
In other words, Lin Daiyu suspected Baoyu wrongly because Qingwen did not open the door last night. The next day, I happened to meet the time of the preserved flowers. I was in a cavity of ignorance and had not vented. I also aroused the sadness of spring. Because I buried some residual flowers and petals, I couldn't hurt myself by the flowers. I cried a few times and then I said a few words freely. I don't want Baoyu to hear it on the hillside, but nodded and sighed first, and then I heard the phrases "Nongjin buries the flower man laughing and laughing, who knows who he buries every year", "When the spring comes, the flower falls and the person dies without knowing" and so on. Without knowing it, I fell down on the hillside and scattered the fallen flowers in my arms. Imagine Lin Daiyu's beauty and moonlight. In the future, when there is no one to look for, she would rather not break her heart and break her heart. When Daiyu is no one to look for, she can be pushed to others, such as Baochai, Xiangling, Xiren, etc., or to the time when there is no one to look for. When Baochai and other people can't find it, they are still there. And they don't know where they are going. In the future, they will be situ, Siyuan, Sihua and Siliu, but they don't know who their surnames are. So they repeatedly ask for it. I really don't know how to explain this sadness at this time. It's precisely: the flowers and shadows are not separated from each other, and the sound of birds is only in the east of their ears. West.

Na Daiyu was feeling sad. She heard sad voices on the hillside and thought to herself, "Everyone laughs at me for having dementia. Is there another dementia?" Looking up at Baoyu, Daiyu snapped, "Whoa! I looked at who it was. It turned out to be this short-lived man." Just when I said the word "short-lived", I hid my mouth again, sighed a long sigh, and pulled away.

Here Baoyu was sad once, and when she saw Daiyu go, she knew that Daiyu saw him escape, and she was bored. Shaking up the earth, he went down the hill to find his way back to Yihong Courtyard. When Daiyu happened to be walking ahead, she hurried up and said, "Stand still. I know you don't care about me; I'll just say one word and start from now on." Daiyu turned around and saw Baoyu. Whether she ignored him or not, she heard him say only one word and said, "Please say it." Baoyu laughed and said, "Two sentences. Would you listen to them?" Daiyu heard about it and went back. Baoyu sighed behind him, "Why did you start today?" When Daiyu heard this, she couldn't stop. She turned back and said, "How was it? How is it today?" Baoyu said, "Well, when the girl came, it wasn't my joke? With my beloved, the girl would take it; I loved to eat, and I heard that the girl liked to eat, so I quickly tidied up and cleaned it up and waited for the girl to come back. Eat at a table and sleep in a bed. Girls unexpected, I fear the girl angry, for the girls have thought of. I think that when my sisters grow up as children, whether they are close or warm, they will be better than others. Nowadays, those who look forward to the girl's great heart, do not put me in their eyes, ignore me for three days and disappear for four days, but put what's "Bao Sister" and "Feng Sister" in their hearts. I don't have any brothers or sisters. Although there are two, don't you know it's my mother-in-law? I'm also alone with you, for fear that you are the same as my heart. Who knows that I have done this in vain, whether there is a complaint or not!" Speaking, I couldn't help crying.

At that time, Daiyu heard this in her ear and saw the scene in her eyes. She was ashen in her heart for the most part, and she did not feel tears coming down, and she bowed her head and said nothing. Seeing this image, Baoyu said, "I know I'm not good now, but I dare not make mistakes in front of my sister if I'm not good enough." There is one or two mistakes, you either teach me, warn me next time, or scold me a few times, hit me a few times, I do not lose heart. Who knows you always ignore me, so that I can not touch the mind, little soul, I do not know how to do. Even death is a ghost of death. I can't surpass life even if I let the monks repent. I have to explain the reason why I have to give birth to a child! ____________

After hearing this, Daiyu unconsciously forgot all about last night and said, "Why did you say that? Why didn't you ask the girl to open the door?" Baoyu was surprised and said, "Where did this start? If I did, I would die at once!" Daiyu grumbled, "Get up early in the morning to die and live, and there's no taboo! You say yes, there's no, there's no swear!" Baoyu said, "I really didn't see you. My sister Bao sat down and came out." Daiyu thought for a moment and said with a laugh, "Yes, there must be some girls who are lazy and depressed. Baoyu said, "This must be the reason. When I go back and ask who it is, I'll teach them a lesson." Daiyu said, "Your girls should also learn a lesson. It's just theory that I shouldn't say. It's a small offence against me today. If Tomorrow's "Bao girl" comes, what's "Bai girl" will offend me too. It's a big deal. Say and grin. Baoyu listened, grinding her teeth and laughing.

As they were talking, when they saw the maid coming to invite them to dinner, they all came forward. Mrs. Wang met Daiyu and asked, "Big girl, would it be better for you to take the medicine of Dr. Baotai?" Daiyu said, "That's not the case either. The old lady also told me to take Dr. Wang's medicine." Baoyu said, "My wife doesn't know: Sister Lin is endopathic and born weak, so she can't help a little cold; but it's better to take pills after taking two decoctions to evacuate the cold." Mrs. Wang said, "The doctor said the name of the pill, and I forgot it." Baoyu said, "I know the pills, but what kind of ginseng Yangrong pills should he take?" Mrs. Wang said, "No." Baoyu said again, "Bazhen Yimu pill? Left return, right return? Is it Bawei Dihuang pill again?" Mrs. Wang said, "Neither. I only remember the word'King Kong'. Baoyu clapped her hands and laughed, "Never heard of a diamond pill! If there is a diamond pill, there will be a Bodhisattva scattered!" Everyone in the room laughed. Baochai grinned and said, "I think it's the King of Heaven's Heart-tonifying Drug." Mrs. Wang laughed and said, "That's the name. Now I'm confused." Baoyu said, "My wife is not confused. They are all called'King Kong'and'Bodhisattva'. Mrs. Wang said, "Pull your mother's shit! I owe you Lao Tzu to beat you again." Baoyu laughed and said, "My Lao Tzu will not beat me for this anymore."

Mrs. Wang said again, "If you have this name, you'll have someone buy some to eat tomorrow." Baoyu said, "These medicines are useless. My wife gave me three hundred and sixty-two pieces of silver. I'll prepare a pill for my sister. I'll take care of it if I don't have enough. Mrs. Wang said, "Fart! What medicine is so expensive?" Baoyu laughed and said, "Really. This prescription of mine is different from others. The name of that medicine is also strange. It is not clear for a moment. It only talks about the fetal Purple River carriage and the human-shaped ginseng with leaves, which is 362 inadequate. It's not surprising that such drugs as Turtle Big Polygonum multiflorum, Millennium Pine Root Poria Cocos and Gallbladder, are only counted in group medicine. That's the king's medicine. Speak of it, scare people! The year before last, brother Xue asked me for a year or two before I gave him this prescription. He took Fangzi and searched for another two or three years. It took thousands of silver to match it. My wife doesn't believe it. She just asks Sister Bao. When Baochai heard about it, he smiled and shook his hand and said, "I don't know, nor did I hear it. Don't ask my aunt to ask me." Mrs. Wang laughed and said, "It's a good girl, Baowen, who doesn't lie." Baoyu stood there and heard this saying. He clapped his hand and said, "I'm telling the truth, but I'm lying!" As she spoke, she turned around and saw Lin Daiyu sitting behind Baochai, smiling with her mouth and drawing shame on her face with her fingers.

Sister Feng, looking at the table in the inner room, laughed and said, "Brother Bao is not a liar, but there is one." The day before yesterday, Uncle Xue himself and I came to look for pearls. I asked him what to do and he said to prepare medicine. He also complained:'No, I don't deserve it. Now it's so troublesome to know there!' I asked:'What medicine? He said it was the prescription of Brother Bao. I don't remember how many medicines he said. He said, "I don't want to buy some pearls, but I need to wear them on my head, so I'm looking for some pearls. If there are no scattered flowers, it is the removal of the ones worn on the head that will make them. Later I'll pick it up and wear it again. I couldn't help it. I had to tear down two pearl flowers for him now. We also need a big red yarn three feet long and used on it. We grinded the face with a milk bowl. Sister Feng said, Baoyu read a Buddha. When Sister Feng finished, Baoyu said, "What's the matter with your wife? It's just a matter of going ahead." Seriously, according to the prescription, this pearl and gem is to be found in the ancient grave. It is good to have the head wrapped by the rich and noble people's children in ancient times. Where are we going to dig graves for this now? So it's just what the living have brought with them." Mrs. Wang listened and said, "Amitabha Buddha, who is not a household flower, is in the grave. People have died for hundreds of years. It is not effective to turn over dead bodies and bones and make medicine."

Baoyuyin said to Daiyu, "Did you hear that? Can't the two sisters lie with me?" Looking at Daiyu, she said, but looked at Baochai with her eyes. Daiyu Benala Wang said, "Listen to my aunt. Sister Bao doesn't lie for him. He just asks me!" Mrs. Wang also said, "Baoyu is very good at bullying your sister." Baoyu laughed and said, "My wife doesn't know why. Sister Bao lived at home first. He didn't know about elder brother Xue. What's more, now he lives in it? Naturally, he doesn't know more about it. Sister Lin was just behind her back, and she thought I was lying, so she was ashamed of me."

Just then, I saw the maid in Jia's mother's room looking for Baoyu and Daiyu to have dinner. Daiyu was not called Baoyu, so she got up and took the girl with her. The girl said, "Wait for Bao Erye to go with him." Daiyu said, "He doesn't eat. He doesn't go with us. I'll go first." With that, he went out. Baoyu said, "I'll eat with my wife today." Mrs. Wang said, "Come on, I'm going to eat my food today. You're going to eat yours seriously." Baoyu said, "I'll follow suit." Say, call that girl: "Go on." I ran to the table and sat down. Mrs. Wang smiled at Baochai and others and said, "You just eat yours, let him go." Baochai said with a laugh, "Go seriously. If you don't eat or not, you can accompany sister Lin once. He's not at ease. Why bother?" Baoyu said, "Take care of him. I'll be all right in a minute."

After a meal, Baoyu was afraid of Jia Mu and Daiyu. She was busy asking for tea and gargling. Tanchun Xichun laughed and said, "Second brother, what are you busy with all day? You are so busy with your tea and dinner." Baochai laughed and said, "Please tell him to eat and see Daiyu's sister. What's he doing here? After having tea, Baoyu came out and went all the way to the West Court. Coincidentally, when I came to the Fengjie's courtyard, I saw her standing in front of the door, pedaling on the threshold, picking her teeth with ears and looking at a dozen ladies moving flower pots. Seeing Baoyu coming, he laughed and said, "Come in, come in, write a few words for me." Baoyu had to follow in. When she arrived at the room, she ordered people to take pen and inkstone paper and said to Baoyu, "Forty red satins, forty Python satins, one hundred yarns and four gold collars in all colors." Baoyu said, "What's this? It's neither a bill nor a gift. How do you write it?" Feng Jieer said, "Just write it down and I'll understand it myself." Baoyu had to write when she heard about it. As she put it away, Sister Feng laughed and said, "What else can I tell you? There's a girl named Xiaohong in your room. I'm going to call for her. I'll pick one for you tomorrow. Is that OK?" Baoyu said, "There are many people in my room. Who does my sister like? Why ask me when she calls?" Sister Feng laughed and said, "So I'll send someone to take him with me." Baoyu said, "Just take it with you." Said to go. "When you come back, I have one more sentence," said Sister Feng. Baoyu said, "The old lady calls me. If you have something to say, wait till you come back."

Say, then come to Jia Mu's side. I saw that I had finished my meal. Jia Muyin asked, "What's good for your mother to eat?" Baoyu laughed and said, "It's nothing good. I ate an extra bowl of rice." Because she asked, "Where is Miss Lin?" Jia Mu said, "It's inside the house." When Baoyu came in, she saw a girl in the ground blowing an iron and two girls making pink thread on the kang. Daiyu stooped down and took a pair of scissors to cut something. Baoyu came in and said with a laugh, "Oh, what's this for? After eating, he had a headache again after controlling his head so much." Daiyu didn't care, just cut him off. One of the girls said, "That silk corner is not good enough. Let's iron it again." Daiyu put the scissors aside and said, "Take care of him. It will be all right in a moment." Baoyu listened and wondered. Seeing Baochai, Tanchun and so on also coming, and Jia Mu had a conversation, Baochai also came in and asked, "What does my sister do?" Seeing Lin Daiyu's cutting, she laughed and said, "The more capable she is, the more she can cut hinges." Daiyu laughed and said, "It's just lying and cajoling." Baochai laughed and said, "I told you a joke. It was just for that medicine. I said I didn't know. Brother Bao didn't use it in his heart." Daiyu said, "Take care of him. I'll be ready in a little while." Baoyu said to Baochai, "The old lady wants to wipe the dominoes. Nobody is there. You wipe the dominoes." When Baochai heard about it, he laughed and said, "Did I come for the purpose of wiping dominoes?" Then he left. Daiyu said, "You should go. There are tigers here. Look at you!" Say and cut. When Baoyu saw him ignore him, he had to laugh and say, "You go shopping too, and then it's not too late." Daiyu always ignored it. Baoyu asked the girls, "Who told him to cut it?" When Daiyu asked the girls, she said, "Whoever he asks me to cut it off doesn't care about the Second Master." Bao Yufang wanted to speak, only to see someone come in and say, "Somebody outside asked for it." Baoyu listened and hurried out. Daiyu said to the outside, "Amitabha, drive you back, I'm dead!"

When Baoyu came outside, he saw the baking tea and said, "Please come to Uncle Feng's house." When Baoyu heard that it was yesterday's words, he said, "Get dressed." Come to your study by yourself. Baking tea went to Ermen and waited until a woman came out. Baking tea went up and said, "Er Bao is waiting for clothes to go out in his study. Your old man will come in and take a message with him." "Bah! Put your mother's fart on! Baoyu lives in the garden now, with all his people in the garden, and you've come here again to bring a message!" Baking Ming listened and laughed and said, "What I scold is that I am confused!" Say, one way to the east, two doors. Coincidentally, the boy on the door was playing football under the Yonglu Road. The Baker said what he had said. A boy ran in, and only half a day later, he came out with a burden and handed it to the baker. Back in the study, Baoyu changed it and asked people to prepare horses. He went with only four young men, baking tea, hoeing medicine, Shuangrui and Shouer.

One way to Feng Ziying's door, someone and Feng Ziying came out to welcome in. I saw Xue Pan had been waiting there for a long time, and there were many children singing songs, and singing Xiaodan's Jiang Yuxin, Jinxiangyuan's prostitute Yuner. Everyone saw it, and then had tea. Bao Yuqingcha laughed and said, "I suspected day and night about the fortune and misfortune that my predecessor had said, and today I can hear the call." Feng Ziying laughed and said, "You make your cousins and uncles honest. The day before yesterday was just my rhetoric. I sincerely invite you to have a drink. I'm afraid I'll put it off. Everyone knows it's true." After that, everyone laughed. Then put on the wine and sit down in turn. Feng Ziying first called the singer's boy to hand over the wine, and then asked Yuner to come and pay homage for three minutes. Xue Pan's three cups fell to his stomach, but he forgot his feelings. He took Yuner's hand and laughed, "You sing that fresh tune to me, I'll drink a jar, okay?" Yuner heard that he had to pick up the Pipa and sing:

Two enemies are hard to leave behind, thinking about you and him. Both of them are so handsome that it's hard to describe them. They want to make a private booking last night. One cheating, one hunting: I have no reply to the case of three Caos. After singing, he laughed and said, "You just drink a jar." When Xue Pan heard about it, he laughed and said, "It's not worth an altar. Let's sing it again."

Baoyu laughed and said, "Listen to me: it's easy to get drunk and tasteless if you drink too much. I first drank a large sea and issued a new order. Those who did not obey it were punished by ten seas. They were present one by one and poured wine for others. Feng Ziying, Jiang Yuhan and others said, "Reason, reason." Baoyu took up the sea and drank it all at once and said, "Now we have to say the four words"sad","sad","happy"and"happy". But we have to say"daughter"and also state the origin of these four words. After that, drink a cup and sing a fresh song on the noodles. At the bottom of the wine, there is something fresh on the table - or ancient poems, old couplets, Four Books and Five Classics idioms. Before Xue Pan finished, he stood up and stopped, "Don't count me if I don't come. It's playing with me!" Yuner also stood up, pushed him to sit down, and laughed, "What are you afraid of? It's because you drink every day, isn't it even better than me? I'll come back and talk about it. Say yes, not just a few drinks, where you will die of drunkenness? Now a disorderly order, pour ten seas, go down to pour wine can not? Everyone clapped their hands and said, "Wonderful!" Xue Pan heard that he couldn't, so he had to sit down.

Listening to Baoyu, she said, "Daughter is sad, and youth has been guarding the empty boudoir. Daughters are sad and repent of their husband's son-in-law's search for a husband. Daughter happy, the mirror morning makeup color is beautiful. Daughter's music, spring shirt thin on swing. When they heard this, they all said, "Okay!" Xue Pan raised his face and shook his head and said, "No, we should punish him." The crowd asked, "How should I be punished?" Xue Bian said, "I don't understand what he said. Why shouldn't I be punished?" Yuner twisted him and laughed, "You think of you quietly. If you can't come back, you should be punished again." So he took Pipa and listened to Baoyu sing:

Not a drop of Acacia, blood, tears and red beans, not a spring willow and spring flowers in the painting building. After sleeping unsteadily in the evening, I can't forget the old and new sorrows. You can't swallow the golden waves of jade grains and choke in your throat. You can't describe thin in the diamond mirror. Unable to open the eyebrows, to endure unknown leaks: ah! Just like the hidden green hills, continuous flow of green water leisurely. After singing, everyone cheered, Duxue Pan said: "No board." Baoyu drank the door cup, then picked up a piece of pear and said, "Rain beats the pear blossom and closes the door deeply." That's all.

Feng Ziying said, "My daughter is happy. She has twins in her first child. Daughter Le, picking crickets from the garden. Her daughter is sad, and her husband is dying of illness. Daughter is sad, the wind blows down the dressing building. After that, he picked up the wine and sang:

You're a lovely person, you're a sentimental person, you're a cunning and weird spirit, you're a fairy and you're not a spirit. You don't believe what I said, just ask you to go back and inquire carefully, then I know that I hurt you not painful! After singing, I drank the door cup and said, "Chicken voice Mao shop month." That's all.

Next cloud son, cloud son then said: "Daughter sad, who will depend on for life in the future?" Xue Pan laughed and said, "My son, you have Uncle Xue here. What are you afraid of?" Everyone said, "Don't fuck him, don't fuck him!" Yuner said again, "Daughter is sad. When will mother stop scolding?" Xue Bian said, "I saw your mother and told him not to beat you." Everyone said, "If you say more, you will be fined ten drinks!" Xue Pan quickly hit himself on the mouth and said, "No ear, no more." Yuner said, "My daughter is happy and my lover is willing to return home. Daughter Yue, live in the chord. After that, he sang:

The cardamom blossoms on March 3rd and a worm drills in. After half a day of drilling, he couldn't get in and climbed up to the flowers to play on the swing. Careful liver, meat, I do not open how you drill? After singing, drinking the door cup, said: "Peach's death." After ordering, Xue Bian should be ordered.

Xue Bian said, "I'll say: my daughter is sad." He said, "I haven't seen the bottom for half a day. Feng Ziying laughed and said, "What's sad? Speak up." Xue Pandeng's anxious eyes were bells. He said, "Daughter is sad." He coughed twice and Fang said, "Daughter is sad. A man married is a turtle." Everyone laughed at it. Xue Bian said, "What's the laugh? Am I not talking about it? Why don't you feel sad when a daughter marries a man and wants to forget eight?" The crowd bent over with laughter and said, "You're right! Speak to the bottom." Xue Pan stared and said, "Daughter is sad." He said this, but he said nothing. The crowd said, "Why do you worry?" Xue Bian said, "The embroidery room drilled out a big horse monkey." The crowd laughed and said, "The punishment, the punishment! Forgive first, this sentence is even more incomprehensible." Say, pour wine. Baoyu said, "Rhyme is fine." Xue Bian said, "Your officials are all right. What are you doing?" Everyone has heard of Fang. Yuner laughed and said, "The next two sentences are harder to say. Let me speak for you." Xue Pan said, "Nonsense! Really, I'm not all right? Listen to me: Daughter is happy, the bridal chamber candles are curling up." When they heard this, they were all surprised and said, "How elegant is this sentence?" Xue Pan said, "Daughter Yue, a dragon pokes in it." When they heard this, they all turned back and said, "Damn it, Damn it! Sing it fast." Xue Pan sang, "A mosquito hums." The crowd was shocked and said, "What is this song?" Xue Pan also sang, "Two flies are buzzing." Everyone said, "Come on, come on!" Xue Pan said, "If you like to listen or not, this is a new song. It's called"humming rhyme". You should be lazy to listen. If you don't even have to drink, I won't sing it." Everyone said, "Forget it, but don't delay someone else's house."

So Jiang Yu-han said, "My daughter is sad and my husband never returns. Daughter is sad, no money to play osmanthus oil. Daughter happy, lamp flower and head with double stamens. Daughter's music, husband sings with the true harmony of women." After that, he sang:

I'm glad that you are born with charming beauty, just like a living God out of the blue sky. It's a coincidence to spend one's youth with one's phoenix. Ah! Look at the high Tianhe River. Listen to the drums and the silver lights. After singing, he drank a cup and laughed, "I'm limited in this poem. Fortunately, I met a couple yesterday. I only remember this sentence. It happened that there was this thing on the mat." After that, he dried up the wine, picked up a wooden hibiscus and said, "The air of flowers attacked people and the day was warm." When all the people obeyed the order, Xue Pan jumped up again and shouted, "Great, great, punishable, punishable! There is no baby on this table. Why do you talk about baby?" Jiang Yu-han said quickly, "Why did you ever have a baby?" Xue Bian said, "You still depend on it! Say it again." Jiang Yu-han had to read it again. Xue Bian said, "What's the baby of this attack? You don't believe in asking him only!" After that, point to Baoyu. Baoyu was ashamed and said, "Brother Xue, how much should you punish?" Xue Bian said, "This punishment, this punishment!" Say, pick up the wine and drink it up. Feng Ziying and Jiang Yuhan also asked him why, Yuner told him, Jiang Yuhan busy up to accompany the crime. Everyone said, "Those who don't know will not commit crimes."

In a few moments, Baoyu attended the dismissal. Jiang Yuxin came out with them. They stood under the eaves of the corridor, and Jiang Yuxin made amends. When Baoyu saw his charm and tenderness, he was very nostalgic. He held his hand tightly and called him, "Go to us when you are free. Another sentence asks you, is also your class, there is a Qi Guaner, he is now well-known in the world, unfortunately I have no chance to see. Jiang Yuhan laughed and said, "That's my nickname." When Baoyu heard about it, he fell down and laughed happily and said, "Fortunately, fortunately! As a matter of fact, his name is well known. What happened when we first met today? Think about it, take out the fan from the sleeve, drop a jade fan and hand it to Qi Guan. He said, "The tiny things are unbearable, just a token of today's friendship." Qi Guan took it and laughed, "Why should I take it for granted? Well, I also got a wonder here. I got up early today to tie it up, or a new cluster, chatting can show me a little intimacy." Speaking of pulling clothes, he took down a red sweat scarf tied to his little clothes and handed it to Baoyu Dao: "This sweat scarf is a tribute of the Queen of the State of Qixiang. In summer, it is fragrant with skin and does not produce sweat stains. Yesterday the King of BeiJing gave it to us, but today it comes up. If I were someone else, I would never give. Second Master, please untie your tie and tie it to me. Baoyu heard that she couldn't help feeling happy. She immediately took off a pine scarf and handed it to Qi Guan. They tied up and heard only one cry: "I've got it!" Xue Pan jumped out and pulled the two men and said, "Let's not drink wine. What are the two men doing when they flee out? Let's take them out and have a look at them." "Nothing," they both said. Xue Pan's Kenyi was only solved when Feng Ziying came out. Come back and drink, and then disperse at night.

When Baoyu returned to the garden and had tea in his undressed clothes, he saw that the fall on the fan had disappeared and asked him, "Where have you been?" Baoyu said, "I lost it right away." Attacking people is not reasonable. When he went to bed, he saw a red sweat towel like blood dots in his waist and guessed 89 points, because he said, "You have good pants, just give me back my one." Baoyu heard that Fang remembered that the sweat towel was originally attacked and should not be given to people. With regret in my heart, I couldn't speak out, so I had to laugh and say, "I'll pay you one." When the attacker heard this, he nodded and sighed, "I knew you were doing these things again, and you shouldn't give my things to those bastards. It's hard for you to have no calculation in mind!" I want to say a few more words, and I'm afraid I can't help sleeping with his wine. There was nothing to say all night.

The next day, when he woke up at daybreak, Baoyu laughed and said, "You don't know if you lost the robbery at night. Look at your pants." Xiren looked down and saw that the sweat scarf worn by Baoyu yesterday was tied to his waist. He knew it had been changed by Baoyu at night. After a busy meal, he untied it and said, "I don't care about this line of work. I took it as early as possible." Baoyu had to give him a euphemistic persuasion when he saw that. Attackers can not, temporarily tied. After that, Baoyu went out and eventually untied it and threw it into an empty box. He changed another one to tie it.

Baoyu has no theory. He asked, "What happened yesterday?" The attacker then said, "The second grandmother sent for Xiaohong to go. He was going to wait for you. What matters to me is that I decided to send him. Baoyu said, "Yes. I already know. Don't wait for me." He also said, "Yesterday, the Royal concubine sent eunuch Xia out to deliver one hundred and twenty-two pieces of silver, calling for three days'peace banquet from the first to the third day of the Qingxuguan period, singing operas and offering sacrifices, and asking Uncle Jane to kneel and worship Buddha with all the gentlemen. And the Dragon Boat Festival gift is also rewarded. Say, order little maid to come, take out yesterday's gift, but it is two handles of the upper palace fan, two string of red musk beads, two ends of Fengwei Luo, one collar of Furong Ming. When Baoyu saw it, he was overjoyed and asked, "Is that the same for everyone else?" The old lady has an extra incense jade and an agate pillow. There is only one more fragrant jade for the master, wife and aunt. You are the same as Bao Girl. Lin and two, three and four girls only have fans and pearls, and nothing else. Grandma Da and Grandma Er are two pieces of yarn, two pieces of Luo, two sachets and two spindles for each.

Baoyu listened and laughed, "What's the reason? Why is it that Lin's sister is not the same as me, but Bao's sister is the same as me? Don't be wrong?" The attacker said, "Yesterday, when I took them out, they were all marked with signatures one by one. How could it be wrong? You're in the old lady's room. I went to get it. The old lady said, "I'll ask you to come in and thank you tomorrow for a five-day shift." Baoyu said, "Naturally we have to go once." Then he called Zicuckoo and said, "Take this to your girl and say what I got yesterday and what I love to leave behind." Zicuckoo agreed and took it. From time to time he came back and said, "The girl said that she got it yesterday, and the second master kept it." When Baoyu heard about it, he ordered people to accept it.

When she washed her face and went out to invite Ann to Jiamu, she saw Daiyu coming to her head. Baoyu rushed up and laughed, "Why don't you pick up my things?" Daiyu's annoyance about Baoyu yesterday had been abandoned earlier and only considered today's affairs because she said, "I am not so blessed as Bao Girl. What kind of"gold"or"jade"are we just grass-roots people!" Baoyu listened to him put forward the word "gold and jade", unconscious of suspicion, and said: "In addition to what others say about gold and jade, I have this idea in mind, heaven and earth destroy, never human life!" When Daiyu heard this, she knew that he was in doubt. She laughed busily and said, "I'm sorry. What kind of white oath do you take? Who cares what kind of gold or jade you have?" Baoyu said, "It's hard for me to tell you what's going on in my heart. I'll understand it naturally in the future. Apart from the old lady, the old man and the wife, the fourth is the sister. There's a fifth man, and I swear." Daiyu said, "You don't have to swear. I know you have a sister in your heart." But when I see my sister, I forget my sister. Baoyu said, "That's your heart. I'm not like that anymore." Daiyu said, "Yesterday, Miss Erbao didn't lie for you. Why did you ask me? If I were you, you don't know what to do!" Just then, when Baochai came from there, they went away.

Baochai saw it clearly, pretended not to see it, and bowed his head. When I got to Mrs. Wang's place, I sat down for a while. Then I went to Jiamu's side. I saw Baoyu here too. Baochai was always far away from Baoyu because his mother had mentioned to Mrs. Wang that "Golden Lock is given by a monk and can be married when there is jade in the future". Yesterday, when I saw what Yuanchun had given me, he was just like Baoyu, and his heart became more and more boring. Fortunately, Baoyu was entangled by a Daiyu, and his thoughts were only about Daiyu, not about it. At this moment, Baoyu suddenly laughed and said, "Sister Bao, can I see your fragrant string?" As luck would have it, Baochai had a string on his left wrist. When he saw Baoyu and asked him, he could hardly fade away.

Baochai's original skin is rich and lustrous, but it can't fade for a while. Baoyu watches her snow-white arms and unconsciously touches her heart of envy. He thought to himself, "If this arm grows on Miss Lin, it may have to be touched; if it grows on him, it will be unhappy to hate me." Suddenly think of the "gold and jade" thing, and then look at Baochai's description, only see the face like a silver basin, eyes with water apricot, lips not point and dan, eyebrows are not painted but green, Daiyu has another charming charm, unconscious and stunned. Baochai took off the string and gave it to him, but he also forgot to answer it. Baochai was embarrassed to see him dull, so he got up and threw down the string. Turning back, Daiyu was walking on the threshold and smiling with a silk in her mouth. Baochai said, "You can't stop the wind, why are you standing in the tuyere again?" Daiyu laughed and said, "Why didn't she come in the room? Just because I heard a cry from the sky, I came out and looked at it. It turned out to be a goose. Baochai said, "Where's the goose? I'll see it too." Daiyu said, "When I came out, he flew away with a sound of Tell." As he spoke, he shook the silk in his hand and shook it on Baoyu's face. Baoyu didn't know it and was hitting him in the eye with a "whimper".

To know the end, decompose next time.In other words, Jia Mu still led the people to celebrate the festival the next day. The concubine, fortunately, returned to the palace and ordered all the inscriptions on that day to be chanted, transcribed and compromised, compiled her own merits and demerits, and made it a fashionable and elegant thing for thousands of years. Therefore, Jia Zheng ordered people to select fine worker, Daguanyuan grinding stone inscription. Jia Zhen led Jia Rong, Jia Qiang and other supervisors. Because Jia Qiang was also in charge of the civil servants and other 12 women's operas, and they were not allowed to be idle, he called Jia Qian, Jia Ling and Jia Ping to supervise the workers. One day hot wax nails Zhu, start. That's all right.

The Jade Emperor's Temple and Damo'an are two places, twelve small Shami and twelve Taoist priests in a class. Now they have moved out of the Grand View Garden, and Jia Zheng is trying to send them to the temples to live apart. Not wanting to live in the back street, Yang Shi, mother of Jia Qin, was planning to go to Jia Zheng's side for a big and small incident to be managed by her son, so as to get some money to use. When she happened to hear about it, she came by car to beg for Sister Feng. Sister Feng obeyed because she saw that he had always been a smooth talker. After thinking about a few words, he returned to Mrs. Wang and said, "These little monks and monks must not be sent to other places. When Niang Niang comes out, she must accept it." If it's gone, it will take a lot of trouble if it's used again. In my opinion, it would be better to send them all to the Tieshu Temple in the family temple. During the month, just send a person to buy firewood and rice with a couple of silver. Speak loudly, go and call, it's no trouble at all." When Mrs. Wang heard this, she went into business with Jia Zheng. Jia Zheng laughed and said, "I was reminded. That's it." Call Jia Lian immediately. Jia Lian was having dinner with Sister Feng. When she heard the call, she put down her meal and left. Fengjie pulled up and laughed, "Stop and listen to me first. If something else happens, I don't care; if it's for the little monks and monks, you're following me." In this way, a set of words was taught. Jia Lian shook his head and laughed, "I don't care! You have the ability to talk about it." Sister Feng heard that she put her head on a stick and chopsticks, and looked at Jia Lian with a smile on her cheek. "Are you telling the truth, or are you kidding?" Jia Lian laughed and said, "The son of five sisters-in-law in the West corridor, Yuner, has asked me for two or three times. I should take care of the important matters and ask him to wait. How easy it is to come out of this matter, and you take it again! " Sister Feng laughed and said, "You can rest assured. In the northeast corner of the garden, Niang Niang said that she also called for many kinds of pine and cypress trees, and some flowers and plants under the building. When it comes out, I'll call Yuner to take charge of the project." Jia Lian said, "That's all." Because he smiled quietly again: "I asked you, I just wanted to change last night, why did you twist your hands and feet so much?" When she heard this, she flushed and sneered at Jia Lian. She bowed her head to eat. Jia Lian went all the way with a smile.

When I came to the front and met Jia Zheng, it was indeed the matter of the little monk. Jia Lian then followed the words of Sister Feng and said, "It seems that Celery is out of business. This matter should be handed over to him. If you look at the rules in it horizontally, you can get it every month." Jia Zhengyuan didn't have much theory about these trifles. He listened to Jia Lian's remarks and agreed. Jia Lian went back to her room and told Sister Feng that Sister Feng had ordered someone to tell Yang. Jia Qin came to see Jia Lian's husband and wife. Thank you very much. Fengjie made love for three months and asked him to write his collar. Jia Lian drew the collar and went out with the cards on time. The supply of three months was counted out on the bank, and the white flowers were three hundred and two. Jia Qin casually laid a piece of people on the level of his palm and told them to "drink tea". So he ordered the boy to take it home and consult with his mother. He hired several cars to the entrance of Rongguo Fujiao. Twenty-four people were summoned to the entrance of Rongguo Fujiao. They got on the bus and went to Tieshu Temple outside the city. There is nothing to say at the moment.

Now, let's say that the imperial concubine compiled the "Grand View Garden inscriptions" in the palace, and suddenly remembered the scenery in the garden. Since fortunate times, Jia Zheng must be respectfully blockaded and not let people in. Wouldn't she fail to live up to the garden? Besides, there are several sisters who can write poems and Fu in the family, why don't they be ordered to come in and live in, or make the beautiful people feel down and the flowers and willows look shameless? 。 But he also thought that Baoyu grew up in the sisters group when he was young, not like other brothers. If he was not ordered to go in, he would be afraid to leave him alone. For fear that Mrs. Jiamuwang would not like it, he would have to be ordered to go in and live properly. Xia Zhong, the eunuch, was instructed to go to Rongfu and say, "Ming Baochai and others should live in the garden, but they should not be sealed up; Ming Baoyu also went in to read." Mrs. Jia Zhengwang took the order. After Xia Zhong left, he returned to Jia Mu of Ming Dynasty and sent people to clean up everywhere and set curtains, beds and curtains.

When others listen, they still feel comfortable, but Baoyu is overjoyed. Zhenghe and Jiamu planned to take this one and that one. Suddenly, the maid girl said, "My Lord is Baoyu." Baoyu stayed for a long time, destroyed the mood, turned his face, and pulled Jia Mu's twist to twist the candy, so he dared not die. Jia Mu had to comfort him and said, "Good baby, you just go and have me. He dare not wronged you. Besides, if you have done this good article, you must have been asked to live in the garden by Niang Niang. He told you a few words, just for fear that you might be naughty in it. You have to promise what he says. While consoling, he summoned two old mothers and ordered, "Haosheng took Baoyu with him. Don't let his old son frighten him." Mammy agreed. Baoyu had to go forward, but he could not move three inches at a time, so he came here.

Coincidentally, Jia Zheng was discussing the situation in Mrs. Wang's room. She stood under the eaves of the porches of all the maidservants, such as Jin Chai-er, Caiyun, Caifeng, Xiuluan and Xiufeng. When she saw Baoyu coming, they all laughed at him. Jin Qiaoer took Baoyu and whispered, "I have just wiped sweet rouge on my mouth. Can you eat it now?" Caiyun pushed Jin-hairpin aside and laughed, "When people feel empty in their hearts, you still feel sorry for him! Take advantage of this moment to like it, go in quickly." Baoyu had to go through the door. It turned out that Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang were in the middle. Aunt Zhao opened the curtain and Baoyu came in. Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang spoke to each other while sitting in the Kang. Four people, including Yingchun, Tanchun, Xichun and Jiahuan, were sitting there. As soon as he came in, Tan Chunxichun and Jia Huan stood up.

Jia Zheng saw Baoyu standing in front of him, elegant and graceful. He also looked at Jia Huan's trivial characters and rough manners, and suddenly remembered Jia Zhu. Look at Mrs. Wang's only son, who is always loved like a treasure; her beard will be pale: therefore, her aversion to Baoyu has been unconsciously reduced by 89 points. After a while, she said, "Madame told you that you are playing outside day by day, and you are gradually lazy in your work classes. Now you and your sisters are forbidden to read in the garden. How can you study hard and not keep your peace again? You can be careful! ______________ Baoyulian promised several "yes". Mrs. Wang then took him to sit down beside him. Three of his sisters still sat down. Mrs. Wang fumbled around Baoyu's neck and said, "Have you finished all the pills of the former son?" Baoyu promised, "One more pill." Mrs. Wang said, "Tomorrow we will take ten more pills. Every day when we are going to sleep, we will ask Xiren to wait on you to eat and sleep." Baoyu said, "At my wife's command, I was sent to sleep every day to eat." Jia Zheng then asked, "Who's the name of the attacker?" Mrs. Wang said, "It's a girl." Jia Zheng said, "Whatever the girl calls, who has such a tricky name?" When Mrs. Wang saw that Jia Zheng did not like it, she covered up Baoyu and said, "It was the old lady who got up." Jia Zheng said, "How did the old lady know that? It must be Baoyu." Baoyu could not hide it, but could only stand up and reply, "When reading poems every day, it was recorded that the ancients had a poem:"Flowers attacked people to know the warmth of the day."Because the maid's surname is"flowers", she started at will. Mrs. Wang said to Baoyu, "Go back and change it. Don't be angry about this trifle, sir." Jia Zheng said: "In fact, there is no hindrance, no need to change. It can only be seen that Baoyu does not take care of himself and devotes himself to these rich poems. After that, he stopped drinking and said, "Do not go out, the animal who commits iniquity!" Mrs. Wang also said busily, "Go, go. I'm afraid the old lady will wait for dinner.

Baoyu agreed, and slowly withdrew, laughing at Kim Sai-er and sticking out her tongue, took two old mothers and went away. As soon as he arrived at the gate of the hall, he saw the attacker leaning against the door and seeing Baoyu come back safely. He piled up a laugh and asked, "What do you want you to do?" Baoyu told him, "Nothing, but I'm afraid I'll be naughty in the garden and give orders." On the one hand, he went back to Jia Mu to return to the original Ming Dynasty. When Daiyu was there, Baoyu asked him, "Where would you like to live?" Daiyu was thinking about it. When Baoyu asked him, she laughed and said, "I'm thinking about Xiaoxiang Museum." I love those bamboo poles, hidden in a curtain, quieter than anywhere else. Baoyu listened, clapped her hands and laughed, "That's my idea. I'm going to ask you to live there, too. I live in Yihong Courtyard. We are both close and quiet." As they were planning, Jia Zheng sent people back to Jia Mu and said, "February 22 is a good day. Brothers and sisters will move in." These days they send people in to distribute and tidy up." Baochai lived in Houwu Hospital, Daiyu lived in Xiaoxiang Hall, Yingchun lived in Zhujin Building, Tanchun lived in Autumn Hidden Studio, Happy Spring lived in Polygonum Fengxuan, Li Wan lived in Daoxiang Village, Baoyu lived in Yihong Hospital. Two old mothers and four maids were added to each place; besides each woman's mother, she was in charge of cleaning and cleaning. Up to the 22nd, they all went in together. The flowers and embroidery ribbons in the garden were not as lonely as those in the past.

There is little gossip, and Baoyu is satisfied when she comes into the garden. Every day, she is only with her sister maids, reading, writing, playing the piano, playing chess, drawing and singing poems, even describing bayonets, fighting hairpins, singing in low voice, dividing words and guessing pieces. She is very happy. He used to have some four-time instant poems, which were not good, but the real scene. "Spring Night Immediately" Cloud: Xia Xiuyun Ren Lai Chen, frog voice across the lane is not true. It rains outside the cold window on the pillow, and it's a spring dream in front of you. Who weeps over the candles and tears, light the flowers and sorrow for my voice. Since the little servant girl is lazy, she can't bear to laugh and talk. Summer Night Instant Cloud: Tired embroidered beauty has a long dream, golden cage parrot calls tea soup. The window is bright, the moon is shining, the palace mirror is open, and the room is filled with sandalwood, clouds and imperial fragrance. The amber cup is dew-slippery and the glass sill is cool. The Water Pavilion is moving everywhere, and the curtain rolls up the Zhulou to make up for the evening. Autumn Night Immediate Cloud: There is no noise in Jiangyun Xuan and Gui Bo is immersed in Qian Yarn. Moss locks with sleeping cranes and flowing Tung dew with crows in wet habitat. Hold your maidservant to Shu Jinfeng, and depend on the threshold to return to Cuihua. Sleepless at night because of thirst, heavy smoke redirected cable to cook tea. Winter Night Immediate Cloud: The dream of plum soul and bamboo has changed three times, and the dream of brocade has not yet fallen asleep. Pine shadows only see cranes, pear blossoms do not hear warblers. The female slave Cui-sleeve poems are cold-hearted, while the male son's golden mink is light in liquor. But he likes to serve his children to try tea and cook the new snow in time.

Not to mention Baoyu's idle chanting, but to mention these poems, there were some first-class snobs who, when they saw the twelve-three-year-old son of Rongguo Palace, transcribed them and praised them everywhere; and then there were some light and thin children who fell in love with the charming words, which were also written on the fanhead wall, chanting and appreciating them from time to time. So somebody came to look for poems and words, and draw beautiful pictures and ask questions. As soon as the treasure was proud, the family did these foreign affairs every day. Anyone who wants to be quiet and lively, suddenly for a day, does not feel comfortable, which is not good, that is not good, out and in is just bored. Those hedgehogs in the garden, when the chaotic world is naive and rotten, sit and lie, laugh unconsciously, where they know Baoyu's mind at this time? That Baoyu is uncomfortable, lazy in the garden, just want to fool around outside, but can't say what it tastes like. When Mingyan saw him like this, because he wanted to be happy with him, Baoyu was tired of thinking left and right, only one thing that he had never seen before. After thinking about it, he went to the bookstore and bought a lot of ancient and modern novels, as well as the "legends" of Feiyan, Hede, Zetian and Yuhuan, and the legendary corner books. When you look at the precious jade, it's like a treasure. "Don't take it into the garden. If you let people know, I'll be unable to eat and walk around." Will Baoyu take it in there? Damble four times, just pick up a few sets of the gentle and elegant ones and put them on the top of the bed when no one is looking at them. The vulgar ones are hidden in the study outside.

On that day, just after breakfast in mid-March, Baoyu took a set of Huizhenji and sat on a stone beneath the peach blossom at Qinfang Gate Bridge, unfolding Huizhenji and looking at it from the beginning. Seeing the "falling red into a shower", I saw a gust of wind, peach blossoms blown down a big bushel on the tree, falling all over the book and all over the ground are blossoms. If Baoyu wants to shake, he will not come. He is afraid that his footsteps have been trampled. He has to carry the petals and come to the pool and shake them in the pool. The petals floated on the water and drifted out of the Qinfang gate. When I came back, I saw many petals in the ground. Baoyu was staggering, only to hear someone behind him say, "What are you doing here?" Baoyu turned around, but Daiyu came, carrying a flower hoe on her shoulder, a gauze bag on the hoe, and a broom in her hand. Baoyu laughed and said, "It's just the right time to sweep up all these petals and leave them in the water. I left a lot of them there." Daiyu said, "It's not good to leave it in the water. You can see that the water here is clean and it's only first-rate. Is there any place where people live? It still collapses the flowers." I have a flower grave on that crooked corner, and now I have swept it away, put it in this silk bag, and buried it there; will it not be clean as time goes by?

When Baoyu heard this, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Let me put down the book and help you clean it up." Daiyu said, "What book?" When Baoyu asked, he hid in a panic and said, "It's just the Doctrine of the Mean and the University." Daiyu said, "You're fooling me again. Show me as soon as possible. It's much better!" Baoyu said, "Sister, I'm not afraid of you. Don't tell anyone if you look good or bad. What a good article! You want to read it, and you don't even want to eat it! " Say it and pass it on. Daiyu put down her flower set, took the book and looked at it from the beginning. The more she looked at it, the more she loved it. When she did not have a meal, she had seen it several times. But the words and sentences are warning and fragrant. On the one hand, I read it silently, even though I was in a trance. Baoyu laughed and said, "Sister, what do you say?" Daiyu smiled and nodded. Baoyu laughed and said, "I'm a sad and sick person. You're the face of a country falling into a city." Daiyu listened, blushing with cheeks and ears, raised two brows, stared at a pair of eyes, angry peach cheeks, thin-faced voice, pointed to Baoyu and said, "Damn, nonsense! Well, make these obscene lyrics, say these nonsense, bully me. I told my uncle and aunt to go!" Speaking of the word "bullying", he turned his eyes red and left. Baoyu was in a hurry and stopped him. "Good sister, please forgive me for this time! Be willing to bully you. Tomorrow I fall into the pond and call a crooked duck to eat. I'll forget eight things. When you return to the West tomorrow, I'll go to your grave to take your camel's life as a stele." Daiyu laughed and rubbed her eyes. She laughed and said, "It's just nonsense to frighten people like that. Bah! It turned out to be a silver wax gun head, too. Baoyu listened and laughed, "You say, what about you? I'll tell you too." Daiyu laughed and said, "You said you could read through your eyes. Can't I just read ten lines at a glance?" While Baoyu was collecting the books, he laughed and said, "Just bury the flowers, don't mention those." They then gathered up the fallen flowers.

Just after burying the compromise, the attacker came and said, "Where did you find it? Feel it here! The old man over there is not in good health. The girls all went to invite Ann. The old lady asked you to go." Go back and change your clothes. Baoyu listened, busily took the book, farewell to Daiyu, and went back to the room to change clothes.

Here Daiyu went to see Baoyu, and heard that her sisters were not in the room, and she was bored. Just as she was about to return to her room, just outside the corner of Lixiangyuan, she heard the melodious flute and melodious singing in the wall. Daiyu knew that the twelve girls were practicing opera. Although I did not listen carefully, accidentally two sentences blown into my ears, clearly understand that the word "white" does not fall: "The original is full of purple and brilliant red, like this, all pay for the decline of the broken well." Daiyu listened, but also very emotional lingering, then stop listening. And he sang, "What day is a beautiful day? Whose home is it to enjoy the pleasure?" After listening to these two sentences, I nodded and sighed to myself unconsciously, and thought to myself, "There are good articles in the opera, but unfortunately, the world only knows how to watch the opera, and may not be able to appreciate its interesting." After thinking about it, he regretted that he should not have dreamed about it and delayed listening to the music. When I listened again, I just sang, "Just for you like a beautiful family, like a flowing year." Daiyu listened to these two sentences, unconscious heart shaking. He also heard the phrase "You pity yourself in your boudoir" and so on. He became more and more intoxicated and could not stand up. He squatted down on a hill and stone and chewed the eight words "like beautiful couples, like years of water". Suddenly, I think of the old poems of the day before yesterday, which have the words "flowing water, flowing water, flowing water, flowing spring, and going to heaven and earth", and the words "flowing water, flowing water, flowing red, all kinds of leisure worries" in the "Romance of the Western Chamber" which I just saw: they all come to mind for a moment and gather together. Think carefully, not feeling heartache, tears in the eyes.

In the absence of an intersection, I suddenly realized that someone had patted him on the back, and when I looked back, I didn't know who it was, but I would decompose it next time.

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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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