title: hasten
date: 2019-05-31 10:32:53
NO_sents: 112
NO_references: 64
- Second, that model's assumption that low stomatal conductance will hasten mortality【加速死亡】】 was problematic, because the opposite may, in fact, be true if stomatal closure increases the HSM (18), and third, we contend that models of mortality need to account for species' or plant functional types' differences in resistance to drought-induced embolism, such as P50 (22). (Anderegg et al., 2016)
- Maize Marker-mediated backcrossing is a selection scheme used in maize to monitor the transfer of favorable alleles at QTLs (foreground selection) and to hasten the return to the recipient genotype in the remainder of the genome (background selection) (Bouchez et al, 2002; Figure 2). (Francia et al., 2005)
- Early published experiments used a teleportation probability of 0.15; some speculate that search engines increase it a little to hasten convergence.【促进收敛】 (Witten et al., 2016)
- Here, we highlight not only the problems with a widely-used approach in the study of individual behavioural variation, but also the straightforward statistical solutions to these problems that should thereby hasten progress【推进】. (Houslay, Wilson, 2017)
- The test tubes were then placed in a drying oven at 63癈 to hasten the chemical maceration process. (DeBell, Gartner, DeBell, 1998)
- We hasten to point out that, despite its history, this is a somewhat controversial prior. (Carlin, Louis, Carlin, 2009)
- Elevated temperatures in association with long day conditions hasten the development of seed-producing crops and cause yield penalties (Peltonen-Sainio et al, 2011b). (Sadras, Calderni, 2014)
- The aim of background selection is to hasten the recovery of recipient parent genotype outside the target(s) (genetic background). (Tomes, 2005)
- Selection on non-carrier chromosomes Since the original benchmark reports of Tanksley (1983) and Tanksley et al (1989), many groups have addressed the use of markers to hasten the recovery of recipient genome on non-carrier chromosomes in BC breeding schemes (e.g. (Tomes, 2005)