibleRcPaths.push(path.resolve(process.env.PREFIX, '/etc/npmrc'))
    // there's also a '/path/to/npm/npmrc', skipped for simplicity of implementation

    let npmConfig = {}
    for (const loc of possibleRcPaths) {
      if (fs.existsSync(loc)) {
        try {
          // the closer config file (the one with lower index) takes higher precedence
          npmConfig = Object.assign({}, ini.parse(fs.readFileSync(loc, 'utf-8')), npmConfig)
        } catch (e) {
          // in case of file permission issues, etc.

    const registry = await this.getRegistry(scope)
    const registryWithoutProtocol = registry
      .replace(/https?:/, '') // remove leading protocol
      .replace(/([^/])$/, '$1/') // ensure ending with slash
    const authTokenKey = `${registryWithoutProtocol}:_authToken`
    const authUsernameKey = `${registryWithoutProtocol}:username`
    const authPasswordKey = `${registryWithoutProtocol}:_password`

    const auth = {}
    if (authTokenKey in npmConfig) {
      auth.token = npmConfig[authTokenKey]
    if (authPasswordKey in npmConfig) {
      auth.username = npmConfig[authUsernameKey]
      auth.password = Buffer.from(npmConfig[authPasswordKey], 'base64').toString()
    return auth

  async setRegistryEnvs () {
    // 包管理源
    const registry = await this.getRegistry()
    // 环境变量设置
    process.env.npm_config_registry = registry
    process.env.YARN_NPM_REGISTRY_SERVER = registry


  // set mirror urls for users in china
  // 设置镜像源
  async setBinaryMirrors () {
    const registry = await this.getRegistry()

    if (registry !== {

    try {
      // chromedriver, etc.
      const binaryMirrorConfigMetadata = await this.getMetadata('binary-mirror-config', { full: true })
      const latest = binaryMirrorConfigMetadata['dist-tags'] && binaryMirrorConfigMetadata['dist-tags'].latest
      const mirrors = binaryMirrorConfigMetadata.versions[latest].mirrors.china
      for (const key in mirrors.ENVS) {
        process.env[key] = mirrors.ENVS[key]

      // Cypress
      const cypressMirror = mirrors.cypress
      const defaultPlatforms = {
        darwin: 'osx64',
        linux: 'linux64',
        win32: 'win64'
      const platforms = cypressMirror.newPlatforms || defaultPlatforms
      const targetPlatform = platforms[require('os').platform()]
      // Do not override user-defined env variable
      // Because we may construct a wrong download url and an escape hatch is necessary
      if (targetPlatform && !process.env.CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY) {
        const projectPkg = resolvePkg(this.context)
        if (projectPkg && projectPkg.devDependencies && projectPkg.devDependencies.cypress) {
          const wantedCypressVersion = await this.getRemoteVersion('cypress', projectPkg.devDependencies.cypress)
          process.env.CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY =
    } catch (e) {
      // get binary mirror config failed



const officialRE = /^@vue\//
exports.isOfficialPlugin = id => exports.isPlugin(id) && officialRE.test(id)


最后的一项复杂的类Generator 文件生成器,主要是由useConfigFiles来控制的,主要作用是将package中定义的插件的配置项都转移到对应的包管理文件中,举个例子,package中配置babel的配置信息之后,会进行转移保存到.babelrc或者babel.cofig.js中

// 配置插件默认的配置文件信息
const defaultConfigTransforms = {
  babel: new ConfigTransform({
    file: {
      js: ['babel.config.js']
  postcss: new ConfigTransform({
    file: {
      js: ['postcss.config.js'],
      json: ['.postcssrc.json', '.postcssrc'],
      yaml: ['.postcssrc.yaml', '.postcssrc.yml']
  eslintConfig: new ConfigTransform({
    file: {
      js: ['.eslintrc.js'],
      json: ['.eslintrc', '.eslintrc.json'],
      yaml: ['.eslintrc.yaml', '.eslintrc.yml']
  jest: new ConfigTransform({
    file: {
      js: ['jest.config.js']
  browserslist: new ConfigTransform({
    file: {
      lines: ['.browserslistrc']
  'lint-staged': new ConfigTransform({
    file: {
      js: ['lint-staged.config.js'],
      json: ['.lintstagedrc', '.lintstagedrc.json'],
      yaml: ['.lintstagedrc.yaml', '.lintstagedrc.yml']
const reservedConfigTransforms = {
  vue: new ConfigTransform({
    file: {
      js: ['vue.config.js']
module.exports = class Generator {
constructor (context, {
    pkg = {},
    plugins = [],
    afterInvokeCbs = [],
    afterAnyInvokeCbs = [],
    files = {},
    invoking = false
  } = {}) {
    this.context = context
    this.plugins = sortPlugins(plugins)
    this.originalPkg = pkg
    this.pkg = Object.assign({}, pkg) = new PackageManager({ context })
    this.imports = {}
    this.rootOptions = {}
    this.afterInvokeCbs = afterInvokeCbs
    this.afterAnyInvokeCbs = afterAnyInvokeCbs
    this.configTransforms = {}
    this.defaultConfigTransforms = defaultConfigTransforms
    this.reservedConfigTransforms = reservedConfigTransforms
    this.invoking = invoking
    // for conflict resolution
    this.depSources = {}
    // virtual file tree
    // 待写入的文件列表
    this.files = Object.keys(files).length
      // when execute `vue add/invoke`, only created/modified files are written to disk
      ? watchFiles(files, this.filesModifyRecord = new Set())
      // all files need to be written to disk
      : files
    this.fileMiddlewares = []
    this.postProcessFilesCbs = []
    // exit messages
    this.exitLogs = []

    // load all the other plugins
    // 获取到所有的依赖包 格式是
    // {
    //   apply: #require的值
    //   id
    // }
    this.allPlugins = this.resolveAllPlugins()

    const cliService = plugins.find(p => === '@vue/cli-service')
    const rootOptions = cliService
      ? cliService.options
      : inferRootOptions(pkg)

    this.rootOptions = rootOptions
// 初始化所有待安装的依赖包
  async initPlugins () {
    const { rootOptions, invoking } = this
    const pluginIds = =>

    // avoid modifying the passed afterInvokes, because we want to ignore them from other plugins
    // 这里重新赋值this.afterInvokeCbs的作用是 在引入的包中如果包需要引入其他的子依赖或者其他操作的时候 会执行hooks中的方法 注入GeneratorAPI对象改变this.afterInvokeCbs
    // 同理 对下面的this.plugins的this.afterAnyInvokeCbs重新赋值也是基于这个道理的
    const passedAfterInvokeCbs = this.afterInvokeCbs
    this.afterInvokeCbs = []
    // apply hooks from all plugins to collect 'afterAnyHooks'
    for (const plugin of this.allPlugins) {
      const { id, apply } = plugin
      const api = new GeneratorAPI(id, this, {}, rootOptions)

      if (apply.hooks) {
        await apply.hooks(api, {}, rootOptions, pluginIds)

    // We are doing save/load to make the hook order deterministic
    // save "any" hooks
    const afterAnyInvokeCbsFromPlugins = this.afterAnyInvokeCbs

    // reset hooks
    this.afterInvokeCbs = passedAfterInvokeCbs
    this.afterAnyInvokeCbs = []
    this.postProcessFilesCbs = []

    // apply generators from plugins
    for (const plugin of this.plugins) {
      const { id, apply, options } = plugin
      const api = new GeneratorAPI(id, this, options, rootOptions)
      await apply(api, options, rootOptions, invoking)

      if (apply.hooks) {
        // while we execute the entire `hooks` function,
        // only the `afterInvoke` hook is respected
        // because `afterAnyHooks` is already determined by the `allPlugins` loop above
        await apply.hooks(api, options, rootOptions, pluginIds)
    // restore "any" hooks
    this.afterAnyInvokeCbs = afterAnyInvokeCbsFromPlugins

  async generate ({
    extractConfigFiles = false,
    checkExisting = false
  } = {}) {
    // 初始化所有要依赖的包 追加依赖包中的依赖问题
    await this.initPlugins()

    // save the file system before applying plugin for comparison
    const initialFiles = Object.assign({}, this.files)
    // extract configs from package.json into dedicated files.
    // 这里做的事情是对pkg中的对包的配置项提出去到对应的文件 并且移除掉pkg中的配置
    // 写入文件
    this.extractConfigFiles(extractConfigFiles, checkExisting)
    // wait for file resolve
    await this.resolveFiles()
    // set package.json
    this.files['package.json'] = JSON.stringify(this.pkg, null, 2) + '\n'
    // write/update file tree to disk
    await writeFileTree(this.context, this.files, initialFiles, this.filesModifyRecord)
  // 将pkg对象中的配置包的信息 提取到对应的文件中 并保存file对象列表
  extractConfigFiles (extractAll, checkExisting) {
    // 收集可能是包配置的config的name集合
    const configTransforms = Object.assign({},
    // 定义提取方法 判断可能是对包的配置信息的话 执行transfrom方法 将文件内容生成/追加 并存入files数组 同时移除pkg原有的配置项
    const extract = key => {
      if (
        configTransforms[key] &&
        this.pkg[key] &&
        // do not extract if the field exists in original package.json
      ) {
        const value = this.pkg[key]
        const configTransform = configTransforms[key]
        const res = configTransform.transform(
        const { content, filename } = res
        this.files[filename] = ensureEOL(content)
        delete this.pkg[key]
    // 判断是否提取所有的包 不是的话 就只提取vue和babel的配置项 即生成/修改vue.config.js和babel.config.js文件
    if (extractAll) {
      for (const key in this.pkg) {
    } else {
      if (!process.env.VUE_CLI_TEST) {
        // by default, always extract vue.config.js
      // always extract babel.config.js as this is the only way to apply
      // project-wide configuration even to dependencies.
      // TODO: this can be removed when Babel supports root: true in package.json



class GeneratorAPI {
   * @param {string} id - Id of the owner plugin
   * @param {Generator} generator - The invoking Generator instance
   * @param {object} options - generator options passed to this plugin
   * @param {object} rootOptions - root options (the entire preset)
  constructor (id, generator, options, rootOptions) { = id
    this.generator = generator
    this.options = options
    this.rootOptions = rootOptions

    /* eslint-disable no-shadow */
    this.pluginsData = generator.plugins
      .filter(({ id }) => id !== `@vue/cli-service`)
      .map(({ id }) => ({
        name: toShortPluginId(id),
        link: getPluginLink(id)
    /* eslint-enable no-shadow */

    this._entryFile = undefined

   * Resolves the data when rendering templates.
   * @private
  _resolveData (additionalData) {
    return Object.assign({
      options: this.options,
      rootOptions: this.rootOptions,
      plugins: this.pluginsData
    }, additionalData)

   * Inject a file processing middleware.
   * @private
   * @param {FileMiddleware} middleware - A middleware function that receives the
   *   virtual files tree object, and an ejs render function. Can be async.
  _injectFileMiddleware (middleware) {

   * Normalize absolute path, Windows-style path
   * to the relative path used as index in this.files
   * @param {string} p the path to normalize
  _normalizePath (p) {
    if (path.isAbsolute(p)) {
      p = path.relative(this.generator.context, p)
    // The `files` tree always use `/` in its index.
    // So we need to normalize the path string in case the user passes a Windows path.
    return p.replace(/\\/g, '/')

   * Resolve path for a project.
   * @param {string} _paths - A sequence of relative paths or path segments
   * @return {string} The resolved absolute path, caculated based on the current project root.
  resolve (..._paths) {
    return path.resolve(this.generator.context, ..._paths)

  get cliVersion () {
    return require('../package.json').version

  assertCliVersion (range) {
    if (typeof range === 'number') {
      if (!Number.isInteger(range)) {
        throw new Error('Expected string or integer value.')
      range = `^${range}.0.0-0`
    if (typeof range !== 'string') {
      throw new Error('Expected string or integer value.')

    if (semver.satisfies(this.cliVersion, range, { includePrerelease: true })) return

    throw new Error(
      `Require global @vue/cli "${range}", but was invoked by "${this.cliVersion}".`

  get cliServiceVersion () {
    // In generator unit tests, we don't write the actual file back to the disk.
    // So there is no cli-service module to load.
    // In that case, just return the cli version.
    if (process.env.VUE_CLI_TEST && process.env.VUE_CLI_SKIP_WRITE) {
      return this.cliVersion

    const servicePkg = loadModule(

    return servicePkg.version

  assertCliServiceVersion (range) {
    if (typeof range === 'number') {
      if (!Number.isInteger(range)) {
        throw new Error('Expected string or integer value.')
      range = `^${range}.0.0-0`
    if (typeof range !== 'string') {
      throw new Error('Expected string or integer value.')

    if (semver.satisfies(this.cliServiceVersion, range, { includePrerelease: true })) return

    throw new Error(
      `Require @vue/cli-service "${range}", but was loaded with "${this.cliServiceVersion}".`

   * Check if the project has a given plugin.
   * @param {string} id - Plugin id, can omit the (@vue/|vue-|@scope/vue)-cli-plugin- prefix
   * @param {string} version - Plugin version. Defaults to ''
   * @return {boolean}
  hasPlugin (id, versionRange) {
    return this.generator.hasPlugin(id, versionRange)

   * Configure how config files are extracted.
   * @param {string} key - Config key in package.json
   * @param {object} options - Options
   * @param {object} options.file - File descriptor
   * Used to search for existing file.
   * Each key is a file type (possible values: ['js', 'json', 'yaml', 'lines']).
   * The value is a list of filenames.
   * Example:
   * {
   *   js: ['.eslintrc.js'],
   *   json: ['.eslintrc.json', '.eslintrc']
   * }
   * By default, the first filename will be used to create the config file.
  addConfigTransform (key, options) {
    const hasReserved = Object.keys(this.generator.reservedConfigTransforms).includes(key)
    if (
      hasReserved ||
      !options ||
    ) {
      if (hasReserved) {
        const { warn } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')
        warn(`Reserved config transform '${key}'`)

    this.generator.configTransforms[key] = new ConfigTransform(options)

   * Extend the package.json of the project.
   * Also resolves dependency conflicts between plugins.
   * Tool configuration fields may be extracted into standalone files before
   * files are written to disk.
   * @param {object | () => object} fields - Fields to merge.
   * @param {object} [options] - Options for extending / merging fields.
   * @param {boolean} [options.prune=false] - Remove null or undefined fields
   *    from the object after merging.
   * @param {boolean} [options.merge=true] deep-merge nested fields, note
   *    that dependency fields are always deep merged regardless of this option.
   * @param {boolean} [options.warnIncompatibleVersions=true] Output warning
   *    if two dependency version ranges don't intersect.
   * @param {boolean} [options.forceOverwrite=false] force using the dependency
   * version provided in the first argument, instead of trying to get the newer ones
  extendPackage (fields, options = {}) {
    const extendOptions = {
      prune: false,
      merge: true,
      warnIncompatibleVersions: true,
      forceOverwrite: false

    // this condition statement is added for compatibility reason, because
    // in version 4.0.0 to 4.1.2, there's no `options` object, but a `forceNewVersion` flag
    if (typeof options === 'boolean') {
      extendOptions.warnIncompatibleVersions = !options
    } else {
      Object.assign(extendOptions, options)

    const pkg = this.generator.pkg
    const toMerge = isFunction(fields) ? fields(pkg) : fields
    for (const key in toMerge) {
      const value = toMerge[key]
      const existing = pkg[key]
      if (isObject(value) && (key === 'dependencies' || key === 'devDependencies')) {
        // use special version resolution merge
        pkg[key] = mergeDeps(
          existing || {},
      } else if (!extendOptions.merge || !(key in pkg)) {
        pkg[key] = value
      } else if (Array.isArray(value) && Array.isArray(existing)) {
        pkg[key] = mergeArrayWithDedupe(existing, value)
      } else if (isObject(value) && isObject(existing)) {
        pkg[key] = deepmerge(existing, value, { arrayMerge: mergeArrayWithDedupe })
      } else {
        pkg[key] = value

    if (extendOptions.prune) {

   * Render template files into the virtual files tree object.
   * @param {string | object | FileMiddleware} source -
   *   Can be one of:
   *   - relative path to a directory;
   *   - Object hash of { sourceTemplate: targetFile } mappings;
   *   - a custom file middleware function.
   * @param {object} [additionalData] - additional data available to templates.
   * @param {object} [ejsOptions] - options for ejs.
  render (source, additionalData = {}, ejsOptions = {}) {
    const baseDir = extractCallDir()
    if (isString(source)) {
      source = path.resolve(baseDir, source)
      this._injectFileMiddleware(async (files) => {
        const data = this._resolveData(additionalData)
        const globby = require('globby')
        const _files = await globby(['**/*'], { cwd: source, dot: true })
        for (const rawPath of _files) {
          const targetPath = rawPath.split('/').map(filename => {
            // dotfiles are ignored when published to npm, therefore in templates
            // we need to use underscore instead (e.g. "_gitignore")
            if (filename.charAt(0) === '_' && filename.charAt(1) !== '_') {
              return `.${filename.slice(1)}`
            if (filename.charAt(0) === '_' && filename.charAt(1) === '_') {
              return `${filename.slice(1)}`
            return filename
          const sourcePath = path.resolve(source, rawPath)
          const content = renderFile(sourcePath, data, ejsOptions)
          // only set file if it's not all whitespace, or is a Buffer (binary files)
          if (Buffer.isBuffer(content) || /[^\s]/.test(content)) {
            files[targetPath] = content
    } else if (isObject(source)) {
      this._injectFileMiddleware(files => {
        const data = this._resolveData(additionalData)
        for (const targetPath in source) {
          const sourcePath = path.resolve(baseDir, source[targetPath])
          const content = renderFile(sourcePath, data, ejsOptions)
          if (Buffer.isBuffer(content) || content.trim()) {
            files[targetPath] = content
    } else if (isFunction(source)) {

   * Push a file middleware that will be applied after all normal file
   * middelwares have been applied.
   * @param {FileMiddleware} cb
  postProcessFiles (cb) {

   * Push a callback to be called when the files have been written to disk.
   * @param {function} cb
  onCreateComplete (cb) {

  afterInvoke (cb) {

   * Push a callback to be called when the files have been written to disk
   * from non invoked plugins
   * @param {function} cb
  afterAnyInvoke (cb) {

   * Add a message to be printed when the generator exits (after any other standard messages).
   * @param {} msg String or value to print after the generation is completed
   * @param {('log'|'info'|'done'|'warn'|'error')} [type='log'] Type of message
  exitLog (msg, type = 'log') {
    this.generator.exitLogs.push({ id:, msg, type })

   * convenience method for generating a js config file from json
  genJSConfig (value) {
    return `module.exports = ${stringifyJS(value, null, 2)}`

   * Turns a string expression into executable JS for JS configs.
   * @param {*} str JS expression as a string
  makeJSOnlyValue (str) {
    const fn = () => {}
    fn.__expression = str
    return fn

   * Run codemod on a script file or the script part of a .vue file
   * @param {string} file the path to the file to transform
   * @param {Codemod} codemod the codemod module to run
   * @param {object} options additional options for the codemod
  transformScript (file, codemod, options) {
    const normalizedPath = this._normalizePath(file)

    this._injectFileMiddleware(files => {
      if (typeof files[normalizedPath] === 'undefined') {
        error(`Cannot find file ${normalizedPath}`)

      files[normalizedPath] = runTransformation(
          path: this.resolve(normalizedPath),
          source: files[normalizedPath]

   * Add import statements to a file.
  injectImports (file, imports) {
    const _imports = (
      this.generator.imports[file] ||
      (this.generator.imports[file] = new Set())
    ;(Array.isArray(imports) ? imports : [imports]).forEach(imp => {

   * Add options to the root Vue instance (detected by `new Vue`).
  injectRootOptions (file, options) {
    const _options = (
      this.generator.rootOptions[file] ||
      (this.generator.rootOptions[file] = new Set())
    ;(Array.isArray(options) ? options : [options]).forEach(opt => {

   * Get the entry file taking into account typescript.
   * @readonly
  get entryFile () {
    if (this._entryFile) return this._entryFile
    return (this._entryFile = fs.existsSync(this.resolve('src/main.ts')) ? 'src/main.ts' : 'src/main.js')

   * Is the plugin being invoked?
   * @readonly
  get invoking () {
    return this.generator.invoking

总结vue create

1 文件调用线
create.js -> Creator.js -> Generator.js(GeneratorAPI)
2 逻辑流程




  1. JS传参的时候,非基本类型的引用传递,方便我们实现控制反转(DI)设计原则;
  2. OOP设计代码中层级感会很好;
  3. Node.js状态管理中我们也可以善用process.envs共享状态;
  4. 文件命名规范的重要性;
  5. 复杂软件架构的控制分离和业务解耦的思想,将generator的实际实现解耦在不同包中的generator中,提取出来所有的prompt等,vue-cli采用的插件式思想,可以使用注入思想实现对主流程的控制;
  6. 康威定理,大的系统组织总是比小系统更倾向于分解。vue-cli在我写这篇文件的时候也进行了一次更新,重新简化了craetor.js等主逻辑文件中的代码,将次要逻辑和实现都抽离在了单独的文件中。我们从中也可以学习到在工作中对代码重构的思想,软件在大型化之后就不得不面临着拆分,合理的拆分和解耦就是重构中不可或缺的一部分,善用善思考软件设计很重要,从需求、架构、软件开发方法、设计原则、设计模式等各个方法深入思考,不管是采用DDD为主的以业务为核心分离思想,还是Clean-Architecture的简洁架构,其实都是为了实现在开发和维护中针对需求变化中的代码最小变动,这一点我们在日常开发中可以经常留意下;
  7. 那么多引入的npm工具包都不知道怎么办?不知道也是正常的,项目嘛,是需求和功能驱动的,只有我们需要这个轮子的时候才能更快的接触和了解这个轮子嘛;
  8. 冰山和设计模式中的外观模式(Facade Pattern),不管我们写多么复杂的软件或者代码,在遵循迪米特法则下,减少和整洁对外展现,冰山下我们可以实现复杂,冰山之上要美观和整洁。正如代码一样,实现的再是"屎山",只要实现功能,方便团队协作都是不错的代码呢;
  9. 实现命令行其实不难,拿MVC分层设计来看,命令行也是隶属于view层的。
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