Fourier series
The first class
- math and engineering of regularly repeating patterns
- periodic phenomenon
- periodic phenomena often are either periodicity in time a pattern repeats in time over and over again
- e.g. harmonic motion, or periodicity in space
- physical quantity distributed over a region with symmetry
- so periodicity arises from the symmetry
- e.g. the distributed of heat on a circular ring
- the temperature is periodic as a function periodicity in space
- fourier analysis is often associated with problems that have some sort of underlying symmetry
- math descriptors of periodicity
- periodic in time or a phenomenon
- frequency number of repetitions of patterns in one second or over time
- periodic in space
- measurement how big the pattern is that repeats
- use the period
- come together in e.g. wave motion
- a regularly moving
- frequency in time cycles per second
- wavelength one complete pattern
- in space fix the time see the pattern distributed over space
- fraquency and wavelegth
- -the velocity of wave(rate)
- reciprocal relationship between the frequency and wavelength
- periodic in time or a phenomenon
The second class
- How can use such simple functions to model complex phenomenon
- can modify and to model very general phenomena of period one
- one period ,many frequencies
- period 1 frequency 1
- period frequency 2
- period frequency 3
- combination
- the period of the sum is 1
- the frequencies are 1 ,2 and 3
- so to model complicates,perhaps,how complicated?
- A complicated signal of period one we can sum,modify the amplitude,the ferquency,the phases of either sines or cosines
- By far before
- Euler's formula
- Euler's formula
- you can convert a trigonometric sum as before to the form sum
- 's are complex
- the symmetry property
- periodic of perid 1 can be write
- Suppose you can write
- Everything's periodic at period one
- Given periodic of period one then