1:哲学诞生的土壤:Greece——isolated fragments(被天然的海陆屏障分隔成若干部分);Athens——the farthest east of the larger cities of Greece(连接东方世界的门户);Persian wars(斯巴达与雅典联合对抗波斯入侵)——navy→maritime/merchant fleet(战后,雅典将海军改造为商贸船队,雅典成为繁荣的贸易港口);first sceptics(在多种文化的碰撞下,出现了第一批怀疑论者)——they had seen too much to believe too much(见多识广所以不轻信任何事情);sicence(开始发展科学)→mathematics(贸易需要于是发展数学)→astronomy(渴求宇宙之谜的谜底于是发展天文学)——the first Greek philosophers were astronomers(古希腊第一批哲人即是天文学家)。
2:Democritus(德谟克利特):materialism(唯物论)。"in reality there is nothing but atoms and space."世上除了原子和虚空之外,别无他物。
3:Sophists(智者学派):looked within upon their own thought and nature(重视内省,考量自身的思想和本质)。政治方面分为两派——nature is good, civilization is bad. by nature all men are equal. law is an intention of the strong to chain and rule the weak.(人性本善,文明本恶;人生而平等;法律是强者用以压制和统治弱者的发明);nature is beyond good and evil. by nature all men are unequal. morality is an invention of the weak to limit and deter the strong. (人性本无善恶;人生而不平等;道德是弱者拿来牵制和打击强者的工具)。
4:democracy(民主制):从某种意义上来说,incompetent sham(无能的虚伪),absurd(荒谬),inefficiency(低效)。
5:elite politics(精英政治):Peloponnesian war(伯罗奔尼撒战争),斯巴达胜利,one of the peace conditions imposed by Sparta was the recall of these exiled aristocrats.