Second U11

Ⅰ. approximate  英[ə'prɒksɪmət]  美[ə'prɑksɪmət]

(adv) approximately (n) approximation [数] 近似法;接近;[数] 近似值 ----(adj) approximative 近似的

近义词:close接近的    反义词:exact   precise


an approximate number, amount, or time is close to the exact number, amount etc, but could be a little bit more or less than it大致的,大约的,大概的

to be similar to but not exactly the same as something类似,接近

[+ to]

•Your story only approximates to the real facts. 你所说的只是接近事实真相。



•The company had total revenues of approximately 2 million. 该公司的总收益约有200万美元。

•The disease affects approximately 10% of the adult population. 约有10%的成年人口患有这种疾病。


•It costs about 30 to get a visa. 办理签证需大约30美元。

•There were about 50 people at the meeting. 大约有50人参加了会议。


•The two countries are roughly the same size. 两国面积基本相同。

Ⅱ. contemplate  英['kɒntempleɪt; -təm-] 美['kɑntəmplet]

(n) contemplation  (adj) contemplative

近义词: intend  plan mean


1.[T]to think about something that you might do in the future打算,想,考虑

contemplate doing sth

•Did you ever contemplate resigning? 你有没有考虑过辞职?

2.[T]to accept the possibility that something is true考虑接受;视…为可能

too dreadful/horrifying  to contemplate

•The thought that she might be dead was too terrible to contemplate. 她可能已经死了的想法真是太可怕了,让人都不敢想下去。

3.[I,T]to think about something seriously for a period of time

contemplate what/whether/how 

•She sat down and contemplated what she had done. 她坐下来细想自己所做的事。

contemplate your nave苦思冥想;一心反思〔以至于忽略了其他重要的事情,幽默用法〕

4.[T]to look at someone or something for a period of time in a way that shows you are thinking凝视,注视

•He contemplated her with a faint smile. 他微微含笑注视着她。

Ⅲ. crude  英[kruːd]  美[krud]

(n)  crudeness 天然的状态;生硬;未成熟 (n) crudity ['krʊdəti] 粗糙;简陋;未成熟物 (adv) crudely

近义词: raw   rough  rude 反义词: finished  refined


1.not exact or without any detail, but generally correct and useful粗略的;大概的

•a crude estimate of the population available for work 对劳动力人口的粗略估计

2.not developed to a high standard, or made with little skill粗制的,粗糙的

•a crude wooden bridge 粗糙的木桥

3.offensive or rude, especially in a sexual way粗俗的,粗鄙的,下流的〔尤指有关性的〕

•His language was often crude. 他的语言常常很粗俗。

4.[only before noun,仅用于名词前]crude oil, rubber etc is in its natural or raw condition before it is treated with chemicals 〔石油、橡胶等〕天然的,未加提炼的

5. in crude terms  简单地说

•Private morality, in crude terms, is not the law’s business. 简单地说吧,个人道德不属于法律的范畴。

Ⅳ.  emerge  英[ɪ'mɜːdʒ]  美[ɪ'mɝdʒ]

(n) emergence

近义词:appear arise  反义词: submerge

(v) appear or come out from somewhere出现,浮现

[+ from]

•The sun emerged from behind the clouds. 太阳从云层后露了出来。

2.if facts emerge, they become known after being hidden or secret〔事实〕显露,暴露

•Eventually thetruth emerged. 真相终于大白。 come out of a difficult experience〔从困境中〕摆脱出来,出头

[+ from]

•She emerged from the divorce a stronger person. 她走出离婚的阴影,变得更加坚强。 begin to be known or noticed开始为人所知;兴起

[+ as]

•Local government has recently emerged as a major issue. 当地政府近来成为人们关注的主要问题。

Ⅴ.  immerse  英[ɪ'mɜːs]  美[ɪ'mɝs]

(n) immersion (adj) immersed

近义词: dip sink  engross使全神贯注

(v) put someone or something deep into a liquid so that they are completely covered使浸没〔于液体中〕

immerse sb/sth in sth

•Immerse your foot in ice cold water to reduce the swelling. 把你的脚泡在冰凉的水中消肿。

2.immerse yourself in sth潜心于某事,专注于某事

•He left school at 16 and immersed himself in the Labour Party. 他16岁离开学校投身工党。

Ⅵ.  cause 英[kɔːz]  美[kɔz]

(adj) causal

近义词:reason  aim


1.[+ of] ....的原因

•Breast cancer is the leading cause of death for American women in their 40s. 乳癌是美国四十多岁妇女死亡的主要原因。

2.have (good) cause to do sth

•His father has good cause to be proud of him. 他父亲完全有理由为他感到骄傲。

with/without good cause

•Many people are worried about the economy, and with good cause. 许多人担心经济状况,这是有充分理由的。

3.[C]an aim, belief or organization that a group of people support or fight for事业,理想,目标

•My father fought for the Nationalist cause. 我父亲为民族党的事业而奋斗。

in a good cause(=done in order to help people) 善举

4.have/make common cause (with/against sb)(和某人)携手合作;(和某人)协力对敌

•U.S. officials expect other Western governments to make common cause with them over the arrests. 美国官员希望其他西方国家的政府能和他们联手捉拿罪犯。

5.[C]lawa case that is brought to a court of law诉讼案件


to make something happen, especially something bad导致,引起,使发生

cause sb/sth to do sth

•What caused you to change your mind? 是什么使你改变了主意?

Ⅶ. conclude  英[kən'kluːd]  美[kən'klud]


1.[T]formalto complete something you have been doing, especially for a long time完成,结束〔尤指做了很长时间的事〕

•When the investigation is concluded, the results will be sent to the US Attorney’s office. 等到调查结束后,结果会被送到联邦检察官办公室。

2.[I,T]to end something such as a meeting, book, event, or speech by doing or saying one final thing结束,终止 〔会议、书、事情或演说〕

[+ with]

•Each chapter concludes with a short summary. 每一章节都以一个简短的总结作为结束。

conclude by doing sth

•She concluded by saying she was proud to be from Salford. 她结束时说,身为索尔福德人她感到很自豪。

4.conclude an agreement/treaty/contract etc达成协议/缔结条约/签订合同等

•That same year, France concluded a trading agreement with Spain. 同年,法国与西班牙达成了一项贸易协定。

Ⅷ. loan  英[ləʊn]  美[lon]


1. 贷款[+ of]

•a loan of £60,000 6万英镑的贷款

2.借出[+ of]

•Thanks for the loan of your camera. 谢谢你借相机给我。

3.on loan (from sb/sth)(从某人处/某处)借出(的)

•The book I wanted was out on loan. 我要的书借出去了。



loan sb sth

•Can you loan me 5? 你能借我5美元吗? lend something valuable to someone把〔贵重物品〕出借给〔某人〕

loan sth to sb/sth

•Two of the steam trains have been loaned to other railways. 其中两列蒸汽火车借给别的铁路公司了。

Ⅸ. revise  英[rɪ'vaɪz]  美[rɪ'vaɪz]

(n) revision [印刷] 修正;复习;修订本   (adj) revised  改进的

近义词: amend 修正   modify 修改  adjust 调整


1.[T]to change something because of new information or ideas改变;修正

revise sth upwards/downwards

•Forecasts of economic growth are being revised downwards. 经济增长的预测正在下调。

2.[I,T]to study facts again, in order to learn them before an examination〔考试前〕温习,复习

[+ for]

•She’s revising for her history exam. 她正在温习,准备历史考试。

3.[T]to change a piece of writing by adding new information, making improvements, or correcting mistakes


•A couple of sections of the book will need to be revised. 本书部分章节需要修订。

Ⅹ.  relate  英[rɪ'leɪt]  美[rɪ'let]

(n) relation (adj) related

近义词:connect narrate recount详述  correlate 使相互关联


1.relate sth to sth 把…联系起来

•The report seeks to relate the rise in crime to an increase in unemployment. 报告试图把犯罪率上升和失业增加联系起来。

2.[T]formalto tell someone about events that have happened to you or to someone else讲述

relate sth to sb

•He later related the whole story to me. 他后来给我讲了整件事的来龙去脉。

4.[I]to feel that you understand someone’s problem, situation etc〔对别人的问题、处境等〕认同,理解

[+ to]

•Laurie finds it difficult to relate to children. 劳里觉得很难理解小孩子的想法。

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