基于《懂你英语》:Level 4 Unit 2 Part 2 Vocabulary-Disasters
今天的主题是:Warning:Disaster Ahead 前方灾难预警
In today's lesson,we are going to talk about three things:
1.kind of disasters
2.living through a disaster
3.describing the disaster experienc
Part 1:灾难的种类
The types of natural disasters that affect China include floods,typhoons,earthquakes and langdslides.
torrential rain = 暴雨
1.2 man-made disaster 人为灾害
industrial accidents = 工业事故
oil spills = 燃油外泄
Part 2:经历灾难
at the hands of = (receive an unpleasant experience) from ...
The civilian population were suffering greatly at the hands of the security forces.
maythem = 混乱、慌乱
For example:
Police officers,paramedics,and firefighters tried their best to rescue the helpless victims caugh in the maythem.
devastation = 毁灭、破坏
For example:
However,there was no way to stop the devastation.
2.1 预防措施
Tip 1:Make a plan. 制定计划
evacuate = 疏散、撤离
evacuation route = 疏散通道
Tip 2:Have supplies ready. 备好食物
canned goods = 罐头食品
shelf life = 保质期
For example:
Fresh fruit has a very shot shelf life.
tap water = 自来水
purified water = 纯净水
For example:
Tap water may be unsafe to drink in the event of a disaster,so be sure to include plenty of purified water.
Tip 3:Include medicine and a first aid kit. 备好药品
prescription = 处方、药方
over-the-counter = 非处方的
instant ice packs = 冰袋
bandage = 绷带
antiseptic ointment = 消毒药膏
Tip 4:Put important papers in a fireproof and waterproof lockbox. 重要文件防火防水的保险箱里锁好。
deed = 契约
title = 地契、证书
2.2 灾难应对方法
1.earthquake 地震
During an earthquake,you need to "drop,take over, and hold on."
a sturdy shelter = 坚固的遮挡物
2.explosion 爆炸
explosive devices = 爆炸装置
portable = 便携的
detonate = 引爆,(使)爆炸
For example:
They are easily detonated from remote locations.
personal possessions = 个人财务
For example:
Do not stop to retrieve personal possessions or make phone calls.
3.fire 火灾
In less than 30 seconds a small flame can turn into a major fire.
be engulfed in XX = 被XX吞没
For example:
It is engulfed in the waves.
routes of escape = 逃生路线
For example:
Have a fire evacuation plan for your family with multiple routes of escaple from all rooms of the house.
poisonous gases = 有毒气体
ceilling = 天花板
For example:
Heavy smoke and poisonous gases collect first along the ceiling.
If your clothes catch fire,stop,drop,and roll.
smother the flames = 扑灭火焰
For example:
If you or someone else cannot stop,drop,and roll,smother the flames with a blanker or towel.
smoke alarm = 烟雾报警器
For example:
A working smlke alarm significantly increase your chances of surviving a deadly home fire.
4.flood 洪水
electrocute = 触电
For example:
When a flood occurs,do not touch electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water.You could be electrocuted.
a flash flood warning = 山洪报警
For example:
If you are under a flash flood warning,seek higher ground immediately.
5.typhoon 台风
coastal area = 沿海地区
Part 3:描述灾难经历
1.Where were you during the earthquake?Tell me what it was like.
2.Tell me what happened during the earthquake.
1.Tell tehm what you were doing at that moment.
take over = 找掩护
For example:
I was in the office when the whole building started snaking.Everyone took over under their desks.
2.Tell them how you felt.
make it out = 挺过去、度过困难
For example:
I didn't know if I would make it out alive.
3.Tell them if there was anyone hurt.
For example:
Not in my office,but another building nearby was damaged.And a few people needed to be taken to the hospital.Thankfully,no one was killed.
4.Tell them if you are still in fear.
shaken up = 心有余悸
For example:
I'm still a bit shaken up,but I'll be fine.